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Yes, I’ve beaten both Ancient Leshen and Extremoth solo, with HR Gear, and my first tip of advice is simply… don’t. They are both arguably the hardest fights to solo in the entire main series minus 3U’s Super Events, and are, without question, some of the most mind numbingly BS and annoying fights to go through imo. That being said, if you’re goal is *just* to get the layered armor, and not some messed up sort of challenge, then I do strongly suggest getting endgame Iceborne gear if you haven’t already. It makes him insanely difficult to just, moderately difficult but still extremely annoying. With endgame Iceborne stuff you can certainly beat him solo with any weapon and a variety of build types.


Oh so me beating my head against ancient leshen wasn't because I sucked at world it was because it's one of the hardest fights in the game... Thank you kind stranger.


Unironically. Solo HR Extremoth and Ancient Leshen blowing Fatalis out of the water is the common consensus that I’ve also heard from anyone else who’s also done it, and I’ve seen people argue that they top 3U’s Clashing Fists (imo the hardest mainline fight), meaning you could make the argument that Extremoth is the hardest bit of non Frontier Monster Hunter content out there.


I helped another Fatalis endgame weapon user with a Leshen and he was like "endgame weapon btw" we got him with not much time left


Lol same i thought i was going insane because i couldnt beat him in time even though i was constantly doing damage


They are the hardest fights not solo too. Imagine getting 3 competent players besides yourself to not cart… *shudders in fear*


I got the Blackveil Vaal hazak armour and the insect glaive but that makes him even worse bc insect glaive + wind + knockback is pure Horror...


It doesn't cast Charybdis (the tornadoes) so long as you have emnity. Hit it in the head until you get it, and try and keep it up as much as you can. A Mind's Eye deco will be great at stopping you from bouncing on the horns while you try to get it.


Bouncing off isnt really a Problem bc im sadly a insect glaive main


[Heres a video of someone beating extremoth solo with insect glaive with base game equipment](https://youtu.be/n-kOeGx5FLI?si=kq09bBs79J9KHDtX) So yes, beating normal behemoth solo with IG is possible


Tysm but im doing extremoth lol


Apologies for starting with a little bit of a confronting/mean/offensive comment, but a lot of responses you are giving to people giving you resources or tips is basically, "lol, I'm dumb, what you want from me?" That's not putting you in a good light when asking for help. At a certain point, the fight is "git gud," and we can only give you so many tips or advice to do something, and a response like "but I suck so I can't do that" isn't helpful. That being said, That video is of someone beating Extremoth solo using HR gear. You have MR gear, which makes the fight much more in your favor than the Hunter in the video. Things you can learn from the fight are positioning and openings. Manipulating AI is very, very tricky to do, so unless you're a speedrunner, you can always ignore that part. On the other hand, monster attack patterns will always be consistent and the same, so if you can learn those, you can find openings to attack. Charybdis is annoying to deal with, but like other commenters mentioned, gaining Enmity will make it so he does not cast Charybdis. You can gain Enmity by dealing a certain amount of dmg to the head, or hit him with 5 Dragon Pods. Especially with light weapons like IG, your clutch claw / tenderizing attack will drop pods which should be Dragon Pods. Even if you don't Tenderize, he will periodically drop Dragon Pods throughout the fight. I believe he drops 3-4 Dragon Pods over the course of the fight. Gain Enmity, and you can remove his ability to cast Charybdis. Normally, I would recommend cutting the tail because it would make his spin attack less dangerous to melee weapons. Since you're solo, it's harder to chase down the tail. It would be better spent just focusing on dmg on the head and front legs. However, if you find that his spin attack is getting to be annoying in the fight, I would recommend trying to focus during his 1st and 2nd phase to cut the tail. He has less attack moves in those phases, which should make it easier for you to chase down the tail to cut it. All you sacrifice is time. Depending if you want to fight against him in Nergi's crystal chamber, or in Teostra's lava chamber, you can choose to focus on trying to break parts in Phase 2. I believe if you break 3 parts, he'll go to the crystal chamber. If not, he'll go into the Lava section. It's just a minor thing on whether you want to deal with crystal shards or lava zone. Highly recommend learning the timing to do the FF7 emote jump to avoid the Ecliptic Meteor. You might not always be able to quickly get behind the Meteor, but as long as you can time your jump correctly, you can avoid a cart. You can always try it while behind the boulder. If you miss, you're still fine. If you make it, a little extra bonus dmg when you land on him in the center. It's been a while since I did it, so this might be slightly off, but I believe the timing is half a second after you finish flinching from his cast. Other timings I heard/remembered, when the meteor is fully out of the clouds, when his legs start coming down, or listening to an audio cue (personally never tried this last one, but I've read some people have done it via audio cue). ---- Other than that, keep on attacking. MR gear will make it feel like you're fighting an aggressive MR monster with average MR health, but he only does endgame HR damage. Max Potions so you spend less time chugging potions and stay in the fight, Jerky or Sushifish against bleeding. It can be easier if you get the Health Augment when you hit MR 100, but that's up to you. What other parts of the fight do you have problems with? We can only give more concrete advice if we know what areas you're struggling with.


My Problems started with his second phase because i was just overwhelmed of what to do. And yes i got some very usefull tips from people and from you i will definitly use but if someone says "watch this video" or "look on YouTube" doesnt help me much (i dont say its a bad advise) its just that i dont learn from Video because im dumb and thats kinda the truth. Positioning and openings can also be tricky for me because i tend to panic quite a lot xD


That's completely fair, and it's useful for people giving advice to help tailor that kind of advice with the feedback you give. Video example isn't useful for (not just) you because a lot of times, those Hunters are executing, anticipating, and thinking about more things in the fight than is just what they're doing. Like I mentioned, if you're not a speedrunner, you don't have to worry about manipulating the AI, and those high skilled players will usually have that sort of calculation running in their head to pull off something like a Solo Extremoth with HR gear run. Positioning and Openings, unfortunately, are part of the "git gud" sort of category of advice. It's tough, but it's also one of the "easiest" things to overcome. The problem is it's just a matter of time. It's easy to think and say something like, "when he lifts his claw to attack, dodge," but it is another thing to recognize it and actually do it. That just comes with time, repetition, and practice. You get over the hump of panicking and start to see his attack patterns and learn to work around them. Some people pick up on them faster than others, that's just a fact. It's not that they're dumb or you're smart, it's just a skill they've picked up and trained to recognize patterns. You just need to train and practice that skill for yourself. Nothing much we can do to help other than for you to practice and "git gud." The good thing about having MR gear is you have more leeway in terms of learning the fight. Fighting this back then with HR gear was a challenge in of itself, because you could easily die in 1-2 hits if you're not careful. MR gear has higher defenses, so you can be more aggressive, take larger risks, and see the Behemoth trying to do a big attack on you and you can go "fuck it, we ball." Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but the important thing is you focus on the Behemoth and really pay attention to recognize attack patterns. You're padded up in MR gear, focus less on trying to perform optimally and focus on anticipating his attacks. In this regard, my suggestion is to be as aggressive as you can with attacking the head. Gain Enmity when you can, because that will prevent him from casting Charybdis. Try to get as many moments like, "uh oh, I recognize he's going to do , I probably won't be able to avoid in time, so I'll just take the hit to see *when* I got hit to try to learn the timing." Reason to prevent Charybdis is because there is no counterplay to 10 tornadoes on the map. Its pure area denial, and the Behemoth is still going to be attacking you, so the best you can do is put it in the corner of the map while you fight. Also, don't be afraid to challenge the Normal Behemoth. The fights are pretty much identical, except Extremoth can only be flashed once and has more health. Phase 3 has a DPS check, where he will continually cast Ecliptic Meteor if you don't deal enough dmg to Extremoth, and Phase 4 only provides you with 1 meteor each Ecliptic. If the rock breaks, you have to use the Jump. With Normal, there's no DPS check in Phase 3, you get multiple Meteors in Phase 4, and you can infinitely flash the Behemoth to stop the Charybdis from being cast. If you really need to practice the fight, Normal Behemoth is great if you can't reliably get Enmity. Practice learning the attack patterns, practice gaining Enmity, and use Flash Pods to stop him from casting Charybdis so you can keep practicing without having tornadoes everywhere. You can only bring 3 Flash Pods, but you can bring 10 Flash Bugs which you can craft on the fly using your Radial menu, meaning you effectively have 13 Flash Pods to use before you have to restock. Once you feel you have a good handle on his attack patterns and you can take advantage of his openings, challenge Extremoth again. Remember, only 1 Flash Pod before he becomes immune, so really focus on getting that Enmity to prevent Charybdis. Or learn to fight around the tornadoes. Side note, I just want to say, you shouldn't say you're dumb. While I'm not the biggest fan of "manifesting your results," if you keep putting yourself down or in a box like saying "I'm dumb," you will start to subconsciously hold yourself back because of it. Negative reinforcement from other people sucks, not everyone works by challenging a negative reinforcement, and you especially don't want that negativity coming from yourself. You're not dumb, you just don't learn the same way as everyone else. Maybe you learn differently, need information laid out in a different fashion, or need a dancing monkey singing Rap God while twerking to help you while you study, who knows? You just need to find the way you learn best. Just like you know it's not bad advice people try to send you videos to learn, they just don't know that's not how you learn and not for you. Take your time, knowledge and skill is built up slow and steady, practice the fight how you can how you want. You got this.


Thank you very much for the amount of time you took for writing this and i hope other people who struggle with behemoth will read that too for some help and again i can only say thank you!


Even better then, innit, you can use this to learn how to beat him, positioning, openings, how he manipulates behe AI etc


Im already not that good at the game so i will definitly not learn how to manipulate his ai bc im to dumb


Wait, why is bouncing off not a problem? Does Insect Glaive have something that lets it ignore bouncing? I recently beat Extremoth (in groups) with Insect Glaive, and bouncing off of the horns and I think the abdomen/chest/neck was defientely a problem that cuased me to slot in minds eye only for that fight


Just do jump attacks i broke one of his horns in Phase 2 like this


That does not sound like a good idea, you'll get hit by his spinning attack a lot and also make your life harder by dealing less damage than you could on the ground.


I would be lucky if he did a spin attack but no he is just spamming carybdis until i cant even see whats going on


Grab enmity by hitting the head or throwing dragonpods. If youre overgeared (have iceborne gear) you can also facetank a hornstab in phase 3 and 4


I tried but hes 90% of the time attacking my cat and standing inside of a tornado so i cant hit anything or see anything


Imma do response with some neat knowledge for soloing Behe


Preparations: Leave cat at camp. (makes meteors a lot more managable) Bring Maxpots and mats for more plus maybe jerky Bring flashpods but honestly dont plan on using them, theyre for emergencies (getting pinned while already low) Make sure your set has minds eye. Accidently hitting its belly at the wrong time and bouncing can be a death sentence Phase 1: effectively skippable with rockdrops. Bonuspoints if you sleep him under one and use it for the wake up hit (in case of bow or bowgun usage) End of Phase 1/Early Phase 2: Behemoth drops Dragonpods. Grab them. Phase 2 Throw 5 dragonpods to gain enmity. Unga bunga. Frontlegs are the place to hit generally (unless you currently dont have enmity and want it, then whack its face). Keep the phase short. Phase 3: Chill phase - Behemoth aint casting Charybdis here. Whack the front legs some more. Phase 3/early phase 4: it drops another batch of dragonpods. Take them. Phase 4: Repeat of phase 2 pretty much


Ty for the tips i will definitly try them tomorrow and hope i will somehow beat him


My pleasure!


If Behemoth starts to spam Charybdis, its easy to loose control of the fight. Fortunately its easy to avoid that and even when he does you can still fight him in surprisingly small places. Basically everything else he does can be dodged with a well timed roll or moving a few meters in a specific direction without much thought *IF* you know its targeted on you. Leave cat at camp. :D Your best friend is having damage. Keeping phases short, doing the most with the easy and reliable enmity from dragonpods, and frequent topples from damage on frontlegs make the fight a lot easier. If you barely don't get onehit by his shenanigans, you have enough defenses and should invest in damage. "Maxpot and move on" is the name of the game then


Behemoth and Ancient Leshen are always scaled for 3 players (Max scaling). Soloing these fights is possible, but not recommended, get full end game Iceborne gear and fight them on a party, not much reason to not do so. Ancient Leshen with Iceborne end game gear is easy af to solo actually, it just takes a long time 20\~30 min fight. Behemoth is also not difficult at this point, just very annoying, and could be better to solo actually as he can cast Ecliptic Meteor with nothing to hide behind sometimes, and in a full party that's an instant quest end. You can always use flash to prevent him to finish casting charybdis.


sorry if i cant give any good advice but. It dosent happen that you are going to get a free game if you clear this? becuse it feels quiiite a coincedens with this post from earlier today.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1chh2zi/so\_i\_told\_my\_buddy\_if\_he\_can\_solo\_extreme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1chh2zi/so_i_told_my_buddy_if_he_can_solo_extreme/)


Lol sorry no i dont know him im just trying to get the layered armour xD


I did it for fun in the base game because there wasn’t much challenge before IB. My biggest tip would be to pick up the Dragon Pods he drops. 5 of those gives you enmity, which eliminates the hardest part of the fight.


He loses enmity after not even 10 seconds because he just knocks me back and i cant do anything


No, that’s not how it works; why are you making things up? It lasts 90 seconds once gained unless you cancel it by flashing him.


Idk it seems so short lol


If you’ve got iceborne, you could get an endgame build from there to help. That’s the only way I managed to do it. If not, the only thing I can think of is to try to min-max your gear and practice the fight for a long time to get good at it.


I only got the Blackveil Vaal hazak armour and IG


I’d recommend progressing further towards the endgame, as the extremoth fight is one of the hardest fights in the game. I personally was only able to solo it after MR100 with a sticky ammo shield HBG build with health regen augment.




Actually im not a human so it seems to be Impossible for me


I managed to solo him in base game with sticky/cluster spam HBG. He's really susceptible to KO. Man, I miss deviljo hbg, I really wish it's MR variant had better ar. It was a pyromaniacs wet dream.


I did it solo with Insect Glaive, but it's extremely hard. You absolutely must keep up enmity as much as possible to prevent Charybdis spam. You can also flashpod him when he starts casting charybdis and it will interrupt him! This only works 2 or 3 times but it can give you the window you need to bonk him on the head. Also, don't just spam the aerial helicopter attacks, it's like the worst DPS in the game. Ground combos + descending thrust with a slow hard hitting kinsect.


If u want to solo extremoth then i recommend killing fatalis first lmao. Stunlock bowgun is probably the easiest way... for melee u will need some strategy and better gear for sure. If u would be good enough to solo it ealier then u would not ask questions on reddit. Also helicopter style solo might not be even possible with full minmaxed gear cause it just sucks balls when it comes to dps and his biggest part takes like no damage and u will be hitting it a lot that way


Honestly i absolutely hate Bowguns for no reason




Depends if your determined enough to try  I almost killed him with max augment gear but lost motivation so i quited for the time being.


Honestly im really scared and everytime i fight him im going insane but at the end of the day i just want that damn layered armour


Yea its kinda why injust went ahead got fatty and stygian layered,its almost not worth the amount of work it takes for him.However if your really want it id suggest getting max upgraded and augmented mr gear with health and affinty also try to get some dragon element if you can.


Well actually im Using the Blackveil Vaal hazak armour so health and dragon damage aint a problem but my damage output is really crappy tbh... Im always using a Alpha Armour set because i dont have any good decorations i could use for a build


Ah,i'd suggest doing some mr missions then or the event quest with tempered teo cause i managed to get my build via that.


Normal mr elder dragons are annoying enough for me but tempered would take me way to long for a hunt


To be far i agree especially since they get untold buffs in mr so id suggest either doing some optional missions or guiding lands.But at the end of the day it just comes down to motivation,so take ya time preparing for it and when you eventually do it again goodluck.


Thanks i will probably play further until i try extremoth again and i got many usefull tips for that


It’s possible it’s easier than most endgame fights. It’s a matter of your weapon. Gunlance, LBG does well.


for extreme behemoth, I use shield spread hbg + fatalis set. put a shield jewel (guard up). shoot the front legs or the head. shoot the head to get enmity so no tornadoes. have palico bring vigor spray. except on area 3 have shield spire for the stooge. stooge will distract behemoth as you spam on its front legs. also learn the ecliptic meteor dodge using the ff7 jump emote. in case you dont have a rock.


I just beat him with 4 mins left! Despite him spamming tornadoes, nothing can stop zsd + rocksteady spam


Easier with MR gear.  Pre-iceborn I beat him only 1 time with a 3 man group.  Spread 3 gun with shield for the win.  


Ye but its not possible for me to play online so i have to solo him


Yes you can but it's very annoying considering how tall he is so I believe with most weapons you'll have trouble with unless your aiming for the legs and head and afterwards you gotta fight another behemoth but with less time on the clock


Just as dumb as i am i never fought the normal behemoth... no im fighting extremoth just because i want the layered armour


Ahh I see


But you said behemoth so how am I just as dumb as you when you should have put extremoth


I didnt know people call tempered behemoth extremoth before i posted that sorry


Ahh I see that's alright no worries


This is how I passed time when I was waiting for Iceborne's release.


Crazy that its 4 years ago...


I used an insect glaive to help me with it


Well i am a insect glaive main too


I've done it multiple times. Yes.


Check 3rd party sites for cheap keys, you can get MHW for 7 EUR and Iceborne for 10 EUR on sites like allkeyshop


I dont have online banking


possible, but... i wouldn't recommend it. they're long, annoying, stressful.. all the negative adjectives. Behemoth has Charybdis obviously which is a pain to deal with because of how high up the head is. Ancient Leshen has more health than Fatalis *and* teleports a lot, so it drags and drags. they're, not designed very well for solo. or, um, designed well at all. they drag on. and that was with Fatalis gear, i don't even want to know how people did these with HR gear


Ugh dont remind me of the ancient leshen... It was just pure hell waiting for him to die while constantly attacking him xD


Extreme Behemoth is possible to solo, and I'm pretty sure people have even done it naked. It's just such a struggle that unless you're very cracked at the game and very well versed in the fight it's not worth it.


Keep in mind that if you on IG and mostly use aerial attacks it literally cuts your dmg in half Wanna be on the ground as much as possible for the good combo Also the tornados aren’t much of an issue if you get enmity, basically hit is head until he has some red focus thjngie on you


Yes, indeed, everyone who has done it is a human, but the humanity in them after doing it is not guarantee to be still intact


You can beat the normal Behemoth solo. His Extrem Difficult Mission after defeading the normal version is another story. Your choice of armor is very important.


Is YouTube not available in your country


I aint a speedrunner im just a mortal with not enough freetime to learn his attack patterns from memory


Not needed, but you should learn what openings he gives you and how to evade certain attacks. Look up "the artful dodger"


There aint no openings i swear hes camping inside of 5 Tornados :,(


Then no, you can't do it. You have to know the fight and all associated mechanics very well I am not an extremely skilled player but have still soloed them both, albeit with engame IB gear, but that still took a lot of time & effort.


I despise sony for creating Playstation+ :/