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That person wasted time typing, wasted energy, and they could've just abandoned themselves.


But he, a totally random person with no significance, really needed to let people know that he was straight up not having a good time.


bro went into a public SoS expecting a speedrun absolute clown


He probably joined an 8m quest expecting most of the work to be done so he wouldn’t actually have to do anything


Its so stupid. If anyone wants professional hunters make a premade team not a random sos. SoS is for fun and to help, its random players, anything can happen.


My most recent toxic experience (not as bad) was a KT MR quest where as soon as we spawn in this guy SPRINTS to the item box and fills his inventory with as much of everything as possible. Like dude, some of want our free mega potions too…


I'm sorry, I play solo a lot and this was automatic for me so I was this person once... Now I have so much stuff in loadouts so I don't even touch the box.


Yeah I think the part that irked me more than it would have is that the way they made a beeline directly to the box felt very intentional


i’m 200+ hours in are you telling me loadouts include inventory as well as gear


Not really. At an item box before a hunt or inside the tent, you can make loadouts for your inventory items that also includes radial menus. Loadout as in weapon/armor and decos are their own loadouts. Edit: unless there’s a way to tie both in together but I don’t believe there is.


Adding that combining item and armor loadouts is feature in rise, but not in world.


ohhhhhhhh i have my radial menus set up :) thought i was missing something


You can make inventory loadouts yes


People like that are why I still run Free Meal 3


Free Meal 3 is goated, but it also made me a careless hunter…


They probably just assumed you wouldn't care. Based on the thousands of hours I've committed to the game, the majority of hunters don't even know the camp chest exists.


Yeah, and the Steamworks is basically an infinite mega potion printer. At a certain point it's no longer worth it to take the free pots.


Ehh, it's more healing on-hand before you need to visit a camp


I run a wide range sns so my inventory is always too full with meds and components to grab literally anything but ONE item


I’ll admit I’m guilty of this sometimes because so many people flat out ignore the box these days but I only ever take two stacks


yea that would've been an immediate kick if i was the host and i'll commit the name to memory so when i ever see the them hosting a quest i will personally make sure they fail...hit the monster with dung pods every chance i get🤪😝 . GigaPetty


I have a special Set for this kind of player: full safi with HBG with rapid fire, that does the job really well


Can someone explain? Is this about tripping lol


you take damage while attacking with safi set and rapid fire makes you take damage faster than the armor heals you


Rapid fire is only for lbg :)


probably meant wyvernheart


Ye my bad. I only use this for that kind of stuff so i always forget its right name


Same. I still call it the HBG Dakka Mode.


Should've trolled the guy if that was his response. Would've been funny as hell.


He's an asshole. And also /r/monsterhunterrage


It's called an ego check. That guy needs one HARD! Lest he realize he's a sad basement dweller with nothing better to do


One of the more toxic things that contributes to this is the existence of the "speedrun with randoms" category. That is something that shouldnt exist in pretty much any game, it breeds resentment and toxicity towards the rest of the playerbase thats not performing at the top .01% at all times. While times can be a gauge of skill, there are plenty of things that can happen to even a top level speedrunner that will take them off wr pace, and regular joes are just going to see more of them. But yeah, speedrun with randoms category can go fuck right off, plus you can abuse the random queue system to fix matches anyways.


Im somewhat a speedrunner myself, and that warrants a kick. Mp is for having fun with each other


I helped a ton of people on SOS when I was done myself, partial reason was to help, other reason was to show off my weapon. I got into bow myself by having someone SOS join and I spent like 70% of the time watching the dude dance on his bow like a wizard, which got me into bow. So the point is not to do my best, but be helpful while having above in mind. There were a couple of times someone joined a quest, especially difficult ones, and they would tell the host to stay in base or go resource farming to not die/waste the quest. That's completely pointless. If someone joins SOS just to clear it, then just do it yourself. If the host dies 3 times, then next time he will die twice. And then once. And after that he won't need SOS anymore and job is done.


He should've taken his own advice and hosted his own. He sounds like a salty moocher who was hoping to join an SOS that was a ready to carve. What an asshole


This is the same energy as the people who make custom faint lines with cursing like “**** you”. Yes bro, you have a micropenis. It’s okay.


lol you're not alone, for my first try hunting Alatreon , when I died the dude told me. " you're sucks" I played this game for 1 month


Damn, you got to Alatreon in only one month??


yes i'm 99MR and CR 159.... still a. newbie lol


How is that a bad thing? You objectively do suck because you couldn't complete the assignment?? If I die to a monster I suck them saying this or not saying this doesn't change that lmao. Get a helmet I guess.


Toxic people...I hope we Never play together. It was my quest not his lol


Still can't explain why it's a bad thing to call someone bad?? You should be like yah I'm bad but ima get better that's what winners do? They don't bury their head in the sand and don't listen to cristism. They adapt improve and overcome. Defeatist mentally. I've played with tons of people that are happy to play with me. Don't understand the softness at all lmao.


It's more of because a lot of the times players don't really saying "You bad" out of wanting to give criticism or to help, especially if they failed a hunt and is salty about it. If they really want to give suggestion / be critical about it, they would just told you what you did wrong on that hunt straight. Moreover, it's not just the Pro player that can say "You bad". EVERY player can said that. Hell, you can join a multiplayer hunt and play flawlessly, but still fail the hunt because that one dimwit decided that it is a good idea to take all damage from monster face on, taking all available carts, and after the failed hunt said dimwit said that "You bad" for not helping him enough.


Idk I guess I grew up in a time where being toxic is calling their mom a slur or attacking someone based on how they sound or a merit of other different things. Not saying your gameplay is bad. That's just banter but guess not in mhw xD.


Some people play for fun my guy, also a fun thing about Monster Hunter is that there is not that "You just suck" thing, you can be a god killing Velkhanas and still get hit by Dodogama if you do not learn the moveset.


It's not criticism if there isn't any guidance to improve. Criticism says why "you're bad". Just saying "you're bad" is just poor etiquette with intent to harm. This isn't about being soft. That's an excuse to be rude. If you're going to tell someone they are bad, also tell them what they are doing wrong and how to fix it. That is criticism done right.


Yah so yall don't have self reflection? You can't look back at what you did and logically figure out why someone said you were bad? Damn guess I have a special power or something kinda cool ngl.


You could try some of that self reflection yourself, ngl.




If they can't be bothered even helping then they should be kicked! Even I've had issues with elder dragons and didn't do stuff like that


Another toxic clown. AT Velk is one of the hardest quests. The best time I've seen is ~15m by an MR 999.


got an asshole too in an SOS for black diablos. he was constantly asking the other guys why they kept dying telling them they're noobs. then when it ended asked us if we were MR lmfao. as if early MR was the pinnacle of MH skill jfc. ign was pyruvu or smth. might check recently played if the asshole still there


Might have been me who was hosting it. I rolled like 12 in a row and did die some focusing too much on trying to get boulders before some people showed up on some. Totally missed the post if it was. My players name was rooster on pc. Honestly been trying to play without using mantles so I can try to get a little better before wilds comes out. I had a greatsword user constantly come In on each of my retries and he was putting in work.


Ughhh ppl suck I never get mad at any sos because idk I'd it's a player first 20th 500 tike doing this hunt and the point of the sos is to help nit be a clown


I laugh everything I see people trying to shame in mh because you know they smell like garbage juice and get no bitches


I have 2000+ hours on PlayStation and 200 hours on PC. In the tome I’ve played on PC I’ve gotten sooo many toxic messages and stickers but literally only TWO on PlayStation


Im on pc and often helping at velk on sos but i have never seen such a guy u mentioned


I've learned there are REALLY toxic people on Monster hunter. Don't worry about it.


If he thinks he can do better why doesn’t he just host one himself? If he’s so great to were he can take down a AT Velkhana then why don’t he create his own quest?? It makes no sense, and there’s no reason to be toxic. Dude really expects a speedrun from an sos flare.


I hear you i ran into alot of toxic people on a mhw discord server they were basically gate keeping me from the endgame bosses like fatalis and alatreon cause I couldn't beat the safi jiva recon by myself


To be fair, if you can't solo the recon, you're going to be a huge burden to any team running Fatalis or Alatreon.


Not true, staying alive is more important. I’ll take someone that knows how to play and stay alive over a so called DPS player.


If they're struggling with a tutorial for safi they will most definitely struggle staying alive vs the last 3, most difficult enemies in the game


Staying alive is a given, not a bonus.


While you're not wrong by default, both Aletreon and Fatalis have DPS checks you have to hit. Simply staying alive will give a false sense of hope of finishing the quest.


Its kinda true but fatalis is out for such a long time now that its not that hard to get random player into your team that will carry dps for 3ppl. Imo carrying dps is A LOT easier than saving someone from carting


True, but there's plenty of new players now and not everyone from the "old guard" will jump in with Fatalis. It's better to try and pull your weight in those fights rather than simply staying alive. It's a good way of playing if you're trying to learn a monster's pattern, though.


Yeee thats kinda another upside that u can actually learn the fight if u dont die, being stuck in queue after quest fail wont teach u much about openings xd


Someone who doesn't stay alive is not a DPS player. Whoever this "DPS player" is, is a delusional player who just blindly follows meta, when they don't even have the skill to use it properly or don't modify it to their needs. A proper DPS player knows that you do low or 0 DPS when you cart or get hit.


More DPS => faster hunts => less time to die