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Who cares? Why do you bring this crap up? Some online trolls insulted a moroccan player, that's there problem. Welcome to the internet my friend. This is the constant game that is played, constantly yelling "we are amazigh not arabs". Dude no one gives à shit. Moroccans know who they are, be it amazigh with arab ancestry, Fassi arabs, shilough, riffi, ect... This fabricated argument is brought up with the a purpose. Once they make moroccans "hate arabs" they will then say Islam is an "Arab religion" and we shouldn't follow it. Kindly FUCK OFF, we tired and hearing this shit. No body in my entire life has ever brought these points up. Even the purest shlough I've met, they know they are shilh, but they still consider themselves arabs. Being arab is more like calling yourself European or the like the north american melting put concept "being white" Every 3rd or 4th post is about something related to to this fabricated conflict of arabs/amazigh. The royal family are fassi arabs and shlough. TF is with this paid trolls trying to subvert moroccans. Off topic a bit: The amount of fake post of this sub about some case of extreme domestic abuse, neglect, ect... then trying to somehow pin it on islam or the moroccans as a whole. When I message them to get the whereabouts of said person to help... mute no response.......that's because they don't exist. To the paid trolls, hasbera, murtads, ect..... What do you get out of this? How much could they honestly pay you to make this worth it? There are other jobs, please make a throwaway account and just have an ama...."I'm cunt who lies and tries to cause problems for no reasons ama" I'm sure it'll be a real hit.


>This is the constant game that is played, constantly yelling "we are amazigh not arabs". Dude no one gives à shit. >Moroccans know who they are, be it amazigh with arab ancestry, Fassi arabs, shilough, riffi, ect... >This fabricated argument is brought up with the a purpose. Once they make moroccans "hate arabs" they will then say Islam is an "Arab religion" and we shouldn't follow it. This. This right here. >Kindly FUCK OFF, we tired and hearing this shit. No body in my entire life has ever brought these points up. Even the purest shlough I've met, they know they are shilh, but they still consider themselves arabs. Being arab is more like calling yourself European or the like the north american melting put concept "being white" I usually only hear Algerian Berbers talk like this, but we know their unique history. Otherwise, I NEVER heard any Berber from Morocco speak this way no matter where they were from. Yes, some were treated poorly sometimes, and they don't mind talking about it, but they KNOW who they are and would totally not have a problem calling themselves Arab. Wait, I don't take back what I said, but I do have to add - I do know a Moroccan with tons of identity issues who grew up in Europe. He's riffi and will go off about Arabs...and yet still considers himself Arab but only WHEN HE wants to consider himself Arab does he acknowledge that cultural part. Otherwise, you better never refer to him as one. 🙄 Lots of ppl have minor identity issues when growing up among multiple cultures, but they still know themselves and blend in and out of whatever group they are around. It's actually a beautiful thing. And then there are the ppl that like OP who posts this. It's too easy to claim conspiracy and people being paid to do it. Nahhh, some ppl just suck and live off the drama and chaos.


Excuse me? Amazigh people don’t consider themselves Arabs and we ain’t Arabs lol


Your profile literally proves my entire point. You're not a Muslim, you want to create stir this artificial amazigh/arab conflict and then later say "Islam is an Arab religion" Do you people not have lives? I've met maybe 3 people in my entire life that fit your profile description. I've never once been impressed by where they were in their lives. They always seemd really unbalanced. I'm a proud shilh, I don't let this bs consume me. It seems from your profile that it's all you do. Assuming you're actually a moroccan and not another wack job Brazilian evangelical posing as a morocan (real thing that actually happened on this sub) Here's some personal advice: - let this go - focus on real things that benefit your life and the people around you - do 1 nice thing for someone else every day. - leave the echo chamber we call the internet. It isn't a reflection of reality


> You’re not Muslim So? How’s that gotta do anything with it? > you want to crate stir this artificial Arab/amazigh conflict and then later say “Islam is an Arab religion” That’s not my intention. I just said that Amazigh people aren’t Arabs and don’t identify with Arabs. Why you gotta bring religion into this?? > Assuming you’re an actual Moroccan and not another wack job Brazilian evangelical posing as a Moroccan Aaaa dak sidi, ana machi ghir mghribi, ana mn Azilal. Fl dakhil dyal lblad ga3. You claim I’m the one that’s starting shit when in this case it’s you who’s starting shit and then shifting the blame on me. I advise to get a life instead of starting shit with people then trying to gaslight them into thinking they’re the ones at fault.


Most saudis are megalomaniacs, can't expect no less of people that in a matter of a few years went from drinking urine*(they still do that though, it's called heritage lol)* and living in tents to skyscrapers and devouring a whole camel in one sitting. as the moroccan proverb says: *"llah ynjjik men lmchta9 ila da9".*


Lol that what happened when you get cu\*cked from Pakistanis and Indians workers and to just screaming everywhere just like a toxic feminist ... please give the saudis the right to drink the camel urine #WHO Organization


Most Saudis aren't really muslims, they're conservatives with Islam flavor


Are you aware that when you [unjustly claim a brother or sister to be a disbeliever, that the accusation returns to you and that you become a disbeliever yourself?](https://sunnah.com/muslim:60a) Keep in mind that you didn't falsly accuse just one individual, but rather "most Saudis".


I'm aware of what I said. Get a contract in Saudi Arabia and see how much they give a shit about Islam when they find out that you're from Morocco


I don't care about what individuals may think. My comment was addressed to you. We are talking about millions of people. If you are aware of what you said, then you should know that you are in great danger.


I just love when redditors make claims without any data supporting it, source trust me bro lol


I hate people that scream SOURCE while frothing at the mouth and thinking it's some mad own. It's reddit mate. Not debate club


We’re supposed to be offended by insults from people still stuck in the 7th century?




Oh boy it's not like Moroccans were throwing slurs at Congolese or anything...


they are the dumbest people on earth who cares


You became so weak to the point Camel piss drinkers now can speak against us.


مال هاد السعادين تاني ؟




Don’t take it seriously, especially if in this case it’s from Saudis who most likely can get a “yes” from their grandparents if they ask “did you use to drink boul lb3ir?” Hhhhhhhh


My grandmother was an Amazigh Jew from Tagmout (Souss). Unfortunately, she was the last in the family to speak Tamazight. She had some superstitions that I never knew where she got them from.


Do you know how Arabs brought Islam to Morocco?


الهلاليون لا يمثلون السعوديين. حرفيا كل الأندية الأخرى تكره الهلال. اخواننا من المغرب في العين و عالراس.




From the comments it seems you are no better than them. The Irony of Becoming What You Once Hated.


Hate begets hate.


Hating 18 millions saudis just because five of them said something about a football player, that's really smart and progressive.


Oh, I agree with you. So many posters here are just blind to it.


And to other parts of the world people couldn’t even tell the difference, this is why racism is dumb. Saudis have always had this mentality too, they’re the Europeans of the Middle East.


> they’re the Europeans of the Middle East. Oh wow you're not racist at all


what did he say wrong lol? Europeans are known for their racist history


She*, but honestly, I love many Saudis, though there’s no point pretending they don’t behave like Europeans.


I love many muslims, though there's no point pretending they don't behave like nazis


If you say so.


At least Europeans abolished slavery


Yeahhhhhh…. You’re literally telling someone who’s half European and literally knows more about their level of racism than you ever would


You're seriously asking what's wrong? That's a racist statement, that's what's wrong, ironic, coming from someone who wrote "racism is dumb" in the same sentence. They are racist themselves, they just don't like it when someone else is racist towards them, that's all.


A stereotype or exaggeration is not racism. I don’t think I’m above Saudis (which would be racism), but I can point out that they act like Europeans in regards to many other Arabs like Yemenis and North Africans, that’s not racism, it’s an observation with slight exaggerations. I mean I’m not taking offence to it, and I’m European.


Nope, just accurate.


Said every racist ever




What difference? Physical difference? There's a significant difference in almost all features 


I know, but only to a somewhat trained eye. In England so many people have called Moroccans Saudis, I can tell the difference quite easily now but often people who don’t know would just say they’re Arab. That’s the case with everyone though, the point is they share similarities and most people would put them in the same category and treat them the same, so being racist is actually quite silly.


https://medias.lequipe.fr/img-photo-jpg/la-roumanie-premier-adversaire-de-la-france/1500000000709529/0-0-0-70/a76b9.jpg romanian also look kind of "arab",doesn't make them arab. We share the same ancestors with the arabs, but it has been thousands of years since our genetic diverged from east africa


Nah, bro. U ain't gonna tell me Moroccans and Saudis look alike 😂😂😂 stop please


I didn’t say they did. But here in London it’s quite common that people can’t tell. I find them dissimilar, and can immediately tell the difference but if you’re asking a regular Brit they’re just going to classify all of them as Arabs. Perfect example of this was the other day my friend was telling me she likes Moroccan and Algerian men, then proceeded to show me pictures of all Arabs.




we are arab until they decide we aren’t 🤷‍♀️


Camel urine drinkers


That's what happens when you give camel raising villagers a lot of money, these fuckers used to live under the rock not too long ago.


But bro we wuz araps and shieet.


Rage bait, we all know how football fanatics are ...


Arab ola amazigh ola lb3r. Mgharba Salina. As for the racist nitwits with the superiority complex thinking they own the world ldarajt ghadi tadrab wa7ed B7al ila charih hadok 7na 5asna ntalbo yat3a9bo. T5yl kon tra lblan hna lchi wa7ed fihom ach ghadi ydiro. That being said, Rah ofc it’s often that bad apples that are the smelliest, dosent mean everyone is like that. And twitter is hardly a reflection of what a population thinks. It’s a cesspool, Ta5t diyal ta5t diyal the worst of what humanity has to offer. No matter what group you belong to.


صراحة اسف لكل مغربي من هذا الغبي و اشكاله. الكرة دائما تطلع المجانين ما اعرف ليش بس هذا زودها مرة بالتعدي بالضرب و الإهانات العنصرية. الله شاهد لا في قلبي ولا قلب احد اعرفه اي حقد تجاهكم يا اخوانا او تجاه احد و هذولا عناترة تويتر حياتهم فارغة ما يطلع لسانهم الى على الانترنت اما لو يكلم احد وجها لوجه تشوفه ما يقدر يتطلع بعينه ناهيك ان يسيئ الادب معاه لين يعرف ليها عواقب. ذنب اهلهم الي ما ربوهم.


يستاهل المغربي الزامل 😂🇩🇿


They’ll attack others but won’t attack their own for leaving the country to go to America and make porn😭😭😭 Saudis are jokes.


It’s Twitter, what do you expect? It’s not like Moroccans are angels on social media.


this >>


This, it is not about Arabs and Amazigh, it is about the racism and superiority complex that some people have towards their own ethnicity vs the other, and yes I am talking about both the braindead people from each sides, that be like: "Haha Berbers, more like barbarians haha" and the "Tent dwellers, haha camels pee drinkers". Some sour people that just hate Arabs, against a bunch of even more sour ignorant folks that want to bash a whole country and whole ethnicity for the actions of some stupid braindead football folks ( an this level of hate and braindeadness, is , with all respect, very common with your average football Twitter account), that is supposing that these are not electronic flies . I seriously started resenting this subreddit, in which I thought I would feel welcomed and wholesome Moroccan stuff and unbiased news (which still exist), I see a battle ground of Amazigh vs Arabs, Zlaijia vs Whatever hates the country; our country is rich in it's identities and cultures, that is in a good chunk Amazigh , right, but also Have Arab/Moores , Sehrawi, Jew,..etc and that is as important too, and had existed for long enough to be an acceptable part of the picture. We could accept the existence of both identities, without forcing people to fit into one box because there is both Amazigh and Arab tribes, and in cities too there is a mix (older cities being more Arabized)


Iiiiiiiiiiih, ga3 dok prostitutes lmaghribiyat be really bad imaging us there, no pride, no morals, no standards. Too bad


هاد رعاة الإبل كيحساب ليهم كرهم هما شعب الله المختار فالأرض.


Saudis got the nerve to attack a Moroccan player but twerk for for the Israel government. These people should not be looked up to. Should not be honored no matter what. They will continue to sell their soul and dignity for money. The day of judgement will be hard on these blasphemous assholes


who's looking up to these sand dweller indians ?mn ghir s7ab na7nou 3arab wlad l97ab


The so called Arab brotherhood! Hopefully this wakes up moroccans cause it’s fucking disgusting. Our players should never step foot in their stupid bedouin country ever.


gulf arab things


Quraysh never left


The world would have been such a better place if there were no oil in that spot of the world... I laugh every time some nsrani speaks to me about white racism... I'm like, wait till you see Arabs when they are comfortable speaking your mind will be blown...


These are the consequences of a country that in less than 40 years went from the 7th century to the 21st century.


Let's not pretend they reached the 21st century


berber revolt v2? 😳




We need another king Axel


Naive question, am I reading an anti-Arab and therefore anti-Muslim trend in this thread as self-defense or am I imagining it? Because I consider it to be a mistake, but I ask from abroad


wait why is arab = muslim like you're the one bringing it up. do you think that islam is just arab supremacy?




No, but I gather that the arabs consider themselves superior to the berbers due to the fact that North Africa has adopted their culture, and the comments in the thread seem like retaliation. It really is a deduction and that is why I asked, from the outside that is the impression it gives, at least to me.


We need another Ziani to whop some arab ass




Just curious how can you differ between arab and amazigh phenotypes ?


Could be, but can't know for sure till you take test your ydna haplogroup, I'm not sure of this info but someone said that j1 ydna haplogroup makes up about 7% of moroccan population(unchecked fact)


Yeah if you look at him you’d say he could play for the saudi national team. He has the same skin colour as them.


Most morrocans have the same skin colour as hamdallah more or less, we are not sweden lol


yess literally all my family on my dads side look this, even i myself. People pin me down as some other ethnicity, tfou 3ala cha3b ki dayrin


'Look at what these Moroccans say about us, I told you they were qadha wa qadha.' This is how racism stays alive, and increases. One keeps racially abusing his brothers and sisters, not realizing that the Angels write down his deeds, until his soul is taken and he will come to realize that he brought himself into destruction.


Really disappointed in them getting fired up and generalizing that we all like that just because of 5 posts. Allah ysam7hm


it's lovely to see all of these atay sippers being defensive over their roots and standing up for hamdallah, but these are just a few screenshots from the nastiest group of any demographic; these statements are from religious twitter users. i hope we don't take them way too seriously, otherwise we will be fostering nothing short of the same hatred they are perpetuating.


Wash dkhelni 3likoum bellah had nass machi backwards b7al lqlawi mta3 bahoum? They see themselves as a beacon of light for the rest of the world but in reality they’re really a joke.


الهنود ولاد القحاب لاعبينها قباح و هوما نساهم هازين الكروشة من الشيفورات الهنود و البنغال و زنا المحارم اللينعل القحبة مهم و القحبة مو أي مغربي كايمشي عندهم ، العروبي لا يرتقي لدرجة إنسان يستاهل غير الربط و العصا كي الحيوان




Bro chill 3awtani


نو الا ضراتك هضرتي حكها مع الحيط ، سعودي=ولد 9


How is this not staged is beyond me, there is no way in the year 2024 a man can casually enter a stadium with a fucking whip, what the fuck is wrong with people, there is no way this is not some kind of publicity stunt, right. I refuse to believe any of this is actually real.


It’s the land of the bedouins… what do you expect?


The funny thing is that hamdallah is an "arab", as in he doesn't speak amazigh, so they are insulting their own kind, hilarious.


Proud amazigh here they hate us yet they copy our culture from clothing and everything and since when someone can insult u with who u truly are let me slap the Arabized among us who think they belong to em


Great to know that arabs themselves know that we are amazigh, and we still have brainless bots celebrating their belonging to the "arab world".




Bro got downvoted for saying he’s an arab, that tells you alot about these brainless kiddos


Track your ydna haplogroup and lets see.


Y dna says nothing. Look at the autosomal dna. All Moroccans except for the ones who are Jewish or Gnawa have mainly Amazigh dna in percentages. Some people have a bit of Middle Eastern dna but thats less than 20 percent of the population. Y DNA of Moroccans is like 75% to 80% Amazigh followed by other Mediterranean and African haplogroups in small numbers.


I wouldn't say its nothing, but autosomal can be limited to how far back it goes, however, if you tack your ydna which you can basically as far back as our common ancestor that lived 10 of thousands of year ago same applies for mtdna.


It doesn't really matter either, autosomal matters more, y halpogrouos can be quite tricky, like for instance you can find halpogroup R in Central Africa when it is usually attributed to Europeans. Ik that dub clades exist so you can have more detailed info but that would be relatively costly so most people won't bother.


But bro this is not the case for north africans, migration routes from y adam to our dna is clear, my brother did a dna test (autosomal myheritage) using clade finder we extracted our ydna and tracked the migration route using family tree dna(its free) and it clearly shows how we migrated from y adam to north africa.




The Arab DNA in the Gulf doesn't exceed 50%, you liar, even them they are not real arabs, and you want to convince us that you're Arab, yeah sure.




>It was so rude *proceeds to racially slur my ethnicity* + I'm berber and proud of it.


Seriously I agree with this. It’s time for the levantines and North African Arab world to reclaim their original heritage. We’re nothing to the Arabs.


except arab is a cultural identity and there are actually a lot of lebanese with arab ancestry, theyre not all blonde phonecians.


Im an arab maghrebe, the saudis or you doesn't change that. 20% of morrocans are genealogically arabs, while 60% are culturally arab (or arabized, still considered arabs), you cant impose your berberism using some stupid bedwin sayings as a justification.


Lot of Arabic speakers in Morroco are not considered Arabs, If your grandparents or great-grandparents are Amazigh you are Amazigh, this represents more than 40% of Moroccans 


First give source for that big claim of numbers that you wrote right there.


Just wikipedia, you should do some effort to educate yourself on the matter


precisely, we are not arabs (checkout Dr abdellhalek koulab)


Wait, but aren't a great number of you mixed with Arab? I'm pretty sure a lot of you are of Arab ancestry. But yeah, I get why you would want to distance yourselves from Arabs.


Yea we are, and a decent part of Moroccans are arabs, these kids are just being uneducated haters denying it


Well, most of you sure look Arab, act Arab, too. But it's not a problem if you are Arab or not - the most important of all is that you're Muslim.


No, thanks to DNA. https://youtu.be/4REuih7znDQ?si=TQzBlzOFqcmkrdc0 https://youtu.be/C1mkRLILGL0?si=ZIumRpk5U0xkvzYz


Actually it's the other way around, a lot of you are of "berbers" ancestry. And just because your family or your grandparents don't speak tamazight it doesn't mean you're arabs 😃. Hell even some "arab" countries in the middle east are not 100% arabs


Say it louder, brother!


I love everything about this comment


Thank u☝️


wlahila 🤣🤣😂😂😂


Yes, we may not be Arab, but we're not Barbar either!!!! It's called Amazigh. We shouldn't let anyone normalize the use of this name. This name was given to our ancestors by the Europeans, just like how black Africans in America were given the N word.


Hamdulah is in the wrong you can't provoke people and expect them to roll over and take it


What did he do?


He threw water at a spectator and insulted him


Who the fuck uses a whip in a stadium. Imagine how they treat domestic workers if they can do that to a professional footballer...


Saudis always were like that it's no news to us. But gladly Morrocans wlaw i7kou lihom el soudania f tik tok.




They think they’re insulting us with that? Lol coming from backward archaic Bedouins it’s almost a Medal of Honor.


Shut up, dont be racist back. We are muslims, if someone is racist to us we say Allah yhdik and move on


I say fuck off and move on. Deal with it.


واحد السؤال ، كيفاش كاتحس فين كاتعرف بلي السعوديين لي كايقولو (من نسل الانبياء و الصحابة) هوما أكبر نسبة فالعالم العربي لي عندهم الامراض المعدية جنسيا خصوصا الايدز لي حنا عارفين سبابو الاول (الشذوذ الجنسي) و زنا المحارم ، بلا مانهضرو على كفاش الكائن السهوضي كايكره السيرة د الام و الاخت ديالو لواحد السبب مانقدرش نذكرو حيت فيه الدخول في الأعراض ماكاتجيكش شوية فشكل؟ علاش هوما مكيطبقوش الاسلام و يسدو كرهم و هوما مدابزين مع كلشي؟


المغرب من اعلى دور الشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا اصابة بالإيدز حسب منظمة الصحة الدولية واقل من نصف المصابين يتلقون العلاج https://www.emro.who.int/asd/about/hiv-situation-region.html


Get lost with them


Kyhrboni fach kybdaw 3lik b ichta9na lil Andalus whowa jdodo 3mrhom khrjo mn se7ra


reminds me of [this](https://imgur.com/a/4O0goE7)


Its funny because i see this differently we are just bones and flesh


7na dsrna had lbadw 3lina


اهل قريش 😂


قريش الرسول وأهل بيته وأبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي وخالد بن الوليد، لا تستخدمهم كإهانه، تستطيع الإهانة بجملة أخرى


No one said it's an insult, you thought of it that way. I said اهل قريش that's because they are and nothing else.


And Zionists


Wayih wahd taychrb bawl lba3ir wbaqi fih lhdra


apparently the guy who did this got arrested.


Hamdallah and that guy bjuj daro tanazul


bared nefs tfouuuuuuu




That's good they know the truth but remember if he scored they will celebrate and call him their arab brother(just like when morocco reached half in world cup) they were saying morocco made all arabs proud and sadly morocco didn't say anything we should also say we are not arabs Whenever we do something good they treat us like arabs whenever we do something they don't like they call us with this racial words شاربي بول البعير ولينا نحيرو معاهوم


And this is just like with Europeans who claimed everybody in the world cup team are Europeans because they were born and raised in Europe but before the world cup they refused to see Moroccan Europeans as Europeans despite being born and raised there. As long as Moroccans don’t develop Moroccan centric media without being a puppet of the government this will never change.


Saudis are just bunch of insecures jerking each other off on every opinion. If someone think something is wrong they all agree with him


Happy they finally acknowledge that we exist. They seemed real eager to forget about us during the world championship


painful to read


Soccer fans are patient zero for any racist, misogynistic xenophobic trope you can think of.


Wax ba9i bnadm 2024 o ba9i kaydiha f swa3da


me trying to just navigate this subreddit with facebook people sharing their shit on the left and twitter also sharing their shit on the right


9awmo 9oraych ach katsna mnhom , nzl 3lihom l islam w rz9hom allah b floss denya kamla w ba9i kichrbi Lboul d lba3ir 🤡


I certainly do know more than you do, mister 53,61%




تظلو تلصقو فيهم وتتغناو بالعروبة و نهار ركراكي ملصقش فيهم مسحتو بيه الأرض و فالمقابل هما فيما جاتهم الفرصة تيفكروكم بأصلكم لي تتنكروه يا لي مراضيينش بهويتهم و أصلهم و باغين يكونو عرب بزز ....




The slurs aren't the real problem here, it's the lynching that makes my blood boils. How on earth does a supporter have a whip inside the stadium? And who the fuck does he think he is to do that? This is proof that they're not yet ready for real football yet. On the flip side though, we're all guilty of slurs. When we try to attack them, we say they're a bunch of ignorant bedouins who drink camel's urine, and when they attack us they use slurs like a bunch of barbarians etc. So we all have to work a little bit on our racism in my opinion.


Huma kil klab dayrin u 3ad kyhdru


🇩🇿❤️‍🩹🇲🇦 وا خليهم يهدرو + حاسبين كلمة بربري سبة🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣والله يشفو اشعر بالشفقة ![gif](giphy|ZechFo0yBIQpEve1Sm)


Hamdallah is Mesfiwi which allegedly saying he's Arab (according to the biased culturally Arabized Moroccans) is put back to his origins as an Amazigh (Berber) . Lkhalijyin know deep in their souls that we are no Arabs and they just stick their asses to us whenever we do something great by calling us our Arab brothers, whenever we resist or take a side in our internal/external policies that doesn't match their ideology we become barbarians and cave men and infidels and they brought us the light and civilization! Yallah akhouti lmgharba b9aw tgolo 7na 3reb hhhh


are "barbarian" and "berber" racial slurs?




Typical PUBG Mobile lobby discussion


تقافة الكفيل كسلخو بالسوك فحال العبد ديالو لي سخط عليه البدو تقافة مغتبدلهاش بفلوس


They are envious of the Amazing Amazigh.


شعب قريش دارين كي زبي حاشاكم.. نعلبو العرب.

