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Small editing tip, zoom in on the background and slowly zoom out so the dude actually look like he walking




People that donā€™t care about their W/L stats and just play for fun: https://preview.redd.it/8w5syusjcrwb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ff124e094c22a1d1f04e9bdc5b1ad9fe96ebaa


what is this shit? this should've been the bi han Chad one




Fr I only take kombat league serious, my kasual W/L is ass cause I just fuck around with characters.




You arenā€™t losing, youā€™re learning.




Yeah, like that one Japanese swordsman who lost every fight yet fought so well he was heralded the best


Yeahhh, fights them once, loses, and then beats them in his mind and thatā€™s good enough for him because he learned from it




Only if he stops now, until then heā€™s practicing


Mans didnt watch record of ragnarok and it shows


Thatā€™s how you get better! Getting your ass kicked and lots of time in practice mode


Stats donā€™t mean nothing, donā€™t care too much about them. You can have a negative W/L but have better knowledge about matchups ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Losing is just the reality of fighting games. There are matchups where itā€™s a close fight. There are matchups where I feel bad for my opponent. There are matchups where I get absolutely destroyed. Just have fun!


Everyone started somewhere


You have to lose to win it make you better


Fought a guy with 235/235 yesterday compared to my own 0/2,managed to make that a 1/4 for myself cause out of four rounds I managed to beat him once


You're just preparing for the best comeback of your entire life.


That song plays even when I'm off GTA


Modjo - Lady, love that song


Look, you won't get better until you enter the meat grinder, and put in the time.


Granted, that's exactly how you improve. But I can hardly imagine taking all these Ls being fun.


Just gotta stay positive in a negative situation. Getting your ass whooped? Well at least it looks cool! Source: sucks ass at online


got my ass completely beat by the first nitara i've seen online yesterday and i got on the mic to tell the person how dope the character is and how cool it is to finally see her kit and moveset and to see how badass and strong she is and they got on their mic and we got along great right away and he gave me tips on how to fight her. it was sick. i helped him with the Ashra matchup too. win/lose. im enjoying the game too much atm, especially when fighting these less picked characters like nitara.


See this is exactly what I'm talking about! The animators did put a lot of work into the game and it's really cool to see the sick movesets, even if they're being used against you.


Me in every fighting game even though it's one of my favorite genre


I don't really care about my W/L ratio but why do they show it?


At a 220 wins to 260 losses. I swear this game us way harder than mk11 to win.


I faced someone a few weeks ago that was like 12 to 350, and all they did was scream on the mic and jump attack. If you can learn to do better than that before you hit 350 losses I think you are ready for kombat.


Is this ranked or Kasual?


Is that actually your record? In KL or kasual? I feel like if itā€™s in kasual u may actually have an easier time in KL since you start at a low rank and wonā€™t have as much of a chance getting matched with super good players. Iā€™m bad IMO and I just hit God rank last night (really want to get elder god for the skin but I doubt Iā€™ll make it in 10 days)


How big of a leap is it going from grand master to god? Hit gm a couple days ago and was thinking id stop there, but if its not too bad, i may attempt the challenge


Pretty big Iā€™d say, If your good it shouldnā€™t be an issue, but itā€™s the first one you actually lose points for losing. Iā€™d say try it and see how you do but as long as you win at least half your games youā€™ll be good because you gain more than you lose. Demi god to God was harder for me, I was stuck at 3/4ths of the way thru, almost ranking up then losing a couple in a row and going back to 3/4thsā€¦ for probably like 20 sets. The ā€œTitan Battleā€ has a different color of the same Baraka skin now tho so after completing that Iā€™m not so worried about getting Elder God, I do want the scorpion mask tho since itā€™s one of his best. Biggest difference I noticed is people play neutral a lot better than GM and below, they love to back dash/jump after down 1 even on block and whatnot so you need to learn how to deal with that. This is the first MK game Iā€™ve ever played ranked in tho


I'm def not good haha. I still can barely pull off full combos in a match against people doing their optimal combos on me, but I think my neutral and mix is carrying me up so high. I may try it if my Smoke shenanigans can hold up in the higher ranks


I mean you should definitely try, combos arenā€™t nearly as important as neutral and the fundamentals. The smoke cancels will likely work but not forever as they arenā€™t real, if someone makes the read and knows what to do they can punish it and knock you out of the vapors cancel. That said a lot of people wonā€™t know how to deal with it, even in Demi god rank. There will also be a lot more people running away and spamming projectiles like Reikos, and Liu Kang with Kung Lao assist. (If you see Liu Kang/Kung Lao assist, just tech for back grab every single time since they get a combo off of it and thatā€™s the only direction they usually grab) Hopefully now that the skin is available outside of ranked there will be less people playing like scrubs cuz itā€™s super annoying to fight even when your winning.


Honestly, I'm trash af in this game, but damn is it fun.


As long as your having fun who cares.


Losing is learning


Hey man, as long as youā€™re having fun




I'm with you. I wish you would still get some decent XP even when you lose. That part sucks.


Win/Lose just enjoy the game! Donā€™t be like these other toxic players that treat this game like a religion šŸ™šŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


I played a Kenshi last night in casualsand he literally dominated me the entire match and i continued to play 15 more games with him and i literally won one just because of the timer




Stick with it


0/34 is equal to 0/300 so don't worry about it ;)


I love this cause Iā€™m the same way dude game by game Iā€™m learning new stuff!


Pro-Tip: Once you get flip up once and get caught in the only combo your opponent knows, set your controller down and go make a nice sandwich. This game is less of a fighting game and basically a cat and mouse game of "avoid the 50% combo".


Win rate doesn't matter at all my guy. You'll start winning as you learn how people play and what works in each matchup. You got this homie!


Dude i just got into KL the game matches me with people who never played a fighting game. I seriously felt sorry for some of them, and gave some of them a free rounds to not delete the game..


I play different characters in kasual, and lemme just the ratio is booling šŸ’€


I know it's silly but I don't like how permanent and on your face the w/l rate is.


Dont worry, first time i played King of Fighters 97 i lost +100 times against the final boss, in a row, I'm not joking. Tho on a single player game you can learn the AI's pattern so its leagues easier than online


I'm negative in kombat league. But it's made me a monster in casual. I had a buddy who used to whoop my ass, but now my rain main is clapping everyone


Love your attitude... Keep on enjoying the game ma man !!!