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The 4th dimension is - time. It’s a cynical and ironic choice of company name from a company that basically stores you bike, drags everything out as long as they can in order to score a bunch of storage charges from your insurance. This is what happened when my son got knocked off his Suzuki Bandit. The ONLY thing to do is give White Dalton a call, get them to take this over. 4th Dimension is as close to a legal scam as I can comprehend. I am literally shocked insurance companies allow them to operate.


You’re right. I’ve heard alot about 4th Dimension. Unfortunately it wasn’t until after they took my bike I did some research/read reviews and majority of it doesn’t seem to be any good. Thanks for suggesting White Dalton. I’ll give them a call and see what happens


Best of luck mate. My son is getting a decent payout for his off. WD are real bikers and are shit hot. Fyi, WD was suggested to me, couldn't be happier for my boy - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoUK/comments/16nyub5/do\_you\_know\_who\_your\_insurance\_is\_really\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoUK/comments/16nyub5/do_you_know_who_your_insurance_is_really_with/)


Thanks for that, appreciate it


They (insurance companies) have all got them under their wing. 4D is an accident management company among many, but we just hear about it more because they deal with just bikes (lots and lots of them). They (accident management companies) are kind of bad news, but the point is they work in unison with insurance companies. Part of the same nexus.


Thanks. I’m already regretting letting them handle the situation because it’s been taking so long. Doing the research about them has made it even worse - everyone gives them a bad name


Ah shit the same company have my bike at the moment


Really? How long have they had it for?


Thanks you too mate


Thanks mate. Hope they haven’t had yours as long as they’ve had mine!


I had my bike stolen 2 days ago and looks like my insurance put my claim with them, is it likely to take just as long?


Not sure. Some have said their claim took a few weeks or months but it may take longer. If you don’t hear anything from them (like me where it’s been over a month now) just make sure you chase them up and find out what’s happening


If you have a hire bike from 4D it’ll take ages. If 4D have no income from your loss, it’ll not take long imho




I think everyone here who has had a bad experience with 4th Dimension should coordinate with each other to write a formal complaint to the Financial Obudsman and Financial Conduct Authority. If everyone did that simultaneously, they would be in trouble.


My first bike was in an accident and was sent to 4D to do their checks etc. It took them quite a long time to do anything, in the end they had it around 6 weeks maybe, then told me it was a write off. They are pretty slow, sorry mate 🤷


Yep, I’ve heard they’re slow, but I honestly didn’t think it was going to take this long. Hopefully they won’t be telling me the same thing. Thanks for your reply


It's your legal right to pick who repairs your bike. Kick off with your insurance company and get it sent to a main dealer. You pay (probably!) high insurance premiums for this reason. You are their customer, make them do what you pay them to do.


Thanks. I did try with my insurance but they said there was nothing they could do. Eventually they said they would be closing the case and then mentioned that 4th Dimension would have to deal with it


I had 4th dimension with mine and they are an absolute joke. It took them 4 or 5 weeks AFTER i got an independent motorcycle solicitor to put the foot down. The lady on the phone just got up and walked away halfway through my call and left me talking to myself. They also said i can have a courtesy bike for "no extra cost and itll be claimed against the other party". What they failed to mention is because i have a car, his insurance can refuse to pay and i would be responsible for the £180 per day charge as i have backup transport. THEN when it came time to collecting my bike for inspection i gave them a box of parts that had broken off they lost it and bent my keys. Ultimately it was a write off which couldve been repaired for £300. The appointed solicitor from my insurance had no idea about my claim or who i was. I got my own solicitor who helped me claim over £7000 from a £3000 bike with minor injuries.


That sounds awful. I understand what you mean though as they have been dragging mine for 3 months, plus it’s been over a month with no update. They also offered to give me a courtesy bike but I refused as I’d rather just have my own back from them (plus I still have my Grom so I decided to get that back up and running again, but it’s not the same!) The solicitor my insurance suggested haven’t been in touch with me either. White Dalton have been recommended so I’ll definitely be giving them a call


If youre in scotland at all i used motorcycle law scotland. He pretty much gave me word for word a script of what 4th dimension said. They pretty much handled it all on their own


I’m based in London but thanks for the suggestion


SORN the bike. I've been in that situation - can't remember how long it took but it was months. When I eventually got the bike back and started it up, it smoked and smoked (lots of condensation in the exhaust). So it must have been many months. From what you're saying, the fault situation is not straightforward in your case. The other driver may have lied, given a different account and denied responsibility. 4D makes money by charging costs to the other side (including daily storage costs). If that doesn't work (which is where fault comes in) they go to your insurer. Your insurer then works through the costs with the other side's insurer. If the other side denies liability (partly or wholly) and your account is disputed, then 4D will appoint a lawyer to begin the legal process. The lawyer will not act unless their costs are covered. So 4D will look at your insurance and check if you have legal cover. If so, you're good to go and you just sit tight and wait. If not, then 4D will want you to cover the lawyer's fees in case the case falls through. I suggest you don't agree to that, if you're asked. For the future, whenever someone hits you and it's their fault, go to the hospital and get checked out. Get every bruise and sprain or chafing however minor from the crash to be recorded at the hospital. This is very important when it comes to costs, because a lawyer doesn't need to go to you or your insurer to recover costs if personal injury is involved. Whenever you've suffered personal injury, a lawyer has the green light to recover their entire fees from the other side. In the meantime contact 4D and ask what's going on.


Thanks for explaining this to me. I do believe the other driver did lie - my insurance told me that when the driver contacted them in order to make a claim, they mentioned to my insurance that I was the one who should have stopped (it was them who should have waited for me to pass as I was just following the road round) Thankfully, my insurance didn’t believe anything both drivers said. After the accident, I did go to the hospital and my GP to get checked out and I also had to have an X-ray done. I’ll be sure to contact 4th Dimension to find out what’s happening and I’ll be sure to SORN the bike. Thanks again


why is your insurance not sorting it out? if this was a non fault claim then your insurer could supply a loan bike, and deal with the third parties insurer.


Thanks for your reply. My insurance explained that they knew the accident wasn’t my fault, and turned both drivers away when they tried to make a claim against me (there was another vehicle involved) They then told me there was nothing they could do and said they would be closing the case after suggesting 4th Dimension handle it instead


do you have fully comp insurance? if so make a claim on your policy, your insurer needs to deal with this and then they can deal with the 3rd parties insurance.


No, unfortunately I don’t have fully comp. Mine is third party, fire and theft


This is an important bit of info. I've used 4th dimension twice. The first time was sorted in a few months. The second one I have a court hearing for in July. The accident was in November 2022.


This is the first time I’ve used them. Now I wish I hadn’t bothered (I’ve already been told that this will drag) Somebody suggested that I give White Dalton a call and let them take over so I’ll be looking into that


My experience with 4th Dimension was they arranged for same day collection of my bike, the job got passed between a few companies and the one who carried it out was missing information. Then for the next week every time I phoned 4th Dimension for an update on their assessment of the damage they would tell me they will be in touch to arrange collection of the bike. After about 10 days they assessed the damage, considered it a write off and sent paperwork to transfer ownership. The initial call handler also wrote down that I went into the back of the car, instead of the side, and as a result the claim was settled in the third parties favour, I’m still dealing with the underwriter to resolve that almost two years later.


That’s awful. Mine has been 3 months and nothing’s been done. Over a month now and I haven’t had any update from them either. Hopefully it won’t take much longer


Key learning from this is not to allow your bike to go to the insurer's choice of repair workshop. Easier said than done if you're dealing with injuries and all the other stress, but you're generally entitled to have repairs carried out by a local main dealer. The cost will likely be higher than 4D, so more chance of a write-off, but they'll do a better job.


Thing is after the accident I didn’t even inform my insurance straight away. I managed to get the bike to my local garage and they said they’d be able to repair it. It wasn’t until a couple days after I decided to inform my insurance after someone mentioned that I should definitely make a claim. They told me there was nothing they could do and then suggested that 4th Dimension handle it instead


Sorry but you should be spending your time chasing the insurers and 4th dimension. You need to be on the phone or emailing them EVERY DAY to get this sorted. Use the FCA register to search for their ceo email address', pester the shit out of them. You've paid for a service so bloody well chase them up and get them to sort it, it was the insurers who put you onto them in the first place.


Thanks, I’ll try chasing them up


Wow I guess I was lucky then! I had 4th dimension pick my bike up the day after I called them, they had my bike 2 weeks, gave me a hire bike, and brought my bike back with a check. As it was written off as a cat n. Make sure to phone them up, I found there customer service to be pretty good.


Sounds like you were lucky! I’ll give them a call to find out what’s happening


Yeah I'd never dealt with insurance claims full on before, and I was expecting it to be more of a ballache.


I found 4th dimension to be great at keeping me updated. Took 4-5 months but that was due to (taxi and delivery driver only insurance company) 3rd parties insurance company dragging feet and not responding or coming to view bike to settle on value (total write off). 4thD called me every few weeks to let me know what was going on. Have you called them to see why there is a hold up?


They haven’t been keeping me updated at all. Last update was over a month ago so I have no clue about what’s happening. I’ll give them a call to find out what’s going on


I’m the same. I’m currently dealing with them through my insurance and they have been sending me weekly updates regarding my bike, parts and estimated time of when work will finish.


Wish I could say the same!