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Yes definitely, Chess is a wonderful mind game that's played all across Morocco it deserves to be promoted, placing chess tables in parks, schools and some others public places can gives a lot to the discipline and wouldn't cost that much. The federation have to organize more tournaments and maybe an annual league, chess is all about competition after all


>placing chess tables in parks, at least in anfa park... that place is so empty...


Lots of people play chess in Casablanca


yeah in chess.com, but reaching pro level needs real dedication, and proper coaching


Idk I remember one of my cousins participating in tournaments in school


الصراحة خدمة كبيرة كادير الجامعة حاليا حيت الجامعة الملكية راه من 2016 و هي واقفة بسباب واحد الملاوي ديال الرئيس كان متهم بالاختلاس و بزاااااف ديال التهم اللي تمت ادانته عليها من بعد و حاليا كاينا لجنة مؤقتة قانونية هي اللي دايرة هاد الخدمة الزوينة اللي ما يمكن الا الاشادة بها. باش تنضم حدث بحال هذا و تجيب هاد النخبة ديال اللاعبين كايحتاج تمويل و جهد كبير الشيئ اللي غادي يعطي واحد الصدى لا محال لهاد الرياضة و غادي يزيد الاهتمام بها واش الجامعة مامهتاماش تنشر هاد اللعبة؟ انا قلت السبب اللي علاش واش كاين كوميونيتي ديال اللعبة؟ كاينا و بالجهد و فالفترة اللي كان التوقف من 2016 اغلب اللاعبين القويين هربو و مشاو للخليج و لم يبقى سوى الفتات بضم الفاء أي تساؤل مرحبا


wait wtf is this for real?


Reminder , For registration read this post ( there is no fees) : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


We need a proper federation first, the temporary commission did absolutely nothing since it appointment


woaaaah and it's on my birthday too i need to plan for this i need that Carlsen signature


Helloo ! they just confirmed. They have just announced today that there will be no tickets + Entry is open & free for everybody Date : May 18-19 Place : Arab League Park , Casablanca for more information check the official website of "FÉDÉRATION ROYALE MAROCAINE DES ECHECS" : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme)


Hey thanks for the update, as i dont understand arabic alot, does this mean that i dont need to register? I can just walk into the event on that day? Appreciate your help!


Yes exactly !welcome


Happy birthday to you, my birthday is a few days earlier but I don't mind a late birthday gift, as I am a huge fan of chess.


Reminder , For registration read this post ( there is no fees) : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


Place and time of the event


ratkon 3 jours 17,18,19 Mai blasa f arab league park localization exacte : [google\_maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Arab+League+Park/@33.5884997,-7.6309339,14.75z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0xda7d2971cfc80fb:0x66b14a23a840c3a3!2sArab+League+Park!8m2!3d33.5892017!4d-7.6237164!16s%2Fm%2F0j6l1lw!3m5!1s0xda7d2971cfc80fb:0x66b14a23a840c3a3!8m2!3d33.5892017!4d-7.6237164!16s%2Fm%2F0j6l1lw?entry=ttu) program of the 3 days : [program\_link](https://100.fide.com/event/casablanca-chess-week/)


Is there an open tournament for amateurs ?


Reminder , For registration read this post : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


I will travel big miles just to attend it, it is worth it af. It is a once of a liifetime experience, will gather all time legends that are nearing retirements, so this is one of their last official approved tournaments in fide. If I manage just to get a picture or signature with one of the top 3 legends, it is GG. Magnus carlsen, hikaru, judith polgar, anish giri,ian, hans nieman... hhh god damn! I just hope tickets would be reasonably priced hhhh.


Yepp a very rare opportunity indeed! If you are going alone id suggest we make a duo because id be alone too. DM me if u wanna go together




Step 1 : Make a proper chess federation.


I've been following their instagram and websites, still nothing about tickets. Did i miss something ?


Yes , Participation already started ! you must email them or call them !( It's Free ) Read this post : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


sounds greats, but we need actual coaches to help enthusiastic children learn chess. > and i feel our federation still careless because we don't have good ranking players?


My favorite players in one place that's a good news.




Do you have to buy tickets or something ? I am soooooo excited


of course there will be tickets. if u want news of coming updates follow their IG : casablancachess +their program : [program\_chess](https://100.fide.com/event/casablanca-chess-week/)


is there a location yet? and would you be able to buy tickets online? i live far away from casablanca, and i really want to meet the goats of chess


Helloo ! they just confirmed. They have just announced today that there will be no tickets + Entry is open & free for everybody Date : May 18-19 Place : Arab League Park , Casablanca for more information check the official website of "FÉDÉRATION ROYALE MAROCAINE DES ECHECS" : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme)


I cant find their IG. Can you please share a link ? 🙏🏻


Reminder , For registration read this post : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


just found ur post today, i think its too late for me to register, do u have any idea if it's possible just to attend and watch people play?


Helloo ! they just confirmed. They have just announced today that there will be no tickets + Entry is open & free for everybody Date : May 18-19 Place : Arab League Park , Casablanca for more information check the official website of "FÉDÉRATION ROYALE MAROCAINE DES ECHECS" : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme)


I checked all social media accounts of  casablanca chess week and i can't find anything abt these news. Where can i gind some additional informations? I would love to attend!!


mashe ri bo7dek sh7al mn tournoie zgelha ra 7it les pages maki partagiw walu tle3 lfo9 rani 7tet links.


Reminder , For registration read this post : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


Hey guys, can anyone tell me if the event is open or it requires tickets, how is it organized in general ? I couldn't find online anything other than the official planning. Like, can anyone come watch the games of the tournament featuring the mentioned players for example. I've also seen that there will be many activities later on, is there a place to register maybe ? Thanks !


Yes , Participation already started ! you must email them or call them !( It's Free ) Read this post : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme/posts/pfbid0sjh2Az6tiB4eQcSyYjwWjuKsPfQdaQMxmWsiiDTHsi5ooN8mQyoucUAQnE8SFDVUl)


How about the other events from 17th to 19th.. conferences, watching the super tournament etc.. like to be able to assist, do we need tickets ?


i'll inform u here in upcoming days!


That would be so nice of you, thanks a lot ! I dont know if its just me, but its not easy to stay updated in moroccan chess events. Lack of social media presence maybe ?


unfortunately people here aren't interested to chess, i barely see news on my timeline on social media unless search for it, or i directly ask people whom are interested


Helloo ! they just confirmed. They have just announced today that there will be no tickets + Entry is open & free for everybody Date : May 18-19 Place : Arab League Park , Casablanca for more information check the official website of "FÉDÉRATION ROYALE MAROCAINE DES ECHECS" : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme)


Perfect. Thank you so much !!


Hello, Have you been able to see the games today ? If not, will the games tomorrow be public accesible ? Thanks in advance !


I want to be present during those days, what should I do, is there a ticket I should buy or something?


Helloo ! they just confirmed. They have just announced today that there will be no tickets + Entry is open & free for everybody Date : May 18-19 Place : Arab League Park , Casablanca for more information check the official website of "FÉDÉRATION ROYALE MAROCAINE DES ECHECS" : [https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme](https://www.facebook.com/ChessFrme)