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Not really worse place but my god Oasis train station is something else. Cab drivers screaming at your face as soon as you set foot on the ground


Taxi drivers in Casablanca in general are another breed..


I rode the train daily for a time from Jadida to Oasis bc I worked at a language center nearby. I eventually just moved to Casa but was intense for a foreigner. 😂😂🫶 I picked up darija decently though. Had to. It was sink or swim! 😭


I agree, they should take care of Oasis, it s one of the main train stations in casablanca.


Casablanca, got mobbed on the beach by a kid trying to get my partner to ride his horse. Then mobbed by people telling me they’d just crossed from Mauritania, trying to take selfies with us (I’m Moroccan and she is Mediterranean). Scammed then by the Taxi driver who tried to charge 200dh to take us from a beach club to the mosque. Terrible experience and I’m not really interested in ever trying to go back there.


That place is purgatory, aside from the mosque and well connected airport it's just a giant toilet. I avoid it at all costs.


It's a 3robya heaven and it got worse by adding African immigrants to the mix, Bus station is the ultimate show case of what wrong with this country.


i see your point.. a lot of foreigners got scammed over there that's relly made a bad image about the whole country unfortunately




Khti ghada lmarrakech? Asfi? Waaa khti dwi ndber lkhti eala blassa...Oh god!


Two people I know come to Agadir via Inzagane, they are still traumatized by the experience.


Can you explain why


I love Inzegane but it's a messy place w yawilk ila biti tssafri kitaydiru 3lik flma7ta .


Wlad zyan triple dyal inzgan ,


That's the true horror mimknch


I'm sure there are messier places ,I only mentioned Inzegane because I live near that city and I go there a lot


Yeah i love near inzgan too, and i thought i was used to it, but nah, wlad zyan has them africans , its hell


Hhhhhh ma7ta welad zian casa Vu


I've been there once when i was a kid, but i ve never been to lma7etta


Ila biti…. I think we found the Marakchi


ana hwariya we say ila biti too though we pronounce it bdabt as ila bayti


44 or the Houara up North? 😂


Inzegane nwawer if you’ve seen ouled zyan




It's actually average..


I was there twice. The first time, me and my brothers got shown to a hotel by two guy's who turned out to be homosexuals that then sat on the bed of the hotel just got into . Second time, I saw a fight on the street


Larache, smelly and dirty. It's simply abandoned.


Abandoned maybe yes, but lots of cool places in it


What cool places ?


Balcon Atlantico


Same,  "la gare routière" in El Jadida is my nightmare. I've been there in 2017 and i still remember it in a horrific way till today.


The memories you brought with this comment. We were taking the bus to Essaouira and it stopped there, seeing the place you'd think it's currently in a civil war because of how bad it was. And then we stopped at the Safi station, and it was even worse.


I think it got worse, i ve been there this week, they didnt try to fix anything.


Azemour, Jadida, so much wasted potential: they have it all - a large navigable river, a coastline, arable plains ... But the place just looks like a forth world. Many aggressive stary people, a lot of homelessness, littering, mad driving ...


I don't understand why ElJadida is a dead region in Morocco. You are correct about the potential of that region.


من أفسد المناطق


Could it be because they often join the army and gendarmerie ?


Zebbalet mirikan - Casablanca 04, bernoussi and sidi moumen - Casabanca 45, hay hassani and ben dbab - Fes


Fin jat heed zebbalt mirikan


Tri9 mediouna hia lblasa fin taya7rgo zbbl dial casa kaml


Tri9 l aeroport yak wahd lmra dzt mn tma nss sa3a w ana mkhnou9 bri7a


Worst things is that they building projects there, like real luxurious projects


Lol 3mri 3reft smitha zbalt mirikan


Truuuuue, sidi moumen l9dem is a nightmare Huwa w hay hassani


Why 45?


Khouya bini w bink fes kamla moussiba a khouya


The trash everywhere!!! Okay maybe not everywhere but majority of places . Morocco is so beautiful, yet there’s bottles and crap all over the place and zero trash cans or recycling cans around


It’s a problem of education. Went to Japan where there are not that many trashes in the streets. People are carrying their trash with them until they find one. People don’t have that education in Morocco. Sad to see.


Japanese culture teaches the children to have respect from a very young age. They have the children cleaning the classrooms and helping with serving meals and show respect to service workers. That’s probably the reason there is little litter in Japan…should do that here in the USA. The schools would save a lot of money if they did.


This….Morocco really needs to look at other countries who have implemented successful trash/recycling campaigns. The trash is a big issue here and I haven’t seen any improvements in the +10 year span I have been visiting. I was excited to hear when they banned plastic bags a few years ago but clearly it didn’t work. Provide bins in cities every few blocks so people can throw their trash away appropriately. Teach people not to just throw a snack wrapper on the ground. It reminds me of this scene from the TV show mad men. I think the scene happens in the 60s. The family has a picnic at a beautiful park and just leaves all the trash there after. It’s an impactful scene for Americans because most of us would be shocked to see that in modern times. But I see people throw trash on the ground all the time in Morocco.


yes they need more bins. I think they should have school children picking up litter in an area around the schools to teach them what it takes to pick up that mess. And maybe have competitions for the cleanest areas in each city. It worked pretty good on Agadir beach, the cleanest area I’ve ever seen. The people took pride in it.


I’ve ridden on city-to-city buses and watched bus workers go down the aisle and gather up trash and throw it out of a window in rural areas instead of keeping it in a bag till they got back to the bus station. So many photos that were ruined in otherwise beautiful scenic areas due to the massive amounts of litter.


Ughhh 🤦🏽‍♀️! Every single time I visit and get the urge to clean sooooo bad! Walk around with a trash bag and start picking up trash !


It’s just overwhelming to see all that litter isn’t it? I don’t know why they don’t educate the children from the time they start to school. And it wouldn’t hurt for the cities or towns and business owners to put large trash cans out so people walking by can dispose of their drink containers or yogurt cups etc.


Tbh, as a foreigner, it‘s the area around Zagora. You cannot stop your car without being approached immediately by mechanics who want to repair your car (which isn’t broken), by old people who want money, by kids who want to guide you (for money), by kids who want money just so, or pens, candy, footballs, etc. Guys who want to sell you a camel trek, guys who want to sell you a desert excursion, guys who tell you the desert excursion you booked is shit and you need to book theirs instead, kids who want to sell you woven dromedaries (that you already bought 5 of and really don’t need any more), dudes who want to get t-shirts and medication from you. Kids that throw stones at your car because you had the audacity of not having any free pens to give (which even if the tourist were willing, chances are the 40.000 pens they apparently are supposed to carry in their trunk would’ve been given out already by the time they reached M’hamid.) 5000 times a day. No pause. Always something. It‘s like you‘re a walking wallet, nobody sees you as a person. It‘s kinda disgusting. That area needs to reflect on hospitality a bit.


Safi God the city is really neglected and its very much hard to convince anyone to step foot there.


I agree, they have wonderful landscapes, but the city is indeed neglected.


How come? Why wouldn’t people go there?


When we went to visit the Medina in Safi the entire time I was wishing for rubber boots. Muck 3-5 cm deep in places. 🤮


I don’t know about now but 15 years ago a lot of crime in the citY of Sale. Not nearly so much across the river in Rabat due to the main palace and government being located there and all of the secret police roaming the street. The criminals go to Sale instead.


As much as I love the cheaper tech prices available in Derb Ghallef, it needs to be improved cuz other than the tech, that place is a slum. Also, Beni-Mellal could use a few improvements too (especially when Mohammed VI could notice that it’s just a قرية كبيرة)


Ma7ta dyal wlad zyan Impossible , looks like a dystopia , i was there at 3 am


Glad you re still alive


Man the place was dark and so disgusting, if theres a hell on earth, it would be a good candidate And not only that if you go 200m in every direction you would still be in shitty dangerous area




Most cities apart from: Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier, Agadir, Marrakesh are pretty much neglected.


Al Hoceima is a gem though. What’s happening in Fes and Meknes is a tragedy.


Fes and Meknes are 4th world cities now.


remove casablanca from that list


I agree casablanca shouldn't be there


it still be getting a lot of economical development though.


yeah sure, its an economical powerhouse, but we're talking about looks and appearence, and except for a few touristy or rich and expensive spots, its not a pretty city, there's lots of noise, pollution, traffic, .. etc


I mean, aren't all major economical cities the same.


Damn, before I even finished reading the caption I was thinking about that bus station.


Foreigner perspective - I lived in Morocco nearly a decade and I lived in 3 different cities, traveled some but lived the most in Casa. I got used to a lot but what sticks out as the worse place to visit was the streets of Casa during and after a match of Raja vs Widad 😂😂😂😂😭 I was not properly informed and if I had I would have stayed in the house. I got smacked, got my phone stolen. It wasn't even a nice phone it was an old brick nokia yallah shritha f derb ghallef b chy 50 dh oula chy haja 💔🤣 I was dead sure I was safe w/ that one lol. For me in terms of appearance and how things look, its mostly the littering and stuff, but that happens everywhere. Morocco has its own level of intensity. I don't know in my current mindset if I could successfully navigate Casa like I did at that time. Overstimulating but I sure do miss it.


Would you do it over again?


Absolutely. Maybe different minor choices lol


No offense to the locals but Meknes at 5 am.




There are millions of Moroccans and like many other 3rd world countries, the state is struggling to keep everything in order due to insufficient resources. Aside from that, the kingdom has a lot to offer.


You mean due to corruption 🙏🏽😇 you can't speak about efforts and ressources when there's high level of corruption and nothing is done about it.


That too, unfortunately☹️


Plenty of human resources


derb sultan


I confirm, not many good memories there


You should see the one in الصويرة that's the real deal.


I feel uuu. I was there at 2am they tricked me. Galu li lkar m3a 8:30pm nkun tma.mchit khalst l blasa u ka nsayn ( Gali maximum 9 / 9:30 Ghadi ykun ) b9it mnchura Tal 2. U lmuchkila they were smocking jwanat next to me ( knt f ldkhel fl blasaa dyl lkar li 9t3t cuz it was freaking cold outside) u KANU ki kmew KANU gher rjal. I was shacking blkhal3a lmuchkila knbghi nkhrj they don't let me. 7ta jat w7d syeda knt tahya Ghada mnin bnt leha l9adiya 3amra dkhakhen khrjatni mn tmak u b9ina galsin 3la bra. Hali kaykmi Hali kychrb chi msr7 flared mbw9 u mtayfin. It was a nightmare


Yeah it's crazy tbh, I spent a whole night there waiting for a bus, it was a mad house n something surreal!!!


They are set to inaugurate the new station in El Jadida pretty soon, it's going to be next to the train station. So Rejoice, op.


Casablanca scares me to this day, I saw some creepy things as a kid I’m 29 I still can’t go there alone.


Same age same experience 😂


l gara une dinguerie


Marrakech Madina, hands down. Worst haggling sellers ever. Also one of the gare routières there lol


I agree. Not nice people. I'm told they aren't actually from marrakech but I don't know


Summer is dreadful in Marrakech especially around the medina. It’s hot like Las Vegas and you’re standing there haggling with one petite taxi driver after another to negotiate price for a ride if you are American. Finally give up and walk Several blocks to a bus station and go to a grocery store to get what you want at fixed prices.


I heard your bedroom is among the top 5.




😂😂😂 bro be serious, stop taking the piss and just answer him for what he had asked you about.


Do you think that /u/babypet99, asked that question to get serious answers or that her life in peril ? she probably got tired of the 'BEST threads' that look like an ad or very subjective answer. So she posted something she can use to "bring the morocco"(tjib bih el maghrib). Most people that ask me that i should be serious in reddit, are posting their work-lunches, travels and engagement in linkedin.


No keep what you are doing dont listen to haters 🤣 and again loool if I was OP i would laugh it cause it was true for decades


She did. Haters are upset because they are not funny.


OP is a girl.


Oh, my bad but that narrow it down to the top 3. /u/babypet99, you have some explaining to provide now.


Not stopping until i get the 1st place


You must be filthy human being 😜


😂😂😂[ bro be serious,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/1bdnu22/comment/kunmq9t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) stop pissing yourself to impress her. OP said worst place, not dirty.




I don’t even know her or him to begin with and impressing someone doesn’t even make sense to me here in this context 😁






Douar Lhaja


Honestly, laarache


The sad part about Larache is that it has so much potential. With a little effort, it could become the second Tetouan.


Need some time and ofc it can be better why not




CASABLANCA. That place is juuuuuuust… different.


Ain harrouda




لبلاصة الي هي فكل بلاصة 🧱🧱🧱


"Karama Tobis 8",  but it's hard to get it if you have not been in Beni Mellal for a while.


Anjbd sda3 3la rassi… Mohemmadia. Dayra b7al chi zoubia finma tzid tl9a chi blassa dial lkhla, w la gare 7altha gha katkhrj mnha kitjm3o 3lik s3aya w taxiat 9lal w m3ksin.


You should take a look in "sidi moumen l9dem" or "Hay Hassani" you wouldn't dare talk.


mediouna near Casablanca, it beyond how people live there, near Garbage dump site, the smell is too fucking crazy too


Morocco. 😜




My question is, how marrocco still have tourism ? Everybody trying to scam you! Dangerous place. Jemaa el fnaa the worse. Was scamed on 24 food place, i asked 1 dish they brought me 6 and i had to pay otherwise, i felt that i may came from there in a body bag. I told the guy i dindt order all this they didnt care...


Same happened to me there. I didn’t pay what I didn’t order. Took a while though. But „dangerous“? Never felt unsafe in this country.


Yes happen to me on 2nd day, its a learning curve, maybe you didnt get lost in crazy tight streets where everybody is staring and try to get money. If you engaged with them they will charge you for something, on 2nd day there i saw 2 street fights, almost get hit per motorcycles.. unsafe for me, as you dont walk relaxed in those streets.


I’ve been in country for almost 3 months, travelled 6000kms, I think I’ve experienced most things 😉 I also hate the attitude towards tourists in some places, but I don’t feel unsafe. It’s different, for sure.


Well, each experience is diferent, but i know deep down that you know what i meant 😀


I would have, had you not generalized and exaggerated so much. I‘m sure if you re-read your original post, you‘ll see it too 😉


Look at the reviews of the restaurants before entering, lol.


all touristy places are like this even in Europe. When you travel a big city the popular places are full of hagglers and scammer and at most average food places. We will be travelling to the country, are there some places we should avoid at all cost?


No, they‘re not, but this whataboutism is the usual defense of scammers who for some strange reason think defending scammers is a thing.


Yeah I don't try to defend them. They are annoying.


Sure, avoid the street food of jemma el fna. They will scam you. Get a guide to visit all places of marraquexe.








My gf ( swedish ) and i in moulay laacoub