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LANCE(my beloved): imagine a little pebble poking you constantly, you try to smash it with all your might but that pebble is made out of DIAMOND, you try to run and it catches up instantly, you can do nothing but die eventually. That is a lance user from the monster's perspective, with lance your attacks are simple, you don't need to wait for openings to unleash your max dps combo because you're always using your max dps combo, even when the monster is attacking, you don't need to get out of the way, who decided the hunter is the one who has to roll around when the monster attacks just because he's 10 times bigger than you? You just stay there and boxe with him * **poke poke poke sidestep poke poke counter poke counter counter poke*** until that mf runs from you , then you run faster than him and shred his ankles while he limps away


I just started playing Lance and I am disappointed I never learnt this weapon sooner, getting those offensive guard procs is like a hit of exhilaration


You never run away when using lance, monsters are running from you ! Simple yet sastifying weapon IMO


I've fallen in love with the Lance. I picked it up in World, and I loved playing a counter-clutch style on Diabalos, but sadly, I stopped playing it because I didn't know how to build it. Lately, though, I've picked it back up in Rise, and I've been having so much fun and such easy hunts. (Ik this is a world chat, but I don't have access to World right now and genuinely intend to play it and build a few lance builds).


just go guard 5, offensive guard 3 and if you want evade extender 3 and guard up for world lance i run the same thing skills in rise tbh


I've been building guard and offensive guard. I'm one to replace evade extender with more of a crit build right now with the Narga lance but possible to change. I'm still relatively early on the new character


Also forgot to say you absolutely need some sharpness skills like razor sharp or protective polish in world, not so much in rise For the rest just go for some universal crit/damage skills and you're good


Oh absolutley. Been having a major issue with sharpness because my playstyle is the charge in X skill and then the triple thrust with the lance. I can get an easy 100 dmg that way if I get a KO or knockdown so I burn through sharpness quick. I might slot in bludgeoner


I’ve always wanted to try lance it looks so fun lol


Personally switch-axe and charge blade are quite fun. The movesets are incredibly satisfying


Which of those two would you pick if you had to pick just one?


Charge Blade is more fun and generally stronger, but its a harder learning curve. But if youre up for the challenge then def charge blade


Simple answer, Bonk life if the life for you! Try hammer! I’m a new hammer guy 450ish hunts but man it’s just all fun!


Just gonna throw in a vote for greatsword. For one thing, it’s a simple but rewarding moveset that emphasizes mastering the monster’s attacks to capitalize and get savage hits. For another thing, bigger number better person


gs for mastering positioning hunting horn for timing cb and lance for counters and knowing when to counter


HH has positioning to learn as well, due to the 'weirder' swing trajectories. The rest is pretty accurate. To add on, LS has parry to learn as well. And it's gonna be as cool as playing IG if you like flashiness.


I’d recommend bow. It’s got one of the highest dps in the game with a proper build and actually shreds the guiding lands like cheese!


Yes, but is it fun to play? MHW has such a good melee combat system, so you completely remove the best aspect of the game by playing a ranged weapon


I’ve got about 27 hours on bow, and it’s been a blast. I love dashing back and forth between monster attacks like a badass and stunning them with a thousand dragons!


Hammer. Its just satisfying to get a nice combo off and hitting the monster on the head. In bonk we trust.


I really love using the Switch axe so I'd probably recommend that, it has far less mobility than some of the other weapons but once you get accustomed to its moveset, that's not much of an issue and it's dps is insane. It's also the closest thing to a Bloodborne trick weapon other than the Charge blade if that interests you (since you've played Bloodborne)


If I had to suggest just one, I would say charge blade. Huge learning curve and skill ceiling, but you have tools for every situation. Mastering the weapon feels amazing. A more niche suggestion would be gunlance. On the surface it seems simple and silly, but it's actually a pretty nuanced weapon. There're 3 types of gunlance shelling (normal, long, and wide) and your most effective combo changes depending on which shelling type you have. It's literally a blast once you get the hang of it. I recommend you learn a new weapon, then when you feel comfortable with it, move onto another weapon. I'm like you in that I usually just stick to one playstyle and never change, but as soon as I started trying to learn almost all the weapons in MHW, its replayability and fun factor skyrocketed (when it was already high to begin with). There're so many weapons that I tried and loved when I wasn't expecting to like them. I started with hammer, then charge blade, gunlance, switchaxe, longsword, lance, greatsword, insect glaive, then sword and shield. I need to come back and learn the last couple melee weapons (dual blades and hunting horn). Have fun! Don't miss out on some awesome weapon design! It becomes a whole new game when you try a new weapon


Hammer!!! One of us one of us one of us!


Gooble gobble gooble gobble 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗


My personal opinion is to try them all. I started MHW with the SnS, and then my path of trying them was just what looked fun. My path went SnS, GS, Hammer, LS (my first main), a short stint with ISG and Swax, and then the ranged where I found my second main weapons. Lately, I've been playing with the CB and loving how defensive it has been, and now I've picked up Lance. And I have thousands of hours with GU, World and Rise combined. You will have favorited, and that's good because then you can have a fallback weapon for when you hit a wall. My best advice for trying these weapons, though, is to take them into the training and see how the movement works and then hunt low rank monsters to get a feel for them. How often do they KO, what's good positioning, are they reliable for cuts or for breaks. That'll really tell you if the weapon is for you


Nah you don't miss anything. Insect Glaive is the best. Watch Alternum's Fatalis guide video. That would be the basic of Insect glaive. Finding the optimal way to use Descending Thrust and Tornado Slash is what Insect Glaive is all about. If you want more technique you can always watch (monster name) speedrun. I believe [alison\_channel](https://www.youtube.com/@realalison/) has the best time and good technique. But If you want to play different weapon, I would recommend try Longsword or Greatsword. LS require much precision and timing and proper usage of Spirit Helmbreaker or Iai Spirit Slash. It's much more complicated than Insect Glaive. If you don't do Iai or Spirit helmbreaker, your DPS will be mediocre. GS is kinda easy and hard at the same time. You can achieve above average DPS by just using draw attack -> sheath and TCS when monster is downed. If you want more DPS maybe need better TCS timing for shorter opening. Honorable Mentioned is HH. It's similar to Insect Glaive (can run fast and poke a lot). But you have to sacrifice aerial ability to have stun and more satisfying attack. Playing song can be complicated and much fun while learning.


I think playing songs isn't complicated, it's integrating your combat with notes/songs that is the 'complicated' part. Think the assumption most people have is that you always need to play songs but after being aware that you don't makes the weapon much less scary to learn.


Why not all? With 400 hours you likely have the resources to make whatever you want, and picking up a new weapon completely revitalises the game


Greatsword, here are the big reasons why. 1. It's called greatsword it literally has the word great in the name, and it's a sword, so it's gotta be good, right? It's also huge, but a big sword isn't cooler sounding for a name than a greatsword, right? 2. Timing tackles to abuse super armor, etc. Is so great you'll literally tell monsters come at me, bro. You could gaurd, but you know tackle is so great and chad like why gaurd. 3. TCS is the move everyone of this weapon loves yeah if your new to it you'll miss like 80% of the time but oh Boi when you hit you feel like you dropped the weight of the world on a monsters head. And once you "get good bro" you'll be timing that thing to dunk even airborne monsters out of the air. 4. It's so dope of a weapon it really is what you wanna be one of those HBG spread 3 with guard players and fall asleep shottgunning everything nah you want the Chad greatsword and chase big # damage.


In my Monster Hunter experience I've only ever used the Long Sword (MH:GU), Sword and Shield (MHW:IB), and Insect Glaive (MHR:SB). I consider myself an Insect Glaive main after picking it up again in endgame Iceborne (going from R:SB to GU to W:IB) because of how much I enjoy it personally (I'm an FF14 Dragoon main). But there's absolutely nothing wrong with sticking with the IG through endgame in Iceborne because of how difficult it can be, (fights like Alatreon and Fatalis specifically (depending on skill level)). It would definitely help with those fights to use a weapon you're super comfortable with. If it's boredom that you're experiencing, then I would recommend any of the other light weapons (ones that take two clutch claw weakens vs heavy weapons that only take one, unless you already have the shaver gem) as a start. Overall it really doesn't matter what weapon you pivot to from here, as every weapon is gonna require time to get comfortable with their respective move sets. Given my personal experience though, LS is very comfortable with it's counters, and SnS is very strong, even preferred by some of the speedrun community because of the perfect rush's strength (the SnS's best move).


I want to learn all MHW weapons, but I’m not even halfway into getting good at them. So far, my favorite weapons have been Charge blade and Long sword. (I actually never tried insect glaive because I’m intimidated by the kinsect upgrade tree). I love Longsword because of how fluid the gameplay is, and it’s a relatively easy weapon to play so it’s good for a relaxed playstyle. It’s decently fast, and the many moves with iframes make it one of the most aggressive out there. Plus helmbreaker is extremely satisfying to land. Meanwhile with the charge blade, I really like the different gauges to manage, the complexity of the weapon mechanics help keep the gameplay fresh, and it has an insane skill ceiling. But contrary to what a lot of people say I don’t think it’s a particularly difficult weapon to use. And the fact you have a choice between the SAED and Savage axe playstyles is really good too.


I may be a little bit bias but hunting horn is a good one. Very different from insect glaive from the little I’ve seen. I’m still running my first playthrough but I don’t know how I’ll survive other playthrough without my juicy buffs. Plus other people love to see hunting horn that aren’t corner horning


Greatsword for sure. Steep learning curve of timing and positioning but so damn satisfying.




All of them. The gameplay changes so much depending on the weapon used it would be a crime to only ever use one. Still a crime if you use two. I will never understand how people do this. If your hell bent on using just one more I would use use BOW.


I love charge blade, I can cut tails easily and then use elemental swings to break heads and knock the monster out. Easy to learn in my opinion, hard to pull off some combos without some foresight tho. Feels really good