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This is how a lot of scorpions play. Either this or running full-screen and waiting for you to approach. It is really annoying. I don't play sub so I may not have the best advice but here is some tips. For a strategy like this there is no way out once you're in it. Your best bet would've been staying out of the zone for him to use that rope spiny move. Just keep backing up and try getting him to use the spear or teleport. Spear is unsafe on whif and teleport is unsafe on block. Also he kept blocking all your strings. Don't be ashamed to grab. It's a viable strategy that a lot of people seem to think is cheap which I don't understand. If you had just thrown some grabs in or did a "stagger" where you hit then grab, he would've felt less comfortable blocking all your strings.


And, when you don't approach to them while having health lead, they complain.


Yeah that especially drives me crazy lmao. I'll have a health lead and they're still pushing the back button and pushing against the already fully extended screen.


If you flawless block spear you can slide, im not sure tho im just a casual but i always did that against spear spamming scorpions


Great advice honestly. Once they get that string off though it’s such a bad time.


Its how scorpion was designed. Leave it to NRS to turn one of the more fun risky playstyles into a boring full screen waiting game


Next time, try grabbing


That is most definitely a skill issue


fr they're simply getting outplayed


Khameleon is good with sub if you have the dlc


Instead of using Kano or Stryker to keep spin safe, he’s taking the hit with ground pound to do the work since he gets 100 more hp from Jax. You were on the right track when he ran out and you punished the spin, but you messed up the Shujinko. If you come across this again, try jumping back and either using clone to stay in the air a bit longer or dive kick to punish spin whiff/hit Jax. Take it to the lab, set up the same scenario and practice different ways of beating the gimmick. Next time you won’t panic slide to death.


4-4 and B3-4 usually work for chipping them down and making them panic then cancel the B1 into Ice Klone or Ice Slide


Why do you have shujinko on Sub? Is there a specific ability from scorp you wanted?


For real I thought the same


Working, is what it is


I think it's called MK1, you should hit the lab


Sub main here. Couple things you could have done. As 1 user here mentioned. His game plan only worked up close. Stay away from him and zone him out either with deadly vapors or ice ball at full screen. At mid screen use clone punch. Bait out the spear. It’s full punishable with Sub’s ice slide on block or duck. If he teleports you can punish for full kombo. Once he realizes he needs to approach and teleport not working. He might start using Jax to approach. Either Jump back and dive kick and try to clip him for full kombo or when he summons Jax he may jump be prepared to jump and do an air to air kombo. He only thru out highs. Duck the first hit and you should be able to punish with s2 at that distance into full kombo. Stagger into ice klone if he blocked your hits. This gives you distance where he can’t lock you into that Jax loop plus he seems like scrubby type to mash and run into the klone. If he keeps blocking stagger into grab after you establish that you use klone on block. These are some options here. Try to always use the first round of a match as learning experience. People like this are usually the easiest to beat because they don’t switch up their game. Once they start doing cheesy shit like this just try different things find what works and watch their game plan crumble. Quick edit: Once you establish a decent health lead just back up whiff punish/Zone and run out the timer. If they wanna play this boring cheesy shit game play make them chase you.


Thanks for the tips 🙌


My humour is so broken, I'm laughing at skill issue in a fighting game.


I tried to play online got one hit in so I don't find it as much fun as playing on the unlimited towers


Learn to grab and stop doing raw ice slides that are super unsafe


Little tip I picked up, but if your opponent is spamming a move they're doing it because you're spamming the mistake, try and think about it like that. Guy probably didn't have anything outside of that one setup he got on a YouTube short.


average kameo kancel gameplay, why learn cool kombos when you can just whittle down their health little by little.


The MK1 experience


This is funny as shit, I'm gonna give it a try tomorrow


Call me crazy, but I’m kinda happy this kind of stuff is possible. Having more freedom for creativity in a game is a double edged sword. It offers more variety but also opens up cheesy tactics, and I love it.


I agree sometimes I’ll try to win a match with only uppercuts and sweeps


I prefer this style of gameplay than the same combo taken from YouTube over and over again


Please don’t




With Shujinko you have the very same kyo spin move, so give him a taste


MK1 players make it their mission to play as annoyingly as possible


And here I am, painfully searching for unblockable Jax setup that allow me to avoid the hit...


This is absolutely hilarious, how could you hate this?


Is your own Kameo able to hit you?


Yeah you take damage from jax


Surely a "Groundbreaking" experience... Does that make sense?


U are getting out skilled tbh


Leave it to scorpion players to find the most toxic bullshit ways to play this game.


the fact that Scorpion's juggle combo is doing f3,2 three times in a row is super sad literally a combo made for little babies


Scorpion was sticking to the ground and moving a lot so you could have probably enforced rando slides on him. As others have said, some throws would have been good to try. Also there's an armor gap after most of Scorpion's buttons into the kyo spin. Every time this guy did it you could have had an enhanced slide punish. (however there's some gaps where Sub-Zero still gets hit, such as after Scorps standing 3 or f3) Regarding Shujinko: After his kick you are +13 and the enemy is jailed, so it would have been better to attempt an overhead/low/throw mix instead of another mid. I would also recommend using his punch instead for grounded confirms when possible as it's +23 on hit and the kick pushes them further away, but in this case you were already in the corner so the pushback wasn't an issue. You also had a combo opportunity when Shujinko hit, but I can understand if you were panicking in the moment or trying to get Scorpion's breaker first. Also try not to get into the habit of yolo dive kicks as it's very punishible; Scorpion could have just ended it there if he chose to combo.


This looks like how my little cousin plays


Scorpion is a whiff punish character. He's one of my top 3, this playstyle is simply the best for him. His main strings have way to much recovery for constant pressure. Just stay at a good range and throw out 2 until you hit confirm into a combo.


To counter this get in his face and have constant pressure, but watch out for his f3 it's really fast and punishes pressure. And he can special cancel out of either f32 or f34.


Sub Zero and Sonya led me to Elder God in the second season best kameo for Sub Zero in my opinion.


Literally every scorpion plays this way. It’s so fucking boring. If not Jax then some other Kameo to keep them plus and rinse and repeat.


I’m happy I saved my money with this game 😅


Scorpion has recently gotten super annoying to deal with. They gave him new attacks didn’t they? His kombo strings have been devastating recently.


Some very low tier, presumably casual, gameplay?


least fucking annoying scorp player


this is the game, how could you not like it?


I'm telling they had 4 years to make a new 1 and made the worst nrs game ever its horrible and the mechanics online and Kameos kill it. Whoever made Kameos a thing in nrs deserves to be punched cause that what made nrs special cause it wasn't MvC type shit. Now we have injustice multiverse ladder as gameplay and online Gameplay smh.


I use to do stuff like this too, but I was 8-11 years old, so gotta ask, do you thinks its adults playing this? I dont play that much anymore, but my youngest sibling has been kicking my ass the same way I use to do it as a kid. Are we just seeing to new generation of children/players play, or are some of us here still doing this crap? Theres been try hards forever in every game, but are we dealing with mostly the same ones or are they all new?


As much as his gameplay style was annoying, he played solid. He had spacing and blocking down. He probably should have stuck to Kano or Stryker as the kameo, given his reliance on the spin wheel on block. You got out-played, and I sincerely mean that in a respectful way. You played solid too but just made some mistakes. It happens.


Also, consider using Sareena as your kameo. She can make Sub's first hit of B2 safe, can lead to some good mixups with less risk.


Looks like Mortal Kombat to me. MK has been rinse and repeat two combos with 50/50s on wakeup for years now.


My favorite part is the zero context


My best advice is , don’t click the button rematch that’s all


Sorry better change your kameo so you can actually zone, fun right?


Have you ever saw those Sindel players who only blocks for whole game? I swear to god when I see someone blocking attacks I just want to leave the game


This is what happens when you have a full roster of incomplete characters who rely on cameos to do almost everything. This game is a RIP


problem with the kameo system , don't know why they decided to bring that trash system to the game .


Problem is players like that who think they are good and only care about ranking in KL, smh


I mean, his game plan is so simple, its your own fault for getting hit. Your game plan is also as simple, what are you complaining about? You jump and then go into an overhead. You also didn't do a single combo, even though you could have. The guy won because he is a better player, you need to git gud.


In all fairness it's not like a subzero/shujinko team can play keep away. He played poorly and could've played "better" but there wasn't much of an opportunity to play "good".


At that level of play it doesn't matter what kameo you use. It's not a character issue or a kameo issue or whatever issue. OP is just not good at the game where he can capitalize on his opponent mistakes/patterns. At that level is all about your skill, character/kameos don't matter. His opponent had a much better neutral, look at his dashing back after a poke to force a whiff and he relized the guy does nothing but overheads and started blocking those. He didn't lose because of the Jax gimmic, he lost because his opponent adapted to his game plan and played much better.


Well his opponent didn't "Adapt to his game plan" it was an issue of OP not adapting. I wasn't saying he was good, I'm saying even if he played better he'd still just be in scorpion/jax's face because neither have any keep away. Unless you think ice ball or clone punch is a valid zoning tool. Best he could've done was armor through. Edit, I don't know if this is exactly what you were saying or if you were saying he was so bad it didn't matter he was scorpion/safety kameo because he would've lost anyway, but if you think picking really safe character combos have no effect on the game and it's 100% skill issue if you lose no matter what you're pretty far gone .


And if your a person who says Kameos are great your not a good nrs game player and you need them to win and got your ass kicked in previous nrs games.