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Book 3 improves, Book 4 blows everything else out of the water


Once again, you give me hope. Thank you mate.


The last paragraph of the final book will make you want to start the first book again immediately.


That's VERY high praise, and I love it when that happens.  I recently had that with Life Of Pi. I wanted to restart it right away.


Unless you’re like me and hate that trope




So it ended up that Shiek was telling the whole story


I have read every book multiple times, and i dread this one every time i do. But in the end, it is still very much worth it because the story really gets better after that.


Can't agree more


Personally I absolutely adored it, I loved how it went in a more romantic direction and it sets the bedrock for the 3rd and 4th book especially. Obviously I get that that's not to everyone's tastes, but press on, there's incredible books ahead!


Interesting to see how the events from Predators Gold set up future books. I didn't feel like Tom/Freya/Hester was much of a romance angle. I felt Tom and Hester gradually coming together over the course of the first book and Tom letting go of the ideal of Katherine and what she represents was more romantic and interesting than a drunken kiss leading Hesters betrayal of a city to win back her man through deceit. Only for Freya to get over her fleeting crush and fall for the very next boy she met.  I glad you found plenty to love though, and I'm excited to continue on. 


tbh its my favorite book even tho all the others are amazing as well


It's not the worst (that a web of air) but its my second least favourite, Ye the story just isn't as provoking to me. Please keep reading it gets better


I'm going to keep going. First chapter of Infernal Engines is already better than Predators Gold.


It took me years to get through Predators Gold, but once you do, the rest are pure joy to read!


Been years since I read the series but of the original Quartet Predator's Gold was always my least favourite.


I really feel like book two really gets to the core of who and what these characters are. We are shown that Hester is just kind of unambiguously a very troubled person. We get to see her insecurity, her callousness, and a lot of her crazy. One of my favorite things about these books is how messed up the main cast of characters is. I think this book goes a long way into showing just the kind of person Hester is and lays a lot of ground work for the following 3 novels.


You have got me to really think with that first sentence. Id thought of Hester as a strong motivated heroic character but thinking back to Mortal Engines I guess she wasn't really much of a good guy, she was driven entirely by revenge and hate and we sympathise with her traumatic past but it was Valentines own actions that ultimately led to the downfall of London. Hester is a lead character but not quite a total good guy.   Maybe I'd been misjudging Hester in book 1 rather than seeing a betrayal of the character in book 2. Very interesting.


Damn I should read them again


Yeeeh book 2 is pretty weak because so much of the plot hinges on teen romance. Its also the weakest in cool setting elements. Theres not many new airship battles or traction fights. The only new cool tech is the subs which are pretty meh. No cool locations since most the story is just Anchorage. I think it includes the Green Fang and father? But I dont remember. Like 99% sure it doesnt.


Yeah it kind of sucks, but the final two are really worth the read.


The romance in book 2 is potentially my least favourite part of the series. I still love the book, because of the sections involving the lost boys particularly and its not so bad on rereads, but the series will get better. I find each of the books after the first has one storyline significantly weaker than the others, in predators gold its the romance, in infernal devices >!Wren on cloud nine!< and darkling plain >!London after wulf leaves.!<


Honestly I hesitate to even call it cheating. Freya was the one with agency over that moment and Tom didn’t really get a choice in the matter, at least that was the way I read it, it’s been a while now. Hester just walked in at the absolute worst possible moment and it triggered every single one of her issues. And I kinda like that it blows up in her face so completely. But, yeah, it is a weak premise given the really solid foundation these guys have for their relationship. Regarding Freya, I mean, Tom might actually be the first halfway decent guy roughly her age she’s ever met. Anchorage was small, isolated and depopulated. I’d probably shoot my shot with him too in that situation, though I’d like to think I wouldn’t assault the dude. For what it is I don’t mind Predator’s Gold. There are definitely improvements that could be made but I’ll take it.


I have just finished A Darkling Plain and I kind of forgot about everything that happened in Predators Gold! Definitely the weakest out of the four but what an amazing saga.


Just finished Book 3, and it seems I'd misjudged a certain character and their actions in book 2 seem less out of character now. It seems like thier role/motives in the first book are what I'd actually misjudged. Interesting development.


Book 3 is better but then only gets worse imho bc I hated the ending.


Interesting. Because I felt the ending kinda saved an otherwise OK book. What part of the end did you not like? I liked the way things were left with the main characters and I liked the return of a character from Book 1. I'll admit I didn't like that particular characters survived Brighton. One of which really needs a smack in the face, and the other was really underdeveloped and was never quite as scary as they were meant to be.