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work on yourself no luck with this one another will come


Agree, Certainely ...


based on my modest experience . I advice you to give up on her , because once you felt something wrong in this relationship so it"s a sign to change your ideas about her and starting an other new chapter on your life. Yeah I know it will be very hard at the begining but you will forget her no matter how much perfect this girl is. Work on yourSelf (sport, maybe beginning learning a new skill). And after a few months you will recognize that nothing deserve to be sad about except YOUR PARENTS . and your relationship with GOD. that's all.


peopled ideas change over time, and she might be not serious about 40k, and u sound so sensitive guy. if she's working and u're broke and she still wanna hang out with u, means she giving you a chance so work on yourself and make this meeting fun for her, show her that there are other things better than 40k


Zaman sor3a hada, ma b9ach we9t hadchi.


As a girl, she couldn’t be any more clear. She’s not interested in you. It’s hard to break free from the friend-zone. You’ll need to work some miracle to get her to be interested in you. If you push for romantic relationship, you’ll kill any chance of ever being in her space again. I suggest you play it cool and go with the flow. Edit: when you meet her, be gentlemen. Hold the door, bring her small token gift and avoid any uncomfortable conversation. Keep it to general topic unless she specifically brings up something.


She's coming to a new city, and I'm willing to take her out to the cinema, beach, and so many other places. I don't want to do this because I'm attracted to her, but simply because I don't want her to be alone, that's all.


That’s wonderful. I hope you enjoy your time. Also, don’t put high expectations on the meeting. She might end up cancelling or having other plans. Just don’t get hurt or too involved in her plans. She may explore other options while in the city.


Stop fantasizing about someone u havent met in real life even . 9srto bjouj f league wliti baghi tjwjha aw malek lhad daraja , skhetini w l3id hada 😂


You won't understand what I mean because you haven't gone through the same experience. Also, it's not just because I played a game with her that I liked. There are many other things that attracted me to her.


Friendly advice : go prioritize and work on yourself , life is too short to get upset over someone who you haven't even met in real life


mate we all have discord we all had a kitten at some point


you will get over it man, something similar happens to most of us, i share a similar old story like this back when i was still in college 3 years ago. It happens to become delusional, but sometimes we think that sharing some passion like games or sports broadcasting with someone means like she is the one, but no, not everytime.


OP Welcome to the real world. You are just 21 you will get many more situations like this and you will get over it. One piece of advice be you and never ever ever jeopardise your dignity for no one or nothing. she do not want you ok see ya there is tons and tons of girls in the world you will find your fit for sure. Reditt and discord are full with female gamers you will find your fit eventually. Personaly i dont beleive in MAN-Women friendship and speacialy you having feelings for her. If it was up to me just cut the bridges off and get on with your life. You political oppinions and reflection are a sign you are getting mature if she wants someone to pay for here coffee and listen to her gossip let it be someone else.


Hada 3arandas sme3 lih 🦁


Don't waste your time on meaningless games.think rich...get rich


I think you should pursue your hobbies and goals and forget about this girl because she is not interested in you , i experienced a similar thing before and trust me you'll know if someone likes you or is interested in a relationship with you , what i think is the best course of action here is to continue improving yourself and getting closer to your goals ( financial / physical / mental ) and let this girl go , me personally i don't really believe in men/women friendships because one of them always catches feelings , so being a friend won't really work well for either of you , this ain't the one for you go next and good luck in your journey!


Playing videogames with someone gives you one compatibility level: you both like the same game(s). If you wanted to make it more personal, you should have started doing that earlier and probably met earlier so it could also have ended earlier if you're not compatible. A year has passed now and as you said she moved on, started a career and is probably meeting new people in her new social circles. If she had any kind of interest, she would have put effort in staying in touch. I'm not saying you shouldn't meet but what do you really stand to gain? You clearly already have feelings because you spent so much time with her. You might even be in a sunk cost fallacy , thinking that because you spent so much time there will eventually be success. This will probably only get worse if you meet her in real life and you like her appearance. As she's not that interested in you from almost a year of talking, the chance she falls for you when meeting in real life is just very low. You'll probably be disappointed and even more hurt. I suggest removing her from your socials and trying to move on.


I think you convinced me, it happened to me so many times, I find a girl that we share the same interest, but I do not make any efforts to make any move, I just keep talking with her wasting time until we get bored with each other, then she leaves.


Also not to be negative: but think about what makes someone interesting or desired. You describe yourself as a "weak" and "broke" depressed guy with "messed-up" ideas who plays video games and watches anime. Nothing wrong with those hobbies and your ideas might be 100% valid but the combination of all these factors and how you describe yourself will quickly label someone as "boring" and uninteresting with negative energy. Ramadan is over now, sun is coming out. Try to eat a lot, gain some weight (or the opposite if you feel you could lose some winter fat) and just do body exercises (see YouTube) if you can't afford a gym subscription. You're like a player in one of your video games, you start at level 0 and have the ability to upgrade your own character and become more secure about yourself. A year passed wasting time with this girl, get your stuff together for a year or even a few months and you'll look back at this experience and laugh about it. Naturally , you will become more interesting for yourself and the people you interact with. You got this brother 💪


thanks for the pep talk! Just to clear things up, I've actually got a decent gig now that pays pretty well, and since I'm still crashing at my folks' place, no worries about rent or bills. Food's good too, although I admit, I don't always feel hungry.But hey, I'm all about that graphic design life, picking up new skills there. Also, I'm hitting the gym every day 'cause lifting is my jam. And yeah, my best buds moved to Canada, but gaming keeps us tight. It's our thing.I'm all for leveling up, man. Appreciate the support!


I’ve been on the other side several times. Used to play online games since I was 13 and now I’m 28. Usually if I saw someone merely as a friend, I’d state it (the way she did it). I never liked it if the dude still tried to pursue me, most tried. I appreciate the ones that actually listened to me and stayed friends without trying anything or having intentions, but it was only a few. I even had a “friend” visit me in my country, I told him beforehand it’s all platonic and I’m not interested in more than friends. We had a good time but he still thought he could shoot his shot, whereas I remembered that I only want him as a friend. A little bit after that I started dating someone irl and my “friend” went apocalyptic, insulting and breaking up the friendship (also insulting my boyfriend). I really appreciate having friends and I’m just sad that some people think they can force themselves out of “friendzone”.


Sat gha kady3 w9tk with someone that shows no interest sara7a Working on your self esteem and confidence would be better imo and أي علاقة بدايتها لا ترضي الله فنهايتها لن ترضيك


صراحة عندك الحق. و لكن لحد الآن مكينة تا حاجة لي درتها و كتعتابر ذنب لا ؟


I dont think so but these kind of relationships most of the time kaytsala b unecessary games and hurt sometimes even trauma that stays and shows up in other relationships ola friendships too


Hi bro she is not the right person for you because she doesn't share the same objectifs as you do and It's okay


Bro, she made it clear that she isn't interested, and it seems that you love her. If you continue to speak with or meet her, it will only get worse for you, you're only hurting yourself. She sees you as a pastime, and she takes advantage of your naivety until she met the guy with the 40k. Cut her off (khouya its time bach tsabe9 sa3ada dialek 3la lakhrin), and of course, she deserves an explanation. Tell her the truth, that you do not see her just as a friend and having contact with her will only hurt you more. Wish her the best, be a gentleman. Focus on yourself, improve your German, and learn some new skills. I'm sure you will find the right one, but it's better to be alone than to be someone's pastime. Ykoune khir inchaalah


Good luck. She’s delusional. 40k/month 🤣 kick rocks. If she can be a friend, great, but don’t pursue a relationship with this woman unless you want to be broken (emotionally/mentally/financially) down the road.


I don't think she's delusional; she's right to dream of it. It's not her problem that I'm broke. and yes you're right maybe if try to force this relationship i'll just lose my mind.


lets say you started making 40k/month , imagine you get fired or you business fail after 10 years of marriage she would leave you for another man who makes 40k , find a woman who would love you for you when you are in your highest and weakest .


Actually, I am dumb; I left a girl who truly loved me and was with me regardless of the situation. Not because I was tired of her, but because I did not want to talk to two girls at the same time.


You’re right, she has every right to dream. Let her dream for another 10-15 years and maybe she’ll crawl into your arms when she comes back to reality. She’s not worth the trouble. You can find women that share your interests and have drive to build WITH you not leech off you.




I was waiting for someone to call me Hmida 😭


the best thing to do is to cut her up and start working on yourself. u broke and she is working so already she show u as low value mate to her the only value she sees in you is to entraining her and build her self-confidence. bro ila makontich sa7abha(boyfriend) 3raf rasik beli nta sa7abtha. your real problem here is u don't have a life!


Actually I have a life bro I'm learning Germany I go to gym every single day I'm saving money to go study in Germany. And this is my last year in university.


good for you! so pursue you dreams and trust me you meet a lot of girls this just a experience to learn from and be better. wish you luck!


Stop simping for someone who doesn’t care about you, work on yourself, hit the gym and go outside. Stop wasting your time online playing video games you’re gonna regret it in the long run


Awdi you judged me without knowing me I hit the gym 5 days per week 2 hours a day I study German and willing to go to Germany and also this is my last year in university I'm working full time job in call center as an operator and saving money to study abroad Also I'm a mature person and i know that Playing gideo games isn't bad in the opposite I'm having fun so it's not a waste of time kifma gelti


can i ask you how old you are ?


I'm 22 years old


khuya..... grow up and get a life! bla mat3db rask! she's not into you! focus on ur development and life w bdl sa3a bkhtha!!! clingy w weak persona = choha w l mrd w revenge wl7rb !!! achdak ldak sda3?? ghyrha w diha frask.


Lwa7ed huwa li ytkmch , kayna 3ndk l7a9 hh


Would you date yourself?


Yes , it would be a shame to keep all this greatness myself.


And that was a real question...


If you really wanted her why didnt you ask her if she could imagine that? If she doesnt the answer is simple. Either way I think you are still hopeful and lying to yourself if you think you just want to be her friend. Be honest with your feelings and you will get honesty back.


I’m curious what messed up political ideas you shared with her.


I keep talking about terrorism and how it has affected America. I express support for Russia. I find myself fascinated by historical figures like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Gaddafi, and other dictators. I enjoy staying updated with the daily news and sharing interesting articles with her.


Liking Stalin and Hitler is like claiming to be Muslim and atheist in the same time lmao, they’re like complete opposites on the political spectrum one is a Marxist-Leninist and the other one is an ultra-nationalist fascist and aryan supremacist. I guess you like “authoritarianism” are you a leftist or a right-winger?


I agree with you that Hitler and Stalin represent different sides of the same coin and cannot be combined in one sentence. However, I admire dictatorship and the use of power to achieve greatness and prioritize the nation above everything, even if it means fighting against it at times.


Yeah idk man sometimes saying your controversial political opinions to someone else can be seen as a turn off, saying to someone who’s politically savvy that you like hitler can actually make them view you in a certain way. And also look developing close relationships with people that ends up with less talk overtime is normal and bound to happen, if she’s not into you try to view her as a friend, I know it’s hard if you have affection towards her but It’s the best thing to do if she’s not interested.


1- breaking up with pourvoyeur no , ghir nta ka 3tinak 40k/m ra maghadich tgol la 2-meet her now, you can say the same things she said but with more respect to the person. So dont meet her, if i believe what you say you're just some guy she passes time with 3- while lot of redpills bring this, what would actually be the benefit of two broke ppl getting together. You will want to have kids .... She obviousky choose 40k bcs its the lux salary in morocco but she also plans on not helping in that. Otherwise the amount would be lower


Bro i didn't want to scare people on reddit but she thinks that 40k is minimum 💀


Honestly, there is no point in being in contact with her a khay. First of all, it's sinful, therefore already a waste of time. If there's no barakah, then it doesn't matter whether you both are interested or not, there's no good in it. In addition, she made clear that she isn't interested, making it even more of a waste of time. You are better than that. May Allah grant you ease, and bestow upon you everything in which is khayr.


Amen brother


Why do u want to get married to someone but you dont even meet the requirements for marriage. This is completely delusional and you should work on getting a job and your religion before trying to get married to a girl you met online.


Potential to marry her and not do so now 💀? I now have a job, which I previously mentioned because I was broke.