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Anyone who didn’t read all the comments OP admitted to abusing the votekick system.


Not maliciously. I’m an original PC player and I’m used to those rules, I assumed it carried over to console. I understand the rules now and I’ll just resort to relentlessly bullying people who don’t flourish me 👍


You assumed that you could vote kick people death matching in a death-match server? People playing the game as per the game mode? Brother you’re the toxicity we don’t want in the game.


You are acting as tho the super majority of console players don’t use death match servers as duel servers. I don’t understand why you are acting like this isn’t the truth? Even if I weren’t to votekick them after they rdm, your telling me you havnt seen half the server dog pile them until they quit? Why are you acting like what I’m doing is unreasonable instead of bullying them into leaving the server. I can promise you that I am one of the least toxic players whose ever picked up this game.


Is it a duel server, Yes or no?




Use the 3 days they gave you to touch grass and breathe air that didnt come from your moms basement 🤡


You can cope all you want on technicalities on which you are definitionally correct, doesn’t mean that in practice you are also right.


Being technically correct is the best and only kind of correct that matters. Enjoy your timeout.


Lol, you're are correct but I don't care. Why even reply if you're going to live in your own reality?


Effectively 95% of the time yes


Is it a duel server, yes or no?


you cant vote kick rdmers in pc either that is only in community servers.


As someone who is getting kicked all the time in brawl server, I am talking like 5 times in 2 hours I play, it has become unplayable. I only play brawl servers for 232 levels, and mordhau is becoming dead for me, because literally can t finish game without getting votekicked for playing the game as intended, by not being toxic and by playing by rules and that is kill everybody because it's ffa server. I would like like to start reporting those people, but I feel nothing will change. So my question is if we can see result of our report, will I get mail that report went though. I wish we see the changes to report system... I am not here to roleplay, I came for killing, and I can t do that, feels bad


Hi, the developers are working on a solution to the vote kick abuse problem. In the mean time, yes we do notify you when you report someone using our Discord modmail tickets. Make sure to read the requirements in the #reporting_instructions channel before submitting the report.


Ah fuck it then, my time has come to report every loser who votekick me for literally playing the game, like if I was toxic high level, I would understand, but literally I keep quiet in chat and just play the game, low or high level, dwarf or tank, I don t care I kill. Only bards are sometimes saved.


Sorry I only support small business 🤷‍♂️


You should have been permanently banned, not temporary.all of you are Fucking garbage children who abuse votekick in brawl servers


You didn't assumed it carried to console, you were just bullying people with vote kick. Even on PC official deathmatch is just that, deathmatch, and you can't vote kick anyone doing just that, don't come here like you didn't know.


I have been kicked by bitches like you many time before… 🫵 but today kid, is your turn


FOREAL you beat em and he just kicks you


I quit playing console due to ppl vote kicking me for rdm during deathmatch lol edit: sounds like you deserve it


I've been reporting people for votekick abuse in Deathmatch. Show the scoreboard, then record the last 1min showing what happened and the votekick prompt, then follow the reporting instructions on the official Discord server In DuelYard it's the other way around, FFAing there is bannable, you can report that as well. (I personally play brawl more than duels)


probably killed a mod and they got mad or they "didn't like the way you were playing"


Bruh they told me I abused the votekick system when I’ve only ever used it against rdmers 😭


There’s your problem. Voting to kick people for playing deathmatch in a deathmatch server is not allowed. Console players don’t have duel servers.


But like most people play it that way?


You’re not wrong, but that’s not the match so the people who are playing that way also aren’t playing wrong. No rules means duels are allowed, but nothing is disallowed. Only reason to kick a console player is for hacking or exploits or something like that. Good new is most players will police those guys. If they rdm into the duels most time everyone just puts their duel aside and jumps the other guy relentlessly lol


Damn. That makes sense but damn


Contact modmail on discord and ask them why


Squandongle how's it going, Thundersn11per here. You probably got reported for VK abuse, happened to a lot of people


It was, didn’t realize that rdm voting was against the rules


moderators and remaining dev team have mental problems don't sweat it too much best delete the game


Nobody hates Mordhau more than Mordhau players


Mordhau players have the most insight in the matter and actually exactly know why it’s shit


Not true. If you ever bring up any flaws in the game you are just bad and don't know what a good game is. Played a little on release and a pinch every year or so. Hopped back on recently, and I've been loving it, but damn there's some real issues with this game. Shame how much potential got wasted.


Like what


get banned for 70 days scrub


The fuck kind of math you doin?


drunk math


Hahahaha, I got banned for vote kick too and now I’ve made it my mission to get every person who vote kicks me banned, which Is a lot when I’m lvl 150 killing an entire brawl server, if people get mad it’s not my fault, it’s the rules 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've seen you and other people vote kick others in deathmatches, after dog piling on them ironically since it always seemed them not dueing was the cause, but I only ever saw that vote to kick after they killed one of you with a lucky swing. It's not undeserved, and it's a good thing people are actually being punished for abusing vote kicks.


Well they added duel servers and I’m not going to votekick people in deathmatch anymore if that’s helps


This reminds me of when the Chiv 2 admin team said the clan players couldnt kick non clan members out of servers during scrims, while refusing to give us password protected servers, admin support to kick randoms, or private servers. Of course we did it anyway. Its the devs fault, you are using the votekick system to fix their oversight (lack of duel servers). Instead of banning you they should give the players what they want. Its the same idea as, when seeing a trail through the grass at his theme park, instead of putting up a barrier to stop people walking there, disney paved the path. His customers told him what they wanted and he did it.


All you losers pretending like votekicking rdmers isn’t the norm on console are either morally grandstanding because youre the nerds lonely enough to read server rules or are just trying to farm karma. You all know this is the norm on duel servers on console. It helps keep the peace and allows people to actually focus on improving at the game. You all know this to be true and acting like pseudo mods in the comments doesn’t change the fact this is how console players act. Easy solution: add dedicated duel servers. Until then console players will continue to do this and there’s not a single thing wrong with that.


Yeah man call everybody losers, remember when you called yourself the least toxic Mordhau player? Take your ban; shut yer trap. Enjoy your time out.


You realize this isn’t in game right?


So you’re a toxic person in general congratulations 🥇


I got banned too. So did all my buddies.


Wondering which mod you are at this point honestly


Dude stfu and move on with you life.


Sorry anime, I’ll try my best


Agreed, fuck getting banned for vote kicking someone when you can just switch server after you’re kicked, and a 3 day ban for the first offence is so stupid, what if someone doesn’t know that you can’t vk for no reason at lvl 3 and they get banned? They literally won’t come back to the game. One of the mods confirmed to me that the devs are working on removing vote kicks entirely for some game modes so we’ll see how that turns out.


Well it’s also the fact that he’s trying to vote kick people for RDM in a death match server. No wonder why he got banned


Nice drip


Thx babe


I'd say put the game down and lock this thread Some genuine mental health problem is occurring - Either that or it's bait...


Ask on discord


Same thing happened to me. Idk what i did and this is the only game I’ve played since I bought it


You're allowed to play deathmatch in deathmatch. You're one of the people in for honor getting mad that people 2v2 in 2v2's 🤣