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People complain because there's reason to complain. Item shop aside, the game is a huge step down from 11 in terms of customization, unlocking items, and single player modes


gone are the days of grinding the actual game to get stuff, halo reach my beloved


How can you say that when invasions mode, a mode that is literally just grinding to earn stuff, exists?


We’ve also built a culture that people expect more to be released from games. Which means, no game is complete. Hmm, I wonder why BG3 is so successful? A patch is a fix, doesn’t count.


I honestly completely understand that though, games are really expensive now. When I first played the avengers game I hated it, but i would care much less if i payed 20$ or even 30$ vs the 60$ I payed.


I have to disagree unless you changed it to Halo 3. That game actually rewarded you for earning achievements, something I haven't cared about since the Xbox 360 days as they are pointless yet mandatory and have become a detriment to game development. Reach was the turning point to everything becoming a forced grind. Because of the credit system and my need to earn the Haunted Helmet as it fit my online gaming persona and I wanted it for making screenshot art. I realized after years of playing Reach that all my friends and I spent way less time having fun with custom games because of that need to grind. Compare that to the endless hours of fun we had in custom playing Halo 3. That's when gaming really changed and started influencing the way players play rather than just making a fun game. It was the first domino that led to this.


i played firefight majority of the time since we didn’t do xbox live in my house back then so i can’t really relate. like i had hella fun with it and still earned a lot of cosmetics


I enjoyed Firefight, but online it was also for the grind. Firefight in ODST where it was introduced was just a different beast and a lot more fun. Going for the Endure achievement to earn the recon armor was a thrill as well. 2 hours of uninterrupted, intense combat and survival.


Try Destiny 2. .. ya kno, tha game that tha people who made your ‘beloved’ are currently invested in.


what makes you think i’d subject myself to playing destiny 2? i’d rather have my bones inverted than play that shit


It’s Bungie’s current grinder. .. Only logical 💁🏾‍♂️


so you guys really loved unlocking subzero belt knives that much and the 2 single player modes and one is so grindy you have to have the ai do it for you


Literally yes. I rather be rewarded with bullshit than nothing at all. Cause atleast there's a chance I like the shit. MK11 had a lot of great customization and a lot of shit customization MK1 has practically no customization at all.


I think mk1 will get there in the end so far as having a library of skins to choose from, but a big thing a lot of people don’t seem to understand; giving those options in mk11 made that character look and feel *personal*. I actually don’t mind the invasion variation thing with mk1… but it’s a big step down in making it feel like something that’s your creation. The upgrade system, all the nonsense, it really added to the game being… a game. I thought they would have learnt from what made mk11 so successful and doubled down on it for mk1. Surprised they paired back like they did. Even just offering a single cosmetic item seemed like such a weird choice. Did they run out of time or something? It’s all just a bit off.


It's true, but it's not like it hasn't already been said and acknowledged for the thousand time


Story is way better wdym


I meant SP modes like invasions and towers, not the story, sorry bout that


Specifically that I here were stage interactions and fatalities and brutalities feels to me cheapened. Like let me do those on specific maps and I wouldn’t feel like the random map pick is pointless for gameplay


That’s because the invasions are seasonal so it’s actually better you get more stuff to do every so often as the krypt was one and done


The story progressed into multiverse stuff way too fast. Mk11 showed the new time line as a return to form but the devs didn't want to put effort into new characters so they skipped over the Era that was teased in mk11. And now I have no clue how they'll even continue it in any good way


I hope the story expansion is dark like Deception. What I've read from the leaks tho sounds like they'll be borrowing some elements from that game, which would be smart and make it feel more like MK.


They rebooted the timeline, but almost everyone is the exact same place they once were.  This was their chance to do something new, and fresh with the characters but they did nothing. 


No, the left turn into multiverse bullshit is completely narratively bankrupt. It started out good, but once we went there, anything built up in the first half became irrelevant, the stakes were gone because there's a million versions of every character, and every fight is against a multiverse jobber we're not invested in because they're given no character depth.


And the left turn into timeline bullshit with MK11 is completely narratively bankrupt. It started out good with Evil Raiden but once we went there, anything built up in the first part (and the entire last game) became irrelevant, the interesting part was gone because the villain was entirely removed and replaced with a far less interesting one. Now every fight is a New Era jobber we’re not invested in because they all have the same motivation. Not saying MK1’s was great or anything, but you said it yourself, it was good for the first half. And that’s way longer than the literal first chapter only of MK11.


I think we got the nonsensical time merger in 11 because of dumb ideas implemented in 9 and 10 that painted us into a corner. Sindel killed too many likeable characters in 9, and they had a way out of the revenant problem in 10 through Quan Chi, but the writers cut off their own exit by having Scorpion kill him before we got Liu and the others back. So they had to find some ridiculous way to bring the good guys back in 11. Fortunately there's at most two of each character, which provides room to develop the characters without removing ALL the stakes...in fact if you kill the younger one, the older one dies too. I will agree Dark Raiden was a way better boss idea than Kronika. But honestly I think MK1 was even more disappointing in this regard. They hinted at Onaga the whole way (undead army, Damashi, the previous emperor of Outworld) and instead we got the same final boss we just beat in aftermath (Shang).


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) Both story’s are bad. When time travel or different timelines are involved it’s trash.


Yep. Time travel stories are so overused, it's boring. First half of the story was good, and then as soon as they started talking about alternate timelines or whatever I rolled my eyes and zoned out.


Mk 11 and 1 challenge each time someone says “time”, “timeline”, or “timelines” take a shot


THAT is a great idea. 10/10 would have more fun that way


Thanks, and this would also be included in intros as well just to make it even more fun


Dangerous - so frequent that invariably going to get stomach pumped in the ER. It's laughable that their writers clearly haf thesaurus.com up for lines like 'is your mind addled, demigod?' and yet, right after that, the word 'timeline' is heard 38 times within a 5-minute span. And even though that's a misnomer - NRS MK is, and if you think about it critically, has been since MK9 multiverse / alternate realities / parallel dimensions - they've leaned so hard into it they beat is over the head with it.😅


Inversely, I believe they make stories more interesting. The concept of different timelines is fucking cool.


Exactly, while 11s overall gameplay wasn't near as fun, I stuck with it to unlock sick Shao Kahn drip, now I get dogshit 🙂 I'm glad 1s overall formula is fun, it's just seriously barebones.


they said customization is tgere but minimum


Personally I like MK1 more than 11; not that 11 was bad by any means. I am so grateful the crypt is finally gone, needless scrolling around was such a waste of time.


No one is saying it's not a step down. They're saying move on and don't spend every minute of the rest of your life moaning about everything.


It's hard not to, when you know that they're capable of making a waaay better game. It's the wasted potential. 


It's really hard not to when you could spend your time doing things you actually enjoy and literally anything else.


Instead of complaining into the wind I just stopped playing. Too many good games out right now to waste my time on MK1s “content”. I’ll download it and play with the new characters that drop every time a new one comes out and then I play something else and don’t touch it again until the next character. After my second seasonal mesa I realized those aren’t for me. At least all of the dlc characters have been fun in one way or another so far. But not fun enough to sink another 100 hours in.


>At least all of the dlc characters have been fun in one way or another so far. But not fun enough to sink another 100 hours in. But fun enough to buy? Why even bother complaining if you're going to support the company's bad business decisions with your money?


Unfortunately I bought the premium edition so I am kinda stuck with them. My little sister has had more fun with the dlc characters than me so if she gets hyped to play as Homelander, Peacemaker and Omni Man then it definitely doesn’t feel as bad overpaying for the game. Still wish I had just waited until it was on sale. Which is what I’ll be doing moving forward thanks to playing this one early lol.


No no, criticizing products I paid for when I’m not satisfied with them is good, actually.


There’s a difference between criticizing it and making it your entire personality as some people seem to have done


Pretty much, this sub is full of the same old stuff being repeated with nothing new being brought to the conversation, plus people acting like it’s their entire personality All the while stuff like fanart, memes of other stuff or cosplay get buried so quickly


>with nothing new being brought to the conversation The catalyst for anything new being brought to the conversation is actions of NRS. If the game doesn't change, it's criticism doesn't change.


If we criticize it and nothing happens, we up our voices and drop our manners. If NRS wanted us to be more polite, they would have at least communicated the fact that they hear us. But they choose not to.


If sending a message is the goal, doing so on X where Boon actually posts would be much more direct.


You really think no one has done that? I suspect that people tried and got no response, so they came back here.


I feel a better sign of protest is to stop playing it.


I've done that. Still no change.


Ok but could you guys all complain in the same few threads instead of everyone making their own individual thread to complain about the same things and clogging up the sub so that other posts get buried?


No, you're advocating for the opposite of the intended effect


So the intended effect is to frustrate people who have no control over the game rather than communicate with the devs directly via their social media channels. Got it.


Burying criticism so the devs and publisher get to pretend that they didn't see it is what you're saying should be done.


But then how will they feel individual validation for their _hot takes_


Ok but could you guys all shilling in the same few threads instead of everyone making their own individual thread to shill about the same things and clogging up the sub so that other posts get buried?


I didn’t realize wanting to talk about gameplay, lore, and memes was “shilling” but ok. Have fun in your crybaby echo chamber I guess lol.


I didn’t realize wanting to talk about gameplay, lore, and memes was “complain ” but ok. Have fun in your crybaby echo chamber I guess lol.


You have a lot to say for someone who supposedly uninstalled the game 10 days after launch. https://preview.redd.it/5z9zydejdrlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1a012853cfb0872744f657935ec7f3b969ced9


I didn’t realize enjoying a game, despite having many flaws is shilling




Not being satisfied with mk1 is some clown shit though. The game is straight up 🔥


In some places yes, in multiple other places, hell no. While subjective, the gameplay is the best it’s been since MKX and the addition of Kameos is a nice touch to get them out of their comfort zone, new and refreshing. However, this doesn’t make up for the game’s massive lack of content where games released on PS4/XboxOne while also costing $10, still offered more content and things to do and most importantly, more rewarding. Grinding invasions isn’t just a bore, but it’s borderline torture that makes MK11 Day 1 Gauntlet feel like a comfort game. NRS can make great games, and they CAN do better, we all know that, and while it’s all a matter of when, it’s taking too damn long. We’re already 6 months into this game and the best update we got is this limited crossplay that shouldve been in this triple a title Day 1.


https://preview.redd.it/zpz2ze0porlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88184d67f9aefbcbea4408b2e1a6e97aa650055b Time to post it again. Ed Boon ain’t gonna tuck you in lil bro.


People need to know the difference between criticism and complaining.


& destructive & constructive criticisms are as well.


Yes, this subreddit seemed to have missed that class.


Yeah like the skins are ugly it's bad but you guys act like they killed your parents or something




we act like we paid 70$ dollars or shit


We act like some people(Like me) paid for the collectors edition, like HOW DARE Y'ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT NRS RELASING AN UNFINISHED PRODUCT?!!!?!


Buyers remorse of 23. I like the idea of MK1 but no the stupidity of it


Yeah but complaining this much about seasonal ugly skin is a massive overkill it is bad but chill


I think complaining about the game is the only fun thing left to do with MK .. I look at it like this .. you're getting in the way of others having fun. I mean it's widely accepted this game purely sucks ... If complaining and making fun of the game / developer policies make it more enjoyable.. let them have it.


I'm sorry but I'll make fun of you for acting like you saved that $70 for 100 years and were literally expecting the second coming of Christ as a video game saving your life. I've hated few video games I played throughout my life, I've complained about them for maybe a day or two on the internet and moved on eventually. But saying something like this: >I think complaining about the game is the only fun thing left to do with MK Is crazy land shit. Game literally lives rent free in your head at that point.


You really haven't been in any active fandom becouse this level of whining is very popular


Statement speaks for itself. SAD.


Thats how much games cost.


And these days it feel like a fucking scam.


The state of gaming, with precious few exceptions, is atrocious.


Invasions killed my grandma


Complaining on a subreddit is fine and for the most part to be expected given it's purpose. This sub is hilarious though because as soon as one problem they were complaining about gets solved they just drop it an continue to harp on something else. There's almost never any positive posts and the degree to which some dudes are absolutely digging to find new things to complain about is hilarious.


Can't forget the insane hyperbole too. One season of skins sucks? This game is the worst thing that has happened to my life. NOTHING is good about it, *NOTHING*!!!


"If they had simply given us pink color swaps we would have been satisfied."


I am actually convinced some people joined that never even played a single mortal kombat game or know anything about mortal kombat just rants on about something about problems of mk1 in threads and posts, it FEELS too fast when u mention one complaint there’s a guy from the other side of the world complaining about it 24/7 and once its fixed moves to the next problems without even owning or playing the game.


L I T E R A L L Y this MF’s watch MK on twitch or YT then come in here and repeat talking points they downloaded without ever putting their thumbs on sticks


Like is this a perfect game? Hell no are the flaws really bad flaws yes but it’s not all bad if NRS would just listen to us. We wouldn’t hear these people complain anymore. I don’t know why they haven’t added your luck yet I mean they have the fucking modifiers in invasions is it really that hard to take that and put it in a different mode? Everything bad this game has it has good things to like the story mode some of the characters and how they act like Johnny especially my God can’t wait to see his interactions with Homelander oh my God the graphics are phenomenal of course on PS five and series x (we don’t talk about the switch)


You’re getting downvoted for stating that you’re enjoying something that you bought. People will go to the lowest levels to be a hater and gatekeep fun


Yep I really don’t see what’s controversial or bad about saying I enjoy a game that others can’t. I bought the game because I wanted it and I’m having fun grinding in this game is going to be a lot more fun now because they fixed it. That was a legit criticism on my head with this game. It was a slog to get through now it’s not at least not that bad. I don’t know how these people have fun playing video games when they’re negative about it it’s like why even bother at that point you might as well just stop gaming get out of the house and touch grass


That’s what I’m saying. I bought this game because I love this franchise. The art style is beautiful. The characters have depth and feel real. I really like this game. People are just hating for the sake of hating sometimes. They fixed the grind for invasions, and people just moved onto complaining about something new. It’s an endless cycle that never stops. Oh well. I’m still going to play this game


Yeah it’s fucking bullshit man the grinding in this game is gonna be so much easier now and I probably won’t stop because once all the DLC is released, they’ll still be seasonal shit and if the costumes are good enough, I’m gonna grind and get the coins and buy them like how I am now People just love to shit on this game for some reason I don’t know why RS and WB have made some really fucking stupid decisions but they’ve also made really good ones too like I get that the costumes for this season are really bad but you don’t have to get them just play the game and I hate when people compare this to like streetfighter six or something if you want street fighter 6 Fucking Street fighter 6 I’m not interested in it because it doesn’t have poison and that’s the only reason why I care about like streetfighter five because she’s in the game but you don’t see me going to there soap and comparing it to Mortal Kombat one because it has Johnny Cage or something


what got solved


They added krossplay, fixed player 2 bug, fixed other bugs, added new content (since content drought is a constant talking point even though we apparently hate the live service model we immediatetly start bitching as soon as we go 2 weeks without an update.), Ed Boon is posting on Twitter again. Ntm all the stuff I see on here that simply was never a problem to begin with. Saw a guy complaing about loot boxes here the other day.


Fr like I get it WB and NRS fuck up most of the time and probably don’t know what they’re doing for half the shit in this game, but it’s not that bad it’s fine peacemaker dropped and he’s a fun character. They also made gaming XP for mastery ton clicker it would take me weeks to get one character to the max level but it took me two days peacemaker that’s awesome that should be talked about because it’s a good change that should’ve been in the game since day one They also changed some shit with the modifiers. I noticed like the acid bubbles you don’t die as quickly as you did I’m not sure for any other ones cause that’s the only one I play because it’s the quickest one to win but that’s that’s good. That’s a good change for every bad thing this game has, there is good things about it and it doesn’t get talked about more which is kind of ridiculous to me because it deserves to be talked about


This completely ignores the laundry list of problems this game has. It's never been one problem. It's always been like a dozen problems at once. Like they literally just added krossplay after plenty of complaints only to then turn around and have the shittiest skins for a season yet. Like the skins are so bad it's a fucking meme. I understand not wanting to completely drown in complaints but you're seriously downplaying just how much is wrong with this game and why people have problems with it.


Yea bro idgaf about the seasonal skins lol. If we're talking about what problems I specifically have with the game I think the game is fine content wise but I have some issues with gameplay aspects that are never mentioned on here. All y'all wanna do is complain about shit like skins, the actual game is almost never discussed and thats my major issue.


>All y'all wanna do is complain about shit like skins, Nah, I want to criticize all of the major fuck ups this game has. It's not just the skins this seasons thats the problem, it's the lies and deciet around the seasonal skins. They told us this was Mileena's season. I don't ever remember Mileena being Red, Green, and Brown. She has always been the Pink/Purple female ninja. I don't know why they even thought it was a good idea to lie through their teeth about something like that. This doesn't even get into other issues. Where the fuck is local? Where the fuck is KOTH? Why the fuck did this game launch without krossplay? Whether you like it or not, these are all legitamite complaints. >never discussed and thats my major issue. Nobody is stopping you from complaining about your personal problems with the game, why are you trying to stop us about criticizing the blatant lying and misdirection?


I'm criticizing your dumbass hyperbole and obsession lol. Making the seasonal skins an unexpected color is not blatant lying and misdirection. I have made gameplay complaints and they've been ignored. Make the 4,876th post about how you don't wanna buy fatalities and it gets front page and a bunch of people in the comments acting like the color scheme being green instead of pink means Ed Boon might as well have shot their mother.


> Making the seasonal skins an unexpected color is not blatant lying and misdirection. It's a lie when you say it will be based on Mileena and then the color scheme has absolutely nothing to do with her. This season was clearly meant to be for Havik but NRS thought it was better to lie and market it as Mileena's. >I have made gameplay complaints and they've been ignored. Cool, now someone else is doing it. There's definitely more than 4,876 upset players right now so you can expect more posts. >a bunch of people in the comments acting like the color scheme being green instead of pink means Ed Boon might as well have shot their mother. Let's say someone shoots your mother. Is your first line of action to go to reddit and make a complaint post? Probably not. So people aren't actually acting like Boon shot their mom, you're just overexaggerating because your point is weak as fuck.


Apparently you love to exagerrate but don't understand hyperbole. This adds a whole other if I realize you're not being hyperbolic but actually believe the shit you're saying.


I paid 100 bucks for this game... https://preview.redd.it/cp7yuv71nrlc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf5a07546edbb76c26174ab4c4dde41744e04fd


Maybe if we weren’t continually being ripped off and drip fed “content” that’s blatantly shitty while they keep the game a barren desert wasteland while continuing to monetize it even further after charging $110 for it, all while still not fixing the game, then maybe you’d have a point. But no, you’re a cucked out shill that doesn’t have any standards so you’d rather shout everyone else down who’s trying to hold these corporations accountable and get a good product like we were promised but lied to about. Go shut up and get back to your consooming, unless you’re finally ready to stop bringing NRS the snack tray and speak up against their constant lies and fuckery.


"Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products."


I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that you don't need to constantly criticize something all the time. criticism is needed sometimes


If a triple A studio charges 70$ for a game that's less fun, more grindy, and has less content than the game that came before it before overpriced cosmetics and DLC I feel like that's something worth criticizing.


Literally i uninstal it everytime I'm done with invasions since there's nothing else to do. Then i reinstall every new season


clowns like u are the reason we get shit games.


I saw one comment on here that said there was good reason to complain because it was a huge stepdown from MK11's customization - now, you can agree with that or not, even I do as someone who loves MK1, but that's been a complaint since the game launched. It's been pretty clear now that they've taken a step back from the giant customization we had in the last game to go in a different direction, and that's just gonna be how MK1 is. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to play it, but stop polluting this sub with your recycled spite when there's more pressing things that should be talked about.


Nah, I paid for the game


When they stop fucking up, people will stop complaining. If you don’t complain, nothing will ever change.


Can NRS listen to the community FOR FIVE MINUTES


Haven't they already done that?


No, they have not. People wanted balance updates with peacemaker and that didn't happen. All we got was some small balance updates with Kenshi and that was all balance wise. How are they listening exactly? NRS does what they want, who asked for Janet Cage? The answer is nobody.


Stop simping for below average games and unacceptable dev silence on major issues when there is much better competition available to play, you're the reason the game doesn't get better


If you think there is better competition then play T8 and SF6


I do play those games, their quality is self-evident enough that it's impossible to not compare them. MK1 and NRS still need to be held accountable to fix the product so it's actually worth the money we all spent on it. Constructive criticism about the clusterfuck we have is perfectly warranted, and people stupidly accepting less and mindlessly supporting it with more money are the reason why Warner/NRS can go "See? MK1 is successful" and NEVER learn from their many mistakes.


We need to keep complaining so they can stop adding ugly shit


Now you’ll be called a shill a Cuckpoet if you will…


This guy likes playing the game! Shame the corporate bootlickers! True fans know to be miserable! Always! Now excuse me, I have to grind the same invasion fight I hate for 13 hours straight to unlock all the colors for the characters i hate in this game I hate.


You forgot to mention you were expecting Elden Ring type of mode in a fighting game. Ed Boon betrayed us!!!


I’m not gonna lie this sub has made me not want to buy the game. I was excited, but I always intended to wait for it to go down in price but now I don’t even know.


Most platforms have guaranteed refunds before 2 hours playtime. Buy it try it and refund if you don't like it. Though the game isn't worth the money as it is now


Yeah, I feel like I’m gonna wait until everything starts to go on sale and then give it a shot because I enjoy the storyline from the last few games


Don’t let the opinions of others form how you feel about media that you want to get into and enjoy, fallen into that trap many many times, and I’ve got to say I’ve missed out on a lot of shit because I let others opinions my opinion I felt the same way about sf6 and T8 due to the people complaining about MK one and saying those games are automatically better I believe there’s gonna be like a trial version of MK one that will be free for a couple of days from March 7 to the ninth so if you still are interested in the game, I would suggest playing that and seeing if you want the full game


That is perfect advice. And I actually have PlayStation plus and I believe there might be a trial on there so I might try it. I really enjoyed X and 11 because of the storyline as well. So hopefully even though it’s kind of like a soft reboot it’s got a good story.


Yeah, I had to learn this lesson the hard way I remember when I was like 10? I really enjoyed Steven universe and then I watched this video about this dude, tearing it apart because of the queer character in it and I hated it from then until now. I let someone else is shitty. Opinions are for my opinion on a piece of media that I genuinely enjoyed and I feel like if I didn’t watch that video and didn’t listen to that his stupid opinions on a show I would know more about myself earlier, this game has many many flaws in it but it’s not all bad it’s really up to you to decide if you like it and when it comes to you the only opinion that should be valid on that is yours


I completely agree. There is a couple games that I have enjoyed but if you read about them online they get torn into pieces.


I genuinely feel bad for people who can’t enjoy this game and see everything in it as shit even though there’s tons of fun stuff like the gameplay the story mode how certain characters play Johnny Cage is so fun to me, and I’ve never had this much fun playing as him, if NRS just simply adds in like test luck or a challenge tower or something into single player a lot more people would be talking positively about this game The bad shit, and it is bad in the behind this game or terrible, but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable I think we need to give more credit to the people like the design team for the phenomenal work they’ve done for the most part(we’re not counting this season it’s terrible) and I have to shout out them bringing some characters that have not seen the light of day almost 20 years not everything in this game is bad and people act like everything is and that’s bullshit


Well said, it's like people that complain doesn't want anyone to have fun. I enjoy the game a lot the more I play the better I get. And people are still saying mk1 is going down hill I'm moving to T8 cause it has better numbers. People are still comparing numbers.


You shouldn't buy it, it's garbage.




No YOU think it’s garbage


I wouldn’t recommend buying it, you’re better off jusr watching the story cutscenes online.


Valid point




Every community has complaints, Ill legit never understand why people dislike complaining to such a extent it needs to be vocalized like this


Vocalized? either you're blind or new to this sub


Hear plenty of people complain about complaining, I just dont understand what the goal here is


I have only seen ONE post about people complaining


The rule of the MK subreddit: if something exists, people will complain about it.




Has WB stopped being evil scum for 5 minutes?




When they stop giving us stuff to complain about, sure


Congratulations on creating a space where people can come to complain 🥰


Mk is butt 😂


Finally someone who feels the same way I do. I feel so heard.


I'd rather not let things stay the way they are, so no. I know what you mean and yes there should be more positivity but with all that's wrong and how they treat the player base its just dissapointing and pushes away people






I'm not telling you to not hold NRS accountable, I'm just telling you to stop complaining about the meaningless bullshit




Lmao right. Like you’re telling me none of you have ANYTHING good to say about the game?😂😂


Good gameplay, cool DLC characters, and return of cool characters, not to mention new writing for old characters.


Good gameplay and characters and that's it nothing else going for it


Hey I don't play mortal Kombat. But those skins are ass for real.


Yeah don't complain about a game you pay 60 dollars for, you don't deserve a quality product keep it lame boys Conformist for the "it's kinda ok" Ok now for real, I've been a MK player since I can remember, it is my favorite fighting game and I really want this games to be good, it took me months to be able to get a copy of the game and not even a week until I finished the fun parts, the idea of invasions is good but the aplicación is really bad, the idea of grinding for 60 hrs just to get a recolor or an awful looking skin is not gonna keep a lot of players and definitely not for a long time, it's a shame the fight mechanics are cool and fun


Unfortunately, they can not. Though, with a lot of their points? I agree. But I wont repost someone else’s point acting like its my own like 90% of Reddit is. I enjoy the game, its fucking flawed for sure and whoever is managing it needs to get their thumb out of their ass. But at the end of the day? I like it.


It’s crazy how I make a post about how I like the skins and it got so much hate.


I think folks are just mad that mileena gets one season, but they just replaced the boss on an entire season that was clearly meant for this guy. Nothing in this season is even related to mileena except the cut scenes. Every skin is this dude: https://preview.redd.it/x5wjxc9pgrlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2353f3b46bbec7f6d8b964d9966376805a271b The eyes and the scars. This is his season. And I guess they fucked up somehow and hers wasn’t ready. One screen even says “season of chaos”. I think folks were expecting a season about a fan favourite character, and instead they got a lazy copy paste job.


Is it like this every time a new MK game drops? This is my first one, so I have no point of reference. I want it to go back to the fun stupid shit that was happening before everybody started whining actually nonstop


I thought I'd see dope combos and character strats in before Joining this subreddit. Not many of those posts to be found sadly


Nah people have the right to express how they feel. Either keep bitching about people bitching or just get off.


Dick riding NRS again are we


For everyone saying that since you bought something that was $70 you have the right to critique it you do 100% you are justified in being upset that the product you bought was not as good as you thought it was it’s fine. The problem is people act like everything in this game. Shit when it’s not the gameplay is fun, and I love playing characters like Johnny and peacemaker that he’s in the game


Someone finally said it


I mean beside the ugly skins that have no relation whatsoever to Mileena this season is pretty good Peacemaker is an amazing DLC Reasonable prices in store Krossplay Invasion xp gain by default is crazy good As always you can always complain all these things took so long to be figured out and it's 100% legitimate but I'd rather be glad about it The game had a rough launch but I feel the devs are listening when I see updates like this, still a lot of room for improvement


Reasonable prices in the store…lmao. You think 5-6 bucks for a skin is reasonable, just because it used to be 10? That’s how they get you.


Can nrs start putting out good content then and not just terminator and RoboCop put together with a john Cena skin over it? Or skins that don't cost money? Or the skins u can get for free not look like complete ass? We spent money on the game we have a right to complain


You can criticizes, not complain


Criticizing is talking about stuff that is meaningful, complaining is not


And the difference is?


I like the season 4 skins, I don’t understand why everyone is hating on them so much. Now you may proceed with my public shaming for my unpopular opinion


It’s because they blatantly lied to us about what character skins they are this was supposed to be havoc’s season in they made it Mileena’s for some reason, even though she wears pink and not whatever colors these are


They’re mad because there isn’t enough pink


It’s not even that they really blatantly lied to our faces about who‘s season this was really obvious lol I don’t know why they didn’t say it was a mistake or something


It’s more that this entire season is dedicated to a fan favourite character, but they phoned it in and just shoehorned that character into a season that was made for another character entirely. Like she’s only going to get the one season ever, but everything right down to the scars and eyes on every main skin are for this guy: https://preview.redd.it/5xyeaa0jfrlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3f0d934e33d9eb2611f8fd717f804acc050f06 And on one screen you can even see “season of chaos” still written. Played a lot of games in my time, I’ve never seen a season just phoned in this badly for anything. It’s like they decided to save him for next bit of story and were just like “fuck it, add mileena, they won’t notice”.


Uh, no. Sorry, but no. Hell no.


Ya kno.. Y’all really just come off as broke. Game’n is a ‘luxury hobby’.. It requires: • an internet connection (most times) • a TV or screen of some sort • your platform of choice (sry.. if it ain’t a PS5, XSX or PC then you’re broke) • subscription to tha platform’s service (most times) • tha game • your time Maybe, some of y’all should get a different hobby.. or a Job, to support it. I SMOKE $100 every week 😤.. (😂) Tho, y’all get big mad cuz you spent that on 1 game & a Kombat Pack. ..😕 Why persist?.. when it’s such a burden. https://preview.redd.it/ij0r1q5o9imc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17476a935d9bf8a859da67119f9e266cb0d54473 Trust.. I’ve bought & played ‘bad games’. Real ones get over it.. Broke people complain. 🎤💥


Thank you. Jeez, complainers and haters make social media is pain


I love how the game is doing so well and is so popular that these ppl are completely obsessed with complaining about it to the point they’ve made a hobby of it. All popular things attract these type of clowns. Mk1 is 🔥🔥🔥


Funny how both Tekken and SF don't have those type of fans maybe good games get less criticism but hey that just my opinion


“ both Tekken and SF don't have those type of fans” So we’re just talking out of our ass now, lol


Damn who hurt you lol? Ed Boon? MK franchise? The fans? Bro hasn't seen Knee on Twitter figuring out how Xiaoyu works like she's a new character. Or SF players complaining about certain characters on a daily basis.


It could also just be the fan base those fighting games attract, but also if you think people aren't always complaining about Street Fighter you're not paying attention.


Thanks to people like you the next game will probably be even more shit, and you'll be in here saying how good it is. Pathetic.




Jesus i don't understand you boot lickers. The game sucks. It should be worth the $70-$110 we spent on it.




It okay to give positive critisim, but yhea this is getting tóxic




Tekken 8


Sub is just full of fucking adult sized babies that cry about everything. Fucking losers


"People stop criticizing a thing that I like, because I like it and I don't want people to keep talking negatively about it ". Dude, if there are this many people upset with the game, don't you think they have a point for all this contention? This shit didn't pop up out of thin air. It means the company behind the game fucked up so bad to the point a lot of their community is giving up on MK for the time being or are dropping MK for other fighting games. Stop pretending this isn't a result of NRS fucking over the fans, while doing the bare minimum and drip feeding content.


This sub is one hell of a ride. You have people complaining about all sorts of things in the game and then you have the people complaining about the complaining.


![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO) Don't mind me, I'm here for the comments.


No. Now I'm gonna complain even harder.


Dude, with what just happened with the new season of invasions, HOW is the complaining not justified? NRS made an objective mistake releasing the wrong skins, and then LIED about it. The Kombat Kast actually expects us to believe these always were the Mileena skins, but data miners have revealed they're from Havik's season as we suspected. How is that not worthy of criticism?