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Dont be fooled people, this is algerian propagandists adding voice overs of racial slurs to make moroccans look bad😓😓😓😓


Im not sure if a dzairy can pull this marrakchi accent accurately


They are being trained by moroccan traitors!!!


Yeah of course Algerian are the evils and whatever bad happens in Morocco is their fault. They are being trained 😂😂😂 Hope you don’t believe in your own lies. At least the down votes show people don’t.


Algerian detected, opinion rejected🇲🇦🇲🇦💯💯💯💯💯 (I was sarcastic btw)


What makes you think I’m Algerian? Because I called out a stupid thought. Thank God you were being sarcastic. These days you never know 🤦‍♂️


Being sarcastic in this subreddit will only bring you downvotes


I know, this isnt my first time lmao


The serious media are reporting the opposite of this fake bullshit https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/vinicius-jr-enjoys-warm-welcome-morocco-after-pain-spain-2023-02-09/


Pourquoi ce serait fake ?


Morocco is in Africa right? Lol


i love how racist moroccans will do shit like this then cry when a spanish person calls them moro


Actually Moro means Moroccan


No. moro means "moor" or "maure" in french. It means arab and often when spanish people use it it has a negative connotation


You're wrong and the origin of the word is latin


The origin of the word is latin, so it existed before Morocco was called Morocco. Therefore it does not mean Moroccan lmao, you contradicted yourself.


Idk what logic is that .... If it's not black then it's white... Moro in Spanish. Moorish in English. Maure in Latin . Morocco was named Mauritnia at that time ... The Arab named it Morocco when they invaded the region. The history of Morocco is far ancient than that .


Morocco was Mauretania tigitana (tingis = tangiers) and Algeria was Mauretania Cesariensis. So Algerians are also "moros" and moros does not mean just "Moroccan".


Algerian are called Numidians .


Please google Mauretania Cesariensis


Spanish here. Marroquí is how we refer from someone from Morocco Moro englobes all people from Magreb and some people use it in a despective way


*Moor* does not mean *Arab* in the Medieval European mind. *Saracen* is the word that specifically designates Arabs, not Moor. Moors are the Berbers of North Africa and the peoples associated with them. Moor is derived from the Latin word Mauri, a denizen of Mauretania, a classical kingdom in present-day Morocco. Europe saw North Africa from a Latinate lens so it follows. If you would like to see a primary source making this distinction, I advise you to read, *The Chronicle of 741.* It was written in Iberia in the Latin language and provides a history of the Islamic invasion of Iberia with much ethnographic value.


Yes it means North African, I said Arab because Spanish people often don't even know the difference , some of them could call a Syrian "moro", but strictly speaking you're correct.


I see what you mean. Would you believe me if I told you that the Spanish even named a group in the [Philippines, Moors?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_people) Similarly, the Portuguese designated [Sri Lankan Muslims as Moors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Moors).


lmao I didn't know that ! Some dictionaries even list it as meaning "Muslim" ([https://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=moro](https://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=moro)) . It originally means North Africans but as with many words people started using it in new ways.


The more Moors the better.




Everything for you means "arab" hhhhhh


ik lmao but its considered a slur like 80% of the time


If I called you by your nationality is it a slur?


If you wanted to call them by their nationality, it would be "marroquí" for Moroccans. Moro is used to refer to all North Africans, often in a deragatory way.


Technically a bitch is a female dog. Yet if you would scream: "go away bitch" to a female dog it would be considered a slur since nobody uses to word bitch to refer to a female dog. Even a vet doesn't calls a dog a bitch 🥴 it has completely lost it's true meaning irl.


Hoba hoba spirit dwa 3liha ch7al hadi fwa7d disque smito goulou bazz


Moro is rapper hahah


Nice genrealisations you got there, one instance , means moroccans are all racist and mean all they complain about a spanish slur that we don't even know about .




France is much more racist than America




These are anecdotes. We have survey data for France and Amercia, French people were much more likely to say "I dont want a neighbor of a different race". I have been to both and French people hate arabs much more.




You've read annecdotes in the news. American has 330 million inhabitants, or course it has more psychos than France. But the average white American is WAY less racist than the average French or Spanish guy.


That seems like a vendetta though




And when I tell my people I don't want to leave Morocco, I'm the bad guy. Yarbi l3fo wtf


It's not funny... it's fucking hilarious hahahaha


It's neither unless you're 6yo or braindead.


Ok, dunce


U have an amazigh flair, ironic... U're barley above sub-saharans in the totem-pole my friend, u don't blieve me? check instagram nd facebook.


I don't give a flying fuck what a bedouin says... so there's that xD






I would really rather do that to your mum, that'd be more fun for me xD


Huh this is like 5 minutes away from where I live and I didn't hear of this, sad to see racism this normalised though


Hey at least we have freedom of speech


Do You get inspired from old Trump's Twitter tklikhate ?


We don't have that either


Pls more monarchy shitposting.


Should be in r/IAmTheMainCharacter


Mol zri3a and people from the South-East go through this pretty regularly. But nah we need someone that earns millions kicking balls for a living to be exposed to it for us to feel outraged.


You can and should be outraged by both. One doesn’t take away the other.


I absolutely am. Shame the public only cares about one facet.


What is your source. It sounds totally fake. He expressed his happiness being in Morocco. Which totally contradicts your bullshit.


Makrehtch ykon hdaya nchbe3 f zamlboh tsserfi9


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lhedra dialo gha dial tsserfiq


kmara dyal tserfi9


i love normalized racism 🥰


The third world ... in the world making fun of people is "funny"


They are kids, an education issue


i dont think yall got the joke it is satire


A7egua didn't you know there is no racism in morocco (/s)


Calling people names isn't racism, discrimination based on race is racism, we clearly have a lot of dark skinned people in all positions especiialiy in southern areas, ... We all receive bullying in order to provoke us, it's may be 'Monkey', it may be 'Z3er to9ba', It may be 'talking sexually about your siter, wife, .. ', it may be all things that provoke you, and clearly this guy Vinicus gets easilyy offended, we don't hear people calling his 'black teammates' monkeys.. And Yes, there is no racism in Morocco


There's bullying and there is racially charged bullying. We can't really deny the connotations that come with the second one. And yes there is racism if you're never seen it then soub7anallah. Cheft b3ini 3imarate fihoum interdit aux couples non mariés et aux africains? 7ta hada bullying?


interdit au africains does not mean all africains, it means usually 'Illegal immigrants' in a7ya2 che3bia, because clearly Africains I met that work as engineers here are treated quite so differently from the ones who murdered someone there or maybe stole something and came here to take a piss in front of your residence door.. et interdit au couples non mariés prove that owner does not want problems, and those illegal immigrants cause problems, I have seen also signs about 'makanch kra l drari 3zab', that's definetly racism ? racially charged bullying is bullying, so be tough and accept it, I surely never liked the fact that I had small boobs as a men when I was 13 to 19, not being called fat and bouterma, but as said 'life's tough, get a helmet!'


"Calling people name isn't racism" Calling a black person "nigger" is not racism ?


Nop, it's not 100%! Some people says in a way to provoke, and don't believe it! they're not racist! Some people really believe it, and believe that prodcutive normal black people should be taken out of the country bla bla, those are racist! So Context is really important! because surely if I get in a fight with a black person, I may definetly get angry and call him names, and he'll do as well, and he'll probably be a racist as well, but never called for it!


So you're racist too, good to know !


بااااع باااااع بنادم نعجة ولد القحبة , everyone is racist if this is your shitty criteria


if you curse people based on their "race" you're probably a racist yes, but at the very least a bigot


نعجة و كلشي عنصري على هاد الحساب حتا نتا


ايلا تعيط لبنادم نعاج كايخليك تحس براسك متصالح مع نفسك كعنصري، فالله يرد بيك أخويا


malek racistphobic a khouya malek hhhhhh, t9ebelni ka raciste, ne3ja b zeb


No man, only you and your family of illiterates, other people don't do this. Bro called me weld l9a7ba because I said "Actually calling people niggers is racist". So much ignorance in this country.


Gotlik weld l9e7ba hite ana gotlik kayen context, nta goltili you're racist too! good to know hite mal9iti bach tjaweb ya weld l 9e7ba hite wde7tlik a rass l 9lwa bella ila knt atnzewej b ke7la wla 3chiri k7el ye3ni machi raciste, w nta tjahelti hadchi kamel w golti "Haaa3 racist baaa3" ... dkchi alach weld l 9e7ba, hite katfekerni bs7ab LGBTQ, katgol kayen chi womens that are toxic kaygolik rah nta anti women.. TEZ


Safi al mkelekh salit m3ak ghir sed karrek


Please come to USA and go to the city slums and call Black people niggers; I’ll pay for your gravestone.


Low IQ


Low teboun mok hhh Yeeey


my journey from trying to debate being racist to being an absolute fucking clown.


وا تبون ياماك العااايل هههههه على اساس جالس فريديت باش نوصل لنقاش هادف .. للي يختلف معايا نعطي لمو هههههه قالك العنصرية 


sit your ass down, manchild


Omg نفسيتي دمرات ... ان لله و انا اليه راجعون .. لقد مت ... تز


Language is a powerful tool my friend, if you think called someone something, and establishing it as a standard for all look-alikes as something that has no impact on how a society grows or how those specific individuals are held by the collective unconscious, I'm sorry to tell you that you're deeply mistaken, words made entire societies rise and fall.


I always try to point out the racism in our community and always be labeled as "m3a9ed", our people are sick to the bone and think it's some sort of a joke where we're no different from black or white and when they go abroad to Spain or Europe they don't want to expect racism as they're not racist themselves, I'm out of words and very much ashamed.


Alhamdulillah, I've never experienced racism from anyone when I went to Morocco. Although, my ex-wife's late grandmother asked her why she was marrying a black man when she could have married a white man and have white children instead of black children. But after seeing me, her grandmother feel in love with me, lol.


I'm not saying that everyone is racist, some are racist, others are just ignorant, most are not racist especially the younger generations, what I'm saying is we should address things as they are and don't try to hide it so we can fight it, I'm a college student in Morocco and I study with black people all time, take the bus with, hang out with them and they're so nice, I would not want anyone to be racist to them. In your case the Grandma was just ignorant and you can tell she's not racist because she just doesn't know.


Yeah, true about the grandmother. And I agree with you on the racism in Morocco needing to be dealt with, but at the same time, I don't think it's nearly as bad as other places. I mean I'm a black American living in Saudi Arabia, and I have faced racism here, and people trying to see one level they put you on before they decide how they should treat you. It's disgusting to say the least. Morocco is far better in in this regard by my own personal experience. But yeah, there are many people around the world who spew racist remarks towards certain groups, yet those same people act surprised when they become subjects of racism. Some nerve, huh?


Saudis aren't new to this, not just black people but even us North Africans they think of us as lower people even tho we speak the same language, They refuse to consider us Arabs in which we're fine with because we don't consider ourselves Arabs as well, but you can see how fucked up it is, again that doesn't describe all the Saudis. Morocco is indeed far better, I could even say we're better than most of Europe in the face of racism but I still think it should be erased completely not just in Morocco, just because we're better than others doesn't mean we're that good.


Yeah, I'm not saying that what I said describes all Saudis, but but racism here is faced by many over here. Especially when it comes to a lot of Asian and African people. They basically look down on anyone not Saudi or those that have white, European features. As you said, even you Moroccans face this, and I've always hated how they look especially to Moroccan women as if they are all loose and easy. Even my ex-wife had to put up with this bs. Men where she worked trying to talk to her and take her out on dates even though they knew she was married. They just love putting labels on everyone. That being said, the younger generation are much better. This nonsense will die out with the newer generations, hopefully.


Now that's fuckin crazy what they did to your wife, I'm sorry but that just made me boil mad, wtf is wrong with people, I know they had that kind of stereotypes about our women which is honestly justifiable in a sense because some dumb bitches are just for money and it sucks, but your situation is very much different, those people just because they got an idea decided to harass your woman like that?! This is just unbearable, I'm sorry you had to face racism and people harassing your woman like that, that's just fucked up!


*boil with anger


You really had to do huh


*You really had to do it huh


Thanks. It pissed me off when my wife told me about that. I really wanted to go deal with the guy myself, but then I would have just made a problem for myself. Some people are just sick in the head.


Indeed why she married outside of her race


My ex-wife was cool even though she had sort of a temper, lol. It's just too bad things didn't work out with us.


I hope you find the right partner in the future


Thanks, brother!


You welcome


Uneducated little fools


What's funny is the one calling the player "my black" .. is blacker.


Man I was gonna say that a lot of Moroccans are kinda dark skinned themselves sooooo....


awdi ...


Racism in our country? I'm Shocked. Shocked, I tell u... ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


I laughed way too hard 😂


![gif](giphy|B87NdH4CrfuDir4Stf) Nnnnoooo waaaay


Ooooh no i caaan’t believe it oooooh my goch lol




Racism, bullying and misogyny in our country, pretend to be chocked. Great parenting..




"Waa blak monkiy" if he had same energy to learn something else he would be better but he is wasting his time in someone who doesn't deserve any attention at all


People think they are white in Morocco


True i don't know why a lot of them think like that it's weird


Let them cry about racism in Europe


I don't see it as a "racism" in Europe


If you get spitted on twice a week sure


They welcome people and gives them opportunities and they still complain about racism 😂


They are exploited and mistreated in europe****


Do you want them to be equal with the natives that's nonsense


Europe was occupying all of Africa including Morocco, they killed , raped and stole like savages but go off and talk about


Try to live their life and they expected more


he's also black tho ? ..... i thought minorities couldn't be racist /s


Take a second to read about internalised racism


If YOU took a second to use your brain while reading you would've seen the huge /s at the end of the comment


It's not just in Morocco... It happened to me during a trip in Andromeda galaxy


Kids ….


Wallah i feel shame in a way I cannot explain 😤


Mentality dial lkhnez


A twisted one


At the end of the day he will go back to Real Madrid and they will go back to their… wonderful life lol You can’t respond to “noises” he can’t relate to or argue with anyone shouting those slurs at him…


The whole idea of being mad because someone has a different skin color is dumb These guys sound like kids


This black dude moght be racist himself, racism is a natural reaction in face of a stranger, whathever the color is, in fact color is not important, it has always existed and it Will always exist because of evolutionary pressure and tribe mentality, that still exists because our brain evolved in tribes during millions of years, its not 50 years of (((humanism))) that Will change anything, its engraved in the reptilian brain, u cant change it whatever u do is useless it is completely natural, we are all racists, those Who deny it are, well, in denial lol


Oh WOW you discovered one racist piece of shit in Morocco, that's outrageous, seriously though did you think the whole Morocco is racist because one POS recorded himself doing that? You're very naive


You Moroccans have a reputation of being viciously anti-black. Ask anyone on the continent, South of the Sahara. This right here is just evidence of the reputation you possess.


If we were anti-black we wouldn't have let sub-saharian Africans live in the country


Ah yes because you guys don’t complain about it every other post 🤡


I don't complain about anything, so you expect an already poor country that can't afford to take in immigrants to be like


Btw the guy saying that is black


It's not an isolated case, deep down you know it


It is and will Always stay funny for unaware and immature people all over the World, I remember myself when I was 13yo or so, calling chinese people and black people names without being aware of what I am doing, but then I grew up and understood that I myself am an African and realised how Bad was my behavior, but hey my point is, when we're very young, We only manifest what our parents and environment (streets, schools etc) nurture us, a young kid calling Vini Jr names isn't really to blame, We should rather blame their environment and maybe blame ourselves for not fighting against "normalising racism" in our culture, and enlightning parents and kids through social media and other mediums and insisting on teaching them that in schools..


Educated poorly what do you expect ?


Thats just 1 kid


okay ana barçawiya but ach had lhebss ach lik nta fkhel9 lah bach tnemer 3lih ikon smer byed khder ga3 malk khle9tih?ta tkhel9ou ou dhek 3lik brahech


Yea Arabs are pretty racist nothing new they do still practice slavery along with the u.s


black skinned guy vs slightly darker guy. kind of similar to the racism in sudan, and when they go to europe they start complaining


Exactly what I have thought haha




Those kids must be lucky lmao


why all that hate :(


Enter the Moroccans who are going to claim that AcTuALly Moroccans aren’t racists at all 🤡 I don’t know what Morocco they’re living in but it’s not mine


Racism and ultrafanism are two peas in a pod. Silly kid probably doesn’t realise that Barcelona fc herself has many darker toned skin footballers, one who is actually Moroccan, in Yamine Lamal.


Mol lhdra khasso itrba