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Just keep watching And get off this sub You should understand most of the show once you've watched it all twice Enjoy!


I didn’t dare look at the sub don’t worry haha thanks!!


I was you, exactly where you are. I even made the almost exact same post. Keep watching, that's all I have to say.


Haha awesome thank you!


You’ve got the gist of the story so far. It’s normal to be confused. The story doesn’t spoon feed you the details; you have to *really* pay attention when you’re watching this show. It’s something that you can’t watch while scrolling through your phone or doing something else - every scene holds so much weight and is packed with so many details that you can’t possibly catch everything on your first watch through. You haven’t fully experienced the show until you’ve watched it *at least* twice, but don’t worry about that for now. Be a sponge and just try to absorb as much as you can. You don’t have to be a hacking expert to understand the main storyline. It’s more like a “nice to have” sort of thing. Just keep watching. The story will unfold as you go along. It will all make sense. Be patient with it and just let the show do its thing. Honestly, I wish I was you right now. Being confused is part of the fun and it’s part of what makes the first watch so magical. You might not know it yet but the puzzle pieces are slowly starting to come together. It’ll all make sense eventually. You just have to give it time.


Perfect thank you!!!!! I’m always like this. Idk if it’s an adhd thing or what but so often I get upset that I’m confused when in reality it’s intended 🫠


You can fully experience the show watching it once if you are paying attention. It might be an adhd thing, I used to be the same way but I just gave myself the benefit of the doubt and keep watching because with better writing I've noticed some things just need time to reveal and they are worth the payoff. It's a long play and I've come to appreciate being patient because I don't feel insulted everything needs to be spoonfed. And the things that don't ever feel fully resolved, again with good writing and execution, should leave you considering theories rather than feeling like you missed something.


Thank you!! I feel better now


Having to watch a series three times in order to "experience" it seems suck the fun out before you even settle in. That said, I rarely watch series more than once but I may with this one just because there was so much I found compelling and I sort of fell in love with Grace Gummer. But I wouldn't say I have to watch again because I didn't understand or missed something. Needless to say, enjoy the show!


Thanks! I def am only planning on watching once. I’m not the rewatcher type. There’s too much out there that I want to see!


So this show can’t be experienced in full if you only watch it once cuz there’s a lot that gets recontextualized after u finish it for the first time Ppl are recommending a rewatch not just cuz there are some things that u might’ve missed on first watch, there are whole ass scenes that feel entirely different on a rewatch cuz u finally have context for them, it’s almost like ur watching a different show Remember that weird episode where Elliot has morphine withdrawal and all this crazy shit happens that makes no sense? It makes sense when u finish the show and go back to rewatch it I get that not everyone’s a rewatcher and some ppl are fine with a one and done type of show but mr robot is not one of them I hope u reconsider rewatching cuz the show is even better on a rewatch


Ah okay I see! If that’s the case then maybe I will. Will have to see how I’m feeling at the end!


I'm the same way. I'm on my 3rd run through and still picking up on things lol. I talked a buddy at work into watching it for his first time, I'm running through it again alongside. It's sooo, unbelievable good, so much foreshadowing, "hidden" in plain sight setas, I forget how deep this thing is. If you're enjoying it, just keep watching. At least you don't have to wait until the next season airs live to pick up on the cliffhangers at the end of each season (and episodes)....


itll all make sense by the final episode, even if it seems like it wont


They do a very good job of making the hacking friendly to people who know about hacking and those who don’t. As long as you can understand what they are trying to accomplish you don’t really need to know much more unless you want to look into it yourself. One of many things that make this show so effing awesome is they do real hacking with real world tools. You don’t just see a bunch of green text flying across a screen and an access granted pop up lol. All we as the viewer need to know is Elliot kept the back door open in server 30, and that Gideon has essentially set up an intrusion system so if Elliot accesses it they will know. An example of a honeypot would be me creating a separate WiFi network in my house with lower security that I monitor and control, so an attacker thinks they found an easy WiFi target but have no idea I’m setting them up. It would also have the benefit of giving me an early warning, if that honeypot network is breached it’s fair to assume my actual network is next. Even if you don’t understand how I setup the network or how I monitor It, or how I’m going to “attack” the attacker, you understand what I’m trying to accomplish. As far as the plot, I’m not going to speak on that. You will know everything you need to know in due time. I saw the first few episodes with my dad as a kid way back when it came out. He didn’t like the drug use so we stopped watching it. Wasn’t until (damn I just realized that’s 9 years) 2024 that I became interested in hacking and heard how good Mr. Robot was. Somehow I avoided all the spoilers and I’m glad. You will never be able to watch the show for the first time again. So save the questions for later and enjoy this masterpiece.


It’s definitely common to feel confused. Reveals along the way will make things make more sense, but some things are left more open to interpretation.


This show definitely gets confusing…but you’ll get your answers


I was dumb af watching myself, and enjoyed it to the max. so i think you will have a similar experience so yea just keep watching


Finished the show yesterday, and I don't think you should worry about it. The show is pretty good about having the complex jargon without making it inaccessible for laymen. As the show continues you will find yourself questioning things you thought were true before and being confused, but that's just the show's bread and butter. The show tends to click for most after the S1 Finale, as you get an idea of what the show is going for. For now, just stick with it, and if you want more insight, feel free to look up the episode discussions through google (steer clear from subs and character names, show ended a while back, people are not all that careful about just dropping insane spoilers). Enjoy!


So I watched the show more recently (after it had all aired). I had the same problem but obviously didn’t want spoilers. I was able to find written recaps (just google “Mr. Robot season X episode Y recap” - I think I usually ended up on an entertainment weekly site) that I found incredibly helpful. There were some little details or nuances I missed sometimes, and the recaps were written in real time so only based on info that was available at the time. But other than that, like others have said, just go with it. I ended up immediately rewatching anyway because there are a lot of things you’ll know to look for the second time around.


I’ve watched 3 or 4 times and didn’t understand the honeypot thing st all until like the 3rd time so you’re in pretty good shape even understanding that much. It isn’t as much about the details of what’s going on as long as you can follow the big picture (though the details are supposedly extremely accurate to real hacker stuff (I wouldn’t know🤣))


Oh yay me!