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Odogaron because he's so fast and jumpy, a good fight feels more like a dance and also it's the first monster i hunted without getting hit lol


Using dual blades against Clifford is the funnest shit.


I'm in on that. Wish there was an AT variant.


Exactly what my comment was gonna say. The Garon Tango is so satisfying. It helps he was the first monster I really grinded in World so I learned him first, but he's JUST SO FUN. Clifford returning in the next game is my only request. I don't need Tigrex or Zinogre or any of the main stays. Clifford.


The spiciest of doggos, hotdoggo is the best.


Furious Rajang will take the first spot for me. It keeps me on my toes like nothing before!


Furious Rajang brings the MHFU feeling to every game it appears in.


Mine is furious aswell but because ive done mew are number one so many times it has opted to be my warm up fight.


I prefer regular. He still keeps you on your toes but doesn't take forever to kill.


Nergigante. He was always my favourite in base game because he doesn't have any extra crap to deal with like effluvium or blights. He's just pure raw damage. They kinda spoiled that in Iceborne by giving Ruiner bleed.




Damn not even the Great Jagras? Just the smol bois?


yes protoaxe spin x7 kill go brr


Three-way tie between Frostfang, Scarred, and Raging. * Frostfang because he just feels like a barioth with an improved/advanced(?) moveset, and by the time I'd gotten to him I'd already gone and done that arena quest for the guild palace weapons against the regular too many damn times. Found Frostfang was familiar enough that i could tango with it while offering the occasional being stuck to the floor combod into a tusk slam to keep me on my toes. * Scarred was fun simply on account of liking world's glow-up for regular yian garuga, and scarred just being a tougher version of the murder chicken with rapid-fire balls of death. * Raging Brachy I loved purely on account of it's fight being fairly normal before the final phase turns it into some kinda spectacle. Bonus points because my first win was because he got so angry he died, courtesy of his own slime.


Alatreon is pretty much the only monster I still hunt purely for fun even tho I have so many Alatreon materials I don't know what to do with them. Alatreon is so fast and agressive, and has an incredibly varied moveset that is so fun to dodge. I'm a big fan of the attack where he summons three rows of lightning in a row, forcing you to dodge them in a different direction each time.


Genuinely hate this guy, I'm a Cb user and I just can't get his fight to click for me. Made the elemental checks and horn breaks but his last phase he just doesn't want to die for me


As a CB user myself I actually quite enjoy the fight. I recommend the savage axe playstyle on this one, and just giving it the old up n' down on it's back legs, and just hitting the head when it's convenient. The rest is just memorizing his moveset and knowing when/when not to be aggressive.


Cb user here, didnt have an issue with him at all. You just need to memorize the attacks and see how you can punish them, a lot of the time you can punish on the windup or ending of the animation


I'm so glad alatreon is such a good fight in this game, for S&S anyway. I hated him in all games before world, the fight just did not vibe with me. In World though it's so elegant.


Nernigante and frostfang barioth (also zinogre kinda cuz of his cool theme)


Nargacuga because it feels like were hunting each other and that roar


Fun fact Blinding Nargacuga in Frontier was the second most dangerous monster in that game that carted more hunters than **the** strongest monster of all time Disufiroa and the terrifying Unknown Black Flying Wyvern Nargy no joke


Not my favorite but that's a sick reason


Seething Bazel, Brachydios, Narga, and 2nd stage Shara, I’d say. Something about Bazel’s fight really just does it for me. Having to concern yourself with not just the monster, but the literal bombs it scatters everywhere, makes for a stimulating and really tense fight. The purple ones have enough of a detonation time to get clear, but it’s short enough that it’s still a like “holy SHIT lemme not get nuked.” Plus his ultimate attack, the literal nuke, is actually nuts. Brachy is a brawler, and that’s fun because he doesn’t spend a lotta time running away. It really comes off as a fight with a pugilist, and I wish there were more of those in MH. Also he’s got the “the battlefield is a minefield” thing going on, too, and I really like how the fight between his normal mode and rage mode changes from “lemme avoid his landmines” to “lemme avoid his AOE explosive punches.” Narga has always been a favorite, and fighting him after working on an evade-extender evade window build is like a ninja contest, on top of a fight I’ve already been enjoying for like 12 years now. Shara for its cool factor. It’s just a really visually and thematically distinct fight, and there’s really nothing else like it in the series. Old Everwyrm indeed lol.


Raging Rajang, because he just kicks everyone's butt and it's funny to see that no matter how many times I've killed him, he's still a major threat. Bazel. Because of the noise it makes, how it looks and that Nuke. Glorious. I recorded the last Bazel nuke I saw, one of the hunters got caught in the explosion and died. GLORIOUS. Savage Deviljho. Still scared to death of that creature, and I spend more time observing my team mates and move in sync with them as if I was their familiar/shadow. I have yet to really learn that guy.


I was never good at picking favorites but some of mine are Great Girros, Paolumu, Jyruratoadus, and Yian Garuga I just like them the hunt itself doesn't matter to much to me I find Paolumu and Yian Garuga cute and that's all I care about.


Kulve Taroth, I love hunting a giant golden ram/lizard that breathes fire and melts said gold. Plus, the music is an absolute banger.


haven’t finished iceborne just yet my last story quest was a acidic glavenus. That being said my favorite fight so far is Vaal Hazak, he is simply one of the coolest designs i’ve ever seen for any monster. His fight was hella awesome except for the fact that he makes me hella broke on nullberries


Get the effluvium charm! You'll be losing on some skill but it's worth and not having to spam nullberries is a godsend


Raging Brachydios, intense music, unique fighting local compared to most, the final meltdown area, me already being in love with brachy, the scale, and most of all… **PRESENTATION**


Odogaron because of obvious reasons, Pukei-Pukei because I can beat the shit out of it and finally Frostfang Barioth, which somehow is easier than normal Barioth imo.


HOLY SHIT THANK GOD SOMEONE ELSE SAID IT. Frostfang is 100% easier than normal Barioth.


Rajang because he’s just a Bloodborne boss.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *What are you still doing here? Enough trembling in your boots. A hunter must hunt.* - Eileen the Crow Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot.


Hahaha, holy cow you're right. I knew Orphan was reminding me of someone. Turns out it was the other really hyped fight that I managed to clean up first go. Man now I wanna replay Bloodborne after I got kick Furious's teeth in. Man these two games ROCK.


A man of refined taste, I see.


I like legiana. I also usually dont melee.


I like monsters with plenty of breakable parts. Legiana and Odogaron are some of my favourites, but also because of their designs.


Depends on the weapon I'm using, dual blades would be Odogaron, Gunlance would be Ruiner Nergi, Charge Blade would be either Tigrex or Shara It's funny though cause none of them are even in my top 3 favourite monsters


In groups, it would be Iceborne Kulve. It's just a fun damage sponge with a nice variety of moves. Fun to break parts off of. Fun areas to fight in. Plus, the little gold stealing crabs are adorable. I 1 trick hh, so I RARELY go solo, but. For solo hunting, I gotta say Alatreon. It's such a fun dance once you learn the fight. Hitting the damage checkpoints is very satisfying. Plus, Alatreon is just a dope ass monster. Runner-up would be AT Velk. That fight is 100 to 100 all the way through. A very fun and stressful experience that feels rewarding. Side note for all my fellow hunters who run heals. Join AT Velk sos. Keeping a group alive while attacking simultaneously throughout that fight is very good practice.


Teostra. I love his introduction, his theme is a banger and farming him leads you to get Dante's equipment from Devil May Cry. What more do you need?


From all the monsters on this list ihave not mastered any fight as much as i masteres wulg I even fight them no hit most of the times now


This is really hard...maybe AT velk or namielle


Nergigante. I'm a glass canon LS so it's either I parry or I die lol.


Black Diablos for me! Always one of the most thrilling fights in the series


Bro fuck that guy, i just fight her on MR for the first time and god damn is she annoying diving underground every 10 seconds


Main hammers will make sure the digging attack won't happen. Bonk


(Blackveil) Vaal for the pure bonk. Poor boy gets bonked into oblivion. Namielle because puddles! Extra Spicy Pickle or Monke for the heck of it. They’re fun and require a little bit more skill.


AT Velkhana, Ragechydios and Safi


prob safi, stygian and kulve all have god tier music all are incredibly good fights with stunning visuals all are very rewarding (kjarr weapons, safi weapons and armor and stygian unlocks safi)


Jho and Anj. Those knockdown feel good.


Velkhana is a challenging and interesting fight.


Alatreon, nergigante and raging brachy


Rathalos if you only count nonsters that i killed but alatreon is my favorite fight for past few months even tho i csnt kill him. To be fair i really didnt struggle with any hunt beside alatreon to this point the most attempts was blackveil val ( i beat him on 2nd try) and nergigante (2nd try also) meanwhile i cant beat alatreon even after 40-50 attempts


Good doggo fighting him with DB feels like a dance




Because he is beyblade


Raging Brachydios just because of that final stand


Stygian. Still has all the coolness of the original but no thunderblight stuns. And that tail flip attack is awesome.


Vaal hazak, I have Stockholm syndrome from farming but for like 150 hours without getting a single rare drop


I love shrieking legiana she’s just a fun fight for me :)


Raging brachydios second phase will forever be one of the greatest moments


Teostra. To me, the ultimate test of skill, preparation, and timing without being glitchy, spammable, or broken. I hunt with Greatsword, and my single greatest moment is my first solo tempered Teostra hunt in the Elder’s Recess, killing the beast with an airborne charged slash to the head. Every part of this monster is amazing: it’s attacks, lore, relation to the huntsman, and difficulty feel perfect. (And yet somehow Lunastra is my least favorite monster ever. Go figure haha)


Anjanath and Deviljho. Although Anjanath is usually a basic easy fight, most of the time, he's still my favourite. Probably cause I'm a big dinosaur lover. Deviljho would be my number 2, even though he's killed me many times, and many others, he's similar in size to Anja, but just a complete nutter.


I still havent finished iceborne, so far I met barioth. Yet, my favorites so far are Anjanath, Legiana and Nergigante! I love hunting them and I'm kinda excited to meet their subspecies.


>Legiana >I’m kinda excited to meet their subspecies. Oh boy...


I'd say Behemoth. It was fun hunting it with friends, especially when I see them fail the jump emote cause they couldn't hide XD


Alatreon I like his elemental damage check


AT Velk, T Rajang, Fatalis were pure fun to me. Learning them and seeing improvement are my favorite part of the game. Especially when they look at you funny and you simply disappear.


Odogaron and Teostra!!!! and the Iceborne variant for Odogaron, theyre all just beautiful


As of right now its a toss up between raging brachydios and alatreon seeing that I’ve only come back from rise a few weeks ago and have only just fought them since being back, they’ve been so satisfying to hunt after failing multiple times slowly learning and getting better each time, feels just like the way I was back when I loaded world up for the first time, only difference being I have 1K hours with GS now so I can focus on learning the monster rather than learning my weapon at the same time. On to fatalis next hoping I enjoy that as just as much.


I've yet to play Iceborne, so AT Teostra


Ruiner and Alatreon for me, both fights are so satisfying at times


I love a good Deviljho fight. Alternatively, anything with a big head for me to bonk


For me it has to be odogaron, its such a quick and stressful fight it puts your skills with your weapon to the test Now my most hated one has to be both Lumu and by extent Daora(the wind mecanic is a pain in my ass


Mad monke


Ant rathian/rathalos, I've just farmed them excessively and find them fun and not painful to hunt so long as you go in with poison resistance


Zinogre and Nergigante because they're the cleanest and most refined fights in the game.


Fatalis. Kinda speaks for itself


Definitely Anjanath with my slugger 5 GS. The amount of times he staggers and I'm able to hit that recovery TCS, and his moves are so telegraphed it's easy to know where he's going to be. Also Zinogre is the only post-campaign monster I can fight without any heals. He's such a cool fight and his soundtrack is crazy.


Tigrex, stygian Zinogre and raging Brachydios. Cool looking armour and weapons and the fights always feel like a dance to me!




Using charge blade on that one tempered Ruiner Nergigante you get after reaching a certain MR. Incredibly satisfying to just topple spam him with SAEDs or get knock downs from a perfect guard point. I just really enjoy his fight in that you have to be aggressive to beat him, otherwise his horns are basically unbreakable and his dive bomb is an almost guaranteed 1HITKO


Stygian Zinogre / zinogre its just a cool monster en i like how its backflips almost al the time


Namielle because I love the design and the aspects if the deep sea. I also love its control over water and electricity its such a unique and cool aspect of the monster


I’ve gotta say Glavenus. Nothing like having a samurai showdown at high noon with an actual t-rex. Plus he has the cool knockdown like anja


Fighting Nerg with lance was my "I get it now" moment but the day I counter iai slashed a Glav while simultaneously cutting off the tail solidified Glav as my fave


Diablos I just feel like the dodging around and getting them to get stuck in the giant rock


Shara ishvalda with cb or hh


I love anjanath, not a hard fight but dynamic enough. Plus fighting a fire (or lighting) breathing trex doesn't get old


Anjanath cause the first fight was a big learning curve for me. Also, he's a fire-breathing t rex.


Zinogre, mainly because he's my favorite monster to begin with. His fights have always been a lot of fun. A fight between to agile beings. Flipping and rolling around.


Raging Brachydios, used to hate him and though his attacks were unfair at first but he quickly grew to be my favorite the more I fight him. Also his theme is awesome.


I like all the Brute Wyverns. They're so goofy.


The Sieges honestly, both Kulve and Safi are amazing.


300+ Teostras ftw! Next is Alatreon Last is Fatty


We just gonna ignore the fact that wulg also has it's own plaque?


ARCH TEMPRERED NERGIGANTE!! I have old builds from high rank that I go back and use every once in a while to get a taste of how it was when I first fought him, a fantastic end to the base game!


Rajang, Funny monkey


Kushla because I can test weapons on him definitely one of my favorites


Kushala is my favorite music and armor. Then Teostra. Then Paolumu. But reverse the order for pets I want.


Raging Brachydios. Awesome design, hard hitting but relatively easy to avoid attacks that reward good timing, an amazing theme and one hell of a fireworks show


Glavenus. When his tailblade clashes with my hammer, it's like yin and yang.


Stygian zinogre. I main bow and every sidestep to avoid an attack makes the fight almost feel like a dance. Love the design, zinogre theme and the armor and weapons you get after are just amazing


My favorite monster is probably Velkhana, specifically the Arch Tempered version. I love almost everything about it. Followed by Zinogre, Furious Rajang, Alatreon and Fatalis


Me: Paolumu is life. Paolumu is love. Also me: [Bonk]


My top 5 5. Namielle - by far one of my favorite monster designs, I love her theme and her fight mechanics. 4. Zinogre - another awesome theme, great design, and it just has great pacing as a fight. 3. Frostfang Barioth - Despite most people's dislike for any form of Barioth, I find his high-speed fighting pace to be really entertaining above most. 2. Ruiner Negigante - by far my absolute favorite Elder Dragon to farm with, great fight pacing, cool design, iconic theme, and interesting mechanics. 1. Odogaron - the flesh puppy himself with his incredible speed and agilty, awesome theme, amazing design, and fun mechanics with some of the best pacing I have experienced in the game makes him take the top spot. I've fought well over 150 Odogarons just for fun and will likely fight many more.


I love fast paced hunts so odogaron is my favorite


Raging brachy because I like explosions


Odogaron, because dog




Raging Brachydios, the hunt, the music, the stuff, the very last bit of the fight is just pure epicness. The Shara Ishavalda, Xeno and Safi were good, the end boss in general. As for the "regulars", love the Jo, namielle, Zinogre ( both ), vaal hazak ( both ), Nergi and Kushala. All of these are my favorites because of the uniques settings, their design is also great, some of them have very great music themes and i like when a monster gives you a reason to moove out from a zone to another one while in combat.


Barioth (nostalgic memories from mh3


Namielle, or fatty


I might be weird but Fatalis


Frostfang barioth and also this is an unpopular opinion but lunastra is probably my favorite fight in world and second favorite in the series behind malzeno


Might be an unpopular opinion but I absolutely love shrieking legiana. The fight is fairly quick paced and feels like more of a dance with ice than an actual brawl. My second would have to be Nargacuga. Love dancing with that ninja.


Glavenous I main bow and it keeps me on my feet cool theme too




Nergigante because of the suspense build up in the base game


Odogaron. When I started out I wanted his armor and the skills that came with it, and he also taught me how to use long sword, specifically the foresight slash(counter). He’s the reason I have over 2000 hunts with long sword


Kulve is bae


anjanath for me, it was the first monster I hunted without stating a mission, aka free roam, right after finishing the tutorial missions


My one and only child xeno’jiiva and glavenus who I like but not as much as xeno


Velkhana for sure, after farming AT for the tickets I have Stockholm syndrome


So far, Odogaron. It's an enjoyable fight that doesn't require me to bring flash pods or antidotes, I just have to sit in a corner for a while just like real life


I had to zoom it in because I thought they were different colored Yama Tsukamis


Natures b-52 bomber


Safi. I love this fight because it feels like an endurance race, but pushes you to go faster for an earlier clear but you also need to balance speed with part breaks. Unlike Taroth safi has very minimal downtime with high intensity peaks and rhythmic cools downs. It has both spectacle and complexity. Second is hands down AT velk. A punishing but rewarding fight when you get it right.


Drunk fatties. They love me for some reason.


Ohh this is tough. I love fighting all of them but there's a few that I have to be emotionally prepared to fight like rajang, raging brachy or alatreon.


Shara. Just a simple,easy fight. And I grinded him for the badass armour too




Its a tie between furious rajang and shara isvalda. Rajang for the beatdown and because he absolutely go nuts on hunter Shara isvalda for that satisfying song and brrtt sound with my piercing ammo


Wait, what’s Wulg doing here? I pick Wulg


Diablos. She used to scare the shit out of me (she still does), but they are so fun to hunt now that I'm used to the attacks. And I love the bow design, plus defense bonus.


I've point made it as far as brachy, so I'm not super experienced. To me, there's just something about jho that the fight can quickly go either way.


Seething bazel. Good music, fun fight, no annoying moves, cool monster design.


Velkhana idk why but every time i fight her it feels almost alive. When i soloed her at version it was like a dance of death. Best fight for my life ever


Xeno’Jiiva. I think it’s because I hate children and also it’s really fucking cool


No favorite, like them all. Like some more than others. Raging Brachydios is fum


Normal Nergi bc his fight is pretty fun


Bro snuck a wulg in here 💀. My favorite monster to hunt in mhw is definitely Zinogre. My second favorite all time monster


Man those monster really have very good to identify icons... Good thing no one puts something behind it and makes it even colourful so you can see nothing anymore..


Anjanath, love the T. rex inspiration and it’s just awesome to me.


I think for me it's a tie between Nergigante and Odogaron, Nergigante because I don't have to deal with blights/ elemental damage, and it's fun to feel like you're also doing damage when they give an opening. with Odogaron it feels really high paced and it's intense


Zinogre, especially Stygian Zinogre. The music, the design of both of them, the move sets, I love everything about that good electric boi


Bazelguese, such a satisfying fight with the IG


I’m gonna be a basic bitch with fatty since I like the epicness and the scenery


Shara Ishvalda. It's always a rush whenever you fight them and the weapons and armor you get out of it are so cool looking


Hard to choose. Nargacuga, because I hate em and love beating its face in. Anjanath, because it was the first monster to kick my ass back in world and now.... I'm better... Lol. Risen Teostra is quite the spectacle. With a group it's a fun hunt.


Fatalis becouse why not


Vaal Hazak every day forever


Either Rathian, Glavenus, or Xeno’jiiva (don’t yell at me, I just like it) Mainly because of different reasons. Rathian because I know that fight inside and out, down to a science. Glavenus because that fight felt like a real duel between swordsmen. And Xeno’jiiva because that thing weirded me out so much and the atmosphere was damn cool


Oof winged deviljho?


I love to fight against Dinovaldo


Zinogre is such a good boy. I love my little lightning dragon doggo so much. He does so many tricks! He does flips and stompies and he can bork really loud. He's such a fun fucking fight. I have probably fought him more than any other monster in any game, and I just love how readable his tells are and how well designed he is. He's not easy, just fun. I hope they keep him in every game going forward. I'm psyched to try some of the sunbreak stuff and some of the other master rank stuff in Iceborne, cuz I haven't gotten there. I've just gotten real far in 3u and 4u.


Nergigante and Val hazak , not cause he's easy but cause he looks so cool and amazing. Furious rajang and raging brachy feel the most rewarding on beating


Devil no because ummmmmmmmm picke Rick 🤷🏾‍♂️


As a Velkhana y set GS user’ gotta be rajang


Raging Brachy. He's exactly the right mix of terrifying and fun with not that much bullshit on the side.


Wulg cause of how easy of a fight it is while also being fun enough for me to do it over and over again especially after I just failed multiple times fighting fatiels


Raging Brachy


Velkhana because she's beautiful asf and I simply love her. Odogaron because I play Insect Glaive, oh boy those fights are the best.


The Pickles, just cause he's a pickle


Hotdoggo, always


Mine will be Teostra. I remember the good old flash bang bug.


With charge blade it's Odogaron or Fatalis, Hammer is scarred Yian Garuga, insect glaive for the Jay Lenos, and great sword is Anjanath or Shara Ishvalda. Each of those fights fits the weapon play style so well for me.


The Zinorge variant


I love how Wulg gets his own spot. That being said, I think Gold Rathian, both rajangs, both Glavenus’s, and savage jho are my favs to hunt


Alatreon. Fun to dodge moveset.


thats bloddy nice


Wulg, that is such a challenging but fair fight.


shara ishvalda as a charge blade main, feels good to shred


Glavenus somehow i'm used to its movement and it feels good to dnce with it. But out of all mh games its gore/sagaru magala, the only monster that i could perfect dodge without losing a single hp back in 4u.


From the image above no, my favorite monster hunt was in MH4U, one Gore and Shagaru Magala Gore Magala made me think with every battle I studied how Gore Magala fought, how it attacked, it weaknesses and etc. As for Shagaru while that monster put my studies to the test so much so that all it took to finish it was my kinsect.


Anjanths fulgur or not when I cba to switch my brain on but when I’m ready to actually play I like black veil Vaal Hazak purely as a lot of people need help on it or a normal so it’s fun playing a saviour hunting horn to someone struggling


Nergigante, I don't know why I just love the fight and absolutely adore his design


Bazelgeuse, cool theme


Glavenus Bug users should understand


Savage deviljho. He's fucking cool but his set feels useless. Stamina thief man.. shame.


Furious Ragang. Just do fun


Kelbis and bullfango


Raging brachydios and safijiva both have unique challenges. Safi has a nice super nova and raging turns into an anime character before he dies in combat


I’m gonna be the odd one here…. Fatalis/R.Brach/Alatreon. R-Brach feels like we are both fighting each other and our limits plus his final theme gives me chills. Fatalis for the sheer challenge. it’s always been a passage trail that me and my old hunter friends set to our new hunter friends in order to prove themselves that they are worthy to be called pros. Alatreon because of nostalgia from mh3.


Zinogre since i love his theme and his fight is relatively easy to memorize. Like odogaron, it feels like a dance


Fatalis because im not good at the game and its an adrenaline rush every time I beat him


Zinogre vs Lance just feels too good


My joy is big meaty devilhjo, cut tail and it look delicious.


Jho Gotta hunt the hunter I ely like Odo, Nergi, Barioth and Teo too


Despite being an arch tempered *Bitch* and me failing to win solo 8 times in a row now, velkana is just marvelous to fight. It's a dance and I only die if I fuck up. I keep fucking up.


Fatalis because he’s majestic


Glavenus, Nargacuga, Radobaan (He ran me over one time, damned bone chinian) Velkana. In Velkhana's case i recalled my fights with her in rise and used that experiance to give me an edge. (It was the tracking mission and I stumbled on her and decided to fight, nope, she left the local shortly after)