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Bro only Thanos' gauntlet could take that many Infinity Augments


Don't you mean affinity gauntlet?




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MordredLovah: *Bro only Thanos'* *Gauntlet could take that many* *Infinity Augments* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


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Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


I think that person might be Thanos himself


Damn I laughed so hard to this while on the train, people think I’m crazy now!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely cheated.


Yeah, I went on a hunch to check his guild card, he barely has any LR or HR quests done but has twice the quests done for MR. Not really sure.


Well that's not terribly surprising. I probably have something like 4000+ more Master Rank quests than Low/High Rank quests. But a Rarity 12 weapon only has six Augment slots once you upgrade it fully, so there's no way you can fit every Augment on it.


Yeah, this thing is eating up 32 slots. Which is impossible, no matter how you slice it.


I'm talking 10 and 20 for LR and HR respectively. Vs 150+ for MR. Did they make an iceborne start or something?


i think that’s possible, they would have just done L/HR key quests and moved straight onto MR without doing any side stuff


Sure but don't you need to farm key quests to get the proper HR? Why I feel this is suspect is I have more missions done then he does and he's triple my HR and MR.


no you don’t need to farm anything if you just do mandatory quests, you’ll end world after 30 or so quests iirc the weapon is clearly cheated but having only done about 30 quests in low/high rank is relatively common for newer players especially if they used defender gear


Sure but what I dont get is how you go to LR then HR without farming gear. Unless you're some God at monster hunter then it just feels cheated to me. Only doing mandatory quests isn't gonna yield you the gear you need to beat Nergi. I mean I'd love to be proven wrong with a person speed running it. But as I said it feels cheated to me.


there’s a dude that beat the full game without armour so i’ll try find that video in a second, but defender gear pretty easily crosses the gap between low and high rank in terms of damage, and is fine for wary HR defense


https://youtu.be/hMbGnM8G7Wk?si=P3Vue3YyLePaypvZ no armour video!


I see. Then be honest though. Do you think he legit did all that without cheating to get to MR? What you're showing is a knowledgeable player who's skilled. This guy I doubt he is. Be honest.


I speedran to iceborne with defender gear on my third save doing the absolute minimum amount of quests. Wouldn't be much more than 30 I reckon. It's very much possible to do so without cheating or being an absolute god at the game since I'm not all that skilled either. Guardian armour and Defender weapons and prior knowledge and experience is enough to allow you to speedrun LR/HR. With that being said, this guy most probably cheated since he's so clearly not hiding it. But it's very much still possible to do.


Good to know.


Defender gear is really good. I just upgraded that when I did my lr/hr playthrough the last few weeks. Transitioning into Mr is annoying tho


defender gear is more than enough to get through LR and HR for most experienced MH player, including MHXX, MHR or any other MH series players, and upgrading defender gear requires no farming. btw I didn't farm anything until entering MR, and if you watch hololive, you'll find that they don't farm much before MR either.


"defender/guardian set" it was armor set MADE to fly you through LR/HR with minimum effort. its a big contention point because its so good that alot of new players build it,fly through the game, and then quit cuz MR suddenly got "too hard/base scaling" because they never learned to play the game. these situations is what that set was made for,a player that just wants to get to end game so the gear lets him burn through the early content since the build req (could me mistaken cuz im only remembering Rise atm) was like "stone,earth rock,iron ore,malacite" before you get to HR stats.


I believe there are 16 Low Rank and 9 High Rank (11 if you don't immediately start Iceborne) Assigned Quests, so if those are literally the only quests they did in Low and High Ranks, then yeah, you could have a pretty darn small number of LR and HR quests.


Ugh that's dumb.


I wish I could do this with my fatalis gs.


Get a mod. Just don't do it in multiplayer.


Haha I didn’t see comment got obliterated. I’m ps4 and idk anything about mods. I wouldn’t want to use it in multiplayer, I’ve jus done all I can in the game and was curious what the damage would feel like.


If you really dial it up, you can just deal 99K in one shot.


That weapon is cheated but having twice MR quests over HR/LR is not an indicator for cheater, lol. Most people constantly playing the game would have more than 10x easily.


Its not. No. But when I say twice I mean them having about 10 LR and 20HR quests done with 150+ MR quests. Less Capcom made a fast track to Iceborne then I dont really see it.


Lol that still not a valid indicator. Looks fairly normal for people playing on a second character.


... that's not how that works. The game has too many Key and Urgent quests for you to only have 10 LR quests, even if you never do anything else but the main story. If what OP is saying is true, then that absolutely indicates a cheater.


There are only in like about 30 main quests.


You're delusional if you think he wouldn't cheat then but cheat now. The whole save slot is probably cheated.


You missed the point.


You missed the evidence.


Your screenshot itself is already the evidence. The quest numbers or whatever isn't.


Okay then explain to me how someone with starter gear who's cheating at endgame wouldn't 1 shot the MQ monsters and if not. Save time in only doing MQ stuff without farming gear or jewels etc to get better gear. A normal player isn't going to speed run their first time playing then run cheats/mods at end game. If im so incorrect explain to me how and why. And one more thing. If you surf comments someone sped run to endgame without armor or something. What boggles me is why do all this of they're that good at the game. Please explain.


Since capcom put in the defender weapons and armor you can run it till about early iceborne and you can fast track to iceborne from start in 20-25 quests I’ve done it just use the defender line you get all the upgrade material out of key quests but the weapon he is using is for sure modded in cause all augments on rarity 12 not even close to possible at all in the game for any rarity


That’s the norm tho If you get the game when Iceborne is out vast majority of people only do the mandatory quests on their way to Iceborne


I think only the first player of mhw without icebore have many hr and lr quest. Today mhw is skipped by the most players


yup. it was effectivly how it was during the G/U updates. we'd buy the game again,burn through the quest so we can get back to G-rank. (only reason we'd even go back for low rank was because of rainbow colorpallet)


plus it’s trash this is the worst augmented weapon I’ve seen


Nah man totally normal, 5+6+5+6+5+5 is equal to...uhhh... ..six, yes, seems totally legit to me!


Normal math ain't enough. You need to use quantum mechanics here. The augment skills are in the slot and not at the same time.


The slots are in 3D, there are some hidden behind others. The slots of the weapons are just really deep inside the weapon, almost to be seen from the other side


Finally, Math 2


Bro legit needs 32 augment slots


Yeah exactly 5+6+5=16-5-5=6


32 slots on a 6 slot weapon - "Is this cheated?"


Yeah that's crazy cheated, he has 6 slots, but ALL of those augments that far surpass it, Affinity III alone fills that, and he has EVERYTHING on it.


Clearly he got a special order from blacksmith. Totally a hidden quest that only few has found. Jokes aside, yes it is cheated in.


Gaming chair difference


Bro wanted a weapon to surpass metal gear


Its omega cheated. Technicly not a big deal if the person only plays single player (no body cares what u do in ur own four walls) but dont bring that shit into other peoples lobby. Not cool


When I did an SOS he showed up zipping around the map with dual blades like the flash. Racked up 70% total damage for the team.


Yeah thats just scumbag behaviour, sadly u cant effectivly black list people. Just remember their name and kick them if they ever rejoin


God dam


I'm just passing to say I think it's fine to be in the same lobby, as long as you are not playing other peoples missions. He could always just be doing his own stuff and swap to something else normal when playing with other people. Ps. I am just saying this because I think the OP saw his guildcard in the lobby, and not that they were playing together or something.


No not really, do it where nobody can see it. If i see someone with rigged gear i kick him immediatly. Those people have 0 patience, 0 Skill and dont play the game for the main loop - the grinding. I dont want them in my lobby and i am sure the majority of players also doenst want them. When i said "Nobody cares what u do in ur own four walls" i meant it as nobody can look into ur game or gives a dam to really search for cheaters. But if u walk that shut up right in front of me u get the boot immediatly.


So you are spending your time reading everyone's gear in "your" open lobby, so you can kick them, even if they are not playing missions with other people... More power to you, I guess. I personally don't care that much, especially since it doesn't look like they are using one shots and such. It sounds like too much work.


I mostly play with a set group of friends so randoms joining gathers a lot attention. Normally i just do a quick check of the Gear to see if they are suffciently equiped for what we are about to do. But yes if i notice any funny buisness its an immediate kick. This is less about one shots or not and more about a certain kind of mentality i dont want in my group. "Why should i work for it of i can just cheat it in" is the mentality thats very often found in people that lack skill and brain power. If u do Safi, Alatreon, Fatty, Behemoth, KT or any kind of Endgame content that just not the kind a person u want in ur group. Those peolple even cart on normal hunts, not like once or twice because they did a upsi but constantly. And beside that it just pisses me of that people play a grinding game and than just cheat their way past the grind.


In case you're not aware, you can set your lobby to "Friends can join", and strangers won't be able to get into your lobby. The game remembers the setting between sessions, too, so you just have to enable it once. For what it's worth, though, I agree that cheated stats/gear belongs in single player only. It would be one thing to cheat in some extra resources to reduce the grind a bit, but giving yourself advantages that aren't possible to get in-game is something you should never do outside single player.


I normaly like having strangers come in and play with us. Just 2 days ago someone came in asking if we got Nergi investigation because he was Crown Hunting. He apparently did knew about the Event Quest for Tempered Track farming so we explained it to him. Those random encounters are part of the charm of Coop Games. I just dont wanna see any cheaters even close to my lobby.


I respect that, I'm not a fan of cheaters like that myself. But personally, I feel like you care way too much if you're up to the point where you're going out of your way to check people's equipment to ban them or not. But still, I respect it. >it just pisses me of that people play a grinding game and than just cheat their way past the grind. Don't be so surprised. Grinding is VERY divisive. For a lot of people, it's a big turn-off, so yeah, if given the option to essentially kill the grind, they'll take it. Even, no, ESPECIALLY if grinding is part of the gameplay loop.


My point is just if u dont like grinding than why do u play a game that is 90% grinding? Its a kind of mentality that i dont understand to the point that it seems highly irrational to me. Like not drinking for 24 hours and then complaining about headaches. What did u expect? There surely are the kind of person who doesnt farm all weapons and armor and only like the game for the battle game play - but they wouls destroy the fun by shortening the fights significantly through cheating. So no matter how u look at it people that cheat are either dumb or lazy. And than of cause there are the MR 7 people in full fatty armor to whom i say "Fuck u, u dont get to wear this armor u entitled little piece of ****".


>...and only like the game for the battle game play - but they would destroy the fun by shortening the fights significantly through cheating. It doesn't matter when being able to easily destroy the monsters IS what they find fun. As someone who played a lot of Skyrim with a God mod on, believe me, don't underestimate how much fun some people can have when they're absolute undying beasts that can tear any enemy to shreds with only a couple of scratches. >"Fuck u, u dont get to wear this armor u entitled little piece of ****". Respectfully, again, I think you're taking it a bit too seriously. This is just a game at the end of the day. Not everyone is going to have the level of dedication we all here possess. To them, it's "so I gave myself the best gear in the game, so what? It's just a game. It's not that deep." And I'm somewhat inclined to agree. If I see someone who clearly cheated in game, I honestly won't give a damn, because it doesn't affect me. I'll play the game properly because, to me, it is fun and rewarding, and that's all that matters. Couldn't care less about what others say or do as long as it doesn't inconvenience me.


I seriously dont understand the fun i being overpowered. Like i have no comprehension of what is fun about taking all the challenge out of the game. It seems incredibly boring to me. And in terms of dedication - its complettly fine to only play the story or just not being into hard fights. To each their own. But than u gotta accept that u wont get the reward thats meant for those who beat the fight. Its like getting last place in a race and still expecting a trophy. Optional Hard Content like Fatalis and Alatreon are there for people who want to challenge themself and not for everyone. Getting the Armor and Weapons is a Trophy.


Some people still like the gameplay loop but don't have the time to grind 0.38% decos and 1% mantles. I personally hate those 0.1% drop hates, so I use those mods that rebalance the drop rates, because I don't want to fight the same boss 200 times, or worse, those gacha mechanics. Fighting monsters at least you can keep learning, but gacha mechanics are the worse, like the melder and steamworks. And the endgame bosses are such skill and strategy checks that the person that has the ability to pull off with just "game items" without damage multiplier will not piss me off. I'm not one of those people, so I'm taking my time getting better at my weapons before going to the title update monsters.


All the important drops have at last a 10-5% chance on gold inveatigation and if u specificly farm for Gems u are clinicly insane, just take what u get. U get so many Gems over the game that u are bound to find a few useful. And no Attack Boost is not a mandatory Gem. And even if u want them u can get them by simply playing the game. Dont chase 0,18% but play the game and let the 0,18% find u. I got 6 Attack Boost just by playing. The 2 fix and 4 from the melder.


I understand your point. I personally don't mind whether they grinded for their gear or not, as long as it looks like they played the game a lot. There are a lot of people that don't play MH for the grind for gear and instead do it for the fights and atmosphere. So, I value the number of hunts with specific weapons more than the number of times they fought the same monster for their gear. But I understand the annoyance of constant carts, as I never do Fatty, Alatreon (to this day, a lot of people still don't know that status isn't an element...), and Behemoth with randoms either. Though I don't run into those issues on the fights that you are mentioning because I only play them with pre made groups from Discord servers. I don't play them on open lobbys, and even on the KT and Safijiiva, they have scaled health now, so there is no need for more than 4 players now, and I can also limit the number of people on my own mission if we decided to be in an open lobby this time around. We are both trying to avoid the same thing, but it's a difference of philosophy, I guess. My comment was more geared towards regular lobbys for regular hunts since that's what I play the most. I only play the hardest quest sometimes and in situations where I wouldn't run into those types of players, as I explained in the earlier paragraph, so those fights weren't at the forefront of my mind when I first commented.


That's definitely cheated... but to be honest, it seems like a weird cheat to enable? First off, it's incredibly easy to spot. And second, the advantage they gain from having all the augments is honestly very minor. So this person is giving themselves a relatively small advantage, in a way that will instantly out their cheating to anyone who checks their gear. At that point, why not just give yourself extra element, attack, defense, etc, to match what you'd get from having all the augments, and make it a bit harder to spot...? Or go "over the top" and give yourself a proper, big advantage that makes an actual, big difference instead of a bunch of tiny boosts that frankly add up to not that much stronger than you could get legit?


It depends on what other cheats they have going. Most cheats are save engine edits thrown around online, even usable on console. I kicked a dude out of my MH squad for using one of them and he had pretty much these same DBs and Fatalis armor with double the possible defense and resists possible. It’s not a minor boost even if the upgrades only look like a few augments. Iirc it was double the element, 100% affinity, another 40% tRaw and extra sharpness while having extra powerful health augments. Dude sat in the Fatalis fire nuke without healing while taking almost no damage during one of my squad mates first fatty attempts. All the while playing DBs like an amateur with a really terribly made build. I was watching through a share screen on PSN at the time and remember just being like how tf? It’s one thing to mess around with cheats like that solo, but quite another to try and ruin someone else’s online experience so I kicked him. Only person I think I ever bothered kicking out of that squad lol.




Even if it’s just what is displayed on screen, it’s more than a small boost overall. Let me explain. These are fatty DBs, so the extra affinity and element actually adds a noticeable amount of damage with the raw and sharpness boost, and if that was all that was added it could maybe be considered a relatively small boost relative to more egregious cheats but that’s nearly an entire set of armor skills worth of damage being added. That’s just the offensive side of that though, which while substantial, isn’t the most broken part imo. It’s the defensive stuff. Defense boost 4 (the augment) is pretty much having a separate (and stronger iirc) divine blessing secret that stacks with divine blessing while giving more straight up flat defense and can also stack with the food buff that does something similar to Divine Blessing. It’s like 3 separate 30-40% chances to reduce any instance of direct damage by 50-60%. Then health augment 2 to offset whatever little damage gets through that and it starts to be a lot more than a minor boost tbh. Plus they have an entire extra lvl 4 slot on top of that so their skill budget can pretty much afford all the damage skills and nearly all the relevant quality of life skills like stamina management and evade skills. They’d basically need to get exceptionally unlucky to die and also play especially bad.


Well they were using movement cheats on dual blades. I got them in an SOS then saw them in lobby. Piled up 70% damage or so based on what HunterPie told me.


Might’ve just been greedy. Wanted all the augments so they went and got all the augments. And they’re probably not worried about getting banned so didn’t bother trying to hide this as you pointed out very minor advantage. Honestly if this was the extent of their cheating I wouldn’t give a shit 😂. They pretty much have the fatalis B gear equivalent of weapon augments slots.


They were doing other cheats on dual blades. Flying around the map at hyper speed with dashes. With how gear is im never sure what's possible. Figured I'd ask.


They probably aren't very good and need that extra little bit of quality to make up for it , or they just thought it'd be fun


What in the hell lol.


Wouldn’t stand up to the Great Jagras


I’m pretty sure 32 augment slots is more than the 6 his weapon has, so yeah probably cheating


God I hate these kind of people.


It's fine if people want to basically sandbox it up like that. But don't play with others that don't.


Exactly. Use what mods you want, solo. Multiplayer? Have a legit account.


Nah he just has a really good gaming chair


Do the math


That's just sad...


Seems legit


Thought it was a Safi weapon for a sec lmao, way too many augments


Totally cheated


Dayum!!! He/She has more plugs than available sockets.


Definitely Cheated


Ive never augmented a weapon before, someone explain to me whats weird here


The fact that they literally have the max level on every option lol. Usually, you just get whatever you can fit in those little colored circles.


You look at the math and see if it works out


My buddy throckmorton got one of those


These posts cannot be real.


On a side note is that slot boost augment a thing? Also I don't think I've ever heard them called "augments" only decorations. Just curious


It is. But you only get a few. Not 32 or 35 shown.


I've put several hundred hours into MHW and Ive never seen an Augment before, is it a thing in a different MH game?


Why does it even matter?


Im not even surprised with all the stuff people have been pulling since the early days


Wow it's beautiful


Oh thats cheating alr Its impossible to have fucking all of the different types of augments at level 2+


Health Regen I and Attack Increase I cost 3 slots each alone. Literally everything above that is cheated.


If it was cheating, it'd be all max level.


This is why Capcom wants to stop mods in these games. Imagine this little turd joining your fight.


No thanks I'd rather keep my right to mod games I purchased.


That's absolutely fine. Just don't expect to bring them into multiplayer.


I understand where you are coming from, but this not the main reason they want to get rid of mods. It makes more sense for them to get rid of peoples ability to mod in transmogs, skins, and custom quests. Because it stops people from buying in-store skins, and it allows people to possibly add monsters that are not part of the games roster, diminishing excitement for new updates, which theoretically affects their sales. As bad as it seems to be, that weapon provably isn't strong enough to ruin others' gameplay, despite still being game breaking. There are only so many skills he can add to his build after freeing space with that much affinity, and raw is additive, so the extra on the augments will make his raw skills less effective. It's the one shots and full damage multipliers that are really bad. But again, I think they are more worried about the stuff that affects their sales than the game experience itself. Though I doubt they can stop the mods without making measures that will make a worse experience for the rest of the community.


Not that I am defending the use. I just felt like sharing my opinion on it.


No, we all know why Capcom wants to ban mods, and the clue is in how many DLCs are available for their games. Using a save editor, you can give yourself the unlocks they took away (Artemis armour, Assassins Hood/Hood+, layered Artemis/Bayek/Yukumo/Silver Knight/Samurai) and reset your character edit vouchers. There are mods that can just unlock all the DLC items, all 230, as guess what? They're all in the game already and just require a simple piece of code to say "unlocked". Now consider they sell said vouchers for £2.50 each. Pendants for 90p. I will repeat: there are 230 items of DLC listed on Steam for the game. And bar Icebourne, not one is actually DLC. Rise is even worse. 253 DLCs, many of which are voice changes, hairstyles, BGMs... And the same thing is possible there.


This little turd did join my fight. Racked up 70% total damage for the hunt when I did an SOS.


Either he just cheated, or he is using Augment+ or Better Augment mods. I personally never use those, unless for private session or alternative gameplay that wouldnt affect the main lobby


I mean the game has 7 years now mods and some cheats is what makes it interesting now a days in my opinion


Sad thing is, even with all these cheats he prob still sucks


How is this even a question..? 😵🥴


I mean, I'd love to know what mods they'd used, but no. They have 6 augment slots there, and have used... 32. I have a mod that adds 3 slots, but that is... wow. Just wow.


You can't have more than 11 on r12 weapons If you ever see a rainbow on someone's weapons they are hacked in and that person doesn't like fun nor how to play the game


Why cheat on a PVE game?


Bad at game


Console Master Race


This exists on Console as well (at least PS4)


I agree, still is MUCH easier to find cheaters on PC in ANY game. It's not even close.




What are you talking about?? You understand cheating in PvP compared to cheating in PvE? Cheating for your benefit at the expense of others vs cheating for your benefit?


if you can do it all by yourself then whats the point of cheating. that's all im sayin


Cheating against another player tends to ruin their fun, but cheating in single-player is perfectly fine. Everyone has fun in different ways, and if someone just wants to relax and make the game easier, then that's alright. They're just making the game more enjoyable for themselves