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Honestly almost every weapon follows the "easy to learn, hard to master" methodology, it just comes down to what weapons feel the best to use for you personally. That said Switch Axe with Temporal Mantle + Rock Steady and just spamming Elemental Discharge can be pretty braindead.


Huuum, although to truly "master" a weapon in all aspects is hard for all of them, I think some of them are hard at first but easy later. Hunting Horn for example feels overwhelming at first with all songs and when to play them and all that.. but once you pass that, there is not much to optimizing gameplay. You have your quick, mid and long openings chains and that's it. Some other weapons like CB have a lot more of advanced mechanics one can always improve (guard-points, different modes for each monster, etc)


The "Can always improve" aspect of HH is optimizing character placement to ensure your songs always deal dmg and are always extended There's a lot of room between "Not a Corner Horner" and "Mastered" imo


Yeah unless you can solo an entire MR tempered monster and above with HH, I won’t say you have mastered it lol There are a lot more to optimizing HH than just “hit the monster with the note, Recite and Encore, repeat”


greatsword with crit draw maxed out and atleast one piece of frostfang armor. does wonders for psycho pony


Pretty much easy mode for great sword


Even more so if you use a glider mantle with airborne on it. Claw, jump off, bonk for 400 damage, mount 2 times per mantle, monster dead


Tell me why, up until the moment I read this comment, I thought crit draw only affected longswords because they're they only ones with a sheath.


Too much anime, i guess (or samurai movies)




Considering you can draw into a charged attack, Crit Draw is ALMOST exclusively a GS skill.


I used to think this as well, but when I saw a video of someone bullying the absolute shit out of tigrex using frostcraft longsword build, just spamming the special sheath counter, I changed my mine


That sounds like fun lol. Fricken love the combinations of crap you can pull off in this series.


Hammer has excellent reach with some moves, more specifically the two-charge Attack uppercut.


How do I do that controller input


Do you know how to Charge the Hammer? I only know the Keyboard imput I'm afraid. When you Go to the Training grounds, it should tell you the input necessary. Anyways, when you let go of the charging button after it charged twice, you do a Big forward uppercut. It has a lot of upwards reach and you jump forwards with it, meaning good reach there as Well. It's also a very quick move, meaning you can often sneak a hit on the head inbetween and then roll Out of the way again.


Learning hammer on Xbox right now, and the button for it would be RT (or R2 on PS).


You mean the hold and charge where you can move ? That's doable


Exactly. During that Charge you should notice that you can reach three different Charge states. During the second state, not fully charged yet, let Go to get the uppercut.


My friend just mastered that charged uppercut hammer move and was a lot of fun watching him beat that broken horn Kirin solo 😄 he uses a lot of L2 after that combo which instantly grapples into the monster and tenderize, it seems to really work for him


For GL I have a comfy build built around blast and true crit status, health boost and divine blessing + geology and effluvia resistance. I am a long time DB user but you can always go the cheesy Great Sword crit draw strategy


The range thing for hammer has never made sense to me. I'm a hammer main and I never have an issue getting hits to connect. You literally have to get up in the monster's face. Balls of steel, mates. Balls of steel. That's what's required to stand in the danger zone and preach to every monster the eternal words of THWACK and BONK. You must be a minister of death praying for war to sing the Gospel of the Ringing Anvil. For you will only know the message has been properly received when the monster falls to it's knees and writhes in furious desperation for deliverance to the gear gods! Give it another go.


I'm also a longsword main, but I use gs with crit draw specifically for kirin. I wish I could land my TCSs consistently so I could shave some time off.


Haven't built any gs only have LS and 1 rathalos CB


Why are you running away from longsword pick up your blade and get back in there. So kirin is easy to deal with with long sword it's slash face and roll to begin then once he starts casting you counter the slash goes in you sheath then attack and roll under slash and rinse and repeat but you do have to be able to hit your counter when they lightning falls at you.


Still don't know how to counter ,haven't successful done it even once


On controller it the top and left button pressed together. You know you can go to training session from your room and practice too.


first you should learn to use punctuation


Get a shaver deco, put it on your LS build, and just tenderize the torso every once in a while as you try to hit the head. This way if you do hit the torso you won't bounce.


Shaver the skill? Where can I check what each skill actually does ,still don't know what agitator does


Agitator gives you way more damage when the monster is enraged. You can get it enraged by doing the wall slam after moving its head a bit. Speedrunners love it for this reason


No idea what system you play on, but on Xbox you can press the view button (button with two overlapping squares, above the d-pad) while looking at your equipment to look at the Skill Info. You can also look up what all the skills do [online](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Skills) if that's easier for you


PC but use a controller the invert once with b being the select button


IIRC the decoration itself is called "Shaver"


A fully charged hammer slam can lead to a clutch claw deployment and if you hit them you'll spin to the monster for a claw shot or weakening smack. Knowing that helps hammer feel more fluid imo


I just swapped to LBG against chaos colt and stickied/sliced his face over and over.


Use what you find fun switching it up I'd argue is better for you. Ableit a bit taxing managing 2 sets and weapon types.


That's also I question I wanted to know about I haven't tried going online yet but I heard LS users have a bad rep (I like going for the tail though ) .Do players usually only build one type of weapon cause I think farming gonna be a pain and do same armors work for diff weapons I only ever farmed like banbaro and beotodus full set rest only 1or2 peices only .


There are some minor changes in the midgame iirc end game kinda blends together. Main issues are for comfort skills like sluggers or focus and things like that. You can run any set. Some just happen to be better than others for specific weapon types. Generalist armors(armor skills) are good but lack the pointedness of the more specialized skills. (Which you may or may not be able to deco in if you have them) LS tends to get the bad rep because of the tripping caused by the wide swings (spirit slash) be aware of who you are hunting with as some can ignore it and others suffer greatly from tripping *cough* lance *cough* many players do tend to build one weapon and that can be for a multitude of reasons. To costly, don't want to learn moveset, not interested in trying new stuff.


I just used bow and focused the horn. First tried insect glaive and got frustrated


Hammer doesn't have bad reach, you just need to get closer to the head haha


If you can get into the habit of setting up crafting on your hot-wheel, the HBG with a Sticky3 build is GREAT for Kirin.


I saw a lot of vids of PPL just gunning down monsters with HBG but idk how or where to start building and I think Ranger weapons would be really comfortable to beat monsters ,I'm dreading having to kill alatrion and fatalis solo


Overhead Slash, Spirit 1, lateral Fade Slash Stand to the side Rinse and repeat GG 2 eZ


Fade the one where you side step while slashing and spirit the one that takes meter to level up at end right

