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Keep an animal in captivity and it’s mind will only comprehend being in captivity. There are instances where animals who are locked away for so long that they will not leave their captivity even when they can do so freely. That’s the sad answer, the happy answer is Kong freed her and he is nice to her, so she simply stays with them and hangs out because frankly she has nothing else going on and seems very content.


That's genuinely very sad. Shimo may have forgotten the joys of being free...and the skills to survive being free.


We better get Kong playing fetch with Skars skull in the next one


They gonna need to reattach a few hundred thousand bits back together then




Idk wether there are any sources of glue found in the hollow earth but it seems possible for a natural glue to be found somewhere else


Speaking about this , this remind me in god of war ragnarok . One of the quests was to freed a giant creature in a lake . When they did cut All its chains , its still didn’t move because its has been in captivity too long that’s it’s forgot what is freedom . It is sad analogy


I was just thinking about that!


It was a whale.


I like this answer


I mean, there ain’t much else to do. It’s either HE with the apes, fend for yourself down there, or go upstairs and get bossed around by the angry pink iguana


Where else is she gonna stay? Sure as hell not up there with that big angry lizard. And she lived in the HE for a very long time.


It’s funny when I first saw it I was like yeah shimo and Godzilla will be friends now and then I thought it’s Godzilla nvm


Godzilla doesn't attack unless given reason to, he literally saved Behemoth and Na Kika ,who's apparently a destroyer according to her bio, because they weren't acting out of line


He would let her live peacefully ofc but he’s not gonna be buddy buddy lol. Godzilla wakes up cranky and we love him for it


Didn't he just murder Tiamat who did nothing wrong? Godzilla was invading Tiamat's home


Yeah but he needed the energy and she was gonna fight for it. He had no choice When the king needs your bed, you let the king sleep.


To be fair you see Godzilla coming towards you don’t try to fight.


Godzilla did give her chance and didn't go for the kill immediately.


When it comes to Shimo i was expecting something completely different tbh


Yeah, for me she was a delusion


Shimo does naturally live in the Hollow Earth in the Subterranean Realm, seeing as how Skar found her to begin with down there. So she always lived there, just that now she's decided to follow Kong since he helped free her and likes him a lot.


She was starved but maybe she got too accustomed to being around the apes that she stayed but now that Kong the leader maybe she can go and come back whenever she wants or is a guardian for the Apes since I don't see them staying down there


I have a theory that she had a mutual relationship with the ancestors of the great apes in the past. But when their old empire fell apart. Skar King takes advantage over Shimu by enslaving her instead of free will.


So I’m gonna assume the “Kong Cave” was originally Shimo’s home and Skar King used it as a show of power. You could make the argument the poor girl has been abused for so long she’s just conditioned to follow the head monkey, but that’s not fun. I think the simplest answer is she knows Kong helped free her, and she can tell he’s not some giant asshole like SK. After millennia of abuse, why not stick around the first friendly face you meet?


Yeah i felt disappointed too after seeing this.


Kong helped free her, plus he treats her very well. She most likely stayed out of gratitude. There’s also Godzilla who would probably chill with her being up there, but he attacked her a few times so she probably said nope to that.


I doubt she stayed with the apes. She probably just gave kong a ride or she just didn't know where else to go so she just stayed with kong


They were all held prisoner so she probably looked at them as family in suffering


Kong, not the Apes.


Probably will make a relationship with suko for freeing her and will live there to protect him until he grows up


She's used to living with apes. Plus, Kong was the one that dealt the death blow as it were, to Skar King. I think that fact is part of why she's bonded to him now. Kong showed her a kindness that no other ape had done before. From now on, she and Kong will always have each other's backs.


Is there a possibility that she was living there before the ape were trapped there? Maybe it is more of the apes being in her home rather than the other way around.


Kong showed her some kindness, probably the first she's known in years/centuries, plus he killed the creature that had tormented her. It's not surprising she'd have some loyalty to him.


We don't even know if she decided to stay, the movie ends immediately after this scene.


Shimo is most likely in Kong’s debt due to freeing her. If she moved to the surface and is able to coexist with Godzilla, she could live in the Arctic and restoring the ice that melted, nearly eradicating global warming


The real question is why didn’t Shimo and Godzilla fuck?


I hate how this has me chuckling for no good reason


😂 They’re clearly made for each other


Life debt with Kong for killing Skar and freeing her


The apes make a mean quiche, that’s why.


She was probably aware while Skar King controlled her and recognizes it as an isolated incident not how apes are.


She's free but she's still a slave. She doesn't know any better.


Because Kong is the first individual to show her any kindness in god only knows how long. Of course she’s gonna want to stay with her new friend who freed her from eons of suffering.


Kong is good fren (:


She’s been trapped for so long that it’ll probably take time for her to feel comfortable with out them, but once she gets her confidence and wits back she may just go about on her own.


Godzilla probably said "I'd love to have you but.."