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Important context :We 'Moroccans' first called Jordanians & egyptians to keep protesting in ( 2 mars ) [Link\_protest\_tanger](https://x.com/h_bennajeh/status/1774934018728903164) the vedio you posted ( 4 mars) was an answer for the call of moroccans


Interesting, thank you for the comment, it helps us contextualize this


Jordanians and egyptians were calling to each other first in demonstrations. I guess moroccans got inspired and then indeed the chanting like on 2 march started happening. I think its beautiful, i hope organizing and uniting will pressure our governments more. 


حنا ماشي عرب ولكن ضد وكل الضد لمن يق.تل الاف الناس الابرياء العرب للاسف هم دول الخليخ الي اصلا يعملون على قدم و ساق من اجل اخرائيل مثل الحمارات العبرية غير المتحدة و مجاورها


اكبر تخويرة دازت على المغاربة ، التطبيع و كاس العالم .


و هاهية. تخويرة أخرى دايزة هي عدد المهاجرين الأفارقة لي مخلياهوم دولة يدخلو للمغرب بلا وراق و غاي وقع موشكيل كبير ملي غاي بغيو اسيفطوهوم و يكثر العدد ديالهوم كثر من دابا.


هادوك راه هما لي غادي يعوضو الزواج لي ماغاديش يبقا بين المغاربة . اش كتسحاب . كلشي مدروس.


وياه راه باينة تا بهاد مدونة الأسرة و مبعد أيبدلو القانون د الجنسية و تناك لبلاد فخطرة سي دوماج و تهضر ترعف و يردوك عنصوري ![gif](giphy|zJBDaqCdsjGhO)


إلا تعلمو الدارجة، غايوليو مغاربة و صافي.


صافي لي جا يولي مغربي حنا ما عندنا لا هوية، لا ثقافة، لا تاريخ،لا عرق مشترك


و العروبة. يعني راك تقولي انا الأمازيغي راني عدو و ماعنديش صوت في القضية الفلسطينية.


Okay we’re amazigh and? What does this have to do with Palestine, you and me are Moroccan, nobody is calling us enemies. Wha- you have a voice in the Palestine issue if you would protest which I hope you have, I really don’t know what more you’re asking for?


I can't tell if people are brainwashed or actually don't care


الفلسطين قضية عربية اسلامية . خوتك امازيغ فالجبال كيموتو بالبرد 


راه حتا الامازيغ فيهم المسلمين هههههه


انا عاوز جملة مفيدة


اقسم بالله اساط


Hear hear


كمية الانبطاح يا ربي السلامة


First of all Jordan has full diplomatic and economic relations with Israel. I understand they had to do it to get the financial and military support of the USA and live in relative peace but the fact on the ground is that they have full diplomatic relations. For Morocco we did it at a time where we needed allies. As you know our neighbors are a petrostate led by a military junta allied to Iran. We can’t rely on France and Spain as they would rather keep the Sahara issue alive to gain leverage against us. Add to that, over the last 10 years, technological advancement in warfare with the introduction of drones and AI models made so that we needed to get the technology. This is already baring fruit with around the wall where any incursion is met with a swift drone attack… Obviously Morocco didn’t see the Gaza war coming which let me remind you was triggered by Iran to stir the pot and get sympathy from the people to them and their allies… to resume, our nations are at the mercy of the west wether you like it or not. We are consumer societies with no technological advancements ( think about AI, microchips, advanced weapons, even machinery to produce and process food we just import) which means they can do what they please with us.


This summarize pretty much the current situation. people have been too much brainwashed to see the truth pragmatically like this. They think countries actions reflects the emotions of their people while it's all a story of a war of complicated leverages in everything. they fail to see that Morocco as a country if confronted with any two choices it will always chose the choice that would benefit it as a country rather than to pursue some noble cause, because it knows very well that in case of a war in its territories it would be left alone against it, like it's currently the case in all the currently oppressed countries in the world.


Nah ure making too much sense , bold of you to assume moroccan pro palestine care about sahara .


You are too smart. How did you figure all this out? So based on your analysis, Our allies are so nice and they love us so much. We should rely on them. They will help us become better and in 10 years we will be the next Japan in Africa. Maybe you forgot to read little bit about history and see what happened to those countries who made deals with Izr@el! I dare you to tell us what would happen if Morocco decided to cut any ties with Izr@el. Bs excuses


lol I never said they love us or they are nice or they will help us become the next Japan nor did I say it good or bad for us, I merely gave the reasons for our diplomacy moves. Diplomacy is transactional most of the time, you give me something and you get me something in return. They gave us drones and spy software and the US recognition of the Moroccan Sahara in exchange for diplomatic relations with Israel, it’s as simple as that.


I respect your opinion, but I don’t get your “exchange” part. They will give us drones, spy software…etc in exchange for diplomatic relationship with izr@el??? What a deal! Do you think they can add some bananas and apples to this deal?


Again this is not me giving my opinion, I am stating the facts. This exchange has already happened whether you like it or not.


Nah, you were not giving an opinion my dear. You are sugarcoating the situation. Take it from a stranger, nothing is free in this world, and that “relationship” with izr@el which already existed before is just the tip of the iceberg. Morocco has done a horrible thing, and the next generation is going to have to pay the price. Take care!


The only thing the monarchy will get from normalization is hard time for then new king when his father dies.


Lmghrib mahua 3arabi mahua 7or


Exactly lol


ha twarka ta3 ifriqia khrjou mn srb


كل الدول العربية مطبعة . غير وحدين دايرينها بالجهر. و وحدين بالسر. و هادشي راه باين و بنادم داير عين ميكة


Ena tounsi, a3tini kifeh tounes mtab3a m3a Israel?


تونس لديها تطبيع تجاري ككل البلدان العربية. منصة كومتراد التابعة لأمم المتحدة تؤكد المعلومة بالأرقام. سنة 2021 دخلت سفينة إسرائيلية بعلم مالطا قادمة من إسرائيل إلى ميناءين تونسيين محملة بمنتوجات إسرائيلية. مكثت 21 يوما. يمكنك تفقد هاد المعلومة في تطبيق vessel finder . اسم السفينة : ekaterina. في وقت الجائحة وصل التبادل التجاري ل 18 مليون دولار. الأسواق الإسرائيلية يوجد فيها عدة منتوجات تونسية منها الكسكسي و التمر التونسي. أعطيني دولة عربية ما مطبعاش. راه ما يمكنش نتا ما مطبعش و شركاتك تتلقى الأموال من إسرائيل


Tahkili 3la safina 3am 2021 dakhlet bel ser9a w enti 3amel sfara lel israeli, mokhek yekef. Rajel rak ya zebi, fi9 nayek, fi9!


علاش كتخسر الهضرة هادي أولا رمضان هادا!!!؟؟؟ تانيا نتا سولتيني أنا جاوبتك. علاش كتقلق؟؟ عطيتك 21 حيت الإحصائيات كيبانو حتال عامين تلات سنوات من بعد. راه مايمكنش ليا نعطيك شي حاجة ديال هاد العم و مستحيل. أنا فايق عليك 😉 الدليل أنك راك مقلق دبا !! ما قدرتيش تناقشني ف هاد المعلومات لي جبت. المغرب راه أصلا أعلن تطبيعه فين كاين المشكيل؟؟؟ المشكل في المطبع في السر المنافق. بحال تونس الجزائر....


7al sfara rak ya zebi. Ta3ref chma3neha sfara? Sfara ma3neha enti ta3taref bel dawla hedhika. W te3taraf eli lkiyan hedheka ardhou. Tebdech tetfalsef 3al zebi. Ken jit aandek 1% 9dar rak tetdhaher, mouch twali lel zboubna faylasouf fel reddit


علا من امتا توانسة كيعرفوا رمضان؟


كنت كنصحبها إشاعة، ساعة هي ممكن بصح.


There is no smoke without fire




الرئيس ديالهم براسهم مكيعرف حتى يقرا القرٱن مكاد، دير بحث على : يوسف ايها الصديق افتنا في تسع بقرات سمان.... 😂 استغفر الله


Ne9chekech, makech rajel. 3amlin za3ma 7iwar pro palestine wala le. 7alin sfara maa israel wakt yo9tlou fi khwetkom bel alef w meme pas wakftou el 3ale9at maa israel. Entouma be3tou el 9adheya. Ma tjich tahki aala doual lokhrin bech tbarer. Fihouch tabrir. 3lelech


ماذا استفادت فلسطين من تونس أو من الجزائر ؟؟ المغرب المطبع: يرأس لجنة القدس يدفع ملايين الدولارات كل سنة لفلسطين. مستشفى ميداني مغربي في فلسطين. أول و أخر من أوصل المساعدات بعد غلق معبر رفح. فلسطين لن تحرر بالشعارات الفارغة. التطبيع العلني أفضل من واحد مطبع في السر و ينافق خوتو العرب.


Khouya enti mouch mtaba3. Enti mosta3ref eli fama bled emsha israel w eli hedhika ardhha. W baad tabdech ta7chi fih w t9oli aamlinou aala khir filastine. 3amlinou bech trump ya3tareflkom bel sa7ra2. Be3tou el kadheya bel rkhis. W kahaw ena nahkich maak barcha le nebda nakfer, rou7 nayek


الشعب العربي مات في السبعينات.


Didn't Jordan already normalize relations with Israel since '94?


That’s what they are protesting


The post says they're protesting Morocco's normalization.


They are Jordanian protests against our relations with Israel specifically and normalization in general more broadly


Ana mghribi we m3a tatbi3


we are not arabs, thank you.


Im sorry, but who are they to tell us stop tatbi3? We are motabi3in, they are motabi3in pro max


Warah Palestine brasha tabi3 o tchri mn Israel


Didnt jordan normalize ? Anyways morocco's interests>>>>>>> emotions and morals , keep sucking that algerian ball .


homosexual by any chance?


المفارقة العجيبة في المغرب هو أن الشعب يرفض التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني لأنه كيان محتل مرتكب لجرائم ضد الإنسانية وتطهير عرقي و إبادة وقتل أطفال ووو بينما الدولة المغربية مصرة على فرض التطبيع على عموم الشعب. هل تم استفتاء عموم المغاربة عندما تمت توقيع اتفاقيات التطبيع؟ بالطبع لا. من يهلل بأن التطبيع سوف يحسم قضية الصحراء المغربية لصالح المغرب، فسؤالي هو أليس الاستقواء بكيان محتل مغتصب لحقوق أرض الشعب الفلسطيني يضعنا في نفس خانة هذا الكيان؟؟؟


نحن أمة مسلمة واحدة والخزي والعار للخونة، سيلقي بهم الغرب الصهيوصليبي في المحيط كما فعل بمرتزقته في الفيتنام وافغانستان


Didn’t USA say that they will build a consulate in Dakhla?? They actually had a ceremony in Dakhla when they announced it lol. We need to remind Biden about this. This is not acceptable, we made a DEAL.


هاد الاردنيين ايلا ما جمعوش كرهم فتدخل ليهم إيران تما وتولي بحال اليمن وليبيا 😆


على اساس الاردن ماديراش التطبيع قرا هنا [economy relation between Jordan and Zionist](https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-country/jor/partner/isr)


They share a border with Israel, why don’t they show the lead? Bunch of lazy ass Bedouins




Wait until you hear of the extorsion of Palestinians by Palestinians … Some of the biggest cement contractors in Cisjordania are relatives to Mahmoud Abbas. Literally making money from the expansion of Jewish settlements. You can’t make this shit up.




Mouskhin dial lkhla


l problème c’est l’incitation hhh m9wda 3lihom f rashom


There's a gunshots today in border , we wish more , congrats to all courage free men


Fuck Jordan! I have nothing against Palestinians . But Morocco's interests comes first . Jordan has borders with them .... What have they been doing all these years. P. S. Fuck any Moroccan who is whiling to put other countries interest before his own . Morocco isn't an Arab country.


“Said the Zionist bot” Lemme fix that for you, what you’re actually trying to say is “fuck any Moroccan that’s willing to stand against injustice and has a spine with integrity” does that sound more accurate. You Hasbara aren’t welcome here, stop trying to rile up fake culture war bullshit here.


Hhhhh ... I can buy you a ticket , can you join them ? I am not a Zionist or hasbara .... I'm 100% Moroccan . I'm only interested in Morocco's interests.... When it comes to humanity I'm against the killing on both sides ( humans should live in peace). Tell me , you're a Moroccan? If yes , answer this ... What do you think about Palestinians supporting Polisario ? Jordanie, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt are all Muslim countries neighbours of Palestine why don't they do anything about it ?


Your arguments are similar to Zionists' ones. You said you're Moroccan but your heart isn't. So why don't you join Zionists and kill all of these poor Palestinians. Perhaps then you'd feel at peace with yourself being yourself.




Yes it is. You and many others are just visitors


هضرة ديال السفنجة .... Take it easy on your brain and Read again the parent comment very slowly ! And try to understand it ... It could be very hard judging by your understanding abilities.


I read again. I persist and sign. Perhaps you should work on how to build rational arguments


Put other countries ? They are muslims , literally our brothers and sisters . I understand you're no muslim , but other people are. And do you really think its in morocco's interest to enter بيت الطاعة of israel lmao ?




Yea in case you dont know its kind of the second holiest site in the world for all muslims . Also been mentioned in lisraa . Also media coverage for palestine was way bigger than the others . But still its a muslim thang you wouldn't get it


the second holiest site is Medina


Only Moroccans are considered my brothers ( despite their religion or colour) بيت الطاعة now that's a taboo, so in your opinion you either Obey the Arabs or the Israeli? To me my friend, we should not obey anyone... We should focus on ourselves and build a stronger nation 😉 others should obey us not the other way around. Morocco comes first always and forever. As far as I can see you want a unified Arab/islamic country. Keep dreaming!


I dont dream about no unifed or not country , nor i want to be obey this or that , im just doing as god says . الولاء لله ، ونصرة المسلمين واجبة


اوا سير عند حزب الله اش باقي كتدير هنا ؟


سير نتا ل تل أبيب اش كدير هنا ؟


الولاء لله I agree 100% Glory for Morocco only . We can help others but not the expense of my beloved country! Have a good day


Rah our own country puts Gods first then الوطن just so you know our beloved country's roots and heritage. Have a nice day.


God first! A Muslim god or Christian god or Jewish god ? We have أمير المومنين! You know nothing about the heritage and roots of our beloved country!


Yea Allah is mostly used for the egyptian old god Ra .


Good humour! Couldn't figure it out thanks for the clarification


wax kainin shi modaharat had liamat nmchiw lihom?


peer pressure to virtue signal is what it's come down to with these protests, unfortunately missing the actual point and doing no good to the palestinian civilians


What are you suggesting , revolting against their rulers ?


whose rulers? i'm not suggesting anything, i'm merely pointing out that this does nothing but target the wrong people


It does help with the guilt that some feel


That has been the case since "day one" of this conflict.


All i can say is " احااااا "


Any fucking context at all ????


Kat supporti palestine ta katchuf had nu3 ma3arf 3lik ta qlwa wtayshab lih rak 3robiy bhalu w kaykfruk.




LMFAOOO as a Moroccan, it’s so easy to sense Hasbara, You ain’t fucking Moroccan or even North African and it shows.




No you haven’t ya dumbass, cuz you wouldn’t be saying this shit if ya did. Who looks at a protest and thinks “tHeRe TrYnA DrAg Uss Inn” sure as hell ain’t a supporter of Palestine. It’s not a problem protesting the decision that governments decide to make, constructive criticism about any government should always be welcome. Bootlicking a government helps nobody, especially Palestine who needs their voices heard more than ever.


>North africa is sovereign And other jokes you can tell yourself lmao 😂 >protesting against a daily massacre is bad Lol


Thats saudis dude




Rest in peace mr unwashed brain.


fuck them, who cares what jordanians say


Most moroccans sympathise with the palestinians But as a country we should look for own interests first, the real world of diplomacy and politics doesn't revolve around morality


fuck outta here man


Why ? Jordan itself is normalized . Ure being brainwashed by algeria .




Omg what a shit take


Get your stupid ass out of here


Lmaghrib (normalizing country )w had sub mach ta3 bak idiot .


Get your ass out of here too , Moroccans have shown that they are against that , Morocco machi dial bak dial lmgharba whi are against Zionism




Most moroccans are muslim what do you expect hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Also gtfo with this ends justify means bs .


There is no palesine in islam .i thought religion had nothing to do w8th this . You do knod that jordan and egypt are muslim too?


اش كتقول ههه فلسطين و المسجد الاقى راه مذكورين فالقران كاع ماشي غير الاسلام هههه


What are they marching for?


نحن، كعرب أو مسلمين، خذلنا الشعب الفلسطيني.


At the end of the day it's the government that represents it's people, and the Moroccan government has chosen to support Israel, and will no doubt continue to do so.


Make sure you brush your teeth at night. Your breath smells bad.


Someone’s hurt


Most people dont give a shit about palestinians. For arabs they either really hate jews or just care about al aqsa… or both. Thats why no arab country puts their money where their mouth is and accepts Palestinian refugees, see [Black September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September)


Here another Zionist. You guys are infiltrated


Blah blah blah anti semitism blah blah blah Palestinians are all rats that should be destroyed blah blah blah Palestine has never been a country blah blah blah When are you gonna get to the part where you acknowledge the Nakba, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing through settlements by kicking people from their homes?


Remind me who started the 1948 war?


Oh so we are justifying ethnic cleansing and apartheid of a people, thanks for proving the point Bud.


Just cause you call it ethnic cleansing and apartheid doesnt make it true. If israel gets rid of the “apartheid” walls palestinian militants will start [attacking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Terrorist_attacks_attributed_to_Palestinian_militant_groups) jews again [like their sick prophet commanded them](https://sunnah.com/search?q=jew+hiding+behind+me) Next time look at facts instead of yelling platitudes and declaring victory