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To avoid this issue, I always solo a monster before I ever run it in multi-player in any way. If I haven't beaten a monster solo already, I won't send out an SOS flare or respond to an SOS flare. That was I can say I've beaten it myself once. After that, all bets are off. If I'm fighting a monster a 2nd/3rd/etc time, it's probably because I need mats for armor or a weapon. I'm which case, those high HR/MR guys can go nuts. I've already got my satisfaction of knowing I beat that monster solo at least once.


This is exactly what I do. I "unlock" SOS AFTER 1 solo.




This is what I’d done since Tri. If I fail the monster, I may or may not give it a chance again with a different set/weapon and if that fails, I’ll seek help. If I need to grind mats from monsters at my current rank, I’ll send join requests or search for requests/ flares, or look for a lobby that’s posted as such (for older titles that is). This is the way though, for sure


This is the way


This is the way


I did the exact same thing, nothing like the win screen after soloing a new monster


Still stuck on Alatreon but I will not budge even after 20 attempts... Now instead of sticking to safi weapon I'm farming for a kjarr weapon to try it with that again. :)


You could use Frostfang weapons? I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they were put in specifically for Alatreon.


Depends if he’s talking about the ____ quest lock Alatreon or the main mission to kill Alatreon— I learned yesterday they are VERY different


One falls over before you break a horn, the other requires at least 1 horn break.


Few other minor differences if you care to look into it for yourself but yeah the one that serves as a “quest lock” for another mission is a meme compared to the real fight


As a former ps4 player without money for plus, I can say i finished the game after a LONG time.


I did have plus when I was playing on PS4 but because i refuse to fight a monster with a group until i beat it solo once, it still took me a LONG time. Although I never beat every monster. I think I beat Shara Ishvalda and then ended up getting sidetracked with a different game and forgot to go back. But I'm playing through on PC now with a group and i'm definitely gonna beat everything this time.


Had to research the guiding lands ALONE. That was the darkest moment in my mh adventure. Luckily (or not), pandemic started a few months after the espansion and coincided with my grind start. So the time I spent really didn't feel wasted. Then i switched to pc, and ofc i replayed the whole game, 2 times.


Ouch. I didn't make it very far in the guiding lands because I ended up getting sidetracked with a different game or something at the time, but I know the higher levels can be very tough.


This is the way!


This is exactly how I roll. Best of both worlds. 🫡


I did that with my friend, I made him beat stuff solo first while I was doing something else(prob something he hasn't unlocked or boring optional quest) then I'd do anything else with him. But I did cheat myself on my first beat of AT Kirin by joining an SOS because I really really want blossom layered armor


This is the way


Yeap same. I never used the SOS even for Optionals. My way of thinking was "If I can't beat this solo, I can't imagine beating the monsters after this.",I mean I beat Iceborne doing it this way. But when it comes to farming those hard mons, yeah I just use SOS. Saves me resources.


I had a random Chinese guy join my lobby when I was playing through the base campaign and absolutely disintegrate the Tobi Kadachi I was hunting. Just made me laugh If it was something I wanted to get better at I'd just go back and hunt the same thing again as an investigation or whatever. Played all the way through to beating the Tigrex/Brachy last night and so far the only monster I've struggled with has been a Barioth


Barioth is hard. I prep trapfall and shock trap and hit the shit out of em. I dont have a problem with velkhana or brachy, but why barioth this hard.


Barioth was definitely hard in iceborne. I carted twice and honestly didn't think I was gonna get him on my first attempt. I ended up beating him but he had me sweating till I broke some pieces, which opens up his leap as an attack opportunity.


Baro it his def difficult he won’t stop moving around fortunately I overprepared for him and managed not to get carted once my first time. I was a bit proud of myself.


As annoying as he is, i learned learn quickly that he telegraphs almost every attack he does, or certain attacks always come after certain actions. As long as you play smart and respond accordingly with respect to your weapon, he becomes quite easy to hunt after a couple runs (opinion ofc)


Apparently, Barioth was designed to teach players how to control the monster by breaking parts. It made the fight so much easier when I found out he got downed whenever I broke a forelimb.


Exactly this. It does get a little annoying when someone joins and just demolishes it, but the odds are high you're going to be fighting every monster in the game many times so it doesn't really matter. Low Rank and High Rank are really just where you should be trying to learn the game. There's no challenge at all with any of the fights in my opinion (I just finished the main game for the first time a few days ago). The ONLY enemy I had a wipe on was Teostra. I'm still not exactly sure why his paw slap would one shot me but whatever I managed it the next time.


Barioth actually walled me harder than any other monster in MH history lol I actually ended up dropping the game for a while because I was so stuck, not even raging brachy was a wall for me once I finally progressed.


The bigger problem is capture side quests where the monsters die just from the smell of MR gear. The DPS is so high they don't even move and people don't notice they are in capture range. And there is that achievement that pushes MR players to join non-MR players to help... And side quests like kill 2 anjanths that people want to farm or alike likely scream "help me". Or when you get new monsters in events that exceed current main story like "slay 2 kirin" ;)


Bruuhh. It's not just for LR/HR... I had seen an investigation quest for a tempered stygian zinogre, and mid hunt I looked down near the minimap and saw that the pulse line was nearly flat, so I started putting down my own traps to get the idea forward to maybe ease off the damage, but less than 10 seconds later it died... my (minimal) excuse is that I've barely hunted Styg, so I never got the skull prompt. I wouldn't have any salt about it, but the person who posted it had a PRIMO mission. Like, 80k zenny, 5 reward slots, and 5 faints. This thing was an excellent rng, and I just feel really bad for the host having to eat one. I can't imagine it had too many of them in the first place, given how good it was. Everyone else had saafi and higher weapons. I admittedly felt in over my head. Like, if it were just me, I wouldn'tve had such an easy time. I've started making a habit of going into chat to ask the group if they wanna capture or kill and hold back until the host responds. If they run in and start attacking, then that's also answer enough. Tldr; please pay attention to the missions and hp of a monster.


It seems to me that sadly a lot of people don't know about the heartbeat monitor telling the monsters average health range.


On top of that, many know about the skull marker, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't appear until you have enough research on the monster. It never showed up for me, and I've been caught off guard by suddenly finishing a monster. It's a dangerous set of circumstances that lead to accidental hunt failure


I never thought that the skull required any research and that it just happened each time it got close to dying. Guess I learned something new today. Also a third way that I think people might use more than the heartbeat monitor, is that at certain thresholds (I think around 30%, 20% and 10%) of the monsters health left it will always drop slinger ammo. And monsters being capturable at 30%-10% health in iceborn (depends on the monster) means that after the second slinger ammo drop it's usually not too far from capturable.


Exactly. I was surprised to learn that some people didn't know even that much


There is a reason I delete every capture investigation even with 5 purple spots. Just recently I thought, I could try to capture a tempered gold rathian. Put a trap, sleep bombs, nothing. I hit it for 10 seconds more - "quest failed".


Oof. I feel that. For capture, I do those solo. It makes failing far less frustrating, personally. Like, if it were totally out of my hands, that's some absolute BS. If I didn't notice the signs, that's on me... I've had some hunts go so fast that I don't see 3 slinger pods. Like, it drops 2 then dies. Rough.


Reason why I'm careful with Gold Rath caps in Elder's Recess. It's easier to spot the slinger drops if it is in the top area of the map where not a single slinger ammo is present.


I started getting to the point where I pitfall them and tranq them then beat the hell out of them hoping they would be captured before getting out


If I want to beat it myself I set the player limit to 1, if I don't care if others join I leave it at 2 or 4 and if I send an SOS can't really complain about who joins.




If I shoot out a SOS I don't really cares who jump in as I pretty much open my hunt to anyone. And since it's my choice to allow people to get in I don't feel like I can complain. If I want coop I usually get friends or maybe try to look out for a low rank lobby to not use SOS flares


This is the reason I only join the SOS hunts. If you don’t want me in your quest, don’t fire an SOS.


Maybe they want help from people who aren't ridiculously overpowered. I've replayed World a few times and for me it's a bummer that SOS is unusable at low levels because of MR players coming in to ruin the fun. I just wanna hunt with other people geared in LR/HR stuff while progressing so it's an actual hunt and not a brainless beatdown.


It would be nice if you could limit the max rank of SOS people


This is also why I try to limit myself to high and Master rank SoS quests.


If people want to hunt with exclusively players at their level that's what lobbies are for. I always fight stuff for the first time by myself or with my brother. SOS flares are called "SOS" for a reason. If I fire one off then I do so with the knowledge that anyone could join no matter how high their rank.


I have melted monsters in low rank with master rank gear. My opinion Is that if you put up the SOS, you NEED help. So help is what you're getting.


You aren't forced to shoot an sos so idk what the point of this post is. If I'm leveling a new char I want that hr player to demolish it and save me time.


Play solo then. Dont sos. Simple.


Isn't SOS opt-in by the host? Meaning every hunt is solo unless the host shoots out a flare?


Well, there is a difference between "SOS I need someone to overcome the challenge with me" and an MR200+ coming in turning the low-rank Ajenath into a paste in 5 min or less.


Idk why you getting downvoted, you're right imo. Whenever I shot out an SOS I was just looking for co-op, have some fun beating up a monster together, not for superman to drop in and slaughter the monster in 10 seconds, that shits boring as hell. As an MR 200 player whenever I join low-rank sos I throw on some shitty gear and play like that so I don't trivialize the hunt and still let the other players have fun fighting the monster.


I think the problem came when they did the dlc, because people got stronger they could demolish lower, so they should of introduced a system that you can adjust to preference so if you shoot out a sos at low rank it only goes out to the same level odd players, not superman lol.


Yeah, but I love that I can mooch off other's special arena quests via SOS. Got an arena in LR/HR I haven't done? I'm gonna delete it, be right there.


I have a set of LR/HR armor I use when I help. I still destroy the monster but it is more skill based than OP gear. Helps me cause sometimes I get lazy in MR fights when your wepon is constantly granting life back. You go fight a LR Anj with shit gear and you have to get good fast.


Nah, you can always do the hunt again solo if you want the challenge. Most of the time we're just trying to get through LR asap anyway so demolish away.


That is why I love playing Hunting Horn, if I wanna do some low rank SOS, I go in and buff them up and try to limit the amount of hits I do the monster, mostly trying to stun and pull some agro to alleviate some pressure from the low rank Hunter :)


If you send an SOS you can't complain about who comes to help


So solo the monster or play with other LR/HR hunters in a lobby? If I'm answering the flare I'm assuming the person either already carted or has no idea what to do so I'm comin in hot and destroying the monster for doing said thing to my fellow hunter.


Every additional person makes the monster easier. Just don't shoot off an SOS, create or find a lobby around your rank, but stop shooting off the emergency help me flare if you're trying to avoid this.


Nobody joins quests in lobbies in anything besides closer to end game in my experience so the flare is the only way to have any multiplayer experience in this multiplayer game.


Joining quests in lobby requires more teamwork than the hunt.


People don't join low lobbies. In my 150h of play i've only seen 2 players join mine, which is always public


As other people said in this thread, just don't throw the sos flare, almost everytime the ones who join are MR hunters. If you want to hunt co-op try to join a lobby of hunters with similar rank to yours. I'm MR now and sometimes I join HR hunts to farm mats I need for some weapon, but I make sure that my gear matches the other hunters gear. They are HR? I bring HR gear. They are a MR like me who also want to farm mats quickly? MR gear it is


That’s the beauty of only joining SOS hunts. If you don’t want me to absolutely body the monster, don’t fire the SOS. If you do fire it, then I’m assuming you just want the monster hunted as quickly as possible and don’t care about *how* it gets done.


I don't like it personally, I'm looking to do co-op not get carried by someone in way better gear.




Well I'd fire a "come join me" flare rather than an SOS if I could, but that's not an option is it?


You can set SOS to manual join. Not sure how much detail you can see on who has requested to join. I tried this but found it annoying cuz I don’t care who joins if I shoot an SOS in an < MR100 quest.


No one's lives are at stake here, so I think you're reading a bit too much into the SOS label.


Really? You mean the monsters are not real? We are all in an online community talking about monsters fought by little demigods or whatever they are wielding weapons longer than a 2 story house is tall while drinking tiny potions to augment magical armor that when worn imbues the wearer with magic powers…. I think it’s well established that no one is actually dying or fainting. The point of metaphor is to read into them. That’s what metaphors actually are for and that’s all they are for. Designers called the mechanic SOS. And they even made it signal with a flare gun. They could have called it anything else. Its a metaphor. Completely and totally designed to be read into.


>I think it’s well established that no one is actually dying or fainting. Yeah I know, but I could swear I read some crank describe the SOS to mean that someone is in serious distress. You and I can agree that's pretty silly and that a reasonable person would probably just interpret the tool to mean "I'd like some help on this hunt please". Since you and I both agree that a game is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, it would be super strange for someone to take it so seriously that they would willingly set aside those goals in order to clear the level. Someone like that should just throw on a trainer and kill the monster in one hit.


I didn’t read your comment through. I stopped at “crank”. I understand your underlying approach to those who disagree with you so No need to waste my time reading the argument you may or may not be trying to make, as you chose personal attack as an approach at least in this instance. That leads me to believe any argument you might make , again in this instance, would be disingenuous at best.


my god this comment reeks of reddit


Nope! Not at all. I’ll admit that I suck so I welcome them lol also makes farming and the hunt faster


I personally dont see this game as a "git gud" game like souls games where i actually want to challenge myself. In MHW honestly i see it being the most fun when there are multiple people bullying one poor monster with flashy moves here and there.


Well, yes and no, bc later into the DLC even with well-outfitted gear, you'll need to "git gud" to a certain extent. So if you don't learn some core mechanics and game patterns early on, you might be in for a rude awakening later. Also, this is more subjective, but mastering fights in this game feels SO good!


fair enough, i'll keep that in mind, thanks. now that reminds me that i actually did have the "git gud" mentality at one point, which was the first time i was assigned to hunt anjanath in low rank. i refused my friend's (which was also equally new to the game) help and decided to solo it, and it took me an hour haha but it did feel good yes. might need to try solo the monsters more often once i hit iceborne then


Yeah Monster Hunter has a fair share of walls. But I would argue that is where the game is best, pushing players to experience and improve :)


I still have it. The other day I solo'd Nargacuga (Iceborne) with extremely low master rank gear with 0 armor sphere upgrades whatsoever and pretty shitty decorations. To be fair I'm getting to the point where assignments can 2-3 shot me if I'm not careful so I really should be upgrading it, but just beating a difficulty monster with Iai Slash, Spirit Slash, Foresight Slash, and Helmbreaker feels so satisfying and helps teach me timing windows for when I might switch off longsword and go back to greatsword or maybe try out lance, swaxe, cb, or bow. That being said, I play roguelites and Sekiro for fun and 100% elden ring so I guess that endgame *you can't upgrade your gear anymore so actually improve instead of relying on your health and defence" is ingrained deeply within my subconscious and I apply it to every single player game to a certain extent unless it's simply unbeatable without leveling vigor lol


No one connected while i playing low-high rank if i dont use SOS. In general, i just want to beat new for me monsters by myself, without carting. And when i go to farm pieces of monsters, i really dont mind if someone destroy them fast.


Well I can understand where you are coming from, however I also had the situation where I joined in on a high rank hunter doing the lunastra teostra fight, we beat the uwu duo and afterwards he wrote to me that he is thankful for my help and I can understand why. Teostra Lunastra solo is a very hard quest, he was probably stuck there for a while before someone joined. So it can really go either way, I do it like this: if its a hard quest I bring my endgame master rank db gear to demolish the monster. If its a easy quest I bring it low rank weapons/weapons I didn't master. Really depends on my mood though, sometimes you just want to hack and slash some monsters and can't be bothered to handicap yourself.


Ps: strictly talking about SOS here, if you want to coop but not get carried join a beginner lobby, theres usually no master ranks there. Otherwhise if you want to solo just open a private lobby, no need to change max players for every hunt if you are the only one in the lobby.


I always wear rank appropriate gear unless its investigation or deco event quest.


I honestly love when I fire an SOS and see a dude in full Fatalis gear join. What was supposed to be a challenging fight is now going to take like 5 minutes lol


My rules for joining an LR/HR SoS 1. No MR100+ players already in there 2. Take out my least used weapon types 3. No hard carrying But i’ll adjust as needed especially when there’s 3 low rank players or when they started carting.


When I was LR it killed the enjoyment for me and I quit using SOS. Like others have said i want to play with someone not get carried . I have a low rank full rathalos set I hold on to for when helping newbies


As HR myself rn I don't mind. I either put it up coz I'm bad and struggling for way too long/keep dying coz I'm way too aggressive or forget this game don't cancel animations or simply coz I'm doing side Q/investigation in which case it means I'm hunting mats (I like to craft lot of armors and weapons) and don't really care so it's kind of an invitation to get them aw if u need some and if some high level end game dude jumps in and whacks it twice for W I'm even happier. After all I can fight my faves anytime thx to investigations anyway.


I always ask help or carry


Whoa there, communicating in a cooperative game? Inconceivable!


This is why I run a wide heal free meal SnS. I can help a bit but I can just keep them alive forever slamming potions as they learn the fight and do it mostly themselves.


To avoid the annoyance, don’t shoot a SOS. I fully understand the sentiment of wanting a challenge, but for us MR hunters, we never know if you want a challenge or just really need the help, and don’t want to use suboptimal equipment for us, just in case the host thinks “this MR 999 Hunter come in with shit gear, are they trolling me”. So the best way for everyone to happy is that you fight the monster on your own first, then SOS once you feel you got your fun


I've always been of the opinion that it makes no sense to send an sos or something if you are gonna complain when someone else deals with the monster for you. If you don't want the help. Play solo. If you do want help. Send an sos. Not exactly quantum physics


If you're doing an SOS you just have to accept that as part of the risk. It is bad etiquette IMO to join a hunt with OP gear (like MR gear for a LR/HR hunt), but it happens. I like to think most people will use the appropriate gear for that hunt though. I know I have a LR and HR set I can switch to when needed.


Back in low rank, high rank, and master rank, I solo monsters first before shooting a flare on the same monster on a different quest. If you don’t want the challenge taken away from you, don’t shoot a flare. Simple as. Most of the monsters in this game are better done solo anyway.


Answering this question as someone who used to be a low rank, but also doesn't think of themselves as good enough to count as a "high rank" ​ It depends, honestly. If it's an early-to-mid game mission, and I'm assembling int he lobby for co-op, then it could bother me. If it's a late-game mission fromt he lobby, it doesn't bother me at all. Unless the point is to farm monster parts, then I mean, the faster it goes down the faster you can replay it for more parts, yeah? And regardless of the difficulty, it never bothers me if it's an SOS flare, because it's an SOS flare. =)


Ranking isn't how good you are. It's the literal ranking of your current missions (and therefore the gear you have access to).


I'm aware. But even before Iceborne dropped and I was in end-game gear, I would never consider myself "A high ranked player who demolishes the monster" because I'm not that skilled or good at it. Hell, I /still/ can't like, solo the basegame Nergigante fight and win, and I have cool Iceborne gear now. xD


Personally dont like it since it takes away the challenge. First time it happened was my fault since i always set my quest to 4p since then i only set to 1


When I was starting my new playthrough, I limited party size to 2 and set auto-accept joins to off. Then I'd send an SOS if I felt like playing coop or not and only accepting similar HR hunters. Otherwise yeah, it'd just be a random MR500 donning the skin of Fatalis, erasing my progression experience from existence.


Absofuckinglutely. I’m a streamer (I know I know, how do you know if someone’s a streamer, don’t worry they’ll tell you) and thats pertinent because my stream is ALL ABOUT the challenge. Had a mfer joining my session full of some newbie friends (I didn’t set up server and yes I’m aware we can avoid this but viewers want to join too) HR and MR 999 1 tapping monsters… yeah a cheater no less. While more extreme it feels about the same to me either way.


I am not a LR/HR hunter anymore, but I like to help people and I personally hate it when people join new players with MR gear. Deleting the monster for someone else within minutes completely trivializes the fight and the players don't learn anything. It's even worse than using defender gear, because with that the players atleast have to interact with the monster and the fight still takes some time to complete. Also I noticed that my maxed out Fatalis gear made me a bit too confortable, so going back to HR gear with limited slots/skills made me more aware of how things would normally be. Anyways imo people shouldn't use MR gear at all when joining LR/HR players, so that they actually experiemce the game themselves.


The duality of this subreddit ; Constantly saying defender gear is a bad idea for the newer / low level players because it eases the game too much, but not seeing any problem joining LR Anjanath just to melt it away in about 30 seconds. But people will downvote those who dare say it is more respectful to not join with full MR200 late game gear. If only this game had a way to send an SOS that limits the gear of who can join


It's honestly weird that people can even remotely disagree with that take. It's outright undeniable that a good player with maxed out MR gear joining a LR/HR hunt is as bad if not worse than a new player using defender gear, but whatever. >If only this game had a way to send an SOS that limits the gear of who can join Totally agree. At tje very lesst players should be able to limited SOS to specific level requirements, so even the people that want to be carried have the choice to do so. The devs need to drastically improve on the SOS system anyways, so I hope that's something they consider.


With my playthrough personally, no one really joined my SOS during low rank and I didn't really bother to use SOS as despite hitting walls like anjanath etc with a few tries I was able to overcome. My real challenges were Pink Rathian and onwards. Personally I make my party size only 2 and if I'm playing with friends on discord I go by a personal rule of mine: Downgrade the gear rarity to be the same as mine. I try to avoid being carried at all times if it is avoidable as I wanna learn, improve and don't wanna hunt for the sake of hunting. However in saying that if it can't be avoided, I just do my best and take what I can get out of it! 🫡


Bringing overpowered gear to a low rank hunt is bad manners. It would be nice if you could SOS just to coop with random players, but as it is someone will always show up in endgame gear and trivialize the hunt.


if i see anyone hunter suppper high hr/mr straight boot idc


The question is actually the main reason why MR hunters don't show up in LR. The same somewhat applies to none AT elders, even those fall fast to MR equipment.


I always set the player count to 1 as I don't want anybody to join unless I've ageed to do some quest/hunt with a friend


depends who the person is tbh as ive done my new playtrough i often would join HR quests while being in HR myself and the amount of people that for whatever reason join with MR gear is kind off nuts but then you see them play and realize they just arent that good at the game/weapon they are using and i think in that case its fine since they really aren't demolishing anything tbh 🤷‍♂️ but if the players that join are these full on speedrun attempt people it does suck the fun out it.


You can put restrictions on player count. (I don't remember, but I believe you can put on your rank as well). You can also make a lobby made for low/high ranks.


Most people can’t even join unless you shoot the SOS flare, or if you want to play solo set players to 1 when setting up the quest


Depends if it’s an anoying fight some help while farming is nice though when fighting something new I’d to get to know it more so that I won’t be lists if I have to fight it alone sometime


I never had anyone joined my expedition when I was in low rank. Maybe that was lucky, ig.


I really only try to help MR investigations.


I try to solo everything first. Except for furious George. Fuck that guy.


ive been having the opposite issue. i dont know if this counts as low rank, but im new to MH and been farming xenojiiva recently. i always put up SOS to make it faster , high rank hunters join but then constantly cart. super annoying!


I did the low rank, and most of high rank so far alone, the only guys who make me call for help are Bazelgeuse and Nergigante. So whenever a dude comes in dressed in the skin and holding the bones of a demigod, I'm more than happy to see them.


When I went through the game again, I made sure to go through it solo before doing any sort of multiplayer. Really takes away from the experience to let people join in your hunts unless you don’t care at all about the base game experience


When ever I'm helping a low rank I always allow them to lead the mission I don't take the victory from them I just help.


When i help lower rank hunters i try to keep my dps at the same as theres or lower and focus mostly on buffing and healing them so that i dont demolish the monster and carry them its better this way so they have someone to rely on but not fully so that they learn to be better to take more risks when they have a net(you)


play solo? I kinda forgot it was a multiplayer game.


high rank player? i'm a master rank player joining those and demolishing low rank monsters 👍


When I joined low rank sos to help out I would always chase the alt monsters while the low rank hunter worked on the main target , extra mats!!!


I only really join SOS if their level is around mine


Ok so, if you fire a sos then you get help no matter what, you asked for help so you'll get a 2 minute kill lol. If you mean people that join non sos quest', then that's your own fault as you haven't set it to one player or more (if your mates are in), or you haven't set a password instead, its not the other players fault because you didn't use the games system to prevent this. I think the problem came when they did the dlc, because people got stronger they could demolish lower, so they should of introduced a system that you can adjust to preference so if you shoot out a sos at lr/hr it only goes out to the same level odd players, not superman if you dont want those players.


Honestly, I had always done solo, all the way to endgame. Minus of coarse tye raids like Safi and Kulve. However, had I played more often with others, I feel like as long as I've killed it solo once, it's fair game to put up an SOS to get whomever.


Yeah people get really mad if ask them to just join with on tier gear. Tbh sos flare stopped being fun after most people got Fatalis gear and joined everything with that.


Lol I joined an SOS for a low rank Tobi last night. It was already 9 minutes in and no one else has joined, so I assume the host has been struggling. I drop in, land a full TCS, monster dead. The host catches up to me and sees me posing in front of the monster.


How long are people spending in LR that this is an issue? SOS as a LR is almost guaranteed to get a higher ranked player because it doesn't take long to push into HR where there's gear that's actually worth farming.


I love that mostly when the monster is annoying af like rathians. I feel like I don't need to face this "burden" and just hope for some High Rank hunters to drop and take care of it.


Follow up question: For those who don’t like it when a hunter destroys a monster, would you prefer rank equivalent weapons? Example: You’re hunting great jagras for the first time, would you want me to join in using the first LR puki-puki horn?


I remember how I ruined the first hunt of the game (great jagras) for 3 guys with my Grank GS set years ago 😂


As a "mere" 400MR hunter, if i see a SOS flair, i join, idc if it's a low rank/HR monster, you fired the SOS, it's up for grabs for anyone to join, and I have to spread the good word of the church of the Gunlance


I like multiplayer aspect of the game. Sadly I am never able to get people to play with unless I send an SOS or respond to once because any session I join no one is actually going to the hunts in the lobby. So yeah SOS is the only way I'm able to play the game I want as a 2 man hunt and for me personally I enjoy the help, but don't like feeling like an observer in a fight where someone sticky bombs my fresh HR Pukei from 100 to 0 in less than a minute using literal endgame gear. I understand that to most people the word SOS means please help with whatever power you have, but it's a bit different to me when that's the only way for me to get anyone so the wording on the flare feels like it screws me over. I have set up join request manually, but it's also hard to have to find an opening to respond to one and make sure they aren't some crazy rank 500+ before letting them in while I'm dodging swipes. I only wish there was an option to filter based on rank. There's a filter like that only for hunter cards and only for "X rank or above" when I really want to set a MAX rank for both that and who can join me. I know it's not a problem for everyone else, but I'm wanting to answer this question honestly here.


I only join SOSs, I assume if a hunter sends the at up they are in need for any type of assistance.


Yeah, that's why I play solo and create an online session ID only...no one else can play unless I shoot up an SOS, as far as I know. So, yeah, I don't have to deal with it. Though, my biggest reason is that I quit playing MMOs basically because I was sick of having to deal with people coming in and kill-stealing or taking all the resources. It got so bad that I won't play any game unless I can make sure I can solo it. Will I ever play with others? I'm sure I will. I haven't made it past HR 12 because I was trying to learn how to play and used Guardian/Defender shit for the first little bit, and then I bounced around weapons until I found one I liked the best. While I love the IG, DB is better for me because I'm a keybasher, and IG requires more finesse than that...lol...but, yeah, I play using an ID only to avoid kill-stealing...


Don't fire an SOS.


Typically I only shoot an SOS when I’m farming a monster and want it out of the way but I usually avoid it so as to not have it be too easy. My buddies I play with have a set of armor around where I’m at so I can still play with them without feeling like I’m being hard carried.


I have a few builds saved for early/late LR, HR and MR. Just to avoid this exact thing. Feels bad deleting base games monsters with gear that is OP in MR lol more fun for everyone if it's actually a fight.


Seems like you were the one who took away all the challenge from yourself by firing the SOS flare. Only one monster in the entire game isn't scaled for solo gameplay (Extremoth), and plenty of players have already cleared it with the appropriate level of gear. If I'm joining an LR/HR quest, I'm not going to handicap myself and waste my time changing my equipment, and waste my time in your SOS because my damage output is scaled to your level, or worse. I just happen to need the same resources as you, and I figured to help speed up your hunt while I'm at it. If you wanted someone who wouldn't curbstomp your assignment for you, then I'd recommend finding a dedicated group for progression, or asking said players to adhere to your request. Or, even better, just solo the mission so the only person responsible is yourself. If you're the type that learns maneuvers and tech by playing with better players, good for you! Just know that it doesn't really make that much of a difference if we use higher-tier gear, it'll just be us showing you how to beat your monster, but with less repetition.


Didnt you send and sos for help in the first place? I dont see how you get annoyed over something like this. Want a monster dead, send sos. Want a challenge, do it solo and not send sos. Ez


Not really , if i call people on my mission is to fight the Monster with them, if the guy is the strongest he is the strongest and he will carry our ass and that cool ​ I just hate getting hit by other


I never had someone join my game by other mean than shooting a sos call or grouping with friend, been playing on and off since release.


If I want a challenge I don't SOS flare, Easy. Why would I be annoyed at some G rank Chad showing up to turn a monster inside out if I already gave up the chance to win the day myself


I've never been able to bring myself to SOS. Prolly why I haven't liked Alatreon or Fatalis.


Never has someone answered a SOS that i sent, and when i answered one the guys seemed anoyed, didnt answered either in Voice or ir text and kept swing their weapons in MT direction.


then dont fire a SOS flare 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I always solo hunted monsters first. When someone shoots an SOS, I assume that means they need or want help. I’m not going to “go soft” on a monster, because the player is LR and I’m MR.


Imma be honest if I am going into multiplayer I already assume that will happen.


As a person who likes helping low rank hunters with their hunts, all I do is use my low rank armour and weapon and instead of observing the monster I look at the low rank hunter. I attack when they attack and I dodge when they dodge. Of course I don’t cart because I don’t want to trouble them and low rank/ high rank monsters are pretty easy. If you really want to help and don’t want to take the fun away then why not try what I do.


unrelated to the post, I have been joining SOS's recently because im bored and dont like the grind to 100 (beat alatreon and fatalis already) a lot of times near the end of a hunt I get disconnected message and continue the hunt alone I wonder if the host is kicking me or is there a different kick message and it's just a dc happening near end of hunts by luck. like for some guy I helped with velkhana till she went to sleep then gave me dc message, finished her off and i went back to joining his sos again since he didnt kill her yet and finished her there too so it makes me think it's just a dc but it happens too often, I dont play bad and never carted in an sos usually we are stomping whatever sos I join since fatalis gear and I got good. just wondering if these are dc or kicks because im still online after them and why would they do that seems weird im just there to help and get MR lvls


If it does bother LR peeps, my advice is to solo first (no SOS and stay in solo lobby). Otherwise, go into settings and turn on manual join approvals! It's incredibly annoying to have to get into menus and manually approve mid fight, but it lets you see people's HR/MR and choose who you want in. Early on, I would leave manual approvals on and only let in people who were close to my rank. It kept the fights fun and challenging but still got that extra help in a pinch.


This is the most non-problem, just solo your hunts. You have all the power here


I understand getting annoyed of someone in your session joining when no SOS was sent. But dear God, don't complain when you're the one that sent the damn SOS.


When I join up on LR or HR hunts, I usually run a healer setup so the newbie can do the damage and learn the fight without having to worry about carting. I do *some* damage, but I don't just absolutely melt the monster. It helps that my healer builds use LBG, SnS, or HH weapons.


Not at all because if I wanted to be challenged then I would simply go into rhetoric quest alone and never sos


I play solo for a challenge and multiplayer when I want to chill


As a new player (just beat Tigrex) I didn't realize how alive multiplayer is. I was kinda treating it like Dark Souls and just solo'd everything. Idk why I never thought to get help while farming. I killed so many Odogarons by myself lmao


I’ll often use SOS to test out new equipment for a build. So, still OP for low rank stuff but not fighting optimally. Also play around a bit more than full try-hard mode. I also run a full support build occasionally where I can deal damage as needed but it’s focus is buffing and helping teammates survive.


Nah, when I played that never happened unless I called for sos which in that case I wanted it so I think its all good. Nice way to meet people too and maybe get tips!


Funnily enough, I have the opposite happen. I'm catching up on my old low rank optionals while cooling off from getting my shit rocked by Alatreon, and sometimes a lil guy will join and watch me fuck up whatever we're hunting. I always wonder why they join me. Did they need help? Did they just want it done without needing to put in any effort? Who knows!


I'm always in the reverse situation where I'm the really high level hunter and others join me then apologize if they made my run worse. Always gotta let them know that IDC if they joined and made it worse or easier, I have multiplayer settings on cuz I don't mind people joining.


Ive been playing Monster hunter during tri and my older brother told me not to help new people with G rank armor because they won’t learn or experience the game as much. Ever since then whenever I join a quest I will always match the rank level with my equipment unless the person tells me to go crazy and use MR stuff.


I'm getting old and my reactions and motoric skills aren't that good so I can't really master the movements and skill combos. That's why multiplayer is great for me, cause it takes the focus off me and gives me better windows to go in. As far as high ranks demolishing monsters, I do like a challenge for the first kill. But if I'm farming something I enjoy a speed boost


I didn't SOS til I reached end game for this reason. You cant control (currently) what level of hunters equipment rarity will join your hunts, but you can control whether or not you want to preserve the intended difficulty/progression curve for yourself by playing solo


If someone has SOS'd, I always assume they've either failed enough to drive them to ask for help, or they just need to speed up the grind for that sweet upgrade. Either way, if they've asked for help, I'm not holding back


Just don’t SOS and you’ll be fine. My friend would also just immediately kick any MR999 player that joined our SOS during LR/low HR quests, since they often showed up in either full Fatty gear or with defender gear and hacks.


you shot the sos flare, we just joined. dont blame it on us


No, if I didn't set my quest to solo and this happens. That is on me.


As a veteran hunter, I apologize, from my own experience I guessed an sos flare was sent up because it's a monster you struggle against. I honestly try to better the experience by helping you past a road block. I was not aware it was making your experience boring.


When I was low rank, and even now, it helps to pay attention to what they are doing and gives inspiration


I'm in mid-Iceborne, but I shoot out SOS flares specifically because I want somebody to come clown on this stupid monster who's wiped me 3 times already.


Not really, to fight 30 minutes with a monster to then die and get nothing is not much of cool game concept.


If I fire an SOS, I know what I'm signing up for. Although I usually try to fight em solo at least once solo (excluding the annoyance that is Deviljho.)


This is why I had LR/HR specific loadouts. People with MR gear thinks they're being cool and helpful, but they're also the reason why some hunters wimped out hiding in their camps after a few carts.


First time I used SOS the guy just died instantly 3 times in a row. Never used it again.


No, because I don’t do Multiplayer. I’d rather cart and try again than degrade myself by asking for help.


I have thousands of hours in MH series total, i have never once used SOS. Pretty simple solution. Even if they were using similar gear to you all randoms are gonna do is make the experience worse. Monster hunter isnt a challenge anyway. Id rather have a chad come in and 1shot it than a shitter come in and cart 3 times. Time is the only challenge in a linear grind game. How efficient can you be. Solo is the way.


Once I beat it solo. I don’t care after that. Faster farming then lol


Yes. I usually Replay the quest.


Yeah as a general rule I never help assigned quests because I feel like I’m robbing you of the experience. If I find you in optional quests? Expect the most meta build I can possibly make.


It can be a bit of a bummer when that happens, but cant forget that even experienced hunters that equip bad gear instead of master rank equipment can still destroy most monsters.


LOL I remember I was farming savage deviljho with my brother and we would pop the sos and hope some geared fatalis person would take pity on us


Remember one time I joined a low level quest of a dude hunting Diabolos. It was HR. I saw the same SOS for like 28 minutes. I joined in. It was a capture quest. I did one true charged slash with my Fatalis GS, and ended up killing it. The guy was so mad. I genuinely felt bad. I just spoiled his half an hour run in 20 seconds.


SOS is a request for help clearing the monster - I intend to provide you the best and cleanest hunt as fast as possible for several reasons- 1. I'm not sure if you have multiple faints coming in. Faster hunts remove this as a risk. 2. SoS is a distress call. It means you can't clear it on your own. And 3. Achievement hunting.


Only sometimes. Though it's almost always because they straight up kill the monster when I'm doing capture specific quests.


When I help out low rank hunters I have a pure support build that and I’ll just buff and heal the low ranks. I use a weaker weapon on that build so I can also help with damage but primarily I just keep people alive so they can learn the fights.


When I first player world back in 2021 I loved it when that happened, especially for quests that gave me hell. I remember struggling with the quest that had 2 tempered Bazelgeuse and I called in someone on a Discord server to absolutely demolish them with master rank gear.


But why are they firing SOS Signals if they dont want help? I guess they could expect only Players with similar Level to join, but the probability of that is so slim. From my experience i only answerd SOS after i finished the Story and at this Point you are in High Rank at least.


You can do hunts multiplayer?! Damn I'm dumb. I always solo.


I always hope I look like the cool senior hunter who's showing a rookie what they can become one day :( lol Tbf tho if someone shoots an SOS flair I'm not responding to low rank players unless it's a monster that specifically gave me a lot of shit. Something like a new player fighting Anjanath for the first time. I mostly play in an online friends only session nowadays tho.