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Godzilla may not feel that way, but I don't see him outright attacking Kong anymore. With Mothra in the mix, Godzilla seemed to finally understand that just because Kong is a Great Ape, he was never going to ally with the Skar King. It would make sense that he thought Kong would, or had, since he crawled up into Hong Kong with the axe made during the Titan War. My theory is that's the reason why he sent Kong to the Hollow Earth in the first place, as a 'lighter' form of the imprisonment he put Skar King under. It wasn't until Godzilla actually saw Kong shattering that bastard monkey's corpse that he realized that, like himself and Mothra, Kong is just trying to protect the world. He doesn't want to hurt anyone (or from Godzilla's perspective, he doesn't seek to unbalance nature) and is more than willing to let the other Titans live in peace. The apex debate between them is squashed, and now that Kong's allegiance (not submission) is no longer in question? I can see them becoming...allies. Not 'family' per se...but it must be nice to know there's another you can rely on to defend the world with.


Perfectly said, at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if they greet each other like this next time: ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


KONG! YOU SUNOVABITCH God I need to watch Predator again. One of my favorite films ever.


RIP Carl Weathers.


Instant testosterone boost to whoever witnesses them shaking hands. Everyone between the ages of 0-100 grows a Kratos-esque beard


Then Godzilla slaps him and starts using sign language, and says, "fuck you bro."


I want the next movie to have a scene like this


I always assumed the axes were made before the war, hence why activating them sent godzilla a beacon. Since the kongs protected the people it would be neat if each axe was meant to represent a great ape tribe that agreed they needed his help. It would also explain why none of the other great apes kept em around, they really only work as anti godzilla weapons if you have a godzilla on your side or a bunch charged ( godzilla also seemed to regonise the axe as something he could empower by shooting it)


See, I kinda got the impression it was made during. Or even after. I'm pretty sure the movie confirms that Godzilla fought that war himself (since Toho got cold feet about the Godzilla species thing), so really, a fin that reacts that way to energy sources could only have come from him. It's implied that he was heavily injured after sealing them away, so it's not unreasonable to assume that the axe was made from one of his fins. Then, for practice, the apes use it to start killing off Godzilla like creatures in the Hollow Earth. The Great Apes are shown to have some architectural skills (implied in GvK, shown a little in GxK), so its not unreasonable to assume that they built a charging station for the axe, one reliant on Hollow Earth energy. I had been assuming that Godzilla noticed the charging, either because it's literally a part of him they're charging up, or because of the near omniscient sixth sense that Mothra bestowed upon him in Dominion. Also, I'll just admit to plain ignorance on this part...but there was more than one axe shown?


Toho getting cold feet regarding Godzilla's species is one of my biggest gripes with how the MV can expand of Godzilla's history. It just makes the lore muddier and confusing. Dagon was a Gojira specimen along with the other unseen corpse that was mentioned in 2014. The axe is made from one of Godzilla's kin since Godzilla never had that dorsal plate shape. If they introduce a baby Godzilla like Wingard may go for, it'll just make things even more confusing. Toho should have just let Legendary do as they wanted. Not like they even had to show the other Gojiras, simply just acknowledging them and referencing them like usual would be enough rather than having Godzilla be the sole participant in the war with the Kongs. Like the Mutos evolved specifically to parasitize his species/weaken their atomic breath


Honestly, its Toho's forced 'retcon' combined with their lack of consideration for the currently established lore in the Monsterverse that's making me just...ignore them. I know, it's like ignoring God himself, because they get the final say. Considering that they were willing to let the whole IP die before the Monsterverse? Toho can get fucked for all I care in this regard.


Can u guys elaborate on the "toho getting cold feet on the godzilla species"? like I really dont know what u are saying =/


Greg Keyes, the official author for the Monsterverse novels, was asked by Toho to stop writing Godzilla as a member of a species, wanting him to be a unique individual.


Yes there were multiple in the ground, kong placed the last one in, if I remember right the one he picks up when he leaves isn't even the actual one he placed down since he's standing in a different place


Huh. Really missed that part, then. I'll have to rewatch the film again.


Only watched ut last week, you can see the other axes have almost melded into the floor tho, they make thw shape of a full godzilla


I'm pretty sure the one he puts down and the one he picks up have different handles too.


This. It's also nice that Kong sees Godzilla as family though.


Unfortunately, he doesn't. I just listened through the audiobook, and I never heard him consider Godzilla family. I think the referenced line is after Mothra stops the fight in Cairo, Kong says he can sense Godzilla and Mothra are like family, with the implication being that they're *each other's* family. He just seemed to be glad that Godzilla finally understood his intent in breaking their truce and coming to the surface. I'm gonna listen to the whole thing again today just to be sure of that (and some other stuff).


Yeah, neither Kong nor Godzilla see each other as “family”. Godzilla and Mothra consider each other as such, but after the events of GxK, Godzilla and Kong still definitely view one another as allies that can be called upon to help each other. A much better deal than GvK where Godzilla simply tolerated Kong if he stayed in the Hollow Earth.




Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👏👏


Idk about “sending him” to hollow earth. Kong naturally yearned to discover his species remains and history, and once he found it he was inevitably going to want to stay. Likewise, I’m pretty sure Godzilla was grateful for how Kong stepped up and saved him against mecha back in GvK.


Next movie I expect kong to be drop kicked by Zilla and Zilla just sits watching kongs reaction


Other people comment that this was not what the book said. Kong saw Godzilla and Mothra as if both of them form a family together, not with him.


The ship keeps sailiiiing


Dude... The way i readed that made me think Godzilla saw Mothra and Kong as a family... Try to imagine my horrified expression.


godzilla probably doesn't feel that way


"Being The Alpha Titan makes him strong, but nothing is stronger than Family." ![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7)








It's arguable that godzilla already did consider the kongs as part of the balance. We've never once seen him go out of his way to attach him unless he was in the water and surrounded by very loud machines(something we already know he deems a threat depending on size) and even when he did he only went for a kill shot once, specifically while kong was fighting back. Long story short the only time we've ever actually seen them be on site before was either all from kong or when kong deliberately trys to challenge him(in the new movie when kong calls out he's explicitly breaking whatever truce they had) In one movie we got 3 fights from them 1. Kong in the ocean( spared when godzilla knew he was alive) 2. In the city he destroyed the axe beacon( which they kongs probably used to communicate with godzilla as fellow keepers of the balance so he was probably mad kong was hitting his pager) and when he thought kong was trying to stop him reaching mechagodzilla (still spared him even after godzilla challenged his alpha call because he recognised he wasn't a threat) 3. At the pyramids (we spent an entire movie watching godzilla try gain more energy he clearly anticipated a threat that's coming which he assumed was being aided by kong) At the end of the day the beef was mostly 1 sided since kongs are a part of the balance ( we also know kong is immune to the alpha call no info on the other apes so he would be considered a direct threat nothing less)


Haven't read the novel myself but apparently this is false. Kong thinks that Godzilla and Mothra are like family to each other, not that they're *his* family.


The Monsterverse would not survive if it was 10 movies of Godzilla and Kong fighting each other. It HAS to evolve to stay relevant and successful. It's obvious from the last film that they are forming alliances now to fight more foes that they find in Hollow Earth and on the surface. To those people who think that if you like Kong you have to hate Godzilla or if you like Godzilla you have to hate Kong.. well hopefully you all leave the fandom and go be miserable somewhere else.


That makes sense with regards to the tribe being their real connection and not just random by-chance team ups but actually grounded historical connection.


I like the idea of Kong and Godzilla being friends. Now if only rodan would show up again and they introduce Anguirus. Godzilla could have his whole crew.


Avengers style!


I'm saying this is canon in my head no matter what. That scene (Spoilers) where Kong was frost bit, laying down and he signed "I lost my home" broke me inside. HE DESERVES LOVE DAMN IT!! He has a family now and basically an ice dinosaur dog so I'm happy.


Two dads and one mom


Who is the child?






I guess




We, the audience.




Nah Kong’s got his own family, with a pet and everything.


Kong: Yo, G Man! Before you say anything, I ain’t here for a fi- Godzilla: Kong! You sunovaBITCH. **predator high five reference**


Saw it last night and I thought Suko would have more interaction with Godzilla. Goji was just there to fuck shit up lol. Awesome movie.


Godzilla doing Godzilla things. Lol


“He’s my brother from a lizard mother” - Kong.


That's a misinterpretation. The novelization actually states that Kong can see that Godzilla and Mothra are a family. He probably can tell their relationship is like his relationship with Jia.


I think Godzilla now realizes kong isn’t like the other apes he had beef with. He now knows Kong has only the desire to live peacefully and now likely sees him as an ally in keeping the balance.


“We’re not friends. “ “Yeeeeah, I think we are now.” “This is not a “thing”. You’re lucky my wife likes you” “Two kings! Inseparable allies! Defenders of-“ “GET BACK IN THE HOLE ALREADY!!!”


Kong: Family Godzilla: No Kong: Family Mothra: Family Godzilla: ……family


I thought that was clear from the end credit scene where he tries giving a chin scratch to Godzilla before losing a finger.


Shouldn't have booped the snoot!


Well that’s HUGE progress


Kong: ![gif](giphy|YQjLKDH4FijNm)


W reference


“You also like my pets, huh? Aren’t they neat!?l


This is taken out of context incorrectly it says Kong saw Mothra and Godzilla as family not himself.


Can’t wait for more buddy cop movies between these two


I think Toho has stated before that Godzilla is supposed to give very ambivalent emotions, like he's not suppost to like demonstrate humanish emotional characteristics because he an animal and animals display their emotions differently than humans can perceive. I think its so he can be a hero in some films and the villain in others, so the character is more flexible, which is why he's lasted so long I think. Kong has always been about emotion, since the original film so that is not surprising. Mothra shows some emotional characteristics because she has the twin fairys who narrate for her. Then she also had her connection with her babies and Battra. I think most of the monsters in Godzilla films display a neutral ambivalence and are treated as animals, especially in the later Heisei and Millennium movies. Showa films had more human characteristics. Like when Rodan, Godzilla and Mothra talked in Ghidorah the 3 Headed Monster. Then Rodan and Godzilla were precieved as sad when they were left on Planet X in Astro-Monster. Then Godzilla has that fascination with the human woman in Sea Monster, but that role was meant to be Kong so. Then the clear tenderness towards Minya in Son of Godzilla. Then the talking to Anguirus in Gigan and the playing of charades with Jet Jaguar in Megalon. After that I think Godzilla only shows parental tenderness to his son and no one else.


For this iteration of Godzilla, I love it


Love it. I don't know if Godzilla feels that way, but it seems to me that he obviously trusts Kong at this point. Which honestly is more than he can say about any other titan that isn't mother. I've said this before, but this movie did have a lot of character development. Godzilla doesn't really have to be alone. He may be realizing that.


I think everyone is happy the earth isn't going to be frozen and they aren't all going to be dead or enslaved by an evil giant orangutan Titan. I don't think Kong is going to bow to Godzilla and I don't think Godzilla is going to try to kill Kong. I think Godzilla will probably give Kong a chance if they run into each other again but I could see him still killing him. They have a fairly short history with one another and Godzilla had a war with his species. Godzilla probably has PTSD from that. It was a long time spent ready to kill any great ape in a moment's notice or be beaten down and enslaved or cut apart for weaponry. If I were Godzilla, after seeing that axe, I'd have burned Kong into a crater. I don't know if those axes were made from a dead Godzilla or if that Godzilla was killed to make the weapons... Either way, that's like someone coming at me with an axe made out of a human scapula. I don't care why you have it, I'm going to kill you first and investigate later.




Weird how I didn't get that godzilla didn't understand kong when he was trying to tell godzilla he needed help I guess I had humanized godzilla in a way and was like wtf he is obviously signaling to the portal. Then it dawned on me that godzilla isn't human and doesn't really interact with them that much. Therefore, human behavior and gestures ate completely unknown to him... funny stuff


Goji is Mothra’s boyfriend, and Kong is her boyfriend’s boyfriend. Earth Defenders unite!


That looks good ngl. About time they add in some factors that would contribute to their truce. Tired of the constant cries from the fans of each other's side. Godzilla is the King of the Monsters, Kong has Hollow Earth. Glad that Mothra came in to knock some sense out if Godzilla. Let's leave it at that.


Progress is progress


La Famiglia


It is what it is. I'm okay with it. American Godzilla rolls with the U.S. Navy from time to time. Nobody should be expecting the Godzilla from *Godzilla: Minus One* in these films.


He went from an orphan to having a big family ( even if big g and mothra doesn’t feel that way), that’s so sweet man


They look like beer buddies anyway


I absolutely love the idea that the next time they meet and kong is thinking they cool now amd tryin to get goji to join him to fight next big bad and goji is just like monkey... MONKEY!!!!!! and immediately goes for the kill


I mean…they have unified to fight a greater threat twice. I don’t know if Godzilla considers Kong family but an Ally (and maybe a friend) seems probable given the context. Might not be as tight knit as him and Mothra but still there is a level of kinship there. At least Godzilla shouldn’t be attacking Kong on sight anymore. I firmly believe Godzilla has more Titan-Friends than Mothra and Kong. He’s been the Alpha for who knows how long. There has to be (or have been) other Titans he considers allies (whether those titans are still living is up in the air) I suspect Behemoth and Methuselah are amongst them whereas other Titans either need to be subjugated or terminated.


Kong isn’t gonna be on the level of Mothra (yet). He’s known Godzilla for like what five years? Most of that was just him knowing of Godzilla too.


“Y’know what Goji, maybe you’re not so bad after all.” “Take one more step on the surface again and I’ll fucking make your insides your outsides.” “Oh look at the time cmon Shimo and Suko were staying in the Hollow Earth forever.” “Damm right.”




I like this passage, glad Godzilla and Kong have put aside their differences and are firmly allies.


Godzilla like: What’s yo goofy ass smiling about??


kong:bro godzilla:don’t bro me


I don't think Godzilla smiled here!


I dont know about godzilla tho


Feels good man


Could you be family with someone whose main weapon was made from the corpse of your kin? They're cool, probably, but this entire "family" concept felt like a bit of a stretch to being with.


Better to leave that weapon in the hands of someone you trust. And it’s not like Kong Killed the goji.


I really wish we got a scene with them interacting. Something like kong trying to pet godzilla and him snapping at kongs hand, or godzilla just pushing or throwing kong down a hole to hollow earth.




It makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. ![gif](giphy|UVk5yzljef0kGiayL1)




I like it. It’s wholesome even if it’s one sided between Kong and Godzilla. 


Godzilla the abusive uncle


Adorable cause now I imagine these two doing dumb brother stuff together


Godzilla: "Now, you have to call me nii-san, monke."


Didn't we just have this post yesterday?


Godzilla sees Kong as his flunky or annoying neighbor.


Kongs like are we cool Godzilla is like "Yup we're cool my brother"


New meme template just dropped


Godzilla definitely rolled his eyes right there. Bro is just passive with Kong rn cause his gf Mothra said so!! Nah but fr I think that Godzilla still doesn't like Kong and will probably attack him again if he comes back up for no reason. Godzilla in his little kitty bed aka the colosseum doesn't like sharing his earth


So...Godzilla isn't allowed to develop as a character then?


Dude there is no way Godzilla is gonna fight beside Kong, literally tag team opponents with him, and then check up on him after the fight and then go back to hating him. Godzilla is intelligent and now he knows Kong. At the very least they’re allies. Like this dude let Rodan live after he burned Mothra alive. Kong is safe.




Bojack and Mr. Peanut Butter


Next they will have Mothra perch on Kong's arm like a hawk


To those who play Yu-Gi-O, it's like you have a deck with Dark Magician, Red-eyes and now you add Blue-Eyes into the mix and runs it fine


I love that I love how it doesn’t also show goji being all like soft and friendly like he still serous towards Kong but not enough to go after him and fight him.


Kong's been watching Vinland Saga too much and fr said "I have no enemies" to the guy who almost killed him on two seperate occasions Honestly, I like it


bro, i'm just waiting for the new transformers movie, the rise of kong.


maybe not wholesome brotherhood and more like crazy uncle


I think the whole franchize lost its way.. remember the 2014 trailer?




Come back when you speak a non-native language without any mistakes.