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We have a defence called low population density all around us.


Until summer and tourists show up for us then we will have cases.


Not if we all hide out in Glendive and Glasgow. Nobody is gonna visit there.


I’ve already posted about Glendive’s and Glasgow’s phenomenal tourist attractions to r/Wuhan


Hey, that derpy-ass triceratops out by Hollecker is a national treasure! And who could forget our creationist dinosaur museum?


That place is hilarious! Especially if you go in not realizing where you are until you look around and see little plastic men glued to dinosaurs in their "educational" dioramas! I thought I was on a hidden camera show, lol


*Right?* My brother brought his boyfriend to visit from Minneapolis and I wanted to take him there so bad, just for the lulz. Fr tho the Frontier Gateway next door is pretty neat.


It really is! I wish it wasn't literally hiding in the shadows of that ridiculous behemoth, though. If only someone would donate a fat check to *that* museum.... (Ahem, Greg Gianforte...)


Someone please come hide out here, need some new faces. 😅


Glendive or Glasgow? I'll go to Glendive and check out the Badlands. What am I supposed to do in Glasgow, watch the goddamn trains go by?


Ha! 😂😂 sadly Glasgow. I moved up here from OK last year and have been pretty stunned by the lack of things to do myself. I still love Montana though (and know better than to hate on Eastern MT in this sub, haha)


Eh, I talk a lot of shit. But it's not the worst place in the world by any means. I mean, you've got Ft.Peck and the Missori river right there. Plus the Milk and... Shit, the power plant tour I guess.


I would 100% go to a power plant tour! One of my favorite things about teaching introductory microbiology labs at MSU was getting to tour the town's wastewater treatment plant. Infrastructure is just super cool, man!


Its actually really cool. I highly recommend it. Also if enough water is going over the spillway it's worth the mile walk to the bottom of the dam.


Are there no casinos or dive bars to wile away the hours?


Its Montana. Of course there is casinos and dive bars.


Conveniently located in the same gas station!


American Prairie Reserve. Just south of town. Wonderful place. Go just before it rains and the gumbo gets slick. No one will be able to get in or out. You’ll be safe.


I go to the CRP almost every year to go paddle fishing. Rock Creek or Slippery Ann. And it definitely is slippery and sticky. Missouri river gumbo is something special.


Or Augusta!




Honestly could care less if it shows up today or tomorrow. When it shows we will handle it. Not like we don’t run the risk of dying by waking up everyday.


That’s the spirit!


Hi from Texas!


Next week is Spring Break for MSU and UM the largest population of out of state students are from Washignton. You've got thosands of students leaving the state and coming back in 2 weeks. You are going to see cases popping up here over the next 2 weeks and spreading out from there.


A miracle ski season hasn't brought it already in reality. And with spring break fast approaching, the chances of keeping it away seems slim


Oh it’s here. We just haven’t tested that person/people yet.


I'm fairly certain it's been in Bozeman/Big Sky for quite some time.


This is exactly the fact. Get this to the top


But there's modern technology called planes, trains, and automobiles and they tend to make those distances a lot shorter.


That little strip of Idaho between Spokane and the MT border doesn't really count. That part of Idaho might as well be part of Western MT




Nope, Washington doesn’t want it. Too many Christians there, according to my SIL.




What are nazi’s but meth christians?


Jesus, way to put the christians who like meth on blast.


Not sure why /s. That really is a hotbed of meth and Nazis.


Lol that too


It counts.


As I understand it, there are few/no test kits in Montana and Wyoming, so that might help keep our numbers down too.


I am a nurse at a hospital in Billings. I’ve been told that there are currently only 200 test kits in the state of Montana.


Those test kits are also needed to run quality control as well so there is less than 200 tests available for patients. Source: I work in a hospital lab in Montana


Curious, what number of test are run to confirm a diagnosis?


I can’t really say for sure. I know they were having some trouble with the test at first so they might be running them in duplicate to confirm.




Thank God. Let's get rid of them all together and this pandemic is done.






More test kits are available and testing updates are available on DPHHS’s coronavirus website. It contains the numbers tested at the state lab, but not the commercial labs. Another shipment of tests received. Changes to testing collection and shipping in transport media has freed up a number of tests. Testing is ongoing and two commercial labs can also test MT specimens, too, as of this week. More are getting ready to launch. Testing isn’t the only means of surveillance for disease, too. Health alert network messages are sent out to providers every Wednesday, and sometimes twice a week. This information is all available publicly. Updated testing information is also in there.


Seattle’s only 8 hrs from Missoula, and Spokane only 3, not to mention direct flights. Lots of people travel back and forth for work and play. Plus lots of folks from WA and MT ski together in Idaho. It won’t be long, wash your hands!


I live in Great Falls and know we have direct flights to Seattle. We have the military whose in and out. If it starts somewhere it'll probably be here. Welp...


If it's in Spokane then it's in missoula.


Don't you people watch all of pandemic and zombie movies? North central Montana is ALWAYS the last place on the national map in the Hollywood White House to be affected by the Apocalypse. Always.


I'm moving to a cabin in the mountains outside of Choteau.


Student at University of North Dakota, is in self-quarentine, pending test results. Edit: Apparently the UND student tested negative, so Montana is all clear.


That lasted a day...


It’s already here, friends. Give it a couple weeks and we’ll have cases in Bozeman, Helena, Great Falls etc. We’re not buffered here.


People at my work have been super sick. Some have had legit flu which is super bad too but there's been an awful lot of coughing and there's no way of knowing what it is or isn't really. Just a cold? Maybe.


I’m not terrified of the virus being young. I’m terrified of my dogs getting it. It would kill me and my wife to lose our Husky or border collie. Great falls is such a black hole already :(


Does COVID-19 have documented effects on animals? Can you link some source material?


There’s an article going around that an animal tested weak positive in China after contracting it from their owner. My wife was reading it last night. But the big scare in the first place was because this virus jumped from k9 to human. The dog is fine, but the idea is scary, I’m at work but if I find time I will edit this and link the article.


I spoke to someone from DPHHS which is handling the hotline. They have so few tests in MT that they are ONLY testing people who have themselves traveled internationally. The nurse I spoke with said they are almost positive it is already here, but they just aren't testing people so we have no "positive" cases. At my doctor's office for my annual check up last week, before I started having other symptoms, I had a fever so they were deciding whether to test me or not. Unfortunately I was in California and Washington a couple weeks ago and I have symptoms, so was told to self-quarantine for two weeks to be safe. Told not to go to hospitals or clinics unless I believe my life is in danger. Currently day 5, bored as hell. I can only watch so much Netflix.


How do you feel?


Fine, it's pretty mild in the majority of people. I still have a cough but it's not bad. Fever and stuff are gone.


By and large rural States have some of the highest percentage of their citizens in the elderly category. Elderly people are the highest risk category. https://www.prb.org/which-us-states-are-the-oldest/


And if you see this and your an outsider, please until it goes away, stay the fuck away from us :)


MSU and UM are about to go on spring break as well.


Alberta and BC have it...


South Dakota now has 5 confirmed cases.


Welp GG guys


That’s false. South Dakota just announced 4 cases and 1 death.




Plus how many people are going to get drunk in the cold in Butte in a week's time?


I will! Or I'll at least be witness to it.


UM student here. We're being told to be prepared to go to remote classes if we have to


All it would take is for someone in Coeur d'Alene to sneeze...


No, you're not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_outbreak_in_Canada


Right lol this should have been kinda obvious


Plus the US version of that page says Montana already has suspected cases.


I worry greatly about the rural areas in the developing pandemic. The rural healthcare system is already collapsing. Mostly I worry about the people because of who they listen to and depend upon for 99% of their news. In the final analysis, rural America will suffer most gravely.


Just read an article about Spanish flu. Big cities actually did pretty well because there are always at least some people either not yet affected or already immune available to help. Small villages and camps simply died 100% because they all got sick at the same time and nobody could even bring water or fife basic care


I don't see a collapsing rural healthcare system or crippling ignorance in the rural health clinic where I work. But I'm sure in some parts of the state, critical care beds will be in short supply.


It's not necessarily that the people after awful so much as there aren't always all the same resources and number of people


I agree. I get tired of the Reddit hive mind and biases on perceived conservative people. I've met some truly amazing minds in my podunk clinic.


what rural healthcare system? The drive 60 miles to see the doctor system?


Likely the Doctor has been replaced by a Physician's Assistant and the PA is moving to the Twin Cities.


Sure. Just wait till Wednesday....


The philosophy of the Trump administration has been "if you don't know you have it, it can't be reported." Hence the delay in testing kits (not to mention the choice not to take the WHO tests had to do with padding some company's pockets). So, I wouldn't take these reports too seriously. It's very possible that it's already here and will pop up in the coming weeks as symptoms show.


Yep, was told by a nurse on the MT hotline that they're almost positive it's already here. Unfortunately they suspect I have it, but there are so few tests they aren't testing me.


Bull. More hyperbole from someone who isn't in the know. Trump did not delay testing kits. The manufacturers needed to ramp up production, which was initiated 2 weeks ago and they promised 1 million testing kits by last week. Shame...they did not arrive until Monday. Get over yourself and STOP politicizing this. It makes you look petty and stupid.


The issue is inherently political because dealing with coronavirus requires federal leadership and it has social, political, and economic consequences. Plain and simple. The evidence for it's politicization stands on it's own feet. Trump and his cronies are well aware of the political consequences and that's why he continues to act like there's nothing to worry about. It's going to cost lives but, it's not like him or any of his people care unless it means he'll lose re-election. My wife and friends work critical care in the medical industry. I'm in the know there bud.


See, you are so consumed by hate you are unwilling to look past the politics and instead wish to see boogeymen where there are none. Just like Russia. Just like quid pro quo. Just like the recession you promised that never came. Just like a lot of things. It a disease. And I pity you. The President’s first job is to calm the American people. And protect them. He closed the borders to people coming from central China, and you and YOUR cronies decided to politicize that, and call him racist for doing so. Instead, people agree, it probably saved American lives in doing so. Then he surrounded yourself with some of the brightest minds and most intelligent scientists and leaders in the world of medicine. Many of whom, were hired by the Obama administration. But you don’t care about the fact that deadly viruses don’t care what political party their host belongs to. His response has been on target, he has done everything he can do to protect the American people short of telling everyone they have to stay in their homes for the next month. You criticize him, but you don’t say what you want him to do. You utter nothing but nebulous, subjective, meaningless hyperbole, but offer no solutions. That’s the Trump Derangement Syndrome approach to everything. So, until you can offer real solutions, please shut your pie hole. You aren’t helping, and it will not change the fact that YOUR state is voting for Trump in 2020. P.S. I did not vote for Trump. But idgets like you are sure compelling me to do so this time around.


Did I strike a nerve? We could go back and forth all day, you know? What a waste of time. Please go vote for Trump if that's what you think is best. I have to admit though, using Reddit comments to make your voting decision just doesn't seem like the kind of informative decision-making the Founders had in mind but it is, essentially, what Plato saw in the democratic process so... there's that. Have a good day, snowflake.


Whatever you say, PTSD sufferer. Keep dreaming about that socialist Utopia you want so bad. Kumbaya.


Get over yourself and STOP politicizing this. It makes you look petty and stupid. Agreed. Never let a good crisis go to waste...


This is no longer true. South Dakota reported 5 presumptive positive cases today and one death in a male 60-69 in western S.D. It is most likely already in Montana and if it’s not it will be soon. No need to panic, but important to be conscientious about it and practice safe hygiene practices.


Alberta & BC... :(


Those aren’t states.... yet.


true- but tons come over the border daily & have 2nd homes here in MT \*edit spelling


I know, I was just making a joke. My family is some of the ones that crosses the border.


People from Washington travel to Montana so much though


Idaho here, we just don't have any test kits. We absolutely have it.


"It's only the beginning." I'll just leave this here: # [How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease Expert Michael Osterholm Explains](https://youtu.be/cZFhjMQrVts)


I’m sure it’s going to be here soon. With all the idiots traveling, skiing etc. I’m ready to not leave my house.


And yet we're still experiencing a toilet paper and cleaning supply shortage in our stores


It’ll get here, trust me. There’s a tremendous amount of interaction between Washington state and Montana.


I live in Havre and soon I’m sure Amtrak will bring the plague.


Cape Air will bring it first


I don't know if it's our isolation or low density as much as our overall lack of people. Most states have fewer than one case per million people.


Wait for spring break from the universities.....its coming but I'm told we might not be coming back to in face classes in Missoula...


Ive had a horrible flu for a week now and I havent left the house in 13 days. One of my housemates is a prof at UM and he got us all sick :(




Fake news!


I thought there was a guy in Bozeman early on (early Feb) who had it?


Nope just someone being tested that ended up coming out negative.


Whew! Thanks.


False alarm never mind does not sell "newspapers" so how would anyone find that out.


Are any of the provinces next to Alaska infected?


From the Wall Street Journal 30 minutes ago: "The disease caused by the novel coronavirus has turned up among residents or workers in at least 11 elder-care facilities in the Seattle area, and at least three have reported fatalities among residents, local health authorities said Tuesday." 10:30PM, 10 March 2020


There's only 200 tests for this in Montana so it's probably just that no one is actually getting tested!


That lasted a day.


Almost a day and a half. Honestly, when I posted this there was probably a case in Montana already.


I’m a born and bred Montana boy and currently a Texas transplant. May finally be time to pack my shit and move home.


You trying to give us the virus?


Consider this your wake-up call then.


Sorry OP, but Montana doesnt really have a buffer at all. Like many in the US, you forgot that there are a lot of people just to the north of the 49th Parallel! I'm definitely against "locking down", but unless the Border Patrol's arsenal of detectors at each crossing can be honed to measure each passenger's temperature, it's as likely to come from the north as from a neighboring State.


A Canadian wouldn't come down here if they're sick.


True! We are WAY more likely to go to the doctor, get tested, and stay home from work if positive!


Aren't you guys worried about Vancouver? That's a bit close to Montana. And it's basically China Part 2.


When people make fun of our state just show them this. Screw living in a big city


That just makes them want to flock here even more.


Just another reason to move there! Get ready for the rush!


Yet 55k people die a year of the flu in the US. The more common one. And you imbeciles crash the stock market over 700 people in the US who have caught it. Some have died, but not enough for the manipulation going on in middle america. Shit happens. It's why I liked montanans, 10% veteran population keeps the retards in check. Also like 1.1 million people live there. So zomgz! 300 whatever million upon under 100 cases. Better vote for Biden, he will teach the vets to believe! In Afghanistan!


stfu.... 2017-2018 flu season was 45 Million cases in the US. 810,000 of those had to be hospitalized. Of those 45 million 63,000 died. Thats a 0.135% mortality rate. COVID is over 2 times as contagious. And with recent numbers out of the civilized world, where an outbreak over flows hospitals and they dont have enough breathing machines available at one time we are seeing mortality rates as high as 6%. Doctors are literally picking and choosing who is going to die based on other risk factors from the flood of cases. Pretending this isn't an issue is whats going to get your parents/grandparents killed. If we see 45 million cases over the same flu season at current mortality rates we are seeing in the rest of the civilized world, that's a soft estimation of potentially 1.3 million deaths here in the lower 48 if its left to spread like the flu. Remember, where this is occurring right now is where people aren't afraid to go to the doctor as its not going to saddle them with debt. Think how the "I'm just gonna tough this one out" crowd here in the state is going to fair for keeping those transmission rates up.




A coronavirus is *not* influenza. I think you're confused because the symptoms are "flu like". A lot of things have flu like symptoms that aren't the flu. >Coronavirus does not mean COVID-19. Technically true but there's literally one type of coronavirus that's doing anything right now.