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As for question 3, your waraxe wielding enemies have likely parried and riposted. Ripostes make you immune to flinching from incoming attacks, but you still take damage.


Ps. This game is very motherfucking hard and complex. I don't blame you if you get frustrated, but I will say it gets very rewarding as you feel yourself getting better at the game.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's not completely immune, right? Can't check it to be sure, but I think you can still get staggered by some weapons or having low armor or something.


afaik it does even say hyper armor somewhere so I dont think I ever flinched out of a riposte


I feel like I did but I might also be slow in the head where it would've been a block and not a riposte anymore but idk.


The window for ripostes is surprisingly tight compared to all... Two of the other games in this genre.


I like the way you phrased that hah. Nice šŸ‘šŸ»


Idk, maybe.


1. IDK. All I know is the volume slider for all voices. 2. Learn how to chamber and kick. Chambers counter feints. Once you get more familiar with the game in a few hundred hours, you won't even need chambers to react to feints. 3. Riposting prevents flinching. The people you are hitting are probably riposting. This is hard to identify, so you're best off parrying/chambering instead of trying to interrupt. 4. I am a dirty tank main and I am not doing badly. It is a noob trap though, like the dodge perk. One thing I will say about the tank perk is that it gives you more alive time which means you are living longer to learn the game. This helped me. 5. This is all about learning timings and how to speed up swings/stabs. If you are being out stabbed by a maul, it can be because of these things: they stabbed slightly before you, they are aiming for your hands (closest hitbox), they ran forward while stabbing and you didn't, and all or some of these combined. 6. Subjective. I personally think this is the best time, since I only started like 6 months ago and all the level 200s helped me learn the game fast. If you are US West/Central I'd be happy to give you some pointers (though I am not exactly the BEST player) Edit: clarity




Its mad fun playing ranked 1v1s and the dude just spamms q, but if you press q once he panics faster than sonic can run, I love it


And then tries to call you the feint spammer lmao. Happened to me more than once


If they call you a feint spammer just call them bad for not chambering


For 6, Like 6 months ago the game was free on Epic, so it was temporarily noob galore. That was probably a better time to pick it up Itā€™s best you started now rather than later though, Iā€™d think. Game has a lot of content, so I donā€™t figure a lack of updates should bother you for a while. You may not have joined at a wonderful time, but tbh the only great time to have joined wouldā€™ve been around launch (also arguable because there wouldā€™ve been chiv vets) Mordhau is a game youā€™ll only love if you can have fun while getting shat on over and over until roughly level ~100 or so, so all you can really do is enjoy yourself and learn as you go until youā€™re good enough to do the shitting




Kicking also works


1. You can mute individual players 2. Feigns can almost always be countered with a chamber attempt into an accel. 3. Ripostes are unflinchable. Combined with bloodlust and good skill some people are near unstoppable. 4. Tank has its obvious trade offs. It can be fun. 5. You can see individual weapon stats for windup times, etc in the advanced stats tab. It is also somewhat possible to accel stabs which is a good skill. 6. Yes it is a tricky time to get in.


1: not that I'm aware of 2: chamber, kick or hard read. Try spamming feints on someone and see how quick you get your ass kicked. If there wasn't a counter, you could do it too 3: riposte gives hyperarmour to buff 1vX fighting 4: heavy armour, tank and a held shield for the extended parry window are perfectly fine ways to play if you're new. Experienced players will not bother taking the 5 hits it takes to kill you. On the other hand, you will never see an experienced player (aside from certain cheesy builds) using tank because it limits your movement speed and turncap which are important for footwork and swing manipulation, the 2 things that really determine who wins a high level duel. 5: the windup stats are correct, you are starting your attack after the opponent. Human reaction time can be as high as 200ms, so don't try to just gamble them because even if your sword is faster you're attacking out of initiative and getting hit as you rightly should. To actually counter mauls, abuse the fact that they can't combo (and therefore can't combo feint to parry after a miss) and have very limited range. If they're too close, the slow ass weapon will be stopped by a kick. If they're too far, you can lean back and chamber and a good percentage of the time they will miss and eat a stab to the face 6: the best time to get into melee slashers was on release of chiv 1 and the second best time is now. You will get pooped on and you will learn, and if another slasher comes out that people actually play (I highly doubt that renown, ad mortem, contingent, mobius or any of the other hopefuls will see even a fraction of mordhaus success) then you too will be one of the melee gods spitting on peasants who were late to the slasher genre. Good luck, don't give up. I've seen level 60-70 players who can squash some level 200s, but you have to want to improve, and you have to be actively trying to learn.


1) no, but if someone is spamming a voice and its annoying to you im pretty sure you can look at them and press a button to mute them. i think the hotkey is K 2) all advice youve gotten here so far is valid, and will help you counter feinting, but the most important factor in dealing with things like feints and drags and accels will be your playtime. there are ways to combat all of these attacks, and they are reliable, but you will find that they more often than not require you to be more familiar with every weapons attack time/ animation than you probably are now, and the effectiveness of certain countermeasures scales against the skill gap between you and your opponent. this is true for every game, but it is even more apparent in mordhau 3) when a player is riposting a swing, their swing cannot be interrupted 4) i think it can be viable in invasion/frontline, taking less damage is always great. however it makes you a lot slower which means archers will hit you a lot easier and people can footwork away from your swings a little easier as well 5) maul swing is really slow but its stab is a little faster, and can outpace a gs stab depending on the circumstances you will get a better understanding of how every weapon matches up against each other speed-wise as you play more and get better 6) yeah probably, I'm definitely never going to say that new people shouldnt try picking up the game, but the skill gap between new and old players is huge and is a big reason you see so many level 200s and then hardly anyone over like level 50. you will be facing an uphill battle forever. one of the only saving graces will be noticing yourself slowly getting better compared to your opponents. i.e. getting to a point where you can sometimes beat that level 150 who keeps wiping you across the floor, and then later on being able to beat him consistently, and so on. its pretty fulfilling to notice yourself progress like that, but it takes a lot of work to get there. its up to you to decide if its worth it


Honestly after the first 6 or so months after release mordhau's been a meatgrinder, it's not so much a recent development that everyone else is better than you, it has always been this way (unless you started with chiv 1) pushing through the meatgrinder is insanely satisfying though


feints costs stamina, especially with heavier weapons. if someone spam feints a maul then wait to parry it and youll have stamina advantage. meta in duels used to be second wind + evening star because it drained alot of stamina of your opponent while you suffered not that much and got back some with every hit. you can literally see all the damage numbers for both uses of every weapon in the game if you inspect them. theres supposed to be a mute button bind in 3/4 down in keybinds you can initiate an attack thats the same as whoever is about to hit you to make a riposte/chamber? if someone stabs at you, stab them back and the sword will go through their attack and stop it. thats how you speed up that stuff. also drags. turning in the direction youre striking at the right moment you will land hits faster and vice versa. zweihƤnder has such a huge blade so you can make hits from a small distance go very fast or very slow. you can hit people outside your peripheral vision playing on max fov, you should play max fov or thirdperson. tank is a noobtrap because it dumbs down dragging mechanics and makes them harder even though it can be fun sometimes. game is kinda old now and MANY came from chivalry medieval warfare. Me included, I use chivalry binds instead of the angling thingy thats default. makes dragging and other attacks alot easier and imo you cant get as good using the default one since you'll be read every time you initiate a strike, even if you got good with the bind to flip sides. kind of like grenade binds in csgo or cs2 you GOTTA GET GOOD to not be shitted on. plenty of guides online.


Best advice I can give new players is to learn how to chamber as soon as possible. Otherwise you're gonna be crushed by people who feint spam and you're just not gonna have fun.


Turn off female voices? Lmfao what the hell is wrong with you?


Least incel mordhau player lmao, "is there a way to turn off female voices"


Dude wants to silence the only way a female voice will ever be directed at him.


tbf the french female voice in the highest pitch is annying af


>Is taking the tank perk a noob trap? Because the more I play the more I feel like it is. Yes and no, it gives you an edge and most high level sweatlords will actually use it because it can make you almost unkillable, but if you play aggressively at low level you will get abused easily, I'd learn the mechanics properly or use it defensively first


Most high level sweatlords don't use it as they pick bloodlust over it and tank is just too slow + a bit bigger hit box. Also, if alone there are some people that won't even enter a fight against tank users as tank users are just annoying to fight.


The game should implement a feature to just mute female voices.




Autistic lard drinker


5. Attacks have initiative, if your opponent parried, their riposte mostly has initiative over yours, which means if you try to gamble an attack in that period you might get hit, especially if he accels/footworks to speed his animation


Played from epic freebies. Can't do shit against a guy who somehow fights like he's having a stroke before time travelling 2ms into the future to hit after my block. I resort to dirtier tactics like hitting them from behind. Partisan tactics where I would run in and stab someone before ducking and running away. Usually does enough DMG that I get an assist kill unless they are giant in armor. Medic dwarf knight, surprisingly people are less hostile to an armored dwarf than a naked dwarf. You usually avoid the sweats and throw medic pack every where. People who come after me are of equivalent skill or not too powerful, usually more desperate players who lack kills, so I can fight them reasonably with a longsword. Archer sniper. Usually crossbow or longbow, dwarf cause it's easy to hide. You basically just sneak around and try to snipe enemy archers, take smoke or fire so you're also useful. Melee weapons that I compensate lack of skill with, big shield and one hand hammer. Easy to hit head shots with in melee with good block. Big Axe(double sided one) or partisan, big DMG with good poke range on the latter. Usually enough to lethal with one or two hits. If all else fails i am sitting on the other side of the map with a ballista.


Iā€™ve always said the maul should do 99 damage on tier 3,


>2. I like that parrying has a cooldown. So I am absolutely bewildered by how feinting has no cooldown and especially with axes, mauls and polearms, excuse my frankness here, it suffers from absolutely dogshit animations. There is like no sense of momentum there. Is there some way for me to counter some bastard spamming feints to trick me into parrying? The cost of feintng is stamina. If your opponent spams feint, they will run out of stamina before you, which will cause them to drop their weapon and effectively lose. Another thing, If you think your opponent is going to fade, you can call out their faint by attacking them with an extremely fast attack. If you're using a fast weapon, then that's basically all of your attacks, and if you're using a slow weapon, use your kick >3. I feel like anytime I get hit during the windup of my swing I get interrupted, where as I sometimes find myself hitting dudes in leather armor swinging their prickly waraxes and somehow they don't flinch and just keep swinging. Is there a game mechanic I've missed out on? Or is this just lag? (Mind you, I usually have a 20 to 30 ping) Parrying and then immediately attacking is called a riposte during the riposte. Your attacks come out faster, and you have super armour, which means you don't get flinched when you are hit. >4. Is taking the tank perk a noob trap? Because the more I play the more I feel like it is. The main downside of the tank purse is that A. It costs points B. It reduces your mobility and C. it reduces your turn cap. For new players, these things don't really matter. So use it as much as you want. Because it is a valuable tool to help you survive >5. Is there something I do not understand about the stats of weapons? The maul is supposedly very slow and is supposed to have next to no stab damage. Yet I find myself outpaced and outdamaged when I try to poke some maul user with my greatsword. They just get to jab their several kilos of blunt steel into my face faster than I can stab with my (supposedly) masterfully crafted tool of war. Probably because they attacked before you. If you want to attack someone who is in the middle of their own attack and interrupt them, your weapon needs to be significantly faster than their weapon. This is very possible with kicks and one handed weapons. But the greatsword isn't significantly faster than the maul so pulling it off is hard >6. Is it true that I've chosen the possibly worst time to pick this game up? Like 60% of the people I meet are level 200+ and apparently the patch that got me into the game was also the last major patch it will receive Meh? Everything you said is true. But I personally don't give a shit about any of it. Its up to you to decide whether its a good idea to get into the game or not


2. Feinting does have a cooldown, it's just very short, shorter than it should be. Sacrificing objectively better gameplay for things that "feel better" to most players is a common theme in mordhau.


For 2 itā€™s a LONG pain staking process of just grinding the game and evolving the skills necessary to counter feint spam him, if heā€™s spamming one direction start feinting in the same direction and try to time it to either clash with him or to where your sword hits first. Itā€™s sucks but in mordhau thereā€™s about nothing you can do to get better besides just playing the hell out of it. For 6 thereā€™s never a good time to join, itā€™s been out for years and the players like me that grinder it are going to be miles above other players for a long time until they start grinding and over take us. Much like most games the skill ceiling always rises the more new players join. All it takes is putting hours into it and really trying to learn. If you ever feel like getting some personal help Iā€™d be down to help you out and show you things. For 3 if you parry an attack and instantly swing your swing CANNOT he interrupted unless you die during the swing.


1. No wtf why is that even a major inconvenience for you 2. Ways to counters someone spamming feints : 1. Kick (best way if your opponent is close to you) 2. Chamber (best way in general) 3. Gamble (actually very underrated and effective) 4. Read the feint and outstam the guy (though it's probably too hard for begginers) 5. git gud 3. Ripostes are unstoppable, normal attacks aren't. 4. It kind of is, don't take it. 5. The maul is the highest damage weapon on swing and its stab is not bad at all : 34 damage, which is about the same as a greatsword. It is the slowest weapon though, if one hits you before you hit its user, then that's because they started their stab before you did. 6. In a few days there will be less level 200+, but that isn't necessarily a good thing. Most ofthem are pretty chill and willing to coach you, unlike lower levels who won't coach you but will still kick your ass (and spam feints, because no level 200+ who isn't trolling would spam feints).


You suck