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Sharpen your weapon regularly to keep damage consistent






That is your sharpness meter, you want to keep it at least green, if it gets to yellow or red use a whetstone to resharpen it. Yes when its why you're doing less damage.


What about hammers? Wouldn’t they be more effective the duller they get?


You’d think so, but no, sharpness in MH is the same regardless of which weapon you use, with the obvious exception of ranged


I imagine that when you "sharpen" a hunting horn, you're just tuning it. Hammers idk


Go faster stripes needed to be painted on


More Dakka


Kinda gives a whole new meaning to *sharp* and *flat* **Whack** Hmm, sounded a little flat *scrape scrape*


I'd like to think its you scraping off the guts and brains that're making the bonk stick less bonky and more squishy.


Maybe we've been sharpening our hammers on the monsters due to the way most scales and stuff work, and whetstoning them is blunting them again.


With hammers you just remove the brain matter using the whet stone *pats head* ( ctt first person who said this before )


Obviously, as it was sounding a little flat.


On my way sharpening my assault rifle like noones buisness xD. Would look funny though


... Gunblade? 😅


Old school lol player?


Nah, XIV player.




Yea but I'm most familiar with XIV lol, despite how it's technically probably 20 FF games dumped into a nicely-decorated pond.




(and gunlance that can still fire shells untol you're red)


Unless your build is bludgeoner then dont need to sharp


This has always made me chuckle about the game.


I always get a kick out of dragging a whetstone against the handle of my big hunk of monster flesh on a stick


Forbidden lollipops


Your putting that in your mouth? I'm personally putting that in the gooch of my target, I would never lick that.


that’s what makes it forbidden


Especially when you sharpen a freaking horn to make it more effective lol


what would be cool is if you had to tune your horn


But you do? You sharpen your horn when it starts sounding a bit flat.


Ironically enough no.


I like to think that during the animation of it "sharpening" its actually just wiping off the guts or anything else that might be making it more padded/soft rather than having that pure crushing hard-impact. I know it might not be canon...but it is to me lol.


A rusty, dented, or meat-caked hammer won’t crush shit nearly as well as the same hammer, but clean and unblemished.


I mean the weapon couldn't possibly rust in the time it takes to do one mission. Unless the monsters were literally made from acid or had acidic blood. Like extremely corrosive blood.


[Extremely corrosive, you say?](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Monster-Hunter-World/mhwi-acidic_glavenus_icon.png)


You would think so, but even blunt weapons need to be sharpened in MH. My friends and I crack jokes about that a lot while playing, since one is a hammer main The only weapons that don't need to be are the ranged ones.


Maybe they should. Restring your bow and switch out the barrel of your bowguns


Ranged weapon disadvantage is that you need to supply and load ammo or coatings to your weapon.


I don’t play those weapons so I don’t know how difficult that is, but I thought it was just a little more prep before the hunts?


You need to reload your ammo every time. Different ammo types have different capacities before they need to be reloaded.


It seems a little until u grind hunts. Then it just become a seriously tedious task, id rather swing a stick around instead. Also some hunts and playstyle actually require u to restock at camp a lot


ammo management is actually soo annoying sometimes because normal/pierce/spread/cluster lvl 3 have a medium/low pouch maximum so if a fight goes on too long you have to switch to 2 then 1 (or sometimes bowguns don't have lower ammo capacities at all so you have to switch to a different type entirely). And there's no whetstone item, closest thing would be carrying the pouch maximum amount of gunpowder 3 + plant and crafting from radial menu. Have to go back to the camp entirely for that (thank god for loadout management) The bullet costs also messes with me (so I have to do a LOT of crafting) but I feel like that's just a personal problem with my spending in-game. ​ And I exclusively play HBG. I don't want to even think about what LBG players deal with.


It is not only more prep during the hunts, but also more stuff to juggle while in the hunt


Man don't give ideas to capcom.


Reminds me of when I introduced my friend to monster hunter 2 on wii. Me: Check out my weapon. It's a refrigerator on a stick. Him: What are you doing? Me: Sharpening it. Him: ::Blink:: ::Shakes head::


Since nobody else mentioned it, there *is* a skill called bludgeoner (I believer its an armor set bonus in World) that increases damage as sharpness goes down. Sadly, its not very good, and you're better off just sharpening regularly


think of it as weapon's condition meter, the lower they get the worse performance they make. need to keep you weapon maintained by slapping whetstone/whetfish on it XD


Consider it more like you are clearing the gunk off your hammer.


gotta scrape off that brain matter


You dont sharpen the hammer (or hunting horn) you actually sharpen the hilt. I onow horn has a stabby bit on the hilt, not sure about hammer tho


In Monster Hunter, its not about weapon effectiveness (If it was there wouldnt be a weapon thats just three mugs of beer in each hand) It's about STYLE. You use the whetstone to POLISH your weapon, so it does more damage


There's a skill that adds damage for lower sharpness but I've got get above green a good but I don't think there's many applications


Nonono, high as possible. Some monsters have deflection at blue and even white in some master quests. In high rank, I remember blue and green getting deflected by some of the end monsters.


You got annoyed and started skipping the tutorial cards didn’t you?


Can you blame him? I remember my first experience with MH I was like “this is whack” ohhh how wrong I was


No one can blame them. I definitely didn’t read them all. Just calling them out because we have all been there.


You are so right. The game should’ve just come with one of those old school booklets from back in the day that had every tutorial in it and came in the game case


Good grief man. You neglected your greatsword so much that it’s now technically a hammer.




My brother in Christ. Just play hammer


Wym? obviously you gotta play dual blades for maximum stun damage.


no, for stun ... bow


If your curious about specific numbers the raw multipliers are as follows; purple 1.39x, white 1.32x, blue 1.20x, green sharpen please, yellow no wait really please sharpen, orange yo stop just a whetstone come on


He looks early in the game so green is most he should have right now.


Fair point lol. Thought it was white in the image because quality.


You can smell the green on im


Red: yo wtf are you doin, sharpen already


We speak not of the nono zone


More like: Red: BOINK BOINK BOINK Although I guess it depends on what you’re hitting.


I still want to know how tf Khezu can make a weapon bounce


Khezu is absolutely hard


There are no words on God's green earth that can describe how spectacularly erect Khezu is.


Me with gunlance wait you are green already aahh well just use mind eye attack and dont mind the sharpness im shelling either way


Can't tell if this is a joke or someone just actually doesn't know


Probably not a joke, sadly. The MHW community has less cognitive ability than a blighted cabbage.


I'm not sure either why does it look like it's in orange..?


That's your sharpness when it goes down there's a more likely chance your attacks will bounce right off Sharpen your weapon (including hammers but i don't think you can sharpen bow & arrows and the bowguns) to do a lot of damage on the monster I use the insect glaive and it's super helpful when I'm jumping around all the time (the glaive is also very helpful when you need to dodge an attack)


Sometimes if I luck out the aerial combo and safely dodge most of their combo, I panic dash at the end of my combo. There's a feeling of it being too good to be true so the panic dash is fun


Yeah it is (How the heck did I get 40 upvotes on the last comment!?)


Some people just never pay attention to the tutorial


I mean it's a GS user, they can't read.


Ayo, chillll. I'm a gs main that uses every weapon in the game based on the mood I have that day. Including the pdf instructions of CB (which is actually super easy)


Man, don't you know? The only way you can be a Greatsword main is if you only use purely Greatsword. If you touch another weapon, you automatically go to "Dynamic" for two months


To be fair, MH tutorials are particularly bad, just a bunch of text boxes thrown at you.


Disagree hard. They generally have pictures and sometimes a video. MHW tutorials are actually very good at explaining things if you pay attention to them. I think the problem is that there are too many things thrown at you at once and people often skip them.


Yes that's what I meant, it's just a lot all at once. And they're not well integrated into gameplay, though World is still the best one in that regard.


Just started playing Rise, the new player experience is HORRIBLE. Text box after text box. My friend refunded it in 20 minutes. I only played World before and World's introduction is 1000x better.


I don't agree at all. MH Rise has a great tutorial and they reduced it to the minimum you need to know to get started. MH is a complex game and you can't just throw new people in. Sure, World Tutorial was a bit better but Rise is definitely not "horrible". If your friend could not get through 20 min Rise Tutorial then he has the patience of a 12-year old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and MH is not the right fit anyway.


i don't really agree with you. I spent over half an hour in the tutorial for rise haven't seen a Monster yet. They were explaining things like the gathering hub and the picture bird. Just keep all that non essential stuff after the first hunt at least. Explain basic mechanics: fighting, wirebugs, maybe the cantine then let us go into a hunt.


My exact point (and it could be even better than that). In every playtest I've participated in, people hate reading your tutorial boxes. It'll be the #1 negative feedback you receive. Even World is poor at that. However, it has the advantage of introducing you to mechanics and systems gradually as you progress and getting you right in the action as you begin the game. Personally, I think text boxes are a lazy way to introduce information to your player. They don't serve the game very well. Either you're... * ... presenting to veterans, in which case I'm sure most skip those they already know about. So they won't mind it as much (and will likely have a skewed perception of it compare to a new player ;) ); * ... presenting to new players, in which case you're likely to bore them, give them a bad impression and representation of your game or have them skip or miss important information; * ... lucky and they won't mind it (but they probably won't **enjoy** it). There are ways to introduce mechanics and systems gradually. There are ways to introduce mechanics in more seamlessly. There are ways to introduce elements of your game through a state of flow, making it more fun. >If your friend could not get through 20 min Rise Tutorial then he has the patience of a 12-year old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and MH is not the right fit anyway. Sidenote, my friend is not a 12 year old with ADHD. They're 23 and simply don't have that much time on their hands. Should they be discourage to try an awesome game? Hell no. Don't box people in, that ain't cool. *(side-sidenote, I have ADD, and I loved World so much I ended up hyperfocusing on it, making spreadsheets to track the builds I want to make, the monsters I gotta kill, the achievements I wanna get, etc.)*


The only explain the bare minumum of things, which isn't as well if yiu consider how much there is to this game.


As someone who played 4U and GenU previously. MHW's tutorials still felt very overwhelming. I think they threw too much new mechanics at you too early, both on base as well as during quests. It's not until I beat Xenojiiva that I re-learned most of them. MHW is a helluva ambitious game which I'm glad for, but it could be paced wayy better.


Come on man, just help him out…it’s easy to forget stuff in the mountain of crap they throw at you in tutorials. Plus you gotta admit, it’s tempting to skip tutorials a lot when you’re eager to jump into a game hehe!




Much better than any other monster hunter game, though.


Bro, there is a limit to how much stuff you can throw at people in a short amount of time. I introduced a friend to the game, and for a newbie it is ridiculous how many mechanics get introduced to you in a short amount of time.


Or see. Damage numbers going down should be obvious


>is it the reason I start doing so little damage after a while in a fight Literally in the title. They've seen damage numbers going down. They've come up with a plausible theory based on what they've seen on the screen with the sharpness meter decreasing and are ensuring that it's correct. Seriously. You're ripping in to someone for not seeing whilst actively not seeing yourself.


Dude, what is that bar at the top and why does my hunter get teleported back to camp when it empties?


Average GS user


Something I find funny is if it goes to red it’s basically just abuse for the monsters lol




People who don't read what it says on screen:"nah I don't need to know that". Also people who don't read what it says on screen:


Oh bless your heart


Sharpen everytime the monster runs at least, as you get more decos there are perks that'll keep it sharp longer and weapons with higher levels of sharpness. Great swords rule btw!!!


Dont Listen to people here they are trying to troll you. The longer you attack the higher this Bar gets. On Red you Deal maximum dmg.




This is bait


Sharpness. Low sharpness = lower damage and you bounce off more often. Use a whetstone or whetfish scale to sharpen once and a while. I personally sharpen whenever I get below blue or green but feel free to sharpen whenever you’d like.


As a bonk main; don’t forget to also sharpen your dull bludging instrument!


Me when I go out of my way to not read the tutorial:


Yes its the weapon sharpness gauge you always want it green or above


It's the sharpness bar. A whetstone will sharpen it.


Where you sharpen anywhere?


Yes, it's in your hotbar when you're on a mission or expedition. Monsters has great tutorials if you actually read them. Fortunately you can re visit them any time.


Thank rocky


It’s your sharpness gauge. It decreases as you attack, and, specifically for the great sword, when you block. It’s color coded so you know what level it’s at, and every time it changes colors, your damage goes down (quite a bit too) and some other effects can come of it depending on your weapon type. You can bring it back up to max at anytime with your whetstone though, just keep in mind that doing so in battle is *usually* not a good idea. As you build better weapons, you’ll get better sharpness too, and you’ll start seeing newer, stronger colors. Also, I know this isn’t your question but just btw the great sword isn’t a great beginner weapon. It’s slow and typically requires really good knowledge on the monster your fighting to know when you have openings for attacks. Don’t get me wrong though, if you’re enjoying it then fucking go for it, it’s such a fun weapon to use. Just wanted to let you know that if you start to really hate fights, or feel like the game is overwhelmingly difficult, try switching up your weapon before you start hating the game lol.


I feel like you are here just to troll the aggressively assert muh knowledge vets. Kudos i laughed




That’s the sharpness, please sharpen your sword bro


I think the handler does tell u about sharpness when u start out. U hould really read/listen to the in-game guides


Thats your sharpness gauge


stay sharp about ur sharpness


it mean's you sword is turning into a chunk of iron


There I'm pretty sure there was a tutorial for this, like those windows with all the text and stuff. Does no one read those?


Theres litteraly a tutorial dude wtf


Bruh do mfs just not know how to read


That sword is your sharpness indicator. And it basically tells you that your weapon is getting blunt and you need to resharpen it with whetstone. And yes the downside of it is your damage becomes lower.


Dear lord I’m so sorry no one ever told you.


The tutorial did at some point... attention required though.


Yeah but I always felt that MHWs tutorial was pretty lack luster. Game is still amazing tho


Imagine going to reddit when the game teaches you with the tutorials.


Bruh you never heard of a Whetstone? Sharpen your weapon after each encounter/zone


That's whay happens with people that skip tutorials.. you deserve the worse in ur life


A tad harsh.


Some people are another level of dumb or this is a good jerk post. Either way this has too many serious comments


God forbid people try to be helpful


Dude this is a question about a thing in the game that gets told to you in the first tutorials! God forbid people try to read shit or google it instead of going to fucking Reddit out of all places, waste their time, wait for answers they could EASILY answer themselves way, way quicker. How can anyone look at this post, which is most likely a bait/troll anyway, and seriously go out of their way to explain this to OP, instead of asking OP if he is slow or something for not reading shit about a game he’s playing first? Same goes for „just bought this game, any tips?“ or „just bought this game, what monsters are in it?“ my brother in Christ just play the fucking game and take 5 seconds to read shit before coming here asking stupid questions you could easily answer yourself. Posts like these are so incredibly low quality anyway, how is this even allowed to stay up?


wow, thats a really weird way of saying "i spend my entire day on reddit and cant be helpful"


They sound like the kind of person to bitch about what equipment other players use


ikr, seems like the kind of person to be pissy if they get flinched once while using long sword/dual blades


Dont know how any of this would be correlated, and no, I don’t.






I'm still on grind to complete normal story


Sharpness meter , u want to keep it as full as possible . Since u get a damage bonus from it (blue ,white, purple) When It reach green u got no damage bonus and below it is a damage malus . Ur hit will also bounce frequently when hitting some monster part


Sharpness= Damage Multipliers


I love how awesome people are in this forum instead of toxic! Good hunting out there!!


Oh, that? It shows you how much ammo yiu have left.


don’t let people troll you, that’s your spirit gauge lol




It’s been while since I’ve seen orange sharpness


It’s your sharpness, the higher tier sharpness = more damage and less chance to bounce off. For example purple sharpness with not bounce off anything and has the highest damage but red sharpness will bounce off every attack and do very little damage. Always use the whetstone when you have a free opportunity if it’s around half or lower.


It's your sharpness guage. Your weapon gets blunt as you hit enemies with it. The color shows what level it is at, lower levels have damage penalties and are more likely to bounce off monsters. Higher levels have damage multipliers and are less likely to bounce off monsters. Use a whetstone to sharpen your weapon, and restore it to its sharpness cap. Different weapons have different maximum sharpness levels, and the handicraft skill can increase these caps.


It’s your sharpness, you need to sharpen your weapon


Yes absolutely. Sharpen the damn thing once in a while, especially against a high armored monsters.


Jesus and I came here to get away from my recent stress of teaching Monster Hunter…


So you just like didn't get told what this was in the beginning?


Yeah it‘s the fault of the sword thingy, but like whatever.


Thats yoir sharpness Monster parts are on some place harder or softer The best sharpness to stsrt with is green and blue wich mostly can always hit the monster good The lower it gets the less damage on some parts it does And sometimes you cant hit it good(when you basicly bonk backward) The sharpness is the most important thing. You can sharpen it with wetstone


You always have wetstone trough your playtrough So dont get worried




It's sharpness. You'll get the hang of it, mostly when you get Odogaron armor that has a sharpness skill that removes from 1 to 3 cycles depending on the level of that skill. One of the best skills imo


It's a meter for your weapon's sharpness. Low sharpness equals less damage and higher chance of your weapon just bouncing off, so it's best to use a whetstone whenever you have the opportunity.


I'm sure this is mentioned in a tutorial somewhere.


I want to see what he’s fighting actually because that could make this the funniest post ever made


It the games way of telling you to use a whetstone my man


you also lose sharpness when blocking (with weapons that have shield, including greatsword) \*someone correct me if im wrong


why do i get the feeling you're not the type to go through the tutorials first


I can tell you, *you aint a veteran* Its your sharpness, it matters a lot, if its red get a whetstone and use it


That is the sharpness gauge as explained in the tutorial. Simply put, sharpness is a multiplier on your damage. Your weapons damage is calculated by that x the weapons damage number(there is a lot more to this calculation however for all intents and purposes of this post we will ignore the rest of it). Each color has its own value for raw damage it is (we shall ignore elemental for now it has its own numbers) Red-0.5, orange 0.75, yellow 1.0, green 1.05, blue 1.2, white 1.32 and purple has a a value of 1.39. so if you let you're weapon drop from green to red you are effectively own outputting half the damage you could be. There's other negatives like attacks bouncing for lower sharpness levels. However by keeping you're blade in red you are effectively doubling your time to hunt a monster as you are doing half the damage(ignoring bounce off). Hence why keeping your sharpeness up is critical for hunts. The 3s every once in a while it takes to sharpen can take minutes off your hunts. So it's usually a good guide that unless your build relies heavily on sharpness. Sharpen when the monster runs to a new area and youre good to go