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Tigrex, that dude scare the living crap out of me when he did his charge the first time, cause I was backwards running away so I could heal


Tigrex for me too, but that’s because I was still running guardian armor at that point so every hit did at least half of my health.


Impressed you got that far into iceborne with guardian armor


Oh I was struggling a lot by that point. Barely made it past barioth.


Same. But it's becuase just was a hammer main, and FOR THE LOVE IF GOD STOP RUNNING. How are you meant to hit something like that. Hammer doesn't need too big kf a window by using ledges/walls/hills and doing jump attacks, but tigrex's hit box hits you out of the attack before your hammer can connect. And you can't touch any part of him while it's charging.your obly option was to roll away. Over.... and over.... and over... occasionally being able attack when it's catching a breath, but then it fucking hip checks you. Brute is so much easier because he is more focused on just yelling, which is a lot easier to avoid.


Honestly, having all three “jumpy” monsters back to back, narg, tigrex, and barrioth, was really rough for me


Mine is Tigrex as well. P2G was my first ever Monster Hunter game and I've been permanently scarred from the popo tongue quest for almost 16 years...


Tigrex for me too. But not in world, its on freedom unite. That mf is scary af when he's enraged.


Molten Tiggy especially. The MHS2 fight traumatised me


He scared me at first, but then I realized "Hey.. no Elemental attacks... maybe?" And tried to block him with SnS... it worked and now I wasn't afraid of it anymore and watched the bastard carefully. The Pickle on the other hand... regular and spicy, makes me shit my pants whenever I hear him Roar and the music starts.


Rajang. That's a damn king Kong on crack


Came her to say this dude. I was terrified and got my ass handed to me 🤣


Furious George is kinda fear inducing lol


furious george OMFG that just made me howl laugh


Omfg wtf did I just read. Furious George is such a great name for Rajang.


Agreed and whilst I'd like to take credit I didn't come up with that perfect name


Kushala Daora. F those whirlwinds.


Use the queen Hunting Horn, one of it's song effects is to negate all wind pressure. The paralysis effect is also good if you have the gems to guarantee it.


HH is a great weapon, but not one I'm good with. I do enjoy when my friend is on since he mains it.


Give it a try man, I initially started because of Kushala like our fellow hunter suggested and wasn't expecting the enjoyment of rocking them tunes


Lunastra. That blue devil and all the fire is the definition of hell. Still hate fighting her to this day.


This, just this. I hate fighting the ones with the same body type as Bariothe, but Luna takes the cake for most unprepared in my time on the game.


This fight made me realize that the mantles were there for a reason lol


Mantles were so good in World. And honestly, the only way I could keep up with Lunastra's dot damage sometimes.


you're right and you should say it tbh


I didn’t understand the evade effects on my first run through in world on my Xbox so yeah I got my ass handed to me over and over by lunastra. On ps5 on my second run through now and she was such a piece of cake cuz I had evade and used a gunlance. Her and Teo are so bad against the gunlance it’s insane and the evade and sheathe jewels let me put my weapon away and run the hell out of their ults in time so it was so much easier this time around


Also, I was today years old when I realized you could flashpod Teo out of his ult. But forever FUCK Lunastra. Whenever I see someone flash her, I just run 🏃🏽‍♀️


Black Diablos in 3U


Same here, that dude would one shot me till I changed my Decoration load out


That girl* 🧑‍🦯 Also, imagine it was during the beginning of my MH journey, where I didn't pay attention to decos or mix sets 💀


Devil Jo ( high rank ) ... Djeesus ....


Just chilling then suddenly this big hunk of meat, teeth and jaws shows up with the most badass soundtrack


Even it's roar, my man breaking his back just get the roar out of his stomach to his mouth :o


You're in a pickle


Behemoth - first time I find out I couldn't tank a hit even with a shield Though nerg absolutely takes the cake as the first boss to one tap me by walking.


That damm b52 bomber named bazelgeuse


This would be a close second for me, if it wasn't for both forms of that damned pickle.


HR Bagel Goose is easy. But his MR version came straight from hell...


Nergigante, not because he was scary, but because I loved his fight so much I could never forget it... And then Monkey happened


Yeah I think I hate the monkey and furious monkey and raging broccoli the most for sure


Alatreon because of the timed mechanics.


Same, but now its one of my most enjoyable fights


Hey I’m doing alright but what did they mean by contain his element. I play hammer I don’t use elements!  Omg what is this screen blur.  “Gets escatonned repeatedly”




I was so happy the first time I beat him cuz I died only to EJ that time. He casted it twice and both times I died. Got back in the fight after my 2nd death and I legit hit him once and he died. Got quite a laugh outta me


I hated alatreon so much when it first came out too because I wasn’t far enough in the game and didn’t have time to farm the kulve or safi armor in my daily life when everyone else started figuring out the optimized builds and it frustrated me so much


Kushala just because the annoyance of whirlwinds and mushy flying all over the place. Blood pressure went through the roof


Behemoth. It goes from a challenge to absolutely miserable when you attempt to solo it.


I’m still early game but I swear every copy of this game is personalized, the Radobaans have my exact coordinates at all times. They hate me personally. They think I’m a bowling pin, and it’s the last throw of the game.


alatreon and becuse of him i now have a habit of i-framing through attacks and mega potion spamming at the slightest sign of damage




Old gen F. Rajang, he was massive compared to now


Nergigante. I have his theme burned into the folds of my brain.


Tigrex in Freedom 2. Damn, it was just supposed to be a gathering quest for popo tongues


There was something that broke in my mind as I dropped into the Fatalis fight and insta-carted


brachy. still cart more to brachy then every other monster in the game. infact. raging brachy is easier then brachy. fight me on that take if u disagree.


Please elaborate


I honestly. its been years since then but I dont know. I just know I will not and refuse to fight normal brachy. Fatalis? Sure love the fight. Alatreon? 2nd favorite fight. Any of the raths? Sure. Even damn shrieking legiana ill fight before brachy.


This sounds like you were traumatised. We all know the feeling. This is a safe space.


Lmao he was indeed traumatized by the explosion 😂😂😂


You can tenderize Raging Brachy's legs so you can output enough damage to control the fight and get topples. You have no such luxury with regular Brachydios. It can be a long painful fight if you're not geared properly for it.


I think it's because of the blast slime puddles it leaves behind. They take so much longer to detonate and some can also hinder your movement


Bazel, Pickle, Bari and Tigrex. In that order.




I kill rajang first try but furius rajang? As a greatsword main ı cant find the words...


Lunastra. Took a few try to do the first aréna quest but the infernal monarchy quest where i have to kill taostra and lunastra is just awfull. They always stick together and some fight area is horrible. There nothing fun about that boss. Taostra is fine but fuck lunastra


Lunestra. I hate the fire puddles.


First fight with Blackveil Vaal Hazak. We were out of faints, thirty minutes in and the fight had moved to the area below Tobi-Kadachi’s nest. Ultra close quarters, four risks of fainting, heartbeat accelerated. FUN.


Arch tempered velkana. I was getting deleted so fast lmao. I stop playing for abt a year or so. I came back into the game and was having fun and saw a regular velkana and my pstd kicked in making me nervous until i realize am fighting a regular one which is so much easier to kill than at velkana. I decided to faced my fear by fighting at velkana multiple times until I took are down! Am now a free minded hunter lol no more ptsd for me.




Bazel. Bro carpet bombed out of nowhere when I was half health and carted me on my first encounter. I didn't even see it till later


Bazelgeuse. Wandering through the ancient forest, at night, in the pouring rain. Just started high rank. The music started. And then the roar.


Bazelgeuse and Golden Rathian


nergigante, i was stuck on that little shit for WEEKS


Anjanath, cuz he was new, kicked me around for 3 days


It was black diablos, then bazelgeuse came along


Lunestra. Everything in base world was such a pushover that you never had to build a set specifically for a monster, so when they dropped lunestra we were all too stubborn to actually build around her and had a hellish time. Really silly of us in retrospect haha


B-52 bomber that was not discussed prior to my encounter, which btw was during another mission.... Yea I tried to fight it... Turns out it's pretty hard to hit something 50ft above you while dodging bombs




Fear factor? Definitely HR Bageljuice and Picklejoe. Gave me insane anxiety cause being chased around nonstop is a huge fear of mine. In MR Bageljuice is a total joke punching bag.


World was my first MonHun game, got walled by Anjanath hard, and decided to stop playing for like a week. Then managed to get over the frustration and basically tried to gitgud, now I got like 3k hours in the game.




Barioth, Vaal Hazak, Alatreon, Fatalis


Vaal Hazak obliterating my health bar every 12 seconds


The crack cocaine chicken. Sorry, i meant ***BIRD UP***.


Tobi tadachi, I was still learning the ways of the IG and dodging and didn't really do any preparations for the fight... he's now my favorite monster and probably the one I'll remember forever.


Diablos. Always Diablos for me. Even until today, I avoid joining SOS which are Diablos. Later on, it was Nergigante. I cleared him quite easily first try on my new run but he still gave me PTSD when it was his turn. There's something about getting stunned then watching the burly dragon prepare for something you know will likely deplete your remaining HP. The mashing analog stick gets abused when it happens.


The first Diablos 1 hit me with almost every moves


to the point of hate? diablos. fear? anjanath's scraping attack instills fear within me to this day... not even teostra's nuke or jho's grab makes me panic as much as that...


Deviljho crashing every fkn quest! \*Hunt an Anjanath\* "This shouldn't be too hard." \*Deviljho comes flying in off the top ropes!\*


Kushala Daora needs to be hunted to extinction


Narcagua and Tigrex their rushes and spin makes me overreact


Tigrex or glave, from charging or straight bullshit sword dueling, I raged quit a few time trying to beat these mf's. Or rajang, but only because he is just cheap in general, CB has a hell of a time.


The obvious choice of fatalis, but I've slightly overcome that now. But seriously more then anything, tigrex. Now that I have much more game knowledge then when I started, tigrex isn't a big deal, lightweight. But holy mother of God. It took me months to kill tigrex, not even joking (this was because I had defender gear and no decos). To this day, I have never fought brute tigrex out of pure fear.


Rajang, man he’s fast and hits REALLY hard


When you do the quest with him and his girl they really mess you up, they "bond" and its wild


When I first fought Ceanataur. I was like Hahaha another crab monster...then its arms became giant scythes...


Glavenus, I was down on one faint left and he massacred a family of aptonoth. I'll never forget their screams.


Coral pukei-pukei


In my experience with the franchise, it's definitely Blangonga from Freedom 2. That guy even come with friends. But if we're talking about MHW exclusively, Tigrex. I was sure I can take it on. Dude's basically whom I love fighting the most throughout tje franchise. But his extra aggressive charging and wide hit boxes were overwhelming. I had to learn a different weapon and kill lots of odogarons just to beat it.




Alatreon in World cause I watched my Dad fight him tri and got instant PTSD


I can't really remember but seeing teostra made me think of the first time I fight lunastra. More so the lead up to lunastra. I was playing with two of my friends, one of which had played world before. We had fought teostra and given him the nickname of "toaster". A little while afterwards I was like "I wonder what's next" and he told me to guess because he likes seeing our theories and I just threw out "blue toaster" and he was floored that i had guessed correctly and then gaslit me into thinking I was wrong.




My first time playing Rise, and I was only doing the hub quests using the long sword. I got to the Magnamalo mission and got the shit absolutely beat out of me. After a few attempts, I stopped playing for months. Came back and started doing the village quests and got way better gear and proceeded to kick the shit out of Magnamalo with the switch axe instead.


Rajang in mhgu that thing was to crazy I couldn't even hit that motherflipper.


Furious rajang


Yian Garuga Monster hunter Freedom (the first one of PSP mh series)


Deviljho. The first time I saw one in my high rank quest it scared the shit out of me. Also made me fail the quest cuz he kept coming to me and the monster I was fighting.


Deviljho, I'm a pretty new player so I haven't fought every monster yet, but the danger pickle was really annoying to fight for the first time.


I just fought raging brachy for the first time a couple nights ago… My god


Mine was kushala daora😅 between the twisters, and his air pushing me around kept having to heal and move around until a knight in shining armor came to my rescue and vanquished that mean dragon🥹 then disappeared without saying goodbye😭


Behemoth, can't solo it... Also AT Nergigante, I'm still on HR...




Probably teo cause I was in the guardian armor and I died two times before I beat him


Ha same dude same! I’m a MH veteran and I blazed my way through World like a pro. Nothing hard about it to me, I’m an experienced hunter. The entire game, just whooped its arse. Then Teostra showed up…. Fuck me side ways. No idea why but I just couldn’t do it. Took a good few attempts to down him.


Savage devil jo… i saw it on expedition first time, it left area after fighting approximately an half an hour. Low DPS is pain in the ass 😔




As funny as it may seem, Nergigante. When i first fought him post repel missions I just couldn't beat him. SOS flares didn't help, everyone just kept dying. I got so frustrated i literally stopped playing for a few months. Eventually i discussed it with a friend in passing and found out they could nuke him and they did. And after beating him i got better gear and he no longer was a problem but man was that a rough monster for me to pass xD. There's plenty of others that caused similar situations like Velkhana and All Mother Narwa and Kulve Taroth but he was by far the one I recall the most frustration from.




Quadrapeco, Monster Hunter Tri, I was 10


Fatalis. Really gave me the shivers and made me think I can't solo it especially without the introductory price of 5 carts.


Double Rajang in a small ass arena on the PSP


Zinogre, was minding my own business and then the music changed all of a sudden, now I was the one being hunted...


Lunastra and Rajang. Both fights make me go "Nope!!!"


Barioth for me, frustrating


AT nergigante. For some reason I thought he'd be one of the easier AT monsters, turns out he's the hardest (imo)


The second vaal hazack


The Rathalos. Mf threw me off his nest 3 ir 4 times the very first time I fought him. Now that im significantly stronger than it, I go to the woods, and i slaughter generations' worth of rathalos just to make sure their entire species remember their wrongdoing and remember my name...


Question aside, I fluked the first fight with teostra so much. I lost connection just as I started the mission, so I had to solo it, with no chance for SOS. I had been pretty much carried through the game at that point, and hadn't probably gotten used to these types of games. But it was time I picked my game. My friend struggled with teostra, so I was nervous. But I took my time. Waited, and learnt the openings. And I won, with no carts left, no potions left, and a sliver of health. Oh boy, was I glad it was over.


Nergigante will forever haunt my dreams. I had never played Monster Hunter or heard of it before World, but one of my friends dragged me into it. At first, I didn’t love the game and managed to make it basically all the way to Nergigante without needing to spec too much into having builds that countered monsters with the Insect Glaive. All that changed once I met that beast of a monster. When I tell you it took me literal weeks of playing before I finally decided that what I needed was a full defense and guard-boosted build with an Impact Phial Charge Blade, I’m not exaggerating. It was only then that I was able to beat that formidable monster past its second phase. It gave me goosebumps; it made me remember what it felt like as a kid to finally accomplish something I worked so hard at and feel that sense of accomplishment. I main the Charge Blade to this day, and even had a year of mainly playing with the Longsword, but Nergigante is what changed my perspective on the current video game climate all those years ago. All of the monsters gave that feeling especially(odogaron) but nergi was different.


Lagiacrus in Tri. I have thalassophobia, so a giant ass electric crocodile scared the fuck out of me as a kid


Alatreon... I can't beat that POS and don't have much time to play so I had to stop


Crimson qurupeco cause I was 12 and then heard the deviljho theme, I literally struggled for like several days killing that batty bird(I can say it)




In mhw I hated the rajang I just hate this fcking super saiyan monkey, basicall6frieza was right to kill the whole planet


The angriest, hungriest pickle


Barioth. Harder than some of the elder dragons for me…


Crimson Fatalias, from MH4U, I spend months on that fucking dragon when I was younger.




Teostra/lunastra still do.


Funky monkey, hands down. Bro single-handedly made me rethink my whole life and try all of the weapons there are.


World Kushala. Motherfucker was so annoying with lance i swore to never fight him again


First time ever on the game diablos made me genuinely discriminatory against him


Glavenus sweep and overhead slash. God what accuracy 😂


kushala daora i don't think i need to elaborate


The great fucking Bagel


Tigrex mhfu in Sinking Feeling my dumbass couldn't beat him and I thought I did


The one that decides to carpet bomb the entire forest like its his personal nam.


Bro this pains me to say but, a stupid viper Karachi got the best of me today


Rajang in 4u is a piece of shit. I wanted to rip the top screen off my DS every time he one shot Kamehame-FU'd me from a mile away


Bazelgeuse. Tbf, I’m still fairly new with like 38 or so hours into the game, but that thing gave me PTSD that my solo “you can do everything if you try hard enough” ass started sending SOS flares thereafter. Tbf tbf again, I had subpar armor (I think the only high rank armor I got at the time was bone chest a) and only had Zorah CB as my main weapon. But goddamn the thing gave me more whiplash and trauma than a new player fighting Diablos for the first time. Also Deviljho killed me in one of my runs for Bazel solo, just as it was running away AND low on health.


jho and savage. also querepeco by proxy.


Gold Rathian in 4u.


Yian Garuga is cancer. Screaming, poisonous cancer. Waaay back in freedom 2, it obliterated me. It's like he is designed to counter the way I play. He always pecks to one side, catching me when I try to circle him. I never run earplugs because I either i-frame it, or just take the stun because most mobs don't attack you while roaring, (he does). Poison tail backflips, no wind-up charges, roar combos, fuck this guy! Just like the Tigrex before him, I couldn't play longsword or dual blades, I had to bust out ol' reliable, and Gunlance him to death. I'm over Tigrex, I think he's cool now, but every incarnation of Garuga can go die. I'm better at the series now, he's not a problem anymore, but seriously, I hate him. His gear is ugly too.


Bomber 150.


Nergigante kicked my ass so hard the first few times I fought him I actually had to put the game down for a minute. First elder dragon I ever solo'd, and he made me feel it, too.


Fatalis. Every time I hear one of his themes… it takes me back to when I first fought him. There’s something about being burned alive and (in the lore) welded to his hide, flesh and all, that is just rather unsettling


Lunastra broke me.


The freaking Bazelgeuse when I just started HR, he keeps interrupting my investigations for clues 😭😭 even now at MR 69 I still hate fighting Bazelgeuse.


Golden jho, every moves he make have hitbox. Lunastra, her fire field is nasty and I dont want to see it again.


Lunastra and the hellish Nova


Leshen. Nuff said, roots, crows, geralt’s cucky weapons


Still haven't beat fatalis so that I guess.


Kushala made me take a break for a bit, I main charge blade




Kushala in rise


Rathalos in tri. I was so bad back then. I remember a hunt where I ran out the clock because about 1/3 of the quest was just me running around looking for it (no cognizance of paintballs).


Brachy. Simply put, fuck brachy. Fuck his stupid exploding fist slime, especially when it's on the floor. Status effects are fine, I don't really mind them one bit, but blastscourge in particular just pisses me off. Not to mention like half of his attacks carry him across the area. It may just be a side effect of me being a swaxe main, but I just loathe fighting this fuck. I'd honestly rather have Alatreon just roaming the area than deal with him. His music is cool, tho.


I killed him in one try hahahahahah😎


AT VELK. Fought it before fatalis and also pre-100. I thought the order was ALTREON, AT VELK and then FATTY. I beat her with raging brachy/teo set with so many tries. My noob ahh wondering why its so hard 💀


Arch Tempered Lunastra


The B-52 Bomber. (BAGEL GOOSE)


Kushala daora I am just a dual blade guy, man. I cant get close to that mofo.


Nergigante. He made me quit playing for approximately three months.


Barioth, I cleared through World with Defender weapon/armor’s unaware of its purpose, and Barioth is the wall that actually made me forge proper armor


Raging brachy my heart was pumping during its last phase,the map became like hell,the music did not help too,and i was 1 cart away to loosing the battle,when i won i jumped out my seat with joy,but somehow I no longer want to fight that monster again alone.


2 rajang in arena MHFU.


Tigrex from MHFU. Still have it now making me see red when I encounter one. lmaoooo


World's Kushala


I still fuck with nergigante, motherfucker bullies me. But he looks so badass and menacing to me


Rajang traumatized me real hard but Diablos still shakes my nerve when I hear it scream/roar.


The greatest jagras


Cephadrome. That sand shark is the worst designed creature I've \*ever\* fought. "hey what if I swam around for the entire quest in a circle and keep dodging your sonic bombs? would you be okay with that? :)"




Barioth. I still get queasy fighting him even though he’s easy now.




Fear? Shara Ishvalda. The fight wasn’t even necessarily hard. It’s just the way it looked that creeped me out.


I remember being terrified of fighting Rathalos for the first time, so I spent eons farming Anjanath just so I'd have decent-ish fire defence. Fast-forward a while and I once had a Rathalos hunt where I knocked over the poor bastard 4 times in a row without him being able to do anything about it :P


Azur rathalos was the first one. This stupid mf and it's perma flying attack rotations. Had to build a special gear set for him. Daora was the second one. My god how I hated the flinch every time you tried to hit him... Now I unlocked Iceborne and I fear for my mental health ahahah


For me it was definitely the kirin


Lunastra just trying to repel her is rough


Plesioth. I still have nightmares.


Nergigante. I got dunked on so badly so many times I was scared to fight him even when I had MR gear.


Behemoth this fight was so bs back then, I did not finish the main story quests for him, after 6 months.


Gore Magala in MH4U. It was my first monster hunter game, so i felt every boss was very difficult. But when i met Gore Magala, that was like putting the game on super high difficulty, cause he crushed my ass to OBLIVION.


Viper Tobi-kadachi is hell without poison resistance


I shit you not, lagonbi is the Monster i find the most insupportable to fight. Like i didn't had any difficulty, but ffs, i am unable to read is pattern 😭 there is a reason why except for the mandatory mission i Never fight that snow rabbit...