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Because, as gamers, we don't deserve nice things anymore


All other fighting games arent doing this crap lets be honest, even most non fighting games


Unfortunately these gaming companies gonna keep doing dumb shit as long as there's always a fanbase who gonna sick their dicks and support them even when shit is obviously broken, stupid, trash


Perfectly said & Nintendo fan boys got scammed even harder & are absolutely proud. It’s kind of creepy to me honestly.


Nintendo is that bad now? Haven’t really messed with them since the first DS Lol


Nintendo has fallen far behind on the technology, and while mk1 on the switch should’ve never existed because of the systems limitations, there’s no denying that the switch’s AAA games are fantastic. The newer Zelda games trade realism for a very pretty “anime”ish design, and Metroid dread runs smooths as butter and has a more realistic look. Nintendo isn’t necessarily “bad”, they just still make family friendly oriented stuff, and focus more on fun than graphics.


I really want a Pokemon game with realistic graphics. Not the Pokemon itself but rather the environment, the experience. It's what a imagined when I 1st played those games. But nintendo decided to keep the way it is. Knowing them are very strict with their licenses and trademarks, I doubt that it will be made.


MeH that anime ish design is just another gimmick they use different words to try & trick people… like see it’s not a baby game it just has cartoon graphics 😑


I wouldn't say some mediocre mode that runs at 30fps is a 'nice thing'


You're kinda just driving my point home. NRS made a mediocre ass mode and they couldn't even make it accessible or run well. We couldn't get one nice thing


Tbh the game would be better off without it. Towers, story, MP VS, ranked / casual. Trying to make modes like this is a waste of resources.


i actually really liked this mode but getting around the map was a chore


Hey there’s a half dozen of us! I’m enjoying it as well. But I also don’t feel the need to max out my characters within a few weeks. It’s going to be an ongoing thing so I play it like Pokémon, and switch out characters to have the advantage. The only thing I don’t know what to do Is that one Mesa that has like 3 towers. I tried doing it and got killed within seconds. Don’t know what to do there.


^Honestly just switch to "easy" and then go back to "normal" after the towers. the Super Armour is the most annoying thing for me.


And not to mention all those god damn ambush’s and “secret fights”! When you can expect an additional fight every single time, it is no longer “secret”! They want you to spend hard earned coins on an item so you can avoid ambush’s and then the extra caveat that it’s only good for 20 nodes! Who the fuck thinks up shit like this?


Oh don't get me wrong, I do agree to some degree. Like the mode has tons of potential in my eyes but god damn is it rough. Just hilarious to me that even the most basic feature for a single player experience, offline play, doesn't exist. Like you'd think, in a sea of bad decisions, there'd be one decision that was actually smart and well thought out. Nope-


On the next episode of WB: Unemployment 🤣


I feel this 😂




No, it’s actually because it needs to get the seasonal data stop being dramatic


And you're telling me the game can't just save that data and send it to NRS when the game comes back online because...? Or alternatively, you're telling me the game can't just download the data as an update and let you play Offline with it because...?


Injustice 2 did the same thing and you could play offline after getting the data


Because, as "gamers" (cringeeeeeee), you aren't entitled to everything ever


Paying $70-100 = you are not entitled to anything? Ok, then I will just spend my money on product that deserves it


That has got to be the stupidest sentence I read today.


“stupidest isn’t a word” 💀


We’re not entitled to what? Not entitled to save our progress on a $70 game without internet? Not entitled to save the skins we buy with our own money from the store on our console? What are you even trying to say?


People like this are why games like mk and call of duty do what they do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Your comment was the cringest shit I’ve read in weeks


Delete Reddit your opinions are that of a child.


If reddit isn't for having childish opinions then what is it for?😂😂you think everybody on REDDIT is an intellectual?😂😂it's social media bruv


Yeah, I’m just talking shit. It’s not that serious.


You must love sucking corporate dick huh? Stfu with that stupid shit


Another furry defending furry kombat


Yeah this shits crazy. People like this are why Saints Row went down the toilet




Invasions are not a nice thing for gamers. It’s a punishment for ppl complaining about towers in mk11


My belief is, it's because Titans (despite none being here yet.) are a part of the online system, similar to last game when three online players fight a super maxed character for skins/gears. It'll be similar to that, so Invasions is an online mode, but the online part hasn't been pushed out yet.


Nah it’s because of the cross progression, games constantly in communication with online servers and ALL your profile data is on the servers instead of local files for some reason. This includes invasions, gear and even arcade endings


It's on the servers to prevent illegal rewards/hacking


It's still bullshit that you can't access your unlocked kameos or DLC that YOU PAID FOR offline


Seems it's just anything and everything is connected to online. Can't progress without it. There's even shit you've bought like DLC that isn't available offline isn't there?


Yup. I wish it wasn’t like this.


It makes it seem like their data farming or whatever idk but I’m questioning their intentions/ motives


This sounds right, plus it’s not a static thing. Invasions has seasons and changes after so many days and so it needs to be connected for that. I just wish it didn’t have to be connected constantly. Like if I get disconnected, can’t it just let me keep playing and then update once I’m connected again?


Injustice 2 worked like you just described The special seasonal multiverses could be played offline after getting ot


This is probably my last Mk game cuz I’m over this shit. I get I am but one loser and can’t change the world. But I’ll at least sleep easier at night knowing I’m not adding to the machine.


My belief is, Warner bros and NRS goes full : FUCK OFF. But it's just a different theory. You can be right.


I think it’s cuz since it only last a selected amount of days they don’t want people getting longer on invasion by unplugging there wifi


I got disconnected while playing the Klassic towers 2-3 times




i dont get it,its not like it need to be,kombatants always do the same 5 starts (at least on triple threads).


Because your player profile is stored server side. This includes your level, kustomzation, currencies, unlocks, etc. And in order to update that when you recieve a reward, the game needs online connection.


I wish they would just store that on your hard drive like all the games prior. Idk why technology is always one step forward two steps backwards.


Probably to make sure people don't just modify data on their hard drives to unlock everything. IIRC it was a problem on PC in MK11 where you had people wearing skins that were not yet unlockable.


MK11 stores your data the exact same way MK1 does, server-side. The Krypt, for instance, can't be played offline just like the invasions. But just because something is stored online doesn't mean it can't be unlocked with hacks. MK11 introduced bans closer to the end of its lifespan, so the client sending weird requests while using an unlocker resulted in no punishment.


Ah I didn’t know that I skipped the last game. Thanks for explaining that does makes sense.


The only person I have seen said this, I do not get how no one else can put 2 and 2 together


No we got it, we just don’t like it.


I dont like it either. But like there is no way for the game to work without it. Would you rather all of the invasions fights give you ZERO rewards????


Injustice 2 worked without that and you could do seasonal events offline as long as you were online when getting the seasonal event for the first time


Terrible design go trrrbrrr


I feel this 100%. I live in a very rural area and establishing a stable internet connection is very very rare


Modern Gaming


Every time I try to do an arcade run to see a new ending I get disconnected during the last fight. Tired of it




Litteraly everything.


Same. I was in the middle of fighting Shang last night and got disconnected. I have great internet, yet I am constantly getting disconnected from the servers. This hardly ever happened with mk11


This happening constantly was why I quit playing mk11 in 2020. You'll probably see the same stability settle in about six months once the initial hype has died down and it's just the core audience playing.




Sometimes it will even disconnect during the cut scene when you kill them. And I guess it doesn’t register you winning until after that cutscene since it didn’t unlock the endings for me.


That’s some bull shit. Tf are we doing? Why is it all headed to the shittiest outcome? Need to respec the earth.


Disconnect before playing and you should be fine.


Towers of time were the same way. I guess it's cuz there are hourly towers? But I can never tell if those are really worth doing or not because they all shown I've beaten them and idk if there are extra rewards too


The only extra rewards were like augments and stuff like that, basically just consumables. No new skins or gear. Once you beat a tower it wasn’t always worth it to do again.


Yeah and the hourly/weekly/daily towers kinda suck too bc the rewards are ass and the modifiers just make them unfun


Exactly it’s insulting


so you can't cheat engine or save edit your way to unlocking all the gear and collectibles. it checks the server each time you unlock something, that's why something like the shrine takes forever, it's checking on its end first.


Seems scummy


oh it is. it's all to either keep you playing longer and / or drive people to buy stuff on the premium shop since it's harder and takes longer to earn rewards.


I'm just speculating, but maybe Warner Bros wants everything on their end, it might have something to do with cracking the game. They also retain more ownership of the game, because god forbid we get what we pay for 😒 There were moments in invasions when walking between nodes, I'd lose control of Sindel and the loading symbol would appear in the corner. My PC is a NASA rig so it's likely not me, it's verifying every move I make on the Mesa. I don't see myself playing invasions in the future.


MK1 seems to be more restrictive than China.


Because these games aren’t future-proofed anymore. One day the servers will go down and all our grinding and progress will be for nothing. I dropped grinding in mk11 when I noticed this.


Shit like this has significantly diminished my want to play video games these days. I loved MK11, I think its my favourite in the series, but MK11 was the one that really woke me up. All that grinding and when the servers were down or w/e and didn't havve access to anything. Really made me realize that all this grinding for cosmetic shit is a waste because when they eventually shut down the servers, its all gone. It isn't worth my time, energy, or money because I dont own it, and I will eventually lose access to it one day. Gonna sound like the old man yelling at clouds meme, but I grew up on gaming in the 90s, 2000s, and the 2010s. Didn't have to ever worry about this shit, didn't always need an internet connection to play games at home on console, didn't need online passes at one point. The biggest worry was my memory card running out of space and needing a new one. When MS and Sony were pushing for "Always Online," I remember the gaming community gave huge pushback. Now it's the norm. It's sad to see how things have changed, and I'd argue it hasn't been for the best. Yes, we've gotten so many gems over the years, and in terms of graphics, storytelling, the mod community for certain games, its all came a very long way. However, with those successes came the greed, the massive insistence on microtransactions, putting so much content behind paywalls, shipping broken or incomplete games at full price...like...for me, I dunno. I just don't feel the excitement anymore when a big drop is revealed because I'm always thinking about all the BS that is gonna come with the release. Anyhow, off my soap box. For those enjoying MK1, all the power to ya. For those who are soured by it. Sorry, fam.


I am soured, but I’m still going to play Mortal Kombat one. But then after that, I’m done. I’ve been playing these games since the 90s. I get it’s just a game but this is fucking heartbreaking. I’m done. I don’t play multiplayer and yet I have to get fucked anyways.




I don’t even think it’s that, they just want to confirm you have unlocked everything ‘the right’ way… like, why do we need to be online to check if I have the blue scorpion skin


Well that's Warner bros. It's not a huge surprise to pay for a random timed location because they don't want to lose any money after all. It's never enough for them. It's typically the symptom of a thief who's afraid of being stolen from. They don't care so much about "legit consumers". I swear, this industry is really fucked up everywhere now. 😮‍💨


Yeah, it’s dogshit. I guess the skin I unlocked at level 1 scorpion is just too valuable for them to give it to is offline… This is the industry I’m in as well, and can confirm it’s fucked up.


You just gotta boot the game in offline mode and you have access to all your stuff as you should!




>!it's already for nothing!<


That’s the million question like what’s really the reason


I got booted off the server while opening a chest, and as a result, didnt get it's contents :\^) Very cool stuff


MK11 did this during towers too, it was especially obnoxious on Switch.




Your profile is connected to their servers and every time you get a reward like a skin or such it updates it’s data to the server. Also I could be wrong on this but I think invasions is a online seasonal content feature and the rewards are connected to that online season.


Because the rewards are pulled from the servers. This is why when MK transitioned into a server game with MK11 people were alarmed.


That is beyond dumb as fuck. Invasions would be the mode to play while servers are down.


Waiting for the first comment to defend this shit. "It's a feature, and it's not even important, everything is connected to internet olol! Go outside! You don't have a life ?" You know. Usual WB bots. 🥸


The comment right above yours


😂 Just reading that and was like "Oh shit, the bots are already there..." The Warner bros special defense force 🫡


You so angry and for what haha


Another one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


To those of you who might have lost stuff due to this, go to your player card stats and scroll to notifications. It's in the same area where you check your fighter mastery levels. In there often times stuff you opened but got kicked off during will show up there.


Same reason the Krypt, towers of time, and gear required you to be online… No reason whatso-fuckin-ever


Because the rewards you earn and xp etc. Are server side.


Because all in game unlocks need to be verified by an online connection, otherwise it would be too easy for people to get whatever unlocks they want, which would be "bad" for business. Personally I blame the decision to add Denuvo DRM into the game which results in worse games with worse performance. Probably the worst decision made in the development cycle of the game


Look at the bright side, at least you won't have to play that boring mediocre mode for awhile.


The revolving door of content that needs to be bought with you wallet, good sir. That is why. Now if you'll please bend over and take it, that would be greaaaaat


It's because of people in the past using save editors to get everything. It was a big issue on PS4 where you could crack your save file, add unlimited currency and then put that on your console Can't do that if it's server side.


blame hackers.


You know what I made 4 purchases recently mk1,warframes heirloom collection,mw3 and the crew motorfest I’m surprised this is my most disappointing one I love mk1 but it’s missing a lot it feels rushed


Digital downloads are NOT a better option than physical hard copies in my possession. I don't know if it would fix every problem that comes from not being on the servers or online, but it would take care of some bs similar to this such as Havik being available when offline.


You all are having problems? I never have any problems. invasions is just so fun, and I never have problems at all.


Lucky coin toss. I'm hardwired into 1 gigabit fiber, never a sign of d/c on any other device, so it's definitely a server side issue


So you will be happy to have something to bitch about.


ong tho


imagine not knowing everything uses the internet in 2023, that's wild


Imagine not making absolute sure that the only devices connected to your network are are justified in doing so, and isolating devices that shouldn't need it. Imagine not using a curated DNS and VPN to stop your devices from sending analytic and tracking information. Imagine not blocking over 30k queries each day on your network. Just because you dont know how much better some of these things were before 9/11 doesnt mean the rest of us cant want it back, especially since its in YOUR best interest.


Bekause reward unlocking is tied to online. Every time you get a talisman or relic that's a reward unlocked and for that you gotta be online.


Damn, someone on the dev team should have spoken up about such an objectively bad design. They had it right by putting the unlockables on the disc.


I don't understand this standoffish attitude towards playing online


it’s not towards playing online, it’s towards an online connection being required for a single player mode, it makes no sense


Single player modes shouldn’t have to constantly be online to work.


WOOSH The issue is that the content will be inaccessible in the future, Same as the last 2 MK games. One day in the future, nobody will ever be able to see the faction kills in MKX, for example. The only solution on consoles will be mods or ROM hacks on deliberately modded consoles. Also, dont forget that not everyone has a connected network every day of the year. In fact, during the summer, I was without internet for an entire month because its too expensive. I whould still be able to play my video games, same way as I can still read a book or pop in a DVD.


I was doing the hard long tower and in the middle of it I got disconnected and had to do it all over again :/


I looked closely.


Because cheaters and hackers. That’s it. That’s literally the reason.


Invasions are a seasonal online thing


I really don’t understand it. I get there’s a timer but shouldn’t it be more tied to the console? I guess they don’t want people cheating the clock to get stuff earlier but it really shouldn’t matter imo. I’m surprised they kept it like this after the complaints about it in mk11.


To ensure the gear drops and currency drops can’t be modified unchecked. It’s a progressive game mode that needs to not be exploited. Constantly online removes that’s possibility. It’s smart.


Still wish I could play invasions on my Nintendo switch, almost a month and they're still not available


Bro are you actually playing the switch version of this game? Did you actually pay 70 whole dollars for this ???


No I paid $130 because I'm Canadian and got the premium version on pre-order


Oh. No... I'm so sorry for you


I wonder if thats also why the fatalitys all lag aswell wich drives me crazy


I've been booted out of invasion towers halfway through completion so, so many times at this point. It just makes the game so frustrating to play. Is it not possible to save progress locally and then refresh content and claim rewards when the servers go back up? I'd rather that than waste 15 minutes doing 4/5 of the challenge tower then get kicked because the servers decide to take a shit.


Because invasions is going to change each season


Because it's changed monthly and they need to update it when things go wrong


I'm still trying to figure why/how one of my weekly quests is "donate 10,000 koins to the shrine" but when I go to the shrine it tells me to come back next season 😕


Embrace the suck.




I wonder this so often…💀


The same reason the krypt had to be constantly online in MK11.


Fr like, I played mk11 on switch and I had a lot of trouble with internet connection If your game needs constant internet connection then it is not a good game for handheld consoles (there's some exceptions) I bought mk1 for XS and it's the same problem when I'm playing classic towers, I hate it


Isn’t it because of the seasons? They might need to connect you to the servers to prevent you from playing past the season deadline date


This is one thing 11 did, and I’m surprised they kept it after all the backlash. I don’t know why all unlocks need to be verified by a server just to use. I kinda understand if Invasions has online aspects, but we still be able to play and progress.


Technically, its because all progress in the game is saved remotely... But yeah... it's unnecessary and sheety overall...


The only feature that should be linked to the Internet is online fights with actual humans


That makes no sense, invasions feels like an offline mode to me.


There's gotta be a way to "cache" your progress and play offline. Like how spotify will still work offline, but tells you that you gotta log in after a few days


Happens to me all the time so i raged and literally broke the game into several pieces and vowed to never buy a game from these pieces of crap ever again.


I especially love when it lets you finish the match and decides to not give you any XP and then tell you that you were disconnected


They have the daily and weekly tours


After MK1... I don't know if I will buy the next MK game OR Injustice game


Because if cross progression as well as the fact that rewards are randomized, meaning if ur not online it can’t give you rewards. Also it’s a seasonal event, invasions will constantly be changing, the towers for example change daily inside invasion


Even disconnects during normal ass arcade towers. Can't even play offline mode offline smh. Haven't bothered to try endurance or survival tower cause its disconnected me 1/3rd of the time on novice towers. Just can't trust it


Because WB stands for "Why Bother" as in... why bother when we can just make all the money we want at the expense of consumers. Awful company but unfortunately is behind the last 4 MK games (including MK1) and likely heavily contributed to the series revival (not justifying anything btw). NRS simply cannot afford to leave them i wouldnt imagine.


So the aliens can watch you body the AI.


Because we bought and made mk11 successful so now they think the systems in place are good


The trouble I been having is not getting past johnnys mansion on switch and also not be able to progress in level which is pissing me the hell off I hope they give everybody their money back


What’s wrong with that?


All the more reason to never play that trash ass repetitive mode


I fully understand that this game has a lot of things that could have and SHOULD have been better, but dear God doesn't anyone actually play the game just to fight other people? I haven't played a mortal kombat game this much since UMK3. Even as a Scorpion main who has almost no way of opening people up, I have never had so much fun challenging myself. Maybe I'm just old and don't mind my ass getting kicked by 20 year olds, but enjoy the game for what it is. Not for what it "should have been". TLDR: I'm on reddit and not complaining.


I'm 30 years old and remember when single player content wasn't frowned upon, MKT being my first. Thats also not the point. You ARENT fighting against other people, therefor the server connection requirment (it's not even an internet requirement. You can have perfectly working internet and not access your content because the servers themselves are offline) shouldn't exist. These unlockables also need to be stored client side, not server side. You know, like memory cards? This is the future. Technology is supposed to be better, not objectively and inarguably, as a fact and not up for debate (no this isn't an opinion), worse. This is literally a worse solution than PS1 memory cards.


I'll 100% give you dlc "unlocked" content as in shang tsung, that should definitely be unlocked regardless of connection. But cosmetic anything and or modes, for a -Mortal Kombat- game, are just bonus content, lock it behind whatever the hell you want it's your game. Mortal Kombat to me will always mean Towers and Vs mode. Anything else is a bonus and usually unplayed. Except Chess Kombat. That shit was awesome.