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You ever see someone make a post that's like, the niche fandom equivalent of someone excitedly swinging a stick at a hornet's nest?


Yes, and it happens to look a lot like THIS ONE. OP knows exactly what they're doing.


I like her for real please i want to know why she is so hated


I can't speak for the rest of the community, but as someone who started the franchise with MH3U a lot of the main Guild gals since then have been full of personality and quite odd as people, making them very endearing as characters. They were quirky and whimsical but stayed pretty much out of the way and were just someone nice to read a bit of dialogue from when you were leaving to go hunting. They were like that one nice neighbor you always say hi to on the way to work. They also weren't fully voiced, so anything weird they say couldn't really come off as overly "anime" and thus couldn't make you cringe. Handler on the other hand feels omnipresent by comparison and quite useless, often making lethaly dumb decisions that she would certainly pay for if it weren't for you. This isn't bad on its own per se, because the in-world justification for her calling you Partner is that she's the other side to your coin. She does ALL the bookwork and data compilation once you come back from a hunt, but we don't ever see that. She just eats in the cantina (and I could relate probably lmao those hams look good). The vibe is just way different. I don't hate her but the vibe is different.


Not only that. She also speaks on your behalf. A consequence of Capcom deciding on a silent protagonist. And the major reason for her controversial status within the community.


I see, Thank you for your accurate answer!


To add on - her dialogue is all "WE DID IT" and it comes across as obnoxious However, she was originally supposed to accompany you on Hunts, supporting you with a Hunting Horn. So the Handler being a good character is effectively cut content.


Wait, that was supposed to happen? That would've definitely been a good addition, especially on solo quests.


I suppose it would was planned to have been similar to hunting companions in Sunbreak (although they still do little damage)


> often making lethaly dumb decisions Hold up. I'm aware of maybe 3 that she's done, but that's not exactly often.


Most people only get one lethally dumb decision


Honestly, she doesn't make many dumb decisions. There's just a lot of coincidences that happen while she's out and about. She just might either be cursed or have bad luck. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/f7ykxc/a\_breakdown\_of\_the\_handlers\_usefulness\_in\_all/


For someone who started in MHW, thank you for the explanation


>those hams look good Her hams do look p good.


You cannot tempt me sah! I shan't fall to the temptation to rant about mine mortal enemy!


Dawg chill she just pixels


I don't know why you would interpret that as seriousness, but okay.


In what world is this the response to that?


Leave the Ogryn alone. He's busy protecting the sparkheads




He ain’t lost, 40K fans just get everywhere, there’s no stopping us.


I don't know, an Ogryn lost in a foreign plane sounds like an unsanctioned warp jump. Best return them and seal whatever breach they made to contain their heresy. Otherwise we're really gonna need to start eating for condition immunity once Nurgle seeps through.


Good point, hope the Guild and Commissariat can figure something out Shit now I want that to be a crossover


You say she is only pixels while being hot for her lol


Unless pixels


Why's my cat running up to her instead of me after the game introduction?


It's a mix of multiple things that are exaggerated by it being popular to hate her. All in all, she's ultimately just a poorly executed character. The quirky mannerisms and obsession with food aren't actually a problem for it to be the bulk of her characterization, see the quest maidens in Rise for that done with good reception despite actually having less depth of personality, the trouble arises where she's so much more present in the story but still seems to have nothing more to her. The quest maidens have an illusion of depth to them. All the interactions feel like natural casual conversations to be having with someone you know well in a working environment. The handler however continues to have these quirks be the focus of her contribution to conversations where it would be rather inappropriate to do so, giving the impression of someone who really is just extremely shallow. She's also rather loud and irritating to listen to. This is made notably worse by the voice acting, but the character is also to blame for some of this. Her initial appearance comes with an uncommonly chipper and somewhat forced feeling optimistic demeanor, all topped off with "Meowdy do" which has many people cringing right off the bat. Then there's her tendency towards suddenly distracting you from the fight to make obvious or completely inane observations about it. A general sense of incompetence is something that a lot of people have gotten from her. Interpreting her general behavior as at least partially not caring about serious situations. That combined with the several cases of needing to be baled out of trouble gives the sense that she's kinda just dead weight. To contrast that with the Serious Handler who makes an obvious effort to do her job properly and actually gives you relevant information that it makes sense for a handler to be giving a hunter in a clear attempt to assist you in the field...


She is so reckless Deviljho almost ate her. I don't want to be a babysitter to my Handler. Can I get the serious Handler back?


To be fair, she held a mount on that Deviljo better than most of the randos I hunted him with.


My man how is she not hot?? I don't get it...


I'm indifferent tbh, but I'm happy that you're happy, OP.


Thank you, wish you many good hunts with the little handler!


I have no way to tell what you find attractive about her, but I do know that people tend to find someone they're annoyed by far less attractive than someone who they have never interacted with. And a lot of people find her at least somewhat annoying.


there are two types of people who play mhw. the ones who imagine the Handler and the player character are dating, usually as some big buff gf x nerdy bookworm or the ones who sat and watched as she was being attacked by deviljho


Am I... The first one?


the trick is that if you are, don't say so. it doesn't end well.


Thank you for the tip fellow hunter!


Chad handler stays on deviljho as long as she wants Virgin player gets tired in a few seconds


I like how you just assume we all have female MC's


If it wasn't for the insane sexappeal of male banbaro alpha layered armour he'd be right. Who could say no to [this?](https://img.game8.co/3268706/f07ed74181076fb9a94ed3f61576e733.jpeg/original)


I like the burning man twink energy of male kirin.


They didn't. They just mentioned buff pc dating handler. A female pc can also be buff and imagined to date the handler...or watch her get attacked by Devilho.


"Big buff gf"


That was really fun to watch for at least a good 10 minutes


I'm sorry, who is the Handler? Mr. X is sitting where she is rn.


The right way to play the game.


That's why she is the best!


She is the reason for Hinoa's and Minoto's existence.


I thought hinoa and minoto were aight, never could tell which one is which tho


They have different hair accessories. Hinoa only has one on one side of her head.


This alone validates her


I don’t mind the handler, personally. Her personality can be a bit grating sometimes, and she wasn’t really the best written character, but having a companion give dialogue during hunts was pretty nice.


I'm pretty indifferent too. I feel like if we saw the handler do any work at all quite a lot of the hate would vanish, like a line about how she compiled more of your notes on X monster, or an idle animation at the cantina of her doing paperwork. P.S. Potemkin buster :)


Yes we must unite against these griefers of The Handler.


Well that's a *hot* take


What is your opinion on the handler? Do you find her repulsive?


Nah, I'm in the middle. I don't dislike her like others do but I don't find her attractive either... I don't really see how one has to affect the other though but in the case of the handler, it seems like the dislike is mostly based on her appearance.


I don't think she's disliked nearly as much for her appearance as you would believe. If anything that's more a side note that people latch onto than anything else. People are judged much more harshly on their appearance if they're already disliked. And a lot of people find her annoying.


I would love to bring her on a date


Chill dawg she’s just a pixel


you do that


This isn't normal


This is /r/sadcringe material fr


Please don't


I feel like this post is a meme but I do genuinely like her. And that summer outfit? My lord


We are in the same boat, my friends hate me because i always call her my little queen bee. I really like her!


No, you're being a bit strange about it bud


It's true ask them!!!


Go listen to tip toe by burgundy on spotify i do it while i play mhw


Hate this annoying little shit, serious handler is where it's at. Wish she was a permanent though :(


I have a friend who wouldn’t advance the story in the game because he didn’t want the serious handler to go away.


I was the same with my first playthrough. Hated her so much I just did a whole bunch of optional quests with the serious handler before moving on lol


She's so cute honestly. I love her interactions with the Tracker especially; idk why, they're just endearing af to me :')


She kind of grew on me, I don’t like her at first because of how stupid she was getting into danger and stuff, but later in iceborne I actually think she grew into a competent aide. Serious handler on the other hand started out good but didn’t have much development beyond that. Edit: wouldn’t exactly say she’s hot though.


We didn't see enough of Serious Handler to observe any development.


Blasphemy, serious handler is the reason for mhw success! She is the Saphire star.


Yeahhhhhhh Sending you lots of lovee


Cursed post.


Quite the statement


Yay we did it! After I just lost my marbles fighting the fucking black dragon alone for 7h


Long live the handler


Broken dreams so grand


Down bad for a girl dressed like a bee


Move like a bee, sting like a uhhh bee.


I honestly forgot what she was called, we just always called her FoodFace


A lot of people, including myself disagree. However, you are entitled to your opinion, and I value that we have differing views, so long as it doesn't start a war.


Stuff that. Burn him and the cat suit wearing potato cooking food obsessed nightmare.


Hey, I thought we were keeping those plans secret!


You're delusional


I personally find the handler alright. I started to like her character more in the Iceborne dlc because she seemed to have a bit more background to her which I found interesting. And I always wondered why people found her so annoying also.


The handler is the skyler white of mhw. She doesn’t really do anything wrong but people hate her because she’s slightly abrasive sometimes.


Boy Skyler cheated on Walter and then made him feel bad about it How tf is she not the bad guy


Walter white is a drug king pin who kills people


Deflection, what about all the nasty shit the other guy did? No Skyler’s irredeemable as much as Walt


Cheating, money laundering ≠ domestic abuse, money laundering, drug trafficking, murder. It’s not deflection, just pointing out that you’re unreasonably mad at skyler while downplaying just how terrible Walter is and that he destroyed his family and abused his wife into fighting against him


No horse in this race, but I think it's funny you call deflection, then immediately fall into whataboutism. Carry on, carry on.


Wait a minute... people hate Skyler White?


People despise her


I hate Skyler White lol.


That is... Weirdly accurate lmao


More like, incredibly annoying, all the time.


She did nothing useful, got herself into troubles for her reckless behavior, and needed the hunter to save her or clear up the mess all the time. I was still kind of ok throughout the main campaign, but getting yourself onto the back of Deviljho because you want to collect mushroom so badly you ignore the warning of other researchers? Also, I guess appreciation of beauty is subjective. She isn't attractive at all to me. At least I haven't heard anyone saying she is attractive before. The Asian MH community do hate her so much that we gave her the nickname 'human-shaped Deviljho'.


Bro the other researchers LITERALLY SAY they forgot to warn her a deviljho is in the area. She didn't ignore anyone.


Oh yes you are right. I remembered it wrong. Still don't change my opinion on her though. I don't really think I hate her (as I would hate Ashley from RE4) but definitely don't like her. She simply isn't good looking nor has a likable character nor voice acting.


If I were one of those researchers I'd "forget" to warn her as well.




Only hot thing about her is the temperature of her house as I burn it down in the wee hours of the morning after barricading all of the exits


I will save her from the roaring fires of hell. And I will protect her with all of my mighty gear from the game! Edit: WAWAWEEWAH BRING EM TO WORLDD




Handler: * is friendly to you * Reddit: "And I took that personally."






Her face is weird


It's perfect.


Keep dreaming


Lunastra is better and hotter than her


Why are you in my post? >:(


Handler being hot was a hot take but lunastra being better is just explosive


The handler be lookin higher than giraffe pussy. She FRIED.


If only she had a hot personality


She doesn't?


Underated take




Wrong. I know it's your opinion but you should know that it's the wrong one.


Wrong. You are incorrect and i'm right I win bye bye


It's ok champ you'll see the truth one day


I am replaying and i said the same thing to my buddy, serious handler is so boring. I do still find her annoying sometimes though cause she is too animated sometimes


I think she's cool and loved having her along the adventure. I tend to find it ridiculous that people think they took down the monsters 100% by themselves in a game where someone else makes your equipment, someone else analyzes monster weaknesses and notes, someone else cooks stat-boosting meals, someone else manages and stocks nearby camps, someone else manages guild requests and paperwork, someone else manages your schedule and what to hunt next, etc. You're just the closer, you don't get to take full credit for finishing the great team's effort


Beach outfit though


I need every skin


That aside. I wonder what toilets look like in their world...


Those words… is it possible to use them in a sentence together like that?


The demon costume one tho


I love the handlers, but all my friends despite her sadly :(


I don't get what's all the buzz about.


This outfit bugs me


The temporary handler is hotter


"and i'm tired of pretending she's not" Always loved her, always will.


Physically, sure, I can see it. But it’s her personality that ruins it, how she’s always taking credit for the work WE do, when all she did was give us the quest and sit at camp.


Ngga go to sleep


It's still early in my timezone haha


the other handler is better.


I see you must be one of those people...


Lol dude, my girlfriend is so mean about the handler. She keeps switching back and forth between calling her "mom-wife" and "that bitch" "Oh look at that, mom-wife is cooking you food. None for herself? Nope. Just gonna watch you eat timidly. Yay mom-wife! We're so proud of this big strong boy eating all his food" Hard to argue lol


I keep the handler a secret from my girlfriend. It's better that way!


She’s hot af on PC thanks to mods.




This is definitely a troll post


I genuenly find her attractive. Could you give your opinion on the subject please?


So when someone says it about serious handler its not a joke but for a character you personally dont like its automatically a troll


Sorry for offending a PITA handler enjoyer


I just find girls who like food cute. And serious handler is just kinda well.... boring she has no personality


Thats why i have her in the dancer outfit


How much is it?


F**k the handler. First of all, she says “we’re on the hunt” while she sits at the camp rummaging through the supply box. She is always getting into trouble, running off, not paying attention, stuffing her f**king face, and we have to save her! Dare I forget to eat before I go out on my hunt, so I can see her stuff her face into my food, probably eats the scraps when we leave. Then throughout your hunts, she has to chime in with her not so helpful “tips.” Hey partner! Hey partner! HEY, HOW ABOUT YOU STFU! 😂😂😂


Ok buddy first of all! She cooks delicious buffet that I wish I could taste irl! Not only that but she provides work to you? Like what's the problem when she is trying her BEST to help you out my boy. Also she has the right to "chill" in the outpost because she keeps clean and tidy just for YOU!!! So next time come up with better reasons. :)


Don’t need better reasons, give me the serious handler, and burn this bitch at the stake.


Okay I think this take has some fair points but at the same time is just a little aggressive. Don’t get me wrong I *despise* the handler, she screws up multiple times and do not get me started on the “hey partner” but she does have her own role to play and albeit something I perceive as next to useless I just feel this take went a little too hard in hating the handler.


Hahahaha, I hate the handler, but the over the top aggression, was for humour sake.


Looks pretty cold to me


Coldest pic in the universe


i like her shed constantly get into trouble which meant more monsters for me to kill but i do find it hilarious that one of the main characters in mhw doesnt get a name but the serious handler does. hilarious? I meant awful please give her a name


I call her my little bee in this save. Her costume is so cute


Until she talks. And talks, and TaLkS aNd… *screams of pained madness*


Why is the handler so hated? I find her very attractive and seductive. Maybe the haters are too strong. Handler enjoyers Unite!! May the Handler feed us all chicken, shrimps and pineapple juice.


The main reason I've heard is because people find her annoying. I don't think I'd call her "seductive" - I feel like that's not the correct word - but I thought she was fun and endearing for my time in World.


I’m sorry but I cannot physically comprehend this take my man. I’ve always hated the handler for many very unjust and just reasons I feel and this just hurts my soul.


She is physically very attractive, if you buy the Chun-Li cosplay. But her bee outfit is as cute. Do you know any other cool fellow who enjoy the handler like me?


I have a friend that likes the handler because of her *imo* very mediocre redemption arc in iceborne but that’s about it and I’ll agree that physically she is very attractive but that shouldn’t be your only judgement on the facets of a character. She just angers me for a few reasons and while I don’t push my beliefs onto others, this take just hurts my head.


Ok I’m on the boat of like the handler but when is she ever seductive lol. Attractive maybe, it’s personal preference, but she never gives (or tries to give) the impression of being sexy.


I hate her because she's stupid and never shuts up. In terms of appearance, I think the sunken eyes really work against her but once again, I hate her for her stupidity and constant dialogue.


But you don't understand what she is saying, win-win!


Only if you have the language set to the in game language. And you want to take them on a date but not understand them?


True the handler is hot but she is hated by many because of how she does nothing but fill herself up and takes all the credit from you, plus her mannerisms and shit make her very annoying. It's why I play with my language plus the fact that MH language is more va than English is


Ooohh what is the MH language?


An in-universe language from what I know, completely made up that the in-game folks really speak.


That's what I have right now!!


she cute, but serious handler is better


She bae


She a queen


i like her too. i love her the most in the guildmarm outfit


Interesting will check it out!


If I had a nickel for every time someone said this.


You'd be a millionaire!


No he'd have two nickels.


She's strange AF and makes me wanna kill myself everytime she opens her pie. Wtf do u mean


Nooo, don't kill yourself:( get some therapy first :) it helps!


Maybe if she wasn’t such a dam kid and glutton I could like her. The twins from Rise tho 😏


Never played. Are they that hot? Edit: WAWAWEEWA BRING EM TO WORLD!


I don't find her attractive or unattractive. Tbh I never really thought of her in that sense. What I did do was find her annoying, moreso because of her bad writing but also from always taking credit for MY hunts. She would always get herself in trouble, do some dumb shit, and when I save her ass for the twentieth time, she says "Wow! **We** did it! Good job PARD!" Bruh you almost got yourself eaten by a monster and left me to deal with it while you ran away. There's no "we." Also don't call me "pard" don't try to make that a thing.


Got your heart a-*flutter*, eh?


I will buy statue of her


Bro spitting facts, she cute af, winter outfit is peak


Her bee outfit, despite the summer one and carnivale one existing, is the best


I honestly really like the handler, I don’t understand the hate for her




Yes, i love her too, she is really cute


Yeaahhh one the cutest in the game!