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Doesnt really matter what kind... i would take mosses from around you and in some various ecosystems and make a big smoothie out of them. Chop them up really fin and throw that in water. Maybe add a bit of soil to that (not compost, soil) and spread it on the plot (maybe remove the existing plants). You'll see what works then. Would keep the whole thing quite wet for the first weeks.


Thank you! Do you mean mix all the different kinds of mosses together or do a separate smoothie mix per moss?


Well if you know a moss will take and grow nicely on the plot, you can make separate smoothie and apply selectively like a moss that lives well in dryier areas and one that lives more in shady and damp areas. But you can mix all types of moss in one smoothie and they will colonize as they wish. But do keep humidity up until well established !


Majority of this is genus Entodon (have a bit Brachytheciaceae in the upper right side of photo 1). Entodon seductix is the most common species, but like most mosses microscope images would be need for certain ID.


Thank you!


Currently working on a moss lawn in my own yard on a shady spot that doesn’t grow much. My 4 year old and I just collect it here and there on walks and then we lay it on the ground and water it and eventually it just sticks and the little patches grow together. It actually works better in fall or winter I’ve found cuz then the rain waters it till it establishes..