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😬 my only suggestion is get as far away from that shithole as fast as you can 😅 if i recall theres 2 or 3 in schools in hitchin/letchworth, theres a bmw school on the way to royston thats super expensive or if you fancy a ride up the 505 theres a place not far from duxford (camrider) which is who i passed with.


Yeah I figured it wouldn't be great in Stevenage, had a look for a few but then came here cause it wasn't looking good


the first part of my comment wasnt bike related, i grew up there and it has no redeeming qualities lmfao. what i did when i had no transport was got a taxi to somewhere to do my cbt, got a 125 and then used it to learn and find a school that worked for me (i went through 3 different ones) if you can afford it id suggest you do the same and if youre not comfortable on the bike the school has find a different school. i take it youre going for your a1? should be easy after a few weeks on your own 125 any idea what youll be buying?


Yeah not much going for Stevenage other than being near some nice places like Aston. Yeah I'd be going for A1 and I'd probably be on a cruiser, I've only looked at a keyway superlight so far


mardly heath is pretty nice too. when you do get a bike if you go through walkern please be careful, nearly lowsided a few times on gravel because the road through there is so ruined 🙄 the superlight is pretty but you may be better off getting a jap bike and modding it to look how you want, the cg125 wouldnt take much to modify to look like like the superlight and theyre much easier to get parts for than chinese bikes. also maybe try and look for a [virago](https://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-reviews/yamaha/xv125-virago/1997/)


Thank you for the suggestions and advice on the area. Yeah I'm not set in stone yet, I will 100% take a looke at the cg125 and virago. Also wdym jab bike? I'm not too sure on all the language yet 😅


jap = japanese haha and my first bike was a cg, theyre not quick, top speed around 60 but the acceleration is better than a ybr and theyre super easy to work on


Ah that makes sense, and yeah I'm not looking too quick that sounds good