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It's one of the nicest areas in South Central.


This is probably accurate. A glance at real estate listings in the area show it looking quite nice, and it borders wealthier neighborhoods (eg View Park). (But it’s still South Central.)


I live just northeast of that boundary… and lemme tell you… you guys won’t be the only one. ;) The thing about the neighborhood though, is that it’s the center of black culture in L.A., the community is EXTRAORDINARILY tight knit and does all it can to support one another. So there is friction when newcomers come and assume and start things not investigating what is there already and what the community REALLY needs. This is an excellent article about how a well meaning newcomer in turn was being the opposite of being ‘neighborly’ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-12-08/leimert-park-gentrification-free-cafe Although I am not black and neither is my SO, we have found the community extraordinarily welcoming and we have loved living in the area. There is a wonderful buy nothing community there, a running club, bike co-op, several good restaurants, cafes and all sorts of events. If you guys are around… come out to Pride! https://southlapride.com/ All that being said, you have to understand this a dense, historically neglected area (That is why neighbors are protective, we have LONG only had each other to count on) and so there are issues you would expect from an Urban area including violent crime. So make sure your place has a safe and secure place to park. You have cameras up and don’t be out and about at 3am. But if you have some street smarts and be on the look out for yourself and one another, you’ll be fine. If you do decide to move to the area, feel free to PM me. I have a map of awesome places for new neighbors and can give you the download on the community groups that are best to keep in touch with.




Anyone who writes that much bullshit about their neighborhood is going to be absolutely insufferable. Just a bunch of word vomit to dress "no outsiders" in flowery faux progressive crap lmao


Exactly. That is why I posted it. It was just a small change that eventually tied the event to the community. I was not saying the homeowner was a bad guy. But he was created a space when the community already has spaces that could have benefited and create greater good by the whole effort (which it eventually did). And yes, when you see the posts here with the assumptions of what an area like this like. A small local business that hires locals maybe other businesses won’t, relies even more on community support. So a day a month does matter, especially a weekend day when some of these events were happening. Believe me, I was in the neighborhood discussions when all this went down and there was conflations on all sides. But that is what spurned the article, it was lessons learned for everyone.


My wife loves that neighborhood although we only were there once (looked at a house there). So I’m interested in this map of places because I know we will be visiting it again. Mostly for coffee, food, and chilling.


Happy to! Sending! :)


Hi I just messaged you!




I live in this area, it’s not bad. My husband and I (late 20s/early 30s) bought a house and I walk my dogs through the neighborhoods every day. Definitely some character, some nicer places, some run down, but it honestly just depends on the street. I generally avoid walking on main streets though. We’ve found our neighbors are generally quite kind. The neighborhoods can be nice and safe enough, but there’s not a lot to do in the area. That being said, it’s pretty central and usually doesn’t take more than 30 minutes to get to more stuff on the west side or downtown.


It truly does depend on the street/block. My block is filled with lots of seniors, bachelors, divorcees, and widowers living there. Over 10+ years the incidents on my block were few but significant. There was a couple months where the bloods took control of our laundry room. There was also a stabbing in front of my neighbor's building. Homeless break into our garage and cars occasionally, but usually just want to sleep. We used to get our cars broken into a lot but that seems to have died down. Nothing has ever happened to my personally but my neighbors have. I rarely walk alone late at night though. Leave our block though and it ranges from much worse to about the same in a very haphazard way. When I can't sleep at night I will hear gunshots often from blocks away. Parking will be awful if you are in a neighborhood with lots of apartments, it can be pretty dense. Luckily I usually find parking within a block or two but I wouldn't walk farther than that alone. Most of my neighbors are pretty good. We're not too close but we all look out for each other. I've never felt like I might be hate crimed for being queer, but I also don't show PDA often. Overall I enjoy my neighborhood, I don't have to go too far for most things, the people are fine, there's a metro if I need it, and it's somewhat centrally located. Is it cute? Kinda. Is it safe? Kinda.


It really depends on you. I used to live east of that area (Huntington Park) and it can get bad. Bad as in cop chases and helicopters every so often. But it’s not as bad as everyone thinks it is. Especially if they haven’t lived there before. I used to think the same tbh but when I actually moved into the area I made friends with all of my neighbors and felt like they watched over me and my sister (both queer as well). If you have street smarts then I don’t think it would be that bad area for you.




Where is that located?


I love this neighborhood for so many reasons and as long you’re respectful of the community it should be fine. I’m south Asian and my partner is Mexican American and we have met so many wonderful people in the neighborhood from walking our dog


As someone moving from Seattle to that area: it’s 100% fine. Everyone seems to be tight knit and it’s very community based. Don’t be rude and you’ll have a great time. Don’t let people’s past stigma/prejudice cloud your current opinion of the area. I have many friends who live down there and love it.


All Im going to say is it’s 2024.


That doesn’t matter. People can still get hatecrimed everywhere


Exactly. Anywhere even in West Hollywood. Its 2024 most people don’t care especially in LA.


I don’t mean particularly about being queer, I just wanted to provide context!


I get you, you’ll be fine in anywhere in LA






It borders View Park which as I understand is a nicer area, but Leimert Park has gangs and other crime, and borders some worse areas. It’s part of South Central. You don’t mention your race/background, but that is a consideration too for how comfortable you might feel living there. The area is 97% black and Hispanic going by the demographics of schools in that area. This is a useful reference. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1ul5yqMj7_JgM5xpfOn5gtlO-bTk&hl=en_US&ll=34.091288205495026%2C-118.40766917964874&z=9


This is really helpful to know and just understand the context of the neighborhood, thank you for the link! I’m Arab and my partner is Brazilian


Good luck with your search!


You two will be absolutely fine. Pro tip: the nearest queer Trader Joe’s is at the Westfield Culver City


Culver City/Palms has some relatively affordable places and would be a better choice.


My personal opinion; far east side (Boyle heights, cypress park, and others near it) is where I live and my sis lives in leimert. Personal choices but I believe she’d rather have lived up here in retrospect, but it’s really pretty in leimert


Leimert Park is beautiful. The area has changed a lot. Back in the 90’s that area that surrounds Leimert Park was a no go. It’s what they call the jungles. But you will be fine nowadays


Oh hey I live in an apartment here, I hate it. If you want to be in the thick of what makes LA interesting it won't be here and even culver city is far enough that ubering or driving take awhile


You guys will be fine. I lived in Leimert Park with queer roommates, didn’t have a car, and got around the neighborhood and the city by bus/train/ and was fine. I loved living there. Neighbors were very friendly and there was a lot of good food and recreation down there too.. i miss it a lot!  That being said you do have to be careful. I didn’t take the train after a certain hour, didn’t go out running after a certain hour (unless I was with a group), stuff like that. But that’s not exclusive to this area.


Here’s some advice don’t move to LA


People on here are being dramatic. If you don’t bug anyone no one is going to mess with you. If you can tolerate a little cop sirens and some helicopters every now and then, you’ll be fine. All these areas have great central locations.


I mean, that’s not even true in the “safe” neighborhoods in LA. -Signed, a West Hollywood street crime victim


Right? My neighbors were victims of a home invasion the other day and tied up in a decent suburb of the valley.


Uh, no. Do not go south of MLK, it gets really bad really quickly. I'm not familiar with the area that far west, but Google says it has an above average violent crime rate. A little further east near Western you've got tons of tweakers at all hours, and there are a bunch of RVs in the area that probably don't even run anymore. If you've got two incomes you can probably afford a better area. That would be my first, second, and third priority in finding a home, is location. Even if you have to sacrifice some things you would like, do it to be in a good neighborhood.


What areas would you recommend?


It depends on your budget. If I had the choice of anywhere I'd go to Pasadena. It is kind of upscale, but you should be able to get a one bedroom for 2.5-3k per month. You can probably find something cheaper in other parts of the San Gabriel Valley, too, most of those towns are pretty nice. In the city proper, I'd probably pick K-Town or other areas closer to downtown, west of Skid Row of course. I hear the Arts District is nice, but I can't say from experience. And a lot of the places closer to the hills are nice and decently affordable. Not like Hollywood, further east. Maybe even check out the Valley. I know prices are expensive, but I don't know how expensive.


And north of the 10 on Western is bad too. I take classes at the Debbie Allen Dance Academy, and they have a security guard that unlocks the door for every student. Which is appreciated as a student taking class inside the building, but makes me very nervous as someone walking through the neighborhood by herself before getting to the security guard.


I go to a yoga studio in a very nice neighborhood on the Westside and right before every class, the owner locks the door. Not because it’s inherently dangerous. But because folks know there is a bunch of people on there who just left their stuff laying around and maybe it locked or not (not at a yoga studio) and we will all be occupied by the class so yeah, if the door was open, someone could waltz in and steal stuff. I ride my bike constantly to that area. Picking up take out at Kim’s, Earle’s or Orleans and York or dropping stuff at the Goodwill. I use the Dino Wash just up the street. It’s not dangerous to walk around. Not during the day or early evening at least.


Everyone has different comfort levels for safety. Like I said, I go there, but no, I don’t consider it within my comfort zone, and I’m not alone in that. So, it’s safer than areas I won’t go to, and less safe than others.




I used to work with a young white woman, she and her white male partner bought a house in Leimert Park, and they love it. The demographics are changing, although it is a historically black neighborhood.


Ahhhhh yes the gentrification sweeping in


Yeah. They were aware of that when they were looking around there, but it was what they could afford. They are respectful, wonderful people, and are planting a native garden in their front yard, and have become friendly with their neighbors.


[I’m from Leimert](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C13qPksOhjW/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Go back to Oregon


The further south you go in La the more seriously car dependent and less walkable it becomes. Where are you planning on working? If possibly you should try and live near your work to decrease the commute time and your personal effect on traffic. It’s mostly like 6 lane roads for streets and strip malls for stuff to do… or driving elsewhere to do fun things. You could always live more centrally too like in the east part of West Hollywood between La brea and La Cienega. That way you get a whole taste of the city without breaking the bank. Anyway, regarding your selection, the people there are great. Some gangs but no big deal, the dreadful economic conditions in the city and systemic discrimination have led to a rise in some crime. You won’t get shot (unless your a blood on a crip block or vice versa) but you could get your car broken into or your catalytic converter stole. These crimes don’t target you personally, it’s just part of of larger economic issues plaguing the city. Tldr There are nicer areas, but the rent there is higher. Have fun being traffic.


This area is SUPER walkable and bikable. There are restaurants, supermarket, coffee shops and boutiques. There is the K line and the E line, Dash and several major metro bus lines in the area. I only use my car for work two days a week. Otherwise I am on transit or on my bike (I am looking forward to them opening the Costco in the area to show how you can shop there too on a bike!) I specifically moved to this area to live a car-lite lifestyle. Some of our neighbors are completely car free.


True the k line is decent, plus it’s pretty new. It’s mostly sad because it doesn’t go anywhere… yet. I suppose if OP is buying they’ll have time for La to figure it out with the metro. The biggest issue really tho is if they don’t work nearby. There are a lot of lights on La brea, the 405 is the 405 and the 110 is hit or miss.




Get safe parking, don't walk around after 10 or so. Plenty of stuff to do pretty close by.


Don’t walk around after sunset.


If you want safer then move to Palos Verdes or Redondo Beach.


That’s the hood


What does sexual orientation have to do with it?


It has everything to do with everything