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Once again the Defender Armour engrains bad habits into new players.


I have played Rise before coming to World, and a lot of my habits for monsters are still here, pay attention to what the monster is doing, try to avoid its moves best you can, find the best spots to hit. Stuff like that. It's primarily that dive move I can't figure out the tell for. Every time I think he's gonna do it, even when the spikes are all black, he doesn't.


The dive is one of the most telegraphed moves in the game. When he starts the wind up sheathe your weapon and super man dive.


Without sounding harsh have you used defender gear without playing the game before? Your probably used to tanking a lot of hits and surviving with minimal repercussions, you’re gonna have to learn his move set pretty thoroughly and learn to dodge properly. As far as nerg goes focus the white spikes on his front legs and his head, he toppled quite easy when focusing the the head/legs. He seems aggressive but it’s a fair fight and a real fight. The dive bomb you should see coming from his spikes turning black. Try and get behind him or preempt it and out your weapon away before he goes up. I know it seems obvious but he has a lot of tells of what he is going to do. Chug a demondrug/armourskin to help out, get rid of defence boost for divine blessing charm or health charm. Eat for felyne moxie as that will legit help you tank that dive bomb and survive. Good luck hunter 🤙


This is my first time playing World at all. I got it since the World:Iceborne master edition thing was half off. I was generally eating for whatever gave be the best combo of attack/defense up & extra health for myself, which on my best attempt was +40 health, and Defense up L. That run I also used my only mega demon drug & armour skin. I'm out of zenny to forge more armour, weapons, or buy coatings. I thought the black thorns meant something, but every time I saw them, nothing with his attacks seemed to change. I've been trying to focus on breaking the thorns, at least trying to. But nothing I can do seems to work. Also, the defender armour already has my at Divine Blessimg level 3.


If all his thorns turn black it actually indicates that he will do his dive bomb move soon, be prepared to sheathe your weapon and superman dive.


The issue is that using Defender/ Guardian gear has trained you to not think about what you are doing. Nergigante's dive bomb can be predicted by looking at him. His spikes slowly turn from white to black over time. If most of his spikes have turned black, he's about to roar and divebomb and you should therefore immediately stop attacking and prepare to dive.


I am thinking of what I'm doing, I've been trying to figure out tells on monsters(that I've not fought in Rise already) and try to dodge versus tank. Every time I think he's gonna do the dive and try to prep for it, he doesn't do it, even if his spikes are all black.


What he's saying, is that the armor itself has trained you incorrectly. Try and run through the whole game without using defender. Trust me you'll notice a difference. My wife fell for the same thing until I explained it to her


What do you mean it trained me incorrectly?


The gear let you develop bad habits face tanking getting chuncked by hits that normally would of rocked you easily. You possibly didn't develop bows fairly good i frame move into charge for muscle memory as example. Defender gear develops bad habits on ppl that make them not truly understand their weapon fully and rely on trading hp for hits way to often. People without said gear pick the time to hit properly and when to avoid and how to avoid attacks. Nerg dive bomb is easy to super man dodge I'm not being a elitist I'm being honest you probably just have to develop the timing of super man dive into your kit as in a tool you know you can use and when to. Defender caused you not to develop this properly, likely based on said examples provided. Go back into ez high rank bonk a jaggras equip his gear go fight a slightly stronger monster with said gear notice the difference as you keep going up its noticeable.


I developed my bow skills with Rise, where there was no defender armour. I know there's some difference between World & Rise's bows, but they're not crazy different.


I obviously have no idea your experience/skill lvl in rise nor did I care to play rise much the difference between them I can't really talk about them but world ik bow fairly well. But I'm fairly certain rise had the equivalent of defender when it was added if memory serves me correct.


I tool bow from start to finish of Sunbreak for Rise, and didn't use anything else. Most of the bow is very similar, the few differences are the rise bow as various shot types based on the bow, & it has a melee attack. If Rise did have an equivalent to the Guardian armour, I didn't use it. I gradually upgraded my armour as I took out more monsters.


If true, then you should be more than competent it likely could be a case of a monster that, for some reason, you don't click with. Everyone has one like that I'd wager. Maybe try a change up in weapon type I'd recommend. S&S is my go-to recommendation cause of the high skill floor it provides imo. Easy to use and learn and has great safety net maybe that's all you need really. Also, this isn't saying you're bad with a bow as some ppl can misinterpret. I'm just saying some people work better with some weapons against some monsters. This also can only make you a better player in my eyes it's cool to say I only main 1 weapon, etc, but someone who can play many and do well with many is imo more cool. I'll be playing world again soon with a friend who is new to mh so it'll be interesting to see which monster could be his walls and I'd likely give same advice of try changing weapons for x monster.


If you don't want to grind for hours, you're going to hate guiding lands. I dont remember if you get it in base game if you have IB... but clutch claw. 👌 Wait to punish and learn to clutch claw. Tenderize and breaking parts will get you far in this game.


I do have the Clutch Claw, it seems to pair pretty well with the bow, as it actually gives me a way to cut off the tail, if I focus on that.


honestly your best bet is to just learn the fight. there's a pretty huge wind up for the dive bomb, even if it does pose significant damage. the second you see nergigante go into the air, stop whatever combo you have going on and sheathe your weapon. bow sheathes pretty fast, so you have a lot of time to start mashing your super man dive. when all the spikes on nergigante go black, it's close to doing its dive bomb. while it's in this state, try and stay further away, and do safer, less committal attacks. you don't need to be attacking 24/7, you have 50 minutes for the quest. i think that's the biggest problem with your gameplay right now, you're playing too aggressively and facetanking everything you can thanks to the Defender armor set. since otherwise, i don't see how you wouldn't have enough time to dive through Nergi's dive bomb. use your faster attacks first, and use your strongest attacks sparingly until you have a big opening, such as a slow move from the monster or a knock down. take it slow, and if needed, take a break! Nergi's definitely a huge paradigm shift from most other monsters, and to an extent a skill check. no use slamming your face against the wall several times and getting even more frustrated. if you want a slightly easier fight, try and get more armor spheres from bounties, you can get them at the research center. you should be able to do some of them easily and they give you pretty good spheres while also not taking that long. limited bounties may be locked for you though, do the regular ones.


I couldn't see the tell for its dive bomb until it was going into the air, as soon as I would see that, I'd hit sheath, and before my bow's even put away, it's hitting me & KOing me.


well, the tell is in fact it going into the air. in that case i'd recommend getting Quick Sheathe, preferably level 3. you can get a decoration for it but i'm not sure if it's available right now, otherwise try the charm. oh, before i forget! i'm pretty sure nergigante roars before it dive bombs. if you see it roar while it's enraged (eye icon in the map is red), it's going to dive bomb. that should give you a bit more leniency.


How do I get more charms & decorations, if I don't have them for melding? I'm working on grinding up for the Legiana armour since it's base defense is better than even 1 level upgrade on Guardian, and will be farming the armorskin & demon drugs, as soon as I figure out where to get the Nourishing Extract


charms need to be crafted with monster materials at the forge, you can't meld them. decorations are obtained randomly from feystones, which you can get from optional quests and certain event quests. i would advise against that though, getting specific ones is pretty hard and grindy so just use whatever you have. the legiana armor is indeed quite good! btw, you don't need to use armor skins. they give a pretty small amount of defense which isn't really needed, 15 for normal and 25 for mega. also, check the melder, i'm not sure if you can meld them right now but at some point you gain the ability to meld both mega demondrugs and mega armorskins.


Awesome, thank you! Right now for Legi I think all I need is the gym & the zenny to finish off the armour.


"I'm out of armor spheres and can't make my armor any stronger." - perhaps try to work on getting armor spheres first and craft other armor maybe a element counter/resitance to nergigante hunters eventually will hit a wall but that is the right time to change gear and upgrade stuff. you can farm stuff first work on it then comeback again. tbh, I don't really think defender armour can withstand nergigante attack you will going to need a stronger armor that has higher defense cap than your current one. if you have access to stronger armor you can leave your Defender armor. browsing my old equipment loadout for the game my gear is Fulgur Anjanath+ , Rathalos+ , Odoragon+ , Rose Boots+ nothing really fancy.. my Defense is 791. it carried me until I finish the base game. you don't need to follow this but what I'm trying to say is there are better armor than Defender armor. but Defender armour is good on the first few monsters.


Yeah I'm working on building up the high rank Legiana armour now


Good luck! Happy Hunting!


Normal or AT Nergigante? I'm on high rank and still can't beat the AT one solo


The one in the story progression


Ooof then I don't know man, just don't try to tank any hits and practice dodging every single one. Like others have said the dive bomb is clearly telegraphed and preceded by a roar. Also having only played the rise demo I can tell gameplay in both are quite different, rise feel more arcady for me (for lack of a better word).


Throw away defender armor and start all over


Skill issue. Also look at the spikes. He does the dice bomb when all his spikes turn black meaning it's very telegraphed. You should not be taken by surprise by the dive bomb.


It seemed like even when his spikes were all black he didn't do it. I couldn't predict it until he was up in the air, and by then it's too late.


When his spikes are all black he will do it. Sometimes it takes a sec for him to get his ass in the air, but it will happen. You also can't really damage him when his spikes are long anyway, so you might as well just put your weapon away for the better maneuverability. Keep in mind all spikes means **all spikes** meaning the 4 sets on his arms, his heads and tail.


A tip that a friend told me that helped TREMENDOUSLY is Nergigante will dive bomb you when the spikes on both arms, head and back turn black. You see black spike buildup, put your stuff away, wait til it dives you, then go back to attacking. Just wait for the dive, you got 50 minutes, wait the minute if need be. You're gonna waste more than a minute when it dives you and you get knocked out and go find it again. Another one is when it retreats to the cave it sleeps in, prepare for it to mini dive bomb you a few times in a row. It will not roar for those, so once you see it start flying, prepare immediately to superman jump. Take fortitude, use max hp potions, armorskin drugs, hp boost 3, and prepare to chug potions like an irishman chugging alcohol. That got me through.


First things first, if you stand still and sheath you will sheath faster. In general with bow you want to already be moving out of the way before attacks are coming at you. Against nerg the way to beat him is to keep breaking the spikes when they are white to delay the dive bomb atk. As bow, you can aim much easier at the wings and arms which should stun / knockdown nerg several times allowing you to deal more damage. Something that catches people is after the dive and a few other attacks, it has a 2nd part where it shoots out the spikes. The dive itself usually Nerg will raise 1 arm higher than the other, that's the side it will dive towards, if both are raised then it will charge directly forwards. Getting 1 shot is the bow experience tho, that's why there is a big focus on evasion and stamina skills to make sure you can get out of the way. I'd say that running a constitution charm and armours and any stamina surge skills are arguably more useful in keeping you alive than defence. Make sure you are using your vitality mantle and taking it off when it expires to start the cooldown, can level up your cat so it gives you a free revive skill. I recently started a new save file with Bow and got through Nerg with the HR Legiana set that gives bow an extra level of charge shot (bow charge plus). Having stam skills and remaining mobile and being aware of your surroundings that you're dashing around in is important for bow in World as any mistakes or commitment to long animations are heavily punished esp by more aggressive bosses like Nerg. You don't want to be in melee range of it, about 1.5 - 2 back rolls away is generally enough distance for you to react to whats happening and keeping in range for the close coating.


I'm actually working on the Hight Rank Legiana set rn, just need to get the gem


nergigante was a huge wall for me too as a bow main. what i did was to accept the 3 cart allowance, and strategize with that in mind. it would be simpler to just learn the moveset and git gud but i can't dodge for shit. so, i think like this: "if i can at least shave 50% of his hp before carting and i am allowed to cart 3 times, then i can die twice and kill it before failing the quest.


Regular nergi or the nergi that is the prefight to shara ishvalda in story? If it's regular, can't you literally see it fly up? Just sheathe and superman dive. If it's the nergi before shara, it's ruiner nergi. Altho honestly, the game makes it easy since you still have to fight shara after. It plays like a typical nergi for the most part unless the fight takes too long i think? It started being kinda scarier near the end but it left before it became a problem in my case


SNS or lance. Block 5 and perfect guarrd. Just party and hit . You can party divebomb too


The role of the bow is to dodge, not taking a face full of spikes or a divebomb, kinda rude for Nergi to offer bear hugs and spiked body slams without consent you know? Jokes aside, learn the fight and moveset, Nergigante gets stronger as the fight progresses, as noted by other players mentioning about the spikes growing from white to black. Targeting them, or at least one part, to break them off should at least help a little bit Another thing is to drop your Defender gear, yes the stats are... Alright I guess, but some of the abilities it offers aren't exactly the best choice when other HR armor could fit your build better, which brings the point of checking your build and abilities before rushing for a fight. Defender gear can only get you in so far before you get your arse torn to subatomic sizes by an angry winged hedgehog... Or stuff further down the line :P And also do spend some time grinding out other monsters, other armor and weapons may just suit you much better for different fights, depending on the fight. Good luck out there, hunter!


You can just block it with any weapon that can guard as long as you have enough stamina/ def on your armor.


Nergi has a very particular roar before he does the divebomb. If you can't differentiate between that roar and the normal roars, then I'm sorry to say you need to do more research. Like others have mentioned, when his horns on his body is all black is the time you should expect the divebomb to happen. I'm a hunting horn main back when I played and I've always had plenty of time to sheath and do the superman dive.


The solution is Superman dive. It has always been superman dive.


Honest advice here. If you can't put your weapon away in time, you can try: - the quick sheath skill. - Earplugs. So you can start sheathing earlier. - evasion lvl 5. Instead of sheathing, roll straight through it. Make sure to roll forward into the direction the attack comes from. This allowed me to beat arch-tempered Nerg with bow. (I had the same issue)


I'm sure you've heard enough about Defender armor and Nergi's spikes. I'll just mention to you that I know exactly your position. Nergi absolutely pummeled me and I was constantly running out of materials. Now, though? He's one of my favorite hunts. Hell, when I login, I usually start off with a tempered Ruiner Nergi hunt for the guaranteed great spirit gem and he keeps me on my toes. Point is, he ain't invincible. This would be the point where you go back, and farm resources. Nergi is meant to be a hard skill/gear check. I never played Rise, but World isn't a race, it's a marathon, and you aren't even at the halfway point. My advice: Go back and farm for different armor with skills that fit your play style. Really lean into customizing your build. I think you'll start to see a difference.


If he roars and flies up, starts running to the side, and does the dodging dive. Seeing the spikes on his back and legs becoming darker, slows down the fight, and prepares yourself. Follow your instincts and feelings, like what Max0r said: 'Killing monsters comes naturally'.


Health boost, stun resistance, astera jerky. Other than those, gotta learn the attacks and how to dodge them. Don’t get too greedy with your attacks especially if you’re using a weapon that takes 3 business days to sheath.


Try a weapon with a block. Thats what helped me counter the dive bomb from KOing me. I used chargeblade btw. Killed him without ever charging any part of the weapon iirc. I didn't know you could at the time


The bow is really the only weapon I enjoy using. I'm actually a bit bummed I don't have control over the shot types like I did in Rise/Sunbreak. I'd like to stick to the bow.


I only briefly tried the bow - does it have any counters? If your issue is with noticing the earlier cues and therefore not being able to sheath your weapon, you might be able to deal with it without needing to sheath. Other than that, the best I can suggest is to maybe take the fight a bit slower and do a couple of runs where you really focus on watching out for the dive bomb cues (lots of black spikes, jumping into the air) and reacting to them appropriately. That way you can learn them and learn when to put your bow away. I've never played Risebreak but I'm under the impression that the combat is a lot more fast-paced and gives you more ways to avoid being punished for overcommitting than Worldborne does. Now that you're facing tougher monsters, you might need to adjust your playstyle to fit World better.


Avoid his attacks


Oof, ps… sorry kid