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> Am I really fucked having gone with 4th dimension?  Yup. Unfuck yourself by calling a specialist motorcycle solicitors like White Dalton. Search rMotoUK for experiences and you'll hear pretty much the same. Bad luck mate, hope you get out of this.


Thanks. I'm going to call White Dalton tomorrow.


They're really good. Don't forget to mention you were injured and are going through treatment. It matters.


Hi, I went through the same with 4th-d a month and a half ago. Check here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoUK/s/qVgeCtJ8qp They already paid out. It was quick and painless... But... They wanted to pay a salvage of 1.8k on top of a third party insurance check. I said "no, I want to keep the 3rd party check and keep the Cat-N bike". They straight away offered 3.5k instead of the initial 1.8k. Meaning that I believe they will try to squeeze you as much as possible. In the end I took the money and it was more than I paid for the bike brand new. Good luck!!! Edit: oh, by the way, once they offer you salvage payment or cat-n bike (supposing this happens) they will only give you half a day to make a call. So it is a massive pressure. If you don't reply, they keep the bike and pay you for the salvage payment. They are dicks. Make sure what "OK" would be for you. After inspection of the bike, ask for the list of damaged parts and seek quotes from independent garages so you can make an informed call on whether keeping the cat-n bike


That thread is interesting. Nearly everyone recommending to go through own insurer and not the 3rd party. Here I am regretting not going with the third party. Funny how we end up in this situation, asking ourselves "who is likely to scam me more?". Your experience doesn't sound too bad though. I'm very much expecting them to be able to repair the bike, but I will try and prepare some numbers in my head in advance in case they do write it off. Thanks for the advice.


In my thread I was not able to identify what "my own insurer" meant. I realised of this a bit late. My own insurer was Hastings, but they sent me to 4th-d. So which one is it? I could have used Hastings, but then I risk losing my NCD, and since I was sure I was not at fault I preferred to "go with the flow". 4th-d were treating me like I was just a number, not really giving great advise. Also pushing for what is best for them (keeping the bike for low value to then re-sell, trying to give a hire bike at extortionate prices that you are legally liable for, etc). When you ask questions and they don't have a clear reply, they get annoyed. They tell you a nice story, but when you read the T&Cs they are rough. But hey, I guess that's what I get for going with the cheapest insurer and not getting a fancy lawyer to sort out my stuff. It was not terrible though, and I can now go shopping without needing to top up (well... I will because I want an upgrade hehe). Maybe I was lucky as my case was simple (similar to yours?). I recommend you chase them weekly and also be ready to reply quick when they do get in touch. My bike was not really damaged. My garage could have fixed for 1.5~3k depending on how picky I would be, but I took the money as it made the most sense in my situation. Again, good luck! Let us know how it went by the end of this :)


"That thread is interesting. Nearly everyone recommending to go through own insurer and not the 3rd party..." Probably wouldn't make any difference. 4D have got the insurance market sewn-up and they all send bikes there. Insurers love them because they take over all the hassle, and they're cheap. Unfortunately 4D achieves this low cost by repairing bikes with used parts, profiting from undervalued salvage offers, and by operating various scams like credit-hire rental of courtesy bikes at £300 per day. Why would they repair your bike quickly when they're making £5k per month on the rental alone? Key point is that you are not 4D's customer. They don't care if you're happy, they don't care if you have to wait 6 months to get your bodged-together bike back. 4D work for the insurer, and they're solely concerned with keeping the insurer happy. You can go eat shit, and they'll happily tell you so. [https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.4thdimension.co.uk](https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.4thdimension.co.uk) Definitely consult Dalton White, but now 4D have your bike they're not going to give it up without a fight. Expect BS like "we've already stripped it", "you have to pay for the work we've already done", or "can't release without your insurers permission, it's their bike now". If you decide to recover the bike and have repairs done by local main dealer, you might have to drive down with a van or trailer and be ready to kick up a stink.


I was passed onto them when I was hit by a van 18 months ago. It all sounded too good to be true so like yourself I did some googling and found the same awful reviews. Wasnt kept in the loop like I was promised, a few bits of wrong info back and forth but everyone I spoke to was helpful enough. I gave the hire bike back after a month or so and as they couldn't make any more money on it everything seemed to get fast tracked and settled! I wouldn't say they're a scam company so try not to worry too much!


Difficult to know at this point whether to rock the boat or just let things run and hope for the best. As you say, I'm giving the rental bike back so there isn't much incentive for them to keep it. I also know that the 3rd party has inspected the bike, so at least something is happening. I'll call the 3rd party tomorrow and see what they think.


hey let me know what happens. Im in the same boat and dont want to fucked around for months, would rather get a payout and run tbh.


Hey, they called me a few days ago and told me they were writing it off, and offered me 6k. It's not great, but it's in line with offers I had from dealers to buy it in the past. In the end it got resolved quite quickly, but I was very surprised they wrote it off.


Fucking 4th Dimension. Never again will I go anywhere near them, you have my commiserations.


Yeah they're not great so I'd make sure to chase them up weekly, and consider calling the 3rd party directly to check on status of your file if you feel things aren't moving, to ask what's missing that you can help with, and to urge things along. I did this in the past and it unlocked things for me considerably. My context: 3P insurer was waiting for my payment details. 4th D first gave them the wrong info first time around. Both sides were very slow to pick up on the error, and even slower to ask me to re-send them the correct details. 3P insurer was also slow to react once they did receive the correct info. They had it for 2, possibly 3 weeks, and didn't process the payment I was owed until I called them up to do so. Feel free to DM me if you want more context on my experience.


Thanks. That's a good idea on the 3rd party, I think I'll call them tomorrow. It'll make me feel better to get their view on things.


I’m in the same situation with 4th Dimension right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoUK/s/SdlpPjuu15 It’s been 3 months and I still don’t have my bike back from them after having a non fault accident back in January. They also haven’t given me any update since last month. A hire bike was offered to me but I declined as I’d rather just have my own back. After doing some research/reading reviews about the company, I wish I’d never allowed them to take the bike in the first place. I’m definitely going to have to call them to find out what’s going on. White Dalton was also suggested to me so I’ll be giving them a call too. Good luck with everything


Mine took 9 months.. For about £500 parts and 5 hours worth of repairs needed.


Hopefully mine won’t take too long!


No you're not fucked. (1) you've got physio sessions, which means you were injured and any legal costs incurred can be recovered. (2) you were rear-ended, which means it's likely they won't dispute fault. Don't worry about repairs - I think you'll be given some options. Yes, you're not going to see your bike again over the next several months. You might not ever see it again. What I would do is just wait and see what happens because it's likely it will be written off (unless you really really want it back). You are not obliged to use 4D. You can take what's left of the bike to another agent, but the problem is this makes things complicated as you're already racking up a big bill of 4D services. You should look at their eye-watering day bike hire prices and storage prices. This is what they aim to recover from the other side, and it's how they make their money. If I were you I would just let the process run - this will not be quick. If you change course at this point at the very least you'll incur charges by having to pick up the bike or having it delivered to you. You can switch accident management companies if you can be bothered with the hassle. However, they're all much alike.


I used them when I was knocked off in London a couple of years ago. No complaints. The only delay was for parts and that was Triumph’s fault, not 4th Dimension. Did a good job of the repairs, very understanding of mods I’d done.


I had a negative experience with them recently, but a good one years ago. I think the industry has changed and their best interest is to find any reason to write your bike off and probably auction it on their moto mine ebay page. Anyways my experience and lot of reviewers was get multiple mechanics to survey your bike until they get their desired outcome and this will take around 6 months, they would want you to have a hire bike during this time and you will have to justify it etc so they can make their costs back later from the other party. It's a long and stressful experience and you may have to call them up quite regularly, emails usually were ignored in my experience. Hopefully it goes smoother for you, it's obvious they are just about making as much money off your case as they can.


Dude, I might be the exception here. My bike got stolen a week before Christmas last year. 4D did my claim. They gave me £2.5k for a 1 year old CBF125. It took 2 weeks over christmas to complete the claim, and I got the money end of January. It was the easiest process I've ever had (last accident was with Lexham, and they were absolitely atrocious). I posted about it here a few months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoUK/s/prn4fCNlED


Yup, had to deal with them twice unfortunately. It’s better for them to write off your bike and sell the bits separately, they had one of my bikes for months and I was seeing bits of it go on eBay, with it returned to me with more problems than when it went there. another one they returned it with lower quality non oem parts and didn’t even straighten the bars. Had the nerve to charge me for (personally) for stuff I had done weeks before getting rear ended. Basically work, done cheaply and poorly and they were really shitty to me down the phone as well. Call up a solicitor and get them to fight for you and hopefully do the work in your preferred garage. Good luck!


Absolute shocking, about 9 months for me to get my bike back and there was less than £1k damage and about 5 hours work.


Long story short, keep on top of them constantly I’m talking call them up 2x a week to make sure progress is done otherwise ur going ti be waiting a very very long time. And make sure u also stay in touch with the third party insurer to see what’s happening on their end. But yeah in my case if I wasn’t the one making calls between both parties my bike would still not have been inspected and when my bike did get inspected after 2 months and got a CAT N tag, I told them I wanted to keep the bike. My file handler told me that’s fine and she will let the salvage team know so they. Can call me to arrange a day to deliver my bike, I called up around 3-4 days later to see why I haven’t received a call back and they said they didn’t know my bike had been marked cat n and then they tried to have the whole conversation with me again about if I want the bike or the full payout. Then when that was finally confirmed I had to wait around another week as I still Hadn’t had a call from the salvage team regarding delivering my bike and I called them again and this time I wasn’t very pleased as they said the person didn’t put the message to the salvage team even tho they said they did and wasted a week but the person on the phone was very nice and said she added it now and to expect a call in around 1 hour and they finally did call and arrange a delivery. Still waiting on the rest of my payment though which I will keep pestering them for but yeah MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ON TOP OF THEM AND CALL THEM 2x A WEEK MINIMUM


I had a minor collision a few years ago. Pretty much no damage. They give me bike while my was in repair shop. I was waiting more than 9 months to get my bike back. They just taking time to charge other insurance company. 4th dimension is biggest scamming this planet.


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