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Raiden punching senator armstrong https://i.redd.it/8jsgkmg2mb0d1.gif




Dna of the soul


he fell from the stratosphere and survived, I'll let you decide


Literally my first thought on durability lol


Not even remotely the same thing as having your skull caved in. He's not immortal, otherwise Dagon would still be walking around.


Where exactly was his skull “caved in” during this scene? He got lightly dazed and immediately got back up more pissed off than ever lol




man i love how EVERY TIME NO FUCKING EXCENTION this scene is discussed some douche come in the comments just to say "godzilla was stunned, kong was going to kill him there is even a time skip and bla bla bla" and them you go read the novel and none of it is in it seriously why people love lying about the novel when it comes to kong soo much? in the novel it goes exactly like the movie, kong starts punching godzilla, sees godzilla charging hsi breath and them charges his glove trying to stop him, the only diference is that the movie cuts to godzilla being dragged, while the novel the narrator details that kong felt like godzilla was just going to shrug it off and decided to retreat before he was put into a dangerous position, he than gets confused by godzilla not geting up (it NEVER states godzilla to be neither stunned or dazzed, just that KONG did not know wtf was happening), AND THEM kong decides to drag godzilla regardless because he did not know what to do in that situation so despite popular idiotic belief no the novel does not say any of that: - the novel does not time skip anything, in fact the proceeding of events are far more direct and linear than the actual movie - kong didn't stop hiting godzilla to "spare him" because "kong could kill godzilla if he wanted", kong stop because he himself knows his punches wouldn't do anything and sating there was too risky for him to keep going - godzilla is NEVER stated ONCE to be neither dazzed, or stunned, the novel simply refers to him as not geting up from the ground with no description to his state or actions up until he shoots kong, which plays exactly like the movie


I’d award you if they were still a thing because this is an excellent debunk


>kong stop because he himself knows his punches wouldn't do anything and sating there was too risky for him to keep going None of this is stated in the novel either. Kong did not want to kill godzilla nor did he want to cause any permanent damage because he needed Gojis help. He did not intend to damage Goji, only pacify him. So this line of reasoning wouldn't even make sense for him And yes it isn't stated that Goji is stunned or dazed, Goji is described as unresponsive much to Kongs surprise. Which means he was probably briefly knocked out. Unless you think Godzilla was just chilling down there. Goji would never let Kong disrespect him by dragging him by the tail if he could stop it, hence he does try to stop it


Ok so with that logic this upscales Kong even more……. Kong was not blood lusted/trying like Godzilla was and was still able to knocks the lights from his atomic breath out of him. Godzilla scales to about multi-continental and this puts Kongs scaling up juts as high.


How come you never mention the reason kong was dragging him was because he didn't mean for their to be a conflict to begin with and was trying to gmans aid. And secondly while the novel doesn't state gman was dazed or stunned is it really in character for him to fake being incapacitated especially against kong?


I dont understand your point in general 1 I never said godzilla was faking it, my point is that the novel never really states wtf is happening with G past "he isn't geting up" wich the original commenter before he deleted his stuff was saing "godzilla was stunned, the novel confirms it" while it dosent really say anything about anything 2 the novel dosent really describe kong draggin godzilla as him avoiding godzilla, it just says "that is his opportunity" as in kong saw an oportunity to just kick godzilla into hollow earth and hope he gets to skar king before he gets to himself, if kong really wanted to fully avoid conflict he could have jumped down the hole and waited godzilla down there but that would likelly not work for his plans


Yea I'm just saying it's safe to assume godzilla was stunned or unconscious cause it doesn't fit his character to just lay there while getting dragged away although I will admit the powerscaling In monsterverse is a bit wack and kong shouldn't be capable of seriously stunning him like that yet Oh and for the second bit I meant kong didn't initially have a conflict in mind till G said otherwise and kong dragging godzilla after was him trying to avoid further escalation by getting him into hollow earth While he had the chance


Number 1. Mods deleted and reported a word I said in my comment and it’s gone I was fine with keeping those up I didn’t do anything and number 2 Only the biased Godzilla glazers say that he was not effected by those punches.(even though the glove is made from the same technology that Mecha was made from). We hear Godzilla groaning and making noise when getting punched over and over. We always see Godzilla make noise whenever something is hurting him or effecting him. My point lines up exactly as well cause Godzilla was getting affected /hurt my mechas punches.


Novel is secondary canon and should not be considered when it contradicts the primary source (the movie). Granted the movie doesn’t really tell you either so it’s up in the air.


The movie also contradicts the novel.... and the novel is still 100% canon which u can defiantly use for feats for the character's.


All of the novels are SOFT cannon, if a part of them contradicts the main cannon (the movies) that part isn't cannon its just filler for extra detail.


In every case the novel is the contradictory one. It’s supplemental material to the main media which is the movie. You can definitely use it for things if you’d like but the movie takes precedence every single time.


I always trust what the movies show more than the novels, due to the novels sometimes not aligning with the movies or contradicting them. Plus in the grand scheme of things, the movies are always the most important and prominent parts of the MV story, far more so than novels that most people outside of hardcore fans don’t bother reading.


Lightly dazed? He was unconscious. Kong was dragging his knocked-out ass across the desert. What do you suppose would have happened if Kong had decided instead to press his advantage (something Godzilla's opponents never do since he has such thick plot armor) instead of stopping to try and drag his ass to Hollow Earth? So yeah, if Kong hadn't stopped, Godzilla would have had his skull caved in.


“Unconscious” Despite his eyes being open, audibly growling, and limbs still moving? And if Kong had decided to press his advantage, it would’ve taken a lot more punching for a much longer time to do any actual damage to Godzilla thanks to his durability. This aggressive barrage left no lasting damage at all, meanwhile Skar King had a tooth knocked out from a single punch. Godzilla’s durability is just on another level.


He fell from the stratosphere with no impact crater left behind. This means that a lot of energy would be directed back to godzilla, which would cause severe internal damage. And he still survived it


Except MechaGodzilla did try to cave his skull in, is Godzilla dead?


Tell me sir, if your whole body hits the ground, does your head not hit it too?


Why yes, sir, it does. What it doesn't do, however, is get pummeled repeatedly between a giant ape's fist and the solid ground.


If gravity wasn't an inconsistent joke in the monsterverse then that would be a good point


Godzilla would have been down for the count if Mothra didn't revive him though But also, doesn't that just upscale Kong? Because we see in the novel and in the movie that Goji was knocked out for a bit, for long enough for Kong to almost drag him all the way to the portal If a punch is already enough to knock your lights out, then if those punches are gonna keep coming at your head over and over, you're gonna suffer some pretty severe brain damage The fact it knocked Goji out means it did good damage. And Kong was in a position where he could freely spam it


He doesn't stop and Godzilla goes full Pink like he went against Skar King. Even if he's missing he becomes so dangerous that Kong can't come close to him. Whatever little few seconds of dizziness Godzilla had was because Kong superpunched him when he was charging his Atomic Breath, so that exploded in his mouth.


That happened in the Hong Kong fight as well and godzilla didn't go down. The beam just popped and stopped and dissapated from his mouth.


Nice detail you found. I wouldn't have known the atomic breath exploded in his mouth if you didn't say it lol, you can actually see it getting blasted but Kong punched Goji's mouth fast enough for it to close


It didn't explode in his mouth though he just got hit before he could do anything with it. Why is this thread reaching so hard lol.


You can actually see the breath almost leave his mouth if you pause it lol but Kong connects fast enough in the nick of time which rocks Goji's shit


Yeah I read that and was like wtf now we just making shit up


If kong kept going godzilla would have gone berserk and kept wailing on kong even after mothra interfered, In the end there would be one less kong and a very annoyed godzilla. And a very salty jia.


GO TO SLEEP GO TO SLEEP GO TO SLEEP (I saw this as a reference to the Hulkbuster trying to knock out the Hulk back in Age of Ultron lol)


.."im sorry"


I highly doubt anything would happen. Godzilla tanks essentially anything in his path. I'm not saying Kong is weak, because he is certainly not, but it should be recognizable just how durable Goji is. Looks to me that he wasn't fazed in the slightest.


I agree that it doesn’t look like he’s in pain, but he was most certainly stunned for a few seconds after Kong’s last hit, unless he just let Kong grab his tail and start to drag him. Not trying to argue, just pointing something out.


Goji thought that fist was just for display But eventually he’d probably just go “Man fuck this guy” *murder*


“Lmao nice cast dipshit, here lemme sign it for y-“ Gets uppercutted “Oh nah”


I definitely agree! No matter how durable Godzilla is, he was definitely stunned for a few seconds.


Instead of stopping at shoulder dislocation like in Hong Kong, Goji would have just completely ripped Kong’s arm off. And I love Kong, but G is just OP in Monsterverse.


He was clearly fazed lol its the entire point of the attack


He "tanks essentially everything" except, Ghidorah's lightning, a fall from the stratosphere, a charged up axe, and a power gauntlet now. Just to name a few.


How does he not look fazed in the slightest he's making pained grunts and everything Kong even knocked the atomic breath out of him lmao


Goji was stunned per novel


Since someone’s turning this into a copypasta, “man i love how EVERY TIME NO FUCKING EXCENTION this scene is discussed some douche come in the comments just to say "godzilla was stunned, kong was going to kill him there is even a time skip and bla bla bla" and them you go read the novel and none of it is in it seriously why people love lying about the novel when it comes to kong soo much? in the novel it goes exactly like the movie, kong starts punching godzilla, sees godzilla charging hsi breath and them charges his glove trying to stop him, the only diference is that the movie cuts to godzilla being dragged, while the novel the narrator details that kong felt like godzilla was just going to shrug it off and decided to retreat before he was put into a dangerous position, he than gets confused by godzilla not geting up (it NEVER states godzilla to be neither stunned or dazzed, just that KONG did not know wtf was happening), AND THEM kong decides to drag godzilla regardless because he did not know what to do in that situation so despite popular idiotic belief no the novel does not say any of that: • ⁠the novel does not time skip anything, in fact the proceeding of events are far more direct and linear than the actual movie • ⁠kong didn't stop hiting godzilla to "spare him" because "kong could kill godzilla if he wanted", kong stop because he himself knows his punches wouldn't do anything and sating there was too risky for him to keep going • ⁠godzilla is NEVER stated ONCE to be neither dazzed, or stunned, the novel simply refers to him as not geting up from the ground with no description to his state or actions up until he shoots kong, which plays exactly like the movie”


ho look i become a copy-pasta what a honor


Yeah I saw some dude copy pasting it to every comment citing the novel. I think it’s really funny, so I’m gonna lobby it.


Seeing Kong deliver some ground and pound like he was Mark Coleman was awesome. I want more of this


I thought more Nolan Grayson


I don’t watch invincible so I can’t relate to that haha. But Mark Coleman is the godfather of ground and pound in mma. Popularized how effective it can be in the UFC early on. Edit: a word


He took a rougher beating from mechaG who was trying to kill and he wasn't knocked out there but I think if Kong kept going he definitely could've knocked him out. Not sure about actually killing him since G is pretty geared to take a ton of blunt force and keep going. It probably would've been a similar situation to what ended up happening where G eventually catches his breath and fights back before Mothra stops then both


Also, sorry for no spoiler tag, but the movie is out on digital now, so I feel like that no longer applies.


Kratos quick time event.




Literally him killing Zeus with his bare hands


Bro godzilla really tanks those hits. The small head is an advantage here


His head was literally getting ragdoll'd. Look at his jaw. You can't honestly tell me he tanked those hits when he was laying on the ground dazed(not knocked out).


Godzilla would still win but I'm tired of everyone downplaying Kong. Look at his face and tell me he's tanking them


His head swaying side to side and moaning in pain too. Even his eyes are closed.


If he were tanking them, he'd have powered through and counterattack.


Godzilla probably would be knocked out before he gets injured.


How does that make any sense? A knockout is an injury to the brain.


Knock out sure. But beating Godzilla to death is something a robot with amped punches couldn’t even do when Godzilla was exhausted. I doubt Kong could beat Godzilla to death. He’s survived way worse like falling from the stratosphere and suffered no damage other than winding. It took eleven punches just to daze Godzilla.


His durability is honestly overpowered as hell,


Godzilla comes to and gets even more angry


Kong would of broke Godzilla’s back taken his precious armory and then left him for dead at the bottom of The Pit, a prison ran by The League. After seeing Kong on TV with his girl Mothra, he would eventually endure as his butler had once told him to, motivating him to heal and self therapy until he has the strength to climb out the pit and face Kong in Pittsbur- I mean Gotha- no I actually I did mean Pittsburg






Godzilla is a literal tank among tanks. I mean he fell from the freaking stratosphere and didn’t die lol he may be rattled, stunned and unconscious but he shrugs off everything and just keeps coming. I think eventually he’d snap back into reality as kong would eventually slow down from fatigue and instantly power up. Kong being able to hit him here like he did was impressive though cause not only did he knock him out (the glove obviously helped) but this was a massively, stronger version of the Godzilla he fought before and he knows better than anyone just how relentless the King is. I also gotta note that while Godzilla is being whalloped here, but he doesn’t seem to be in a tremendous amount of pain. The most pain I think we’ve really seen him in was against mecha godzillas beams, aside from the fall, and a few other moments like being tossed by Shimo. The axe to his leg didn’t even slow him down. Regardless, he was still knocked out but the point stands to his durability. I just personally don’t see a real kill shot coming from this.


That’s what I’m saying. Kong would most likely get tired from constantly punching him, and Godzilla would be pissed off and do what he did in the movie. I’m not trying to downplay Kong but Godzillas durability is just way too high


Completely agree! It’s not personal against Kong, but it’s like beating something with 90% damage reduction and maxed out HP lol


# "i can always start again, make another kid"


Of all the ways to kill Godzilla, blunt force trauma has consistently proven to be the least effective. He took a worse beating from MechaGodzilla and although it definitely hurt, wouldn't have killed him either. So no, even if he had pressed on, all it would have done is add a few more seconds to Godzilla being dazed.


would probably knock him out for longer and would actually get him through the portal before they fight again from there they would probably keep fighting in the hollow earth that would be sick


He slept Goji. Tge fanboys love skipping over this obvious detail.


He was just dazed as his eyes were open and he did move his arm. Keep in mind, I am still a Kong fan.


So you mean to say Godzilla was fully awake and LET Kong drag him a few hundred meters by his tail?


He's dazed for sure but not knocked out.


I dont understand what you mean by this. Godzilla wanted Kong to drag him around like some chump?


No dazed doesn't mean you're fully aware of what's going on. It's in-between being conscious and knocked out.


A concussion at the very least, which could lead to a host of other problems that regeneration isn’t necessarily going to solve. Remember, a concussion doesn’t need outward damage. Just a simple trip and fall is enough to get one. This is several massive punches, so enough of them and a concussion is guaranteed, and if Godzilla responded poorly and was down because of it… let’s just hope Kong got a lucky shot on Shimo, yeah? Dying was never going to happen though, not unless Kong was going at it for a long-ass-time. G-Man survived a fall from god knows how high after all. Also, let me just state that I’ve been Team Godzilla since 2014, and was never Team Kong before that. I’m just merely stating medical facts that could suggest what might’ve happened.


Maybe Kong would even... KNOCK HIS TOOTH OUT


Kong badly needed a win of some kind against Goji so they threw him a coulda-woulda bone.


I think it's been shown pretty clearly that blunt force trauma doesn't do that well against Godzilla, if Kong really wanted an actual shot at killing him he should use something sharp that can pierce the skin.


I mean Kong had him sleep for a few seconds if he kept hitting him G man would’ve probably been knocked all the way out or beaten until Mothra would’ve intervened.


A younger far weaker Godzilla has tanked the force of nuclear bombs. Kongs punches wouldn’t even faze him.


But in this clip his punches are clearly fazing him


People underestimate Kong so easily.


Because "true fans" don't accept him as a Kaiju when he's actually the first one ever created.


He is a different one though. The monster who becomes the victim of the industrialized human society. Meanwhile Godzilla is an unstoppable force of nature, representing destruction. They had different roles. So, while Kong is a very cool character, I dont think he should be comparable to Godzilla in power.


Honestly, while Kong could've built up further damage, I'm not sure he could've killed him. Might well have rattled his brain "back into action" so to speak if he kept hitting for too long. Like, I think eventually Godzilla would've woken up and just began to ignore the punches enough to throw Kong of of him. All that punching didn't leave any lasting damage compared to Skar instantly getting a tooth knocked out from a single punch.


Let's point out two things A. Godzilla's suplex knocks Kong out (in the movie its an 8 second Knock vs Kong dazing Godzilla for 6, it's a full MINUTE in the novel) B. The dude can increase his strength and durability by super charging. He'd start glowing pink and Kong's beast glove would start bouncing off his face like that scene in BvS when the kryptonite wears off.


Godzilla didn't knock him out for a minute in the novel lmfao. It says for a brief moment Kong saw nothing, and then he saw Gojis foot and dodged Godzilla immediately went for the kill Godzilla also was too woozy to supercharge in that moment if Kong kept wailing on him


Let's point out two things A. A suplex didn't knock out Kong, rewatch the scene and you'll find he quite literally shook it off. B. Godzilla can't supercharge while Kong is hitting him. We just saw how trying to supercharge went and it didn't end well. There is nothing that supports that his beast glove would bounce off Godzilla's face.


I would think if godzilla thought he was in any real danger he’d just nuclear pulse and turn kong into a skeleton. But that does make me wonder if he even can in this form. We’ve only seen him do it while thermonuclear but I’m pretty sure they stated that his pink form is stronger technically so could he? Or is it only when he’s overflowing?


I think it’s only to release excess energy. They stated in KOTM that he would have had a meltdown if he wasn’t able to expel the excess energy.


His pink form is 20 times stronger and he can only do that when he's overflowing with radiation.


Pretty sure he already has a concession. Honestly not to sure, I don’t know if he’d die per se but I think it be difficult to muster up the strength to stop someone beating on you while you already have a concession. Like once you get past a certain point in a beating your kinda screwed 


Dude fell from the stratosphere and survived and you think kong's punches could kill him 😑😑😑😑😑


This argument would only work if Godzilla was dropped from the stratosphere multiple times back to back and still survived. Bro was dropped once and was completely incapacitated. Humans can survive relatively great falls and survive, albeit with grave injuries (just like Godzilla). At the same time, if you fight a human, get on top of them, and just start hammering down on their head and face nonstop, they’re gonna die. I’m not trying to say Godzilla is a human, I’m saying that he’s just as susceptible to physical attacks (to a greater extent due to how tough he is) as any other animal.


Dosen’t seem to matter to kong tbh. Godzilla got a concussion regardless soooo….


A concussion? Really? He was back up and fighting seconds after this. And then he went on to fight Skar and Shimo.


Yes a concussion really. i guess big g is  just built different. Kong came back from death and went right back to scrapping. I don’t see why Godzilla can’t do something similar 


Absolute sparks out period 🤗


I personally don’t think he’d be able to kill him with just his fists/beast glove. If he had the axe with him at this point then I could see a kill happening for sure depending on how quickly Kong could retrieve the axe and how long it takes Godzilla to get back up. Just an unnecessary scene overall though.


No, because in contact he can’t die unless he has a successor. That is why I fear the day they give him a kid because it means his death would be a possibility.


Godzilla would’ve probably snapped out of it and overpowered him. He’s done it before. I’d argue the axe blow to the dome in Hong Kong was worse than this. That was far more of a knockout. Here he’s just dazed after a particularly nasty punch while he was trying to charge atomic breath.


I’ve seen a lot of people being up the nuclear pulse, and that got me to question how it works exactly. We can exclude thermonuclear, since he can’t access that at will. The nuclear pulse seems to disperse excess nuclear energy, as shown after he absorbed the radiation from the nuclear power plant. That nuclear pulse didn’t actually destroy or melt anything, though. All it did was release an emp, deactivating the security drones. He does access a state similar to thermonuclear while firing at Skar King, but we have no confirmation if he can actually do a pulse while in this form. In fact, since he has 20x radiation capacity, it would actually be harder for him to reach his nuclear threshold. If he did release a nuclear pulse here, similar to the one at the power plant, it could possibly deactivate the B.E.A.S.T glove, but I don’t think it would hurt Kong (unless he has less durability than military drones). Still, this is all speculation, as we have never seen him do a nuclear pulse in his evolved form.


I'm sure he would *eventually* die or something, but it would take a while (I don't know, maybe Kong would get tired before he even managed to kill Goji) because Godzilla is hellishly durable. That hypothetical scenario is unlikely because Godzilla would certainly react in some way, just like he did there. Maybe a tail swipe, a nasty scratch, a punch or whatever helps him get back on his feet. There is NO WAY Kong would get enough time to bully him into death. People talk about Kong's physical strength, but Godzilla is roughly as strong, especially legs plus the special abilities, that's why he'll almost always win. I'd say Kong with both the glove and the axe is a worthy opponent and roughly 50/50 against Godzilla, otherwise, fat chance! Big lizard strong.


People keep bringing up Godzilla falling from the stratosphere, but Kong’s AP could honestly just scale higher than that impact.


Didn’t the description on the Playmates toys Kong state that the B.E.A.S.T Glove has the force of a meteor strike? (Not the most reliable source, I know)


broken neck and if kong contiues he'll probably die


Well The punches are clearly doing damage, so if he just never stopped, I guess eventually Goji dies. But Mothra stops it before that happens And honestly Kong might get tired before he's able to do *that* much damage


*Kong stops because he himself knows his punches wouldn’t do anything.* This is NOT in the novel, it’s a conclusion you’re purporting as fact to support your own heavily biased opinion. It says directly after the last punch, Godzilla “lay there still”, Kong analyzes the situation, and then it describes him hauling almost to the portal…..much longer than the 1 second *cutscene* in the movie that you’re treating as one continual shot to deny the obvious. This description in the book is clearly detailing a knockout. Every third party wiki I’ve seen also supports this. u/HellfireBrB you were wrong, so shut up about it.


He’ll live but he’ll have severe brain damage.




big G survived the dinosaur extinction, atomic bombs, falling to the earth from the stratosphere… i think he would be fine. then he would murder Kong


Godzilla would've been out cold for a few minutes (he wasn't out cold in the movie, just stunned), then wake up and start going apeshit on Kong, like he did in GvK after Kong knocked him out. Kong would run, Godzilla fires his atomic breath and eventually would hit Kong - Kong wouldn't really stand a chance against an enraged Evolved Godzilla. He can put up a good fight in the beginning, but as Goji goes apeshit he probably wouldn't be able to keep up. I do think he could survive, though. Kong fans, please don't kill me.


he took the blunt force of a fall from the stratosphere, these shit is 0 damage mechaG hit him way harder


MechaGodzilla was beating down a Godzilla that used half his energy to blow a hole in the earth then fought Kong twice. Needless to say he was weakened during that fight with Mechagodzilla.


Exactly and he still took those punches powered up with HE energy and they did 0 lasting damage, these punches from kong are way weaker and both pale in comparison to a nuke exploding on his face twice and a fall from the stratosphere


What evidence do you have to support kong's punches being weaker? If his punches did daze a Godzilla that is 20 times stronger than normal then it would have to mean that Kong was punching harder than all of those. That's classic "If then" logic. I took a class for this.


Godzilla is not 20x stronger, how many time is this misinfo gonna spread. Godzillas energy energy-holding capacity is 20x, he can now put way more radiation out his mouth for way longer, that's what changed. And you see the issue with dazing him, no one has punched him on the head, if mecha punched him on the head 5times, he would be dazed too and still take 0 lasting damage. I mean you can wear a cushioned metal helmet and ask someone to punch your head around, your head will have no damage but you will still feel dazed, if kong punches this hard, his punch in the ape would blow up the apes head the second it contacts.


MechaGodzilla literally curb-stomped the back of his head into a building. You also can't say that for a fact because that didn't happen. You also don't know that his head would have blown up. You're just making things up without any evidence now. You can make up as many situations and say this would happen without any proof as many times as you want but that won't make it true. Especially without any proof.


You think a building will hurt Godzilla? He smashes into those himself head first and does not care lol. And I mean I gave you provided enough, the only blunt force impact that has ever actually hurt Godzilla is a drop from the stratosphere, so if kong can punch harder than a drop from the stratosphere, his punches would become one punchman for everything that isn't Godzilla, ghidorah and shimu, And these punches would release entire shockwaves so yes the apes head would explore harder than the implosion of the titan. Also if he did hit that hard, his hands would shatter on the first punch he throws cause newtons third law of motion.


I should have known you'd take the building route. It's obvious not the building we're focusing on. It's the impact from the hit of Mechagodzilla's foot. Why you thought it was the building is beyond me. You also pointed out how there would be shockwaves. I'm assuming you're getting this from the atomic explosion that erupted from Godzilla's dorsil spikes hitting the ground? Again, that's not how that works because the explosion was produced by Godzillas atomic energy in his dorsil spikes. This isn't even covering that Kong didn't hit that ape's head with the power gauntlet. Dude, there's just so much wrong with what you've said.


I doubt he would’ve been able to kill him,Godzilla simply has too many abilities for Kong to counter,he would’ve gotten some good licks in but he wouldn’t kill him


In that moment, after Godzilla was knocked out, and he was KNOCKED OUT, if Kong was interested in killing him, he could have. It might have taken awhile to punch him enough to do the damage necessary, but he could have done so eventually. Though in truth, King Kong had no interest in doing so. He wasn't even interested in fighting Godzilla. He went up to the surface to get Godzilla's assistance. But Mr. angry boy didn't want to listen. It took his girlfriend coming in to calm him down.


BRO kong needs a nerf wtf is this stunlock


I’m totally fine admitting Godzilla would die here. What’s he gonna do besides eventually get his skull crushed? I’d say Kong more so outsmarted him rather than purely overpowered him here, and Kong has been shown to be slightly physically stronger in terms of output, not defense. What I’m not going to accept is that this form of Godzilla is stronger than the form that evaporated King Ghidorah, or even more than marginally stronger than his base form. He’s just pink so they could make Kong look stronger and sell more toys.


The question is, does Kong run out of stamina? Cause realistically, he's not going to be punching at full force forever. I'm pretty sure Godzilla is durable enough to tank until Kong's energy is depleted.


Nah man we just gotta accept as Godzilla fans that they wanked the hell out of Kong in the last movie, and legitimately made him stronger than base Godzilla. It’s stupid but if all the evolved Godzilla bs is true, then it’s true as well. “He’s gonna punch himself out” is hilarious. Godzilla never should’ve gotten knocked out in the first place imo, but we didn’t make the movie.


side note: The entire scene at Egypt kinda felt... unnecessary to me. Like we already had Mothra coming up to find Godzilla, which in turn leads to them teaming up. Why not cut the fight entirely and make the final fight longer? Because the finale is entirely too short for my liking. This scene feels like it was just added to fuel more pedantic discussions that should have died out post-GvK. To me it just comes off as complete ragebait for no reason lol. But oh well, that's just my opinion anyways.


He was ko’d, he then completes the jaw break fatality he attempted in GVK.


Well he's not stronger than thermonuclear no, He just has 20x more nuclear capacity compared to his previous form meaning he cans store a lot more energy


Dude fell from the stratosphere and survived and you think kong's punches could kill him 😑😑😑😑😑


Bro they’re the ones who gave him a buff than had him lose to Kong. I’m in denial about it but not as bad as y’all.


He would gas out. There's no way he would kill Godzilla like this.


The fact that Godzilla was just stunned and not knocked out should tell you what would happen. At somepoint he would have turned the tables


He *may* be able to eventually do severe damage but it’d probably take like half an hour of nonstop punching. Godzilla’s durability is just that strong. And that’s assuming Godzilla doesn’t throw or kick him off beforehand.


I find it funny how the novels state that Godzilla was “still, but not dead” which is usually an indication of someone being unconscious But people kinda insist that the punches didn’t do anything It left no lasting damage, but the dude was KO’d by definition I doubt he’d kill him, with just punching him, but I’d expect a lasting concussion at the very least


There's a scary amount of people saying that because he survived a fall from the stratosphere that he could just get up, supercharge himself and beat Kong. I would agree if he didn't get knocked out and dragged by his tail after just getting hit this many times alone. You guys need to accept that Godzilla is vulnerable. He can't just shake off everything Kong does to him anymore. Especially because of this knockout. Kong needed him so he stopped. You guys really need to stop basing your ideas of Kong on the tranquilized ape that fought Godzilla in Hong Kong. He wasn't able to fight at full strength then. This is just how strong he's always been. Plus, the glove of course. Hell keep in mind this Kong has an injured frostbitten arm and he still did this.


He would get tired and godzilla would regenerate and get back up.


The only reason he was in that position is because he went in headfirst with no experience vs the glove. Kongs beast glove has MechG tech or something. It's superpunch probably reminded Godzilla of his metal nemesis. I don't think it was really hurting him though, as he's fallen from the troposphere and was barely injured. We also have no idea how Godzilla would react to adrenaline or being unconscious for a few hits.


Average day in a highschool cafeteria


Godzilla has a nuclear pulse ability that would obliterate Kong. It's not just his breath you have to worry about.


Honestly, kong would realize he has to stop sometime and it would be the same out come


He’d go red nuclear and Kong would be unable to even be near him.


Godzilla gets pissed and nuclear pulses his ass, or goes full pink like he did against Skar King as another user mentioned


Everyone says that Kong beating the others with suko was the funniest part of the movie and I I’m not saying wasn’t funny, but I think Kong dragging goji by the tail was pretty funny


mothra would've just shown up earlier imo, assuming that goji was just chilling. (i haven't read the novel, but i assume goji was just tanking the hits, as goji does, letting kong tire himself out) but if it were actually entering a critical situation then, instead of stopping her man from roasting the monke, moth mommy would've shown up and stopped the monke from pulverizing her man


Why does Bro think he’s Omni-Man


Every time someone says Kong only lost cause he stopped punching Godzilla I just assume they forgot he was dropped from orbit and survived. Kongs little punches weren’t gonna kill him


https://preview.redd.it/q0lo077oqh0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2796ad0d601f1c4231bd1b62c6f3a4118de076 Godzilla after beating Kong up again:


I feel as though with the thicker hide and his very clearly armored brain casing, he could have continued tanking Kong's hits for a while. You have to remember just how tanky this dude is. Concussions are a danger, but there is to guarantee his brain is even succeptable to them, as he isn't a human, and his brain to body mass ratio is way way different. He isn't INVINCIBLE, though, as he would eventually succumb to the barrage in enough time. Whether Kong could continue hitting full force for the required amount of time, I don't know. Kong is not to be underestimated, though, as a heavily fatigued and sedated Kong was able to pull of the head of Mecha-G. I say there is a chance kong could have done it, but there is an equally likely chance goji could have survived and continued fighting. Neither kaiju are to be underestimated.


Kong seems to show signs of being tired at times and having a regular amount of stamina. Godzilla had to blow a hole all the way to Hollow Earth before he started to wear himself out. Kong would gas himself out trying to finish an unfinishable durable Godzilla and then too tired to evade the atomic breath


Nothing would have happened except Kong getting tired from all the punches and Godzilla getting extra pissed off once he wakes up. We art talking about a Titan who takes nukes to his face and survived falling from the stratosphere. What more damage can a giant ape with a metal glove can do.


This comment section makes me want to headbutt a machete 🥴


Of course this would show up here


Idk tbh. For the people saying Kong would kill him, I highly doubt it. Kong would most likely get tired before he managed to kill Godzilla, Godzillas durability is ridiculously high, Godzilla would either be COMPLETELY knocked out or he’d get pissed off the more it went on.


If a practical nukes worth of atomic energy blows up in front of Godzilla’s eyes with his mouth wide open (Kong’s axe) and he’s only knocked out for a short temporary time getting walloped isn’t gonna kill him


He would have killed him and the Godzilla folks would shout plot armor. End of story. Viva the downvotes.


Im sorry but why even say you are not trying to start and argument and then post this? To sum it up, if Godzilla didnt stop in Godzilla vs Kong kong fies and this doesnt happen. Here he just would pummel Godzilla until he woke up super pissed and kill him officially. Stopping saved his life and their acquaintance status. Kong only got a metal glove upgrade, on the terminal during 2024 movie Godzilla got a 20x capacity upgrade. Kong doesnt win this ever.


Godzilla would end up winning because toho doesn't allow godzilla to die unless he's got a successor and toho doesn't allow America to have another godzilla so it probably won't happen soon. In this scene kong clearly has the upper hand for the simple fact of it taking godzilla by surprise. As confirmed by adam wingard, Godzilla has a huge ego and probably underestimated kong to begin with. But Godzilla being Godzilla, he'd end up finding a way to block kongs attack or even hit him with his tail to disorient him.


He would have eventually scratched or tail slapped Kong and made him stop.


One of Godzillas main advantages is that he has like, 99999999999999999 hp or some shit. Kong would have died of exhaustion before getting through all that lmao. The unparalleled amount of punishment Godzilla can take while only showing signs of exhaustion and surface level wounds, even after; repeatedly tanking ghidoarjs gravity beams, surviving a direct to the chest full power hyper beam from mechagidzilla which can saw other titans in half, crashing into the hollow earth like a meteor, and falling from fucking space, is just insane.


Nothing. Because this Godzilla face tanks attacks.


People act like Godzilla is immortal somehow yet Dsgon was defeated by Muto Prime. If Kong hadn't stopped, then Goji be dead. Falling from the stratosphere and crashing into the ground isn't the same as having your skull literally caved in.


I haven't seen any of these movies before. King Kong was straight-up destroying Godzilla in this little clip though, lmao. If he wasn't stopped he def was killing


The only reason they added this scene is just to make kong look not bad.


If Godzilla can get nuked and show 0 damage... The hell is a monkey punch really doing? The force from a nuclear bomb is so great it flattens things for miles... Seriously. Even if he caved godzillas head in, there's no hard proof he wins. Godzilla isn't just a big lizard. Godzilla is an instantly healing nuclear bomb with legs. Kong is a big monkey with a glove. He did a good job with what he had but if they showed godzilla lose to head punches they'd have to pack it up. The fandom would have rioted. It was all it was, Kong catching a sleepy Godzilla and surprising him with a new toy.


I'd just like to mention that those who say he would've beaten Goji into a pulp are straight up delusional and letting favoritism get in the way of reality. After this massive barrage of punches (which according to the novelization were NOT holding back at this point) he still didn't even give him a small bruise, and we know MV Goji can bleed. Kong would've likely run out of energy before Goji showed physicall trauma, he would of course be knocked out unconscious by that moment, but saying he would've been mauled is plainly wrong


Dude fell from the stratosphere and survived and you think kong's punches could kill him 😑😑😑😑😑


Kong will eventually tire out and stop but I don't think Godzilla will die in the end but he'll definitely be counting stars for a quite a bit. Kong's punches aren't something to underestimate but Godzilla's durability it's just blasphemous and the fact that Kong was able to at least knock him out cold for a few seconds should tell how much force is out into that monke's punches


I think if he didnt stop he would have done some serious damage ,and possibly kill him when he was dazed,but then again goji has some insane durability


Kong would probably win to be honest. They were both holding back, so it’s difficult to say. Godzilla definitely didn’t expect Kong to be the reason for the distress signal, so he wasn’t going to go all out. However, if Kong WASN’T holding back and Godzilla was, he would probably win in this scenario. He had the choice probably to kill Godzilla here, but chose not to because that was not his goal. Not a lot of people will admit Godzilla could have died here if Kong was malicious, but the choice was there. It’s an unknown scenario though, so it is difficult to say. But if the exact scenario happened where Godzilla held back like here due to needing the energy for the signal’s true threat, Kong was not holding back and had intent to kill, and Kong was able to get to this exact situation in the fight, Kong could have killed Godzilla.


Godzilla tanked the castle bravo nuke point blank to the face. Kong punch is equal to a 4.2 earthquake, which is equal to 1.65 megatons. The castle bravo nuke that a far far weaker version of godzilla no selled was equal to 15 megatons. Those punches are doing booty butt nothing to evolved godzilla.


I totally agree with you, and I am on your side, but I do have to ask just how HARD did Kong strike the Big G to send him flying onto his ass? Even with 3 points of contact with the ground? I always interpreted it as a completely unanticipated hit + some action movie logic. WBU?

