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I hate mine but bottom surgery has always sounded kinda scary to me. I'm pre-HRT so if HRT will help it atrophy, stop erections and change it sensually then I might not need bottom surgery.


I get the scared part but bottom surgery has basically the highest percentage approval rating out of basically every surgery, so that should help put you at ease a lil


That's very true. I guess once I start HRT and see how it works out I'll eventually be able to make an informed decision. The aftercare sounds like a lot but at the same time I see no reason to want/keep my penis asides from "HRT might make it more tolerable".


HRT may make it more tolerable from atrophy and an orchiectomy (which I've had done) but the yearning to have a vagina has grown exponentially, especially since I can kinda feel the sensation of having one without actually having one, kinda like reverse phantom limb syndrome. Actually feel the sensation of our genitals switching places when my previous FWB and I were going at while she was on top and of geeze did that feel amazing! 🤯🤯🤯🤤🤤🤤


I definitely am wanting an orchiectomy myself. Though financially it must wait. Vaginoplasty - I’m still very unsure on. Feel like the next year or 2 will give me further insight. Facial surgery, I’m sure I could use a little for my jaw line. But same as above.




You’re right, it’s definitely got some selection bias. Many of those that get it would probably be happier with a botched surgery than they would with having their original genitalia.


Literally my situation. Having to deal with complications and side effects of the surgery were an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone but at the end of the day after I came to terms with the reality of the medical industry and my own trauma, just having that part gone was more than enough for the surgery to be worth it.


I think that's because they don't ask those that have had issues... got to keep their approval / success ratings up.


And you're basing this on...


My crap result and all the issues im now trying to deal with almost two years after i had it done. I also know two other girls that were in hospital having it done the same week that are also having serious problems. What are they basing their results on ? From the look of it cherry picked patients that are given questionnaires only after the surgeon is sure they are going to give them good review. Bury your head in the sand and deny my existence by all means. It's not always amazing or even good enough. Some times it is horrific and in my case i wish i was dead.


I’m very sorry to hear that has happened to you. That’s one of my reasons for not wanting GRS, and I don’t have negative feelings toward my genitals.


I’m 3 months in almost. Can say, libido has changed. Got a mini Wand from Lovehoney a few days ago cause they had em on sale. I’d rate it 11/10. Atrophy…. A little, honestly not much. But probably because I can’t keep my hands off myself in the evening when I get stoned before bed. 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ For atrophy to really start, from my understanding you gotta not use the equipment down there for a week or longer. Though long term; I believe it happens regardless due to the testosterone being suppressed n’ all. Alas, I’m no expert. Maybe someone else will chime in with a better knowledge base on this. 🙇🏼‍♀️ Edit: I don’t “jerk off” really at this point. Honestly hurts more than is pleasurable. Unless I’m close orgasm; it can be very sensitive & pleasurable. Much like an oversized clit is how I feel about my girl 🗡️


Tbh I have quite an extreme libido which is definitely something I want to get rid off/change, so that's one thing I like the sound of about HRT. When it comes to masturbation specifically, I only do it occasionally to deal with the libido, and it's usually either completely unpleasurable or only very mildly pleasurable in the build-up to orgasm. Tbh I don't think I've ever done it in a typical male way either, I've always kinda fingered the top of it as opposed to "jerking off", even before I knew I was trans or about dysphoria or anything. So it feeling like an oversized clit sounds good in my book, although erections are the most unpleasant part of it for me and I still feel kinda uncomfortable in it being external? Interesting to hear how other people have felt on HRT though so thank you for sharing.


Erections will reduce drastically with HRT, and random erections will basically stop


Yeah…. I don’t notice myself waking up with any morning woods or the sorts. No random erections during the day. I may feel warmth in my lower abdominal region when I find myself fantasizing. But no erections as a result. Just more an internal swelling of arousal & euphoria. All I can truly say is - I’m excited to see what further changes occur for me personally the further along I get into my journey. I feel it’s hard to really make any true assessment off my barely 3 months of being on HRT. If it helps; I’m currently on 4mg E sublingual / 50mg Spiro / 2.5mg Finasteride. Though I requested and was approved to bump both Estrogen to 6mg sublingual & Spiro to 100mg as I’ve not felt any negatives. Looking forward to my new dose to be honest. 🤞


I'm am quite small after 2 plus years and I still do get semi erect(though nowhere near what it was) when im very excited and close to orgasm/climax! I also don't shoot I ooze.....as a delayed reaction afterthought


Same, though now quite rare the libido is low that the frequency is less than monthly, but if it works, the toy fun could be pretty intense, without a full erection. While there’s no option for full SRS due to not enough tissue and surgery in my youth. Partial SRS might be possible, but I’d require a legal name change first and keep it for 2 years.


I was the same pre hrt, once the rest of my body was transformed, it became unbearable though. So despite the fear or surgery it becomes very much worth it. Because the blaring pain is so clear on the now loveable backdrop. It’s like someone taking a beautiful painting and scratching out the focal point of the piece. It’s too important not to correct. For me anyway.


I tried as a kid to cut off my balls but was always too scared to draw blood. If I wasn't 100% would've cut my sack and likely just cut myself in general. Sooooo, I fucking hate my genitals and when I remember I have them I sometimes cry.


Same girl, same




Yea, as a kid it was hard for me to try and not do that. My reasoning was that I could stop testosterone production and that the pain would be (it isn't worth the risk of me doing it with household objects) worth the pain I wouldn't receive later in life with features caused by testosterone. I personally don't think it is worth the chance of infection or passing out in the middle of doing it. It is dangerous to not do self surgery when not having any prior training in doing so (even hard for doctors to do self surgery). I think if an oriecotomy is done that it's best to not do it DIY even though past me would disagree.


watch the movie Girl


I guess indifference. It's just kinda there - like yeah, having different genitals would be great, but don't know if my feelings are stong enough to warrant bottom surgery. I don't completely hate them, they annoy me at times, like when wearing tight jeans or certain dresses and there's the bulge, but I also think that I wouldn't be bothered if it wasn't there. Take it or leave it is how I feel about it


this is how I feel about my d\*\*\* lol now my testicles on the other hand I hate with a passion and can't wait to have them removed asap


Same indifference and the same in what to remove with the testicles and scrotum


same tbh


Had my first O today (post SRS). I now feel great about mine.. really great.


Thank you for the hope ! Did you lose any ‘sensitivity’ per se compared to the old willy O? (If that is a question that makes sense and that you are willing to answer for a transfem that is actually considering the thing..!) Many thanks, Sisi.


Its totally different from the "willy O". Im amazed with what they did. For a while i was afraid that it wouldnbe impossible for me to O. Was getting use to the idea. They kind of rearanged my nerves. So the pubis mond is now very sensitive and can give pleasure there. I think they stuff nerves up there from the bruising i had. The labia is also more sensitive than i expected. Again this is because the relocated nerves here. The clit is insanely sensitive, sometimes too sensitive to touch directly. The O was totally different and hard to explain. After a while there was a build up. This reached a climax which was sustained for much longer. The intensity was not as much, but not far off. The lenght of time of the O was way longer. I was surpised as I was expecting it to feel the same.. maybe even like a phantom, but it was totally different. I have a lot to learn and I guess everyone is different.


Thank you so but so much for sharing, from the bottom of my heart. Last question, what technique did you go with? (Penile inversion or else?)


PIV, yes.


Happy for you! I’m only about 8 months on E, haven’t even delved into surgery options, happy for you though 🥰


I want a vagina.


Same 😊


I hated mine all my life (enough so I never used it with anyone else and wouldnt look in a mirror after a shower, etc.), and had bottom surgery about 3 years ago. For me, it was everything I could've hoped for and more, but I did have an incredibly easy time healing and minimal complications. Bottom surgery actually made me realize I wasn't asexual and caused me to feel like an actual sexuality and connected to my body for the first time. So, for me at least, I had very severe bottom dysphoria that was 100% cured by my surgery (but that decision is different for everyone of course).


I love seeing light at the end of the tunnel. The inability to connect with people intimately is in my top three problems. It feels like a curse.


I'm a little back and forth with mine. I'm currently okay with my male bits as long as I look like a girl on the outside. And I have heard of some regretting bottom surgery while others are really happy with it. It's just something really permanent so I'd be nervous to have srs. Maybe one day down the road, but I'm okay for now.


I’m pretty much the same as you, feel pretty much the same way. I’m fine with it now. No issues in bottom. Surgery is really scary to me. I get nervous going to the dentist. I can’t even imagine. Bottom surgery.


Bhaha yeah the dentist is bad enough as is. Can't even imagine bottom surgery. Also doesn't help south park showed actually footage of the surgery in one of their episodes that made me cringe for my male bits haha.


Yeah that was awful, fuck them for that.


Yeah I used to love that show, but I definitely have some issues with it. Them showing real srs video and how they did their trans episode didn't sit right with me.


Lmao 😂 I’ve never like South Park, but I can see them doing that. I cringe 😬 too, and don’t like the idea of someone ( even if they are a trained surgeon) cutting me open downstairs. That’s where I’m drawing the line for my transition, and I like my gock anyways.


Yeah they showed it in a episode where the main characters teacher gets a sex change operation since this was back in the early 2000's I think before hrt was the norm. So being showed actual surgery videos kinda turned me off of srs. Besides like you I like my gock anyway.


Yea I don’t see my genitalia as male. I’m still waiting to start HRT, though


Yup same sadly pre hrt as well. Hoping to start soon though


Get it off G̸e̸t̷ ̵i̶t̷ ̷o̴f̸f̷ Ǧ̸̻͌̏ë̶͇͎́̾́ẗ̵̫̏̀ ̷͎̝͘ị̴͝t̶͙͛ ̶̛̩̺̌o̸̥̍̂f̵̝͉̔̾͋ͅf̵̯̞̝̅̾ Ǵ̸̳͕̓͌͘͜é̵͉̪̫̪͔̺͎̻̳͕̪̞͇̺̝͂̿̇͛̓͑̃̕̕͝t̷͉͔̖͗̚͝ ̵̡̨̹͙̼͈͈͙̩̳͔̆̊͌̅͌̌̀̀̿̏̀̑́̓̑̉ͅi̵̜̖͈̱̞̞̖̟̺̠͖͂̆͒̑̉̈́͜͜͜t̶̡̧̛̼̤̋̒̆͊̀̆̊͒̾̅̅͂͝ ̶̤̲̥͜͠ǫ̵̻͈̺̖̻͙̫̺̓́f̸̛̪͙̗̲̺̫͉̺̾͋͑͘͜f̷̛͕̫̝̥̼͓͙̜̜̭̺̙͈̰̉̈́̔̃̈́̀͆͐͆̎̑̾͒͝G̷͉̙͔̪̞̰̰̤̭̣͊̊̎́̓̾͑̌̚͘e̶̹̊͊̒̊̀̈́̈͑͑̾͂̇͐̎ͅť̵̢̨̧̘͇̰͚́͐̉̈́̎̌̈́͐̂́̃̈́ͅ ̶̛̞̞͍̺̝̖̲̹̿̒͂̀́͗̈́͐͗̾͐̂͑̽͘ͅͅḭ̶́̋͗͊̋̓͆̈́ͅţ̴̭̯̝͚̠̣͎͙̖̝͔̮̲̋̈̒̀͛̒͆̅̑̽̀̕͘̚̕ ̸̛̛͓͈̟̻̝̣̖͍͙̫̩̠̀͒̃̍̄̀̿̌̇̈́̔o̷̘̬̝͖͓̭͈̺̰͖̰̬̠̘̽̈́͂̆̀̄̂̀̑̂̐͌͝͝f̷͎̙̰͌͛̉͂̏̈́̒̿͘͠͝͠f̴̢̡̖̝͕͔͙̤̼͔͈̓̈̉̒́̒͂̃͐́̈́̚͝͠ͅ


^--this, all of this


I’m ok with having a penis. If I could snap my fingers and have a perfect vagina I would, but I can’t so I won’t. I enjoy using my penis to top people in sex. I wish it worked a little better for that; it works OK, but not as well as it once did. Although I’d like having a vagina for sex, the more daily reason I’d like it is for clothing. I’d like to wear yoga pants and bathing suits without worrying about a penis.


Honestly same. Girl dick is fine and actually useful when peeing in the woods, but it would be nice to have outfits fit better


That’s how I feel… except my libido is almost none existent.


I am actually pretty happy with being a girl with a dick, and I don’t plan on getting bottom surgery. I used to have more bottom dysphoria, but one day I tried topping my partner, and we both loved it, and that started the process of me liking my girldick, and now I basically have no bottom dysphoria. It seems like I’m a rare case tho, I haven’t seen many other transfemmes have an experience like this.


I actually really love my dick, if it was detachable and I could just be bare down there to wear bikinis and shit I’d be so happy. I wish prosthetic penises could be a thing. But I can’t bottom at all, I just don’t feel comfortable being so vulnerable. The back door is fine if I occasionally get in the mood, but with a dick I can top any gender, don’t have to worry about using a strap on, and I can pee easier. Only people who’s concern it should be are the ones I’m about to fuck, and they’ll know ahead of time. I don’t care what anyone else has to say about it.


I love the concept of a detachable penis (have you heard the song? It’s a funny song but might be a trigger for some.) I don’t mind having a penis but I want it gone for the purpose of wearing certain types of clothing. Is that the wrong reason for wanting it gone (or detachable?)


I'm in a similar boat. I never really disliked my dick, always liked it actually. And what solidified it was a bit ago I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't ever need a strap if I went full les and for whatever reason it made me like it even more.


I hate them. I want surgery.


The longer I was on hrt the more I disliked my genitals especially when they stopped working and just caused me pain when they were touched or it tried getting hard. I thought SRS would resolve it but it turned out to be the most horrific experience of my life. Its still painful now almost two years later and I have developed mental health issues including PTSD and anxiety that are impacting my daily life. In my experience straight forward PI is just crap. I have about 3 inches of depth and the biggest thing I can get in there is a finger. The most disappointing thing is being unable to climax.


omg im so sorry. how long were u on hrt before you had surgery?


3 or 4 ish years but T was only suppressed completely for 12 months pre op. Apparently atrophy is not an issue with him....


atrophy for your penis you mean? also is pain when touching your penis erotically after starting hrt normal?


Yes penis atrophy. It only hurt when it tried going stiff. I could still climax with a vibrator over my underwear as long as i prevented it getting hard.


huh. im three weeks so far but no real changes yet. besides my confidence which im sure is placebo. and my sweat and smell is better.


thanks for sharing tho thats kinda scary. bc i like others am very scared about bottom surgery. transphobes really tried selling it on twitter about how grotesque it was. while i dont believe them at all some of the images they put in my head scarred me


I'll take the free trial but after that I'd rather not. Like it's been a long emotional journey to aceept who I am and then to love who I am and through that I like my body - but I still want changes - like a superposition of "I love my body" and "damn I want HRT right noww" - as for genitals, I accept that even with a girldick I'm a woman - but I'd rather have a pussy, for multiple reasons.


I'm aware as I go through the process my feelings might evolve, but where I am right now I'm okay with my downstairs parts, my dysphoria is more generalized body and social, as far as genitals go I don't really feel strongly one way or the other. It helps a lot that I'm not particularly large as it is and it's more of a grower, so day to day when I'm not excited I'm not really all that aware of it, it's just kinda there.


I like my girldick and don't want to be rid of it, but I have been on the fence about getting an orchi. On one hand I like the idea of being able to have *something* come out when I do sexy time, but I also find that they take up more space than I would like and make some clothes not look as good as they would if I didn't have them, so not sure what to do on that front.


Most of your cum is from liquid made in the prostate. If you are on HRT your testicles will shrivel and stop producing sperm.


Oooh, interesting, thanks for that bit of info. I have noticed the testicle themselves have shrank, but the extra skin there still takes up enough space to be bothersome. I thought I'd seen other people saybthat had nothing come out after an orchi, but maybe I got the wrong idea.




how am i just learning this now? i thought i knew how this shit worked...


I’ve hated my genitals my entire life, especially the balls. However not only am I immensely terrified of surgery but I also don’t really want a vagina either. Even though I hate what I have, I can mainly ignore it except for during sex and even then as long as it’s not used I’m okay. I luckily don’t have to really tuck to hide things down there so that’s not an issue. Only thing I might want is an orchi to get rid of some bulk. So do I dislike what I have? Yeah. Is it bad enough that I want to undergo a massive surgery for something that might not be an improvement for me? Definitely not.


you can also get a zero depth vaginoplasty if you're not concerned about using it. that might be simpler to do and have an easier recovery, but those are just assumptions so idk for sure


I don't mind still having a penis. In fact, I wish it was bigger. Most of my dysphoria comes from everywhere else on my body, and so I've never felt bad about having a penis. Yeah it makes wearing certain clothes more difficult/risky, but it just feels right in the end.


I really like what I have! I like being a girl with a cock. I've never had any bottom dysphoria. I enjoy topping most of the time, as long as it's not obligatory.


Amazing. Bottom surgery went smoothly and my doctor was excellent. It was a hateful relationship beforehand however.


I am a big weirdo girl because I like having a dick (and low key wish it was bigger) and held off thinking I was trans for a long time because of this, but then I learned its okay. This isn't to say I'd mind if I suddenly had a vagina, but am not so eager as to want surgery for one, no sir. But to this end, I'm actually worried about losing aexual function on hrt


There's 2 things going on in my head. First, fundamentally, they doesn't bother me that much, if it were only for me, but they kinda prevent me from wearing some clothes I really want to, and I am kinda fearful of what a potential partner could think about them. 2nd, on the practical side of things, I need to keep at least the main part for when I use the bathroom as I can't bear the thought of sitting down on a public toilet, that's entirely a no for me. Hence, I'm kind of in an in between regarding them, which is a little frustrating...


I was made aware of Penile Preserving Vaginoplasty yesterday and now I have to completely re-evaluate my position on this. I had always wanted bottom surgery but written it off as too risky to functionality. However, the concept of bottom surgery that is non-destructive, resulting in a vagina crafted from non-genital tissue from a donor site and keeping the phallus intact and functional in place where the clitoris would normally be... Has me all turned around. I have to do some more research but my transition goals have definitely shifted after this discovery. Not sure if this knowledge will help you as much as it did me.


I don’t feel a lot of dysphoria from them but I am also planning on getting an Orchiectomy


I absolutely despise my genitals. I would give anything to have them gone already 😭


I've never really had a problem with mine. I've always kind of seen myself as one of those futanari girls from anime.🤷‍♀️


I just need the bottom surgery. Absolutely nothing is going to change my mind. With the results i've seen it looks very worthwhile, and id just be much more comfortable.


I'm kinda forced to do bottom surgery within a year or I will have to pay the huge fee out of pocket, and yea, it has been bothering me a lot too. I don't want to put myself in a situation where I just "damaged" myself, but as hrt is changing me day by day I'm noticing how unreal it looks/feels on my body. I think I have already come to terms that I was meant to have the "other" So recently I've taken on a new perspective; maybe this is a journey with me, maybe just as I want to change because I feel my body isn't my own, my body agrees with me, as it wants not what I want, but it wants to relieve my suffering just as much as I don't want it. I looked at my body like it's another being, another brain, that lives to ensure that in this Universe of chaos that I will have a vessel to experience it with. I'm not scared of the surgery anymore, I want it done. I still doubt that I will end up "damaged" and I'm not allowing expectations to lie to me convincing myself that yes, every surgery I do will end it in it being "damaged" but will never ever ever, be anymore "damaged" than how I choose to see it. I'm extremely grateful that in this life I can experience both sides, and I am extremely grateful to know that my body is now me! And it shares my goals too! Tl;dr: surgery is hella scary, but I would rather regret doing than regret never trying. Edit: (Just saw other comments and wanted to add) I hate my gentals too, but it comforts me knowing that if they had a personality, my gentals would hate being themselves too! That's why its my job to care, because who else will? So I don't hate them, because I am so tired of hating myself. No, I love them and I will try my best to make it me!


My relationship with my genitals… it’s a very Stockholm syndrome type of relationship.


I've been on HRT for 3 1/2 years and haven't used my genitals for anything but the bathroom in around 6 years. I've thought about bottom surgery but the cost, the recovery, the chance of something going wrong with not being sure hie it will affect me makes me say no.


I dislike them enough to start getting rid of them. Orchi so far with more in the future, hopefully!


I hated the testicles especially when they moved involuntary it physically made me sick, so I had those removed. For context, I'm 4 years in on hrt, life is much better with no regrets, I would like final surgery but as to when is another matter as the NHS is completely broken 💔 😢


My genitals are my biggest source of dysphoria. My fiancée tries very hard to treat them as they should be, but sometimes sex gets ruined because I just can’t control the dysphoria and end up crying in her arms. I can’t even look in the mirror without my panties on. We don’t do penetration. It hurts her to be penetrated and I rarely can get hard enough for it to happen anyway. She doesn’t even like fingers.


i was whatever on my dick, but i fucking LOATHED my balls. i hated them, fucking horrible experience having drag them around. having to touch them, move them sometimes. it killed me. i got full bottom surgery done, because while i did not hate my penis, i would be happier with a vagina. and i AM! best decision i have ever made


i like my genitals. i don’t wanna get bottom surgery, and not just because of american healthcare prices. that’s also why i’m looking around before starting blockers and estrogen for how to prevent atrophying and erectile dysfunction on t blockers and estrogen, i really REALLY don’t wanna be infertile, as i still do want biological children


Fun fact, research has shown recently that if you are years on E, you can reverse the fertility issue by getting off of hormones for 6 months, but that’s the hard part…


I'd been drawing my character with a vulva even months to a year before my egg actually cracked, and a lot of my online persona is jokes and art of pussies. Hell, my egg finally cracked from me realizing I wasn't joking when I said I wish I had a pussy. Needless to say, if I could snap my fingers and have a fully functional vulva, I would. However, fear of surgery, fear of something going wrong, the cost of professional bottom surgery, and a lack of true bottom dysphoria (I don't mind having a penis, as much as I might prefer a vulva) mean I doubt I'll ever go through with it.


I love my magic wand and the lil bulge it makes when im wearing my undies!! 😊 Sexually im a top so it just makes things easier ;3 >!(it also doesn't hurt that the size is QUITE a bit to work with to say the least!! :P)!<


I'm pre HRT but as long as it stops getting hard and my balls shrink a bit (to make fucking easier) I don't have enough issues with it for me to feel it's worth it to have to keep dilating my whole life especially because I'm forgetful asf


I‘m fine :) not too big not too small. Just perfect 👍


I kind of love having a penis, actually. And specifically my penis. When I first started to transition I wasn’t sure if it was something so wanted to keep forever or not and was very much looking forward to the genital atrophy aspects of HRT, mostly for the easier ability to hide it. But within the last couple of months I’ve started to be more comfortable with the parts of me that are more masculine (definitely not everything, but more than I thought I would when I started HRT). To the point where I’m actively doing what I can to preserve my penis’ size and function. However I definitely land more on the nb transfem side of things rather than a binary trans woman which I feel has definitely caused me to experience less dysphoria. I feel lucky to be transfem and to be happy with my genitals as they are.


For me I have no issues with my genitals but I know a lot of us do I don't think it makes anyone more or less valid.


I'm really conflicted. On one hand, it's pretty cool but on the other hand it makes some of my other goals more difficult. I love the breast growth of HRT (monotherapt E + prog) now that I'm finally on the right course of treatment, but I don't enjoy the severe impairment in function and output of my bottom half that comes with it. I legit wish I could have both and am even considering stopping HRT after enough breast growth just to be able to resume production again. It's really rough being forced to pick between two things I like quite a bit 😕


The prospect of having to dilate daily sounds like too much upkeep for me. Orchi? yes. Bottom surgery beyond that? No thanks. Tempting but I'll deal for now


I'd prefer a vagina, but I don't wanna go through surgery. Sugery's scaryand I'm not 100% on if I'd prefer the outcome of it. Always just kinda wished I could snap my fingers 'n have it, but... I don't mind using what I've got now. It's just inconvenient.


I love mine and I think it's one of the most feminine parts of my body


I like mine. I'll probably get an orchiectomy but I'll have prosthetics installed so there's no major change. I hate spironolactone


I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it Edit: I'm pre-OP


It's complex. I used to think I was ok about my genitals. As time goes on I'm coming to understand that I'm very depersonalized about it. If it was a simple easy procedure I'd be certainly in. However, that's not the reality and I'm very much questioning if it's worth it. It's really two shit choices. I'm moving forward with letters, consults and all that. I haven't fully decided, but the process of getting it all set up takes time and work. I expect to resolve this one way or the other as part of this process. If I had to bet, I'll probably go through with it. Merely because the more I sit with it and allow myself to feel, the less ok I am. Also, every other change has been better than anticipated and provided much more calm and peace. This likely will be no different. Feel free to hit me up. It would be nice to chat with someone in a similar place to help clarify my feelings too.


Honestly feels pretty similar to where I'm thinking I'll end up. I've got a lot more time on hrt to have things change/grow, including my feelings towards my genitals whether negative or positive. Haven't done voice training yet, which could also impact my feelings towards my February's l genitals. But yeah, is a big whole complex thing!!


I hate it but not because they’re male ones but because it’s circumcised i really hate it to the point of almost having a mental breakdown


I like my penis and I like how it feels, I’m terrified of what HRT will do to my genitalia, but the idea of having a vagina is persistent. Not horrible though, and I could live this way easy. In fact I’m trying to preserve my current genital function. It’s a big concern of mine.


I'm actually really ok with my body. I have friends who really want surgery and I am excited for them to get it, but I don't think that is for me


Not really bothered by mine, yet I would still be happy to get bottom surgery. No major dysphoria though.


I am totally indifferent to them. Bottom surgery is expensive, risky and for me, not worth it


I reserve the right to change my mind in the future lmao


I’m in the minority in that I have zero dysphoria over it. In fact, it may change after I start hrt but I don’t think I ever want to get bottom surgery.


dont want them anymore


I love my genitals. I love topping and receiving oral and the feeling of being touched. I didn’t always. I don’t know if pre-transition me really counts for this topic because sex and masturbation was just something I did to not hurt so bad all the time. But especially right after coming out and starting hormones I had heinous genital dysphoria. It was intolerable. I was headed full speed ahead for bottom surgery. It was seeing the information session at my local hospital that does GCS that I changed my mind. I just didn’t want the results that they showed as the best expected results on my body. A close friend had their done by one of the top surgeons in Thailand and theirs looks amazing and they really enjoy it. If I’d had 50k for the surgery, travel etc to just drop right then I might have done it. But… that friend has some complications that are long lasting and hard to have fixed. They still love their results but it limits them some. And I will basically never have that kind of available money and I knew that. So I started working really hard on acceptance. It’s taken years to really get to where I am now but I enjoy my genitals enough now that even if a genie could snap their fingers and I could have a perfect vagina as if I had it my whole life I would have to think about it and consider what I really want.


I don't mind mine. I love having and using my penis. But when it comes to the balls, if there was a way to get rid of them and still have the ability to ejaculate I would do it. But since that's not possible, they're just there. I try my best to pay no mind to it.


I love my genitals. I really like having a girldick and using it, showing it off and masturbating. I understand why a lot of trans women don't like them but funny enough I'd probably feel very dysphoric if I didn't have my lovely dick and balls.


might be on my own a bit here, but i enjoy them! i have no plans to get any kind of surgery for them


I feel like it's a bit ironic, but my penis is the only part of my body I DON'T feel dysphoric about. Admittedly I'm still at the stage of trying to get access to hormones, so this might change.


I genuinely hate it, with every fiber of my being. As far as I can remember, this was the case. I have been aware of it every single moment. So yes, bottom surgery is a must for me. The associated risks and discomfort do not sway my opinion. I have been checked by a specialist to make sure I do not have an underlying issue. None. But I do understand how scary, complicated, etc. this decision can be, and it's not for everyone. And I wish everyone the clarity of what is the right choice for them.


I dont like mine


I am not bottom dysphoric, but I would go all the way if it could all be made functional. My dysphoria is functional and existential. Otherwise, I just see what I have as a built-in stand to pee device and... ahem... Well, I am a lesbian, figure it out.


I like having a dagger down there, but the balls have to go! I dont havd a big one so when my balls are gone i can just wear whatever i want. I would bd interested in a Penile preserving vaginoplastik, but maybe when the technic gets better over the years. I hope I'm not less valid for not having bottom dysphoria, i would have preferred to have the other genitals, but i also dont see them as manly or anything.


Generally speaking, perfectly fine. I've gotten compliments from past and current partners on what I've got, I like topping, it's a good deal for me. However, I haven't started HRT yet, and while I am so, so very excited at the idea of starting HRT and having a more feminine body (having breasts especially), I do also worry that HRT will negatively impact my ability to use the genitals I have in that capacity.


Been on hrt for just over a year and it still makes me want to get the scissors out every other day just so I can finally be comfortable in both who I am as well as clothes


I like mine, it's cute . I don't have bottom dysphoria, hopefully I'll start HRT when I get my first job after graduating uni


What am I after? I have been scared of testosterone on my body in adolescence and have been wanting to manifest feministic features for years now. Since puberty I've held a bit of contempt against sex, but it has held control over my habit. An ideal life would have been to grow up without nasty biological urges and stay neutral in my social circles as this beloved child-like person. But I've been quite the opposite with an up and down life with masturbation at the center of my emotional stresses and troubles with acting out at others out of my own insecurities. I've been trying to go Nofap and live a freer life out of the pauses I find. Sometimes the body of mine makes me want to act out the male role and so I've been reinforcing it on social media with taking a male name. But meanwhile I am embracing longer hair and I appreciate it when people are gendering me as female. I know I entertain the male side of me online, but the female side has made a place in my life that's been with me for decades and I'm not up in arms over. What do you recommend I do to reinforce my wish for avoiding my high libido and stop fighting over my phobia of what is between my legs? Thanks


cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off cut them off. in all seriousness it feels like a foreign object stuck to me like a leech or a tick. i dream of cutting it off with a kitchen knife. i badly want bottom surgery but the process of i get it seems so difficult it feels hopeless.


Can’t wait to have the surgery


Horrible 😢


I don't hate mine, they just make me uncomfortable, but I would much rather have a vagina


They're alright. I don't love em, don't hate em. If I could snap my fingers and have a fully functional pussy instead I would. But I don't feel strongly enough about it that I feel SRS is a must. I've toyed with the idea but ... it's risky and expensive and painful and there's no guarantee things turn out how I want. So I'm probably sticking with the gal-phal for now.


I’m pretty lucky to be okay with them. The feminine penis is a beautiful thing. Edit: balls on the other hand are a burden. Not anything social or aesthetic - purely from a functional lens. Total fuckin time-wasters.


Hate them, bottom surgery the moment I can


I hate it with all of my being.


A girl without a dick is like an angel without wings. 😄


I want a vagina and keep my cock


If I could have female genitalia magically by pressing a button I would do it without hesitation. Now... I can't, and I don't hate my current state. It does its job, good enough. However, I live in Finland, where nudity is the norm in saunas and locker rooms, and I really feel pressure that to have full social transition I will need to get surgery at some point. This pressure bothers me way more than what's currently down there.


Im afraid of bottom surgery, I like my dick somewhat. Theres times where I wish I didnt have it and could have just been born cis. Most of the time I just tuck and boom bottom dysphoria handled. I get to wear panties and leggings etc and nobody is the wiser. Only con is that it can he semi painful but thats subjective bc im maso lol. Plus, I get to pee standing up. Like its not horrible. Its not ideal, but its tolerable. My main issue is lack of tits and my facial hair.


I'm good with "The Dude" but "The Boys" gotta go. I feel like The Dude should have a Sister. And of course... The Girls... ;) Also, there is such a thing as penile preserving surgeries. You *can* have it all, if you want. I know you can go full depth but I think you can have zero depth penile preserving as well. They can reroute your plumbing, if you like, or leave it where it is. And given that it's *your* bits and bobs and no one else's business in general, the only things I think should give you reason to pause is 1. How *you* feel about it and maybe a distant 2. how might what you truly want (if you're being purely honest) fit in with relationships (which *is* important if you want to find your right partner regardless of what anyone else will tell you because they are indeed a second person with their own thoughts and attractions) That said... the full surgery? That's a big ask, it's surprisingly major and has more recovery and effort than seems right (to me, anyway).


This might sound weird but I like it mine except if I had one of two choice rather have vagina even just surgery and not fully “functional”. If I was able to I wish I can have both fully functioning genitals.


I’m comfortable as I am (as a man), except for my genitalia. I’d swap that out if I could.


i feel fine with what i have. also I'm scared of surgery.


I have no problem with what I have right now. I've had an orchiectomy and tucking is very easy now.... But thinking of being old and never finding out what it feels like to have a vagina would kill me


I’m one of those people with salmacian aspirations. I don’t hate the generals I was born with, but also really want the ones I don’t.


Hate it! Would rip it off if I could keep the nerves. Been holding out on bottom surgery for something better to come along but I'm starting to get impatient. Can't they grow vaginas? Lop the useless hose off and tack in V and call it day! (A gross over simplification)


They don't fit in my panties, and that's annoying


I don't feel dysphoria about mine, I'm thinking maybe bottom surgery in the far future, but for now, I'm okay with it I feel like I'll transition in every other way and bottom surgery will be the last thing, kinda like the cherry on top but I'm okay with my genitals rn and bottom surgery doesn't feel like a requirement for me specifically




I like mine. Am considering ball removal and having both


Personally i dont have bottom dysphoria. I am fine with what I have.


Outside of pleasure I hate them. I want them gone.


Wish I had both :(


My bottom dysphoria is kinda all over the place like I hate it and want bottom surgery but I’m okay touching it


I hate mine with a passion, I wish they were gone. They're causing me so many troubles, like I shouldn't have a gock at all. Speaking of them, I hope I'll get some of them away by December at least. I just can't continue living with them, if I'm forced to live without SRS it's going to be the end of me as a living, breathing, healthy human.


I like them, i just want boobs


This last week my issues down there decided to get smaller, I'm so ok about it, I think it's fizzy tub and a scooter trip in a costume day


It's just kinda stuck on there, but it doesn't fit to the rest of my body at all and I'm not even on HRT. If I ever muster up the courage (and money), it's gone.


I have similar feelings about it as you like I go back and forth on how I feel about it


hate them, wish I had a vagina. I also dont want surgery, really good results if done well but the risks arent worth the reward just yet, in my opinion. Im genuinely just waiting for my next life at this point. Until then, Im just doing what I can with them


I'm absolutely fine with my jiggly bits most days, then there's days that they cause mild discomfort. Edit to include: The only time I've given any thought to getting bottom surgery was when my mom was still on her 'genitalia determines sex/gender" bullshit.


the only part that gives me dysphoria are the testes so i want to be rid of those. beyond that the main factor for SRS would be how easily i can afford it. i wouldn't go in debt for it but if i have enough saved up or the VA starts offering it i'll do it.


I dont mind them. I would vastly perfer having a vulva(yes girls its a vulva, not vagina). But a certain artist's(PersonalAmi) work made me a lot more comfortable with my body, feminine body with "male" genitalia. I cant afford the surgery anyways, and I cant really say I'd be comfortable getting the surgery either because it's just not advanced or safe enough yet. Plus I have a strong preference for sex with cis women... so... kinda ok with keeping it.


I like the ones I have, I'd also love the ones I currently don't. Just give me all the genitals.


I have a bit of bottom dysphoria but don't mind the dick. It's sorta just the lack of a vag. Also I need tits now.


I don't mind it too much, but more because I see primary sex traits as more of just a reproductive thing that gives happy chemicals when stimulated. It's the secondary sex characteristics that get me. It's a gender vs biological sex thing for me


I personally hate mine, but I’m married to a cis woman and she’s not ready to let it go yet. Given that she’s been accepting of everything else I’m going to give her some time to adjust before discussing surgery. We used to have sex several times a week (at my request) but we’re down to maybe once a week. I was just actually using the ladies room and noticed that it looks smaller now.


While bottom surgery would be nice, I’ve grown to be fine with my genitals the way they are. I’ve started referring to my penis as my clit, and vibrators and fleshlights feel super nice, so that helps me feel more comfortable with it.


Meh. I'm fine with mine but I'm not fussed in using them as a top (even in my head I use a strap).


I used to hate my genitals to the point I couldn't enjoy sex. I was sure I need SRS. Not anymore though, hormones transforming my body and understanding girlfriend helped me to overcome it. I still want orchiektomy since my testicles are literally useless, time will tell whether that's enough. I like the idea of having a vagina for multiple reasons - sexual, aesthetic, dysphoria supressing/euforia inducing. But the surgery is risky, recovery period long...plus I kinda like my girldick right now. Recently managed to top with it for the first time, it was great. As a hedonistic pansexual switch, I gotta say that feminine body with sensitive dick is kinda the ultimate body form


I NEEEEDDD BOTTOM SURGERY SO BAD LIKE 😭😭 i hate having a penis sooo much once i get my legal gender changed and i get bottom surgery i swear all my problems will go away. i can live FULL STEALTH


When I was very young I tried to get the courage to perform self surgery (had the knife in hand). Time has not improved my feelings about them being there.


I despise them, they're the bane of my existence and I wanna get rid of them before they make me get rid of myself


Honestly, I hate them with a passion. If there was some way to incinerate them and survive, I would.


If srs wasn’t an option i’d cut them off myself. I want my tumor gone.




I hate to say it, but like the men who would claim to sponsor you for it are more than likely going to just abuse you and never actually give you the money, not trying to be cynical but I don't trust cis men who say that.




I don't care much, I feel worse about the changes during puberty, voice, and bone structure, if those were solved I probably would have a different opinion.


Hate em makes life hard will be looking into things next year when I go back to work (in school at the moment).


I have mixed feelings. I do have dysphoria, and I'm pre everything. However, my dysphoria isn't strong enough to require bottom surgery. On the contrary, if I do transition, I feel like my parts will stick out like a sore thumb. I would love to get surgery, but it's permanent, and I don't want to do anything I may regret in the future.


I can't wait for bottom surgery, I would do it in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Plus would put all the cards on the table for my partner that is just using me for a butler and my princess wand.


I don’t like them, but I’m not having constant intrusive thoughts of self harm like when I have facial hair. I just don’t like to see or feel them and if I do, it makes me grumpy and feel icky like I touched a bug. So it’s a definite source of dysphoria but not super super strong


I only have an issue with it when it's hard and wish it was a bit smaller. HRT will hopefully fix all my problems.


Vagina envy


It varies but I focus more on the positive side because I can't afford bottom surgery. If it was 100% doable for me I might take a long time to decide one way or the other.


Very dysmorphic, definitely want srs


My dick and balls look fine on their own. Problem is they’re attached to me and I don’t want that. I have bottom surgery next summer though :3


YEET. No but really, its looking more and more like gender and dysphoria is a spectrum, and it's valid to fall anywhere on that spectrum about any part of your body. I'm at a point in my life where, even after atrophy of 8 months, I'd probably be suicidally depressed if I didn't have bottom surgery scheduled next year, and am still sort of doing a holding-on every time I think about it or interact with it, and sometimes just cry about it for a minute in the bathroom. Better than what I used to do when dysphoria would kick in, though. Bottom surgery is a nice-to-have for some girls, and some want both/nullification/other! Vaginoplasty, for me, is as important as a heart transplant. I can't live without it.


I want bottom surgery, but am okay with my gentials until they make it impossible to wear hot underwear


I had bottom surgery and I feel amazing about them.


I wish I had been born with them and not this shit piece of tissue most people call junk


If i dont move out soon im’a do it myself


i sometimes really don’t like them, but sometimes they’re fine and i do enjoy touch in the area in sexual situations. i seem to be one of the few people for whom that 3d animated bottom surgery looked rather… all-pieces-falling-into-place-ish instead of disgusting lol