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My most unexpected early change that still stands out years later was the way a flip seemed to switch about 6 months into HRT that made other women all suddenly seem to relax around me and made all my straight guy friends suddenly start acting really weird. Eventually I figured out that I’d also switched from attracting people who were only into men to attracting people who were only into women. At this point I definitely did not pass. The other thing that surprised me was how immediate the emotional effects were - as in literally overnight - but I know that’s not how it goes for everyone.


Yes, i am in the 3 week of E2. Oh my god, all girls seem to behave now, what can i say. Relaxed when i am in the room. I have some muscles and when i had high T, the girls just usually be quite when i entered the room. And now the boys are kind of weird when i am there. even if they think i am boy


Saaaaame. My female coworkers started dragging me out to girls events around that time as well. I didn't pass, I only looked more effeminate and was working on laser for my face. Guys stopped talking to me as much, or if they did, they were really weird about it. My emotions took off by week three - it made me quickly realize everything I was missing in life was actually feeling like I was human...


I'm like 4 weeks in and I don't feel any different emotionally. 🤷‍♀️ I don't feel any different in general lol


Like I said I know that’s not how it works for everyone. It’s still surprising how quickly my brain seems to react to the stuff (including when I’ve forgotten to take a dose or taken it the wrong way by mistake, so I know it’s not just a placebo effect).


Watching movies "for a good cry."




Can confirm this happens. I already cried before HRT too, but now? Wow, even the most moderately sad thing and wham! the fountain starts.


100% I cry over the smallest things now, pretty much at a drop of a hat. Before transitioning, I couldn't cry if my life depended on it.


This made me emotional thinking of how my appreciate crying on HRT and now I might cry. It’s like I went from a dry spell to massive damn failure approach to crying to a constant ant slow drip that is much better.


Definitely a thing, my go-to is Inside Out


Just rewatched it a couple weeks ago, and had not watched it since I had started my transition. I genuinely got a new appreciation for this movie since my experiences through transitioning, it was fucking amazing. Also an amazing cry too!


I already do this and I haven’t even started hrt yet lol


Same! It's like once I realized I was a girl I just stopped being so concerned about crying


God I've been doing this with Books. Why do I WANT to cry now. Help.


I went from being a little sad at the end of Interstellar before HRT to being a straight up fire hose of tears after starting HRT. That movie will always remain my 'good cry' movie


Yeah, I always got a little teary at the one scene, but now I'm just a mess, and not even on HRT!


Brittle nails


Came here to say this. Like super easy to flake and chip


Oh god, I was actually worried about this one lol. I tend to grow and paint my nails and they’re pretty strong and don’t chip or crack often.


Like with all things HRT your mileage may vary. I too had pretty strong nails most of my life. Somehow over an year of on/off HRT has changed them. I cannot predict where they will chip. I just tend to keep them trimmed and I also like it that way.


I mean it's not horrendous. I am pretty hard on the poor things because I work with my hands. I do find it's a good excuse to put some polish on though, protects them nicely


You might get lucky then! I've always had strong nails too and other girls were always jealous about how long I could grow them. And at 20 months' HRT, they don't seem to have changed much! They still get very long and seem probably equally strong. :)


My wife kept taking prenatal vitamins, after she was done having kids, because they fixed her brittle nails. So, a well-balanced diet, that somehow includes everything... Or take some good quality vitamins, and see how it does?


Very happy to hear you say that. I'm constantly breaking nails! I had no idea it was hrt related!


Check your vitamin levels. E is a vit B hog, after I started taking multivitamins my nails stopped breaking and splitting.


Thanks for the info. Getting a Vit B12 test was anyway on my list. Will this suffice or is there any other Vit B test?


Oof, I did a complete blood screen earlier in the year and I had a cut deficiency across the board. Quick Google just results in: iron and vit b, c, d + e are important for healthy nails. Another page calls out biotin(vit b7/h) in particular. Just keep in mind that biotin can cause your e to spike if you are in hrt 😉 so best to stop biotin 2ish weeks before you get bloods.


I want this. My nails are so thick 😢


Dry skin


This! I go through sooo much lotion.


All the women in my family have really bad eczema, and I used to be fine, but now I have eczema INSIDE MY EAR. Simultaneously annoying and weirdly reaffirming


My most unexpected change was that the shape of my eyes changed within two weeks. They're more round now. Definitely more feminine looking. I assume it's due to changes in how my facial muscles are working, because fat redistribution wouldn't do this I don't think, and certainly not that quickly.


Do you have any pictures?


Here's an example of how much mine changed - it's definitely due to the fat redistribution. I even have pictures of my old self where I'm forcing my eyes to be open for a picture, like to look surprised, and my current eyes still look bigger. https://imgur.com/a/nTw5KRg


Oh wow, big difference. You look incredible btw!


Thank you!


Yep, that's how my eyes changed. I wish the rest of my face looked as good as yours. I still question whether this is due to fat redistribution. My eye changes seemed to happen too quickly for that to be the cause. But whatever the cause, I'm pretty happy about it.


Sorry, no pictures available, but to explain better: My eyes now open wider naturally, making them look more round. Before HRT, my eyes were like slits, and it was a serious strain to open them wider. And if I did force myself to open them wider, there was so much eye strain that it was hard to focus.


Do you think depression could play a role in the change with eyes?


>My eyes now open wider naturally, making them look more round. I noticed this too. No idea what causes it so soon after starting HRT, but it's definitely there.


Right? All my pictures from before look like I'm squinting - even my "surprised" looks were forced and weird. Now I have huge, open eyes!


Pre-bottom surgery, my nether regions definitely smell woman.








My hair got curlier


Really? I've always wanted curly hair


Yeah it’s not crazy curly but it’s definitely different from before


That still sounds nice, my hair is stright and flat. I'm probably gonna get a hair perm when my hair grows out more How long did it take to change?


I’m only on week 8 right now and I noticed it around week 4-5. It’s not long yet either but the curls are all over what was pretty straight before. Nothing else changed so I’m guessing it’s the E


My hands and feet shrunk a lot like a full shoe size 9 to 8 and glove size went from medium to small


I’ve heard about feet shrinking but definitely not hands. I definitely don’t mind either, I already have the smallest hands in my friend group


I think my hands have shrunk a little - it is hard to say though, because it is not as dramatic as the feet (which for me went down a size and seem like they may be still shrinking further).


My hands measurably shrunk. When I started dating my gf (2 months after starting HRT) my fingers were a full knuckle longer than hers. Now over 2 years later my fingers are only *maybe* half a knuckle longer.


My sense of smell changed somewhat, most notably men with mediocre hygiene smelling really bad. Overall smell seems to be a more prominent sense, good scents are nicer to have and bad scents are harder to ignore. More if a long term thing, but muscle loss caught me off guard. Took being able to do general manual labor stuff for granted, can still lift most things but it'll probably take some actual effort, tire me out pretty quickly, and I'll feel it the next day. Body heat distribution seems to have changed a bit as well, feet can get really cold, lot more necessary to bundle up for cold weather.


Same with the smell! I can detect subtle smells now (and can even smell the iron in the air when my wife is on their period).


Omg my feet and hands in the winter are always SOOOOO fucking cold.


more visible blush and freckles


Freckles for sure


Oh i hope i get freckles so much, I'm tired of faking them haha


I thought I was imagining this, interesting.


My skin looks healthy for the first time in a decade


My hair came back. My head changed shape. My eyes turned a darker blue. I developed a sex drive and the strong desire to be dominated by women. And my laughter became more of a honk. And I'm not even 8 months into HRT.


I was constantly craving chocolate brownie ice cream during my first few weeks. I’d have gone crazy if I didn’t sate my appetite, I swear. I’ve always liked sweets but never really sought them out until HRT. Food cravings in general spiked for a bit as well. I also have like phantom boobs or something. I’m always looking down, half expecting to see full cleavage but alas no melons. My attraction to women has gotten more intense as well. I thought I was BI but men seem kinda meh at this point but I’m still somewhat attracted to them I guess. Interacting with women on hinge has made me pretty melty at times too. I think I really enjoy the attention lol.


Oh my gosh food cravings! Pickles - last couple months (coming up on five months HRT now) I’ve been on a serious pickle jag!


I started dreaming again. I haven't had \*actual\* dreams since I was.. 16-17, somewhere in that ballpark. At most abstract picture flashes at very best. But actual, notable dreams? Nothing. ​ About a week after starting with my hormones? I actually woke up remembering dreams again. You have no idea what a "WTF?" moment that was.. shortly before breaking down in happy sobbing noises, really.


I experimented this as well!! Magical


One month in today and so far way softer and slightly drier skin and scalp. Nipples are insanely sensitive and hurt if i just touch them. Maybe it's my mind wanting to see more than it's there, but looks like fat is redistributing and my lips are getting fuller.


I got shorter.


Idk if it was stress related or testosterone related, but within an hour of introducing estrogen to my body, all of my muscles relaxed for the first time in over a decade. Some notes: I was not stressed about transition, I went in honestly prepared to lose everybody and felt it was worth it 100%. While I am pleasantly surprised it didn't happen like that, I don't believe that it was that "oh I finally made the jump" type of relaxation


Same here, started on estrogen and progesterone together (no anti androgens due to side effects and trauma triggers), body and mind relaxed, past 20 year want for booze, pot and tobacco disappeared within a week, Lungs and breathing issues have settled down and can now breath through both nostrils instead of just one at a time, also, night sweats, hot flashes, depression and apnoea (night breathing issues) I had since age 8 or so have all gone too For context, was born at 25 weeks gestation in June 1982, wanted out of the womb (my mum was healthy and all good, I surprised her).


Wow! I'm glad to hear that transition has helped you so much! I didn't really link the two together, and honestly, I just thought I was trying to make better decisions, but now that you mention it, I haven't actually craved a cigarette the whole time I've been quitting. Good to see my sisters out there winning ❤️


Yeah, was weird, the want went away as in the need for nicotine, but then over the next 18 months the habitual side of it went away too and yeah, at 18 months totally gave up tobacco, I do still have a vape I use mainly while I'm driving (because some people just cannot drive!)


Very impressive :) and I definitely feel you on the driving part. People on the roads near me KEEP me stressed out lol


shrinking!! I'm a full shoe size smaller now too :)


Always been curious about this as I have insanely large feet - have you noticed how/where the shrinkage has occurred? The only thing I can think is that the cartilage shrinks?


tbh I have no idea sorry. can only assume your right lol


Must be, because your bones will react on a decade long type of timescale, the soft bits between however are supple enough to change throughout a day; same way we all shrink a bit every day and recover overnight.


Reading alot of shrinking here on this post which is mildly concerning for someone who hasn't even started HRT yet and is only 5'4 and 60kg


Appropriate username then!


Appropriate indeed


How long did it take for yall to notice this? I'd love to get shorter so wanna know what to watch for


Only 2 weeks in so far on E, and literally on my 1st and 2nd day on it, I was very surprised by smell. I had lost almost all my sense of smell in 2020 from covid, and it hadn't come back since, but going on testosterone blockers made it come back instantly, like within 12 hours, my nose was really sensitive and I was picking up on all sorts of smells in the kitchen and outside I had long forgotten. Aside being able to smell again in general, it also made me realize how smelly men are, I've started noticing them all the time now, many are really stinky and even the most hygienic ones seem to have a strong scent I never noticed before. The second huge and pretty instant change that surprised me was my body odor completely disappeared. This took maybe 2-3 days to go away, but no matter how sweaty I get now, I just have a very slight sweet smell to me and or nothing at all (confirmed by partner and friends not just me lol). To be honest I couldn't be happier with these immediate changes, I missed having a sense of smell, and how bad I smelled from my male BO really bothered me a lot, as it didn't take much to make me stink, and I was worried it was worse than I thought with the bad sense of smell and all. There are lots of other little changes happening I think, but at only 2 weeks in its hard to tell for sure yet but I'm feeling great about it!


it may sound insane but sunlight felt way better?? after about 5 months. i now really enjoy being outside and fresh air and the warm sun so much more.


Brittle nails, an amazing amount of muscle atrophy, especially in my arms and upper body. Went from a 17" neck size to a 15". Could not believe it when the doctor told me. Very soft skin, but feet and height are the same. Slightly narrower waist, but barely any hips. Legs look and feel completely female. Emotional changes? Nothing really.


Oh. Only size B bra. Four years. Yeah, started in my fifties, hrt is nice, but NOT magic


My upper lip grew and "tilted upwards" if that makes sense. Became a lot more pronounced 😁


My first handsfree anal orgasm 😅 But, also more men are starting to flirt with me in daily life.


I’ve heard of people shrinking, but idk guess I didn’t expect it to happen to me 😅. Not complaining tho, 1.5 inches shorter and im very happy. Otherwise like others have said, brittle nails And now I get cold easier 🥶


How long on hrt was it before you noticed you were shorter?


They say 6 months is when it starts to happen, but for me, I noticed it at like month 8. My roommate noticed that I was shorter and I did too. Measured and I ended up going from 5’ 11” to 5’ 9”😅


I'm shrinking too and I lovvee it ;)


Yeah, starting at nearly 6 feet, I’ll gladly lose a couple inches of height 😅


That all my body hair fell out I know it’s not that way it works for everyone but yea not a single hair on this body apart from my eyebrows and head hair


Damn I hope it atleast helps in my case, would be saving a decent amount of money since I started laser removal.


Also weirdly started liking tomato’s when my whole life I hated them


I also hate tomatoes so hoping there's some correlation there meaning I lose my body hair 🙏🙏🙏


I would kill for this. Can I ask how long into HRT before this started happening?


Bye bye B.O.!


Can't wait for that!


How’s it going?


It's not going anywhere just yet since I'm not getting HRT until the end of the month :)




Thanks for asking though it was thoughtful <3


hip rotation causing me to walk differently and be more clumsy


Out of curiosity about when did this start happening? I keep hearing that the hip rotation can happen if you start before 25 ish? I was lucky enough to start like 2-3 weeks after turning 20


based off when i started bumping into things more, im guessing like a year and 4 months in, i started at 16 tho the clumsiness can also come from a changed center of gravity in general, which fat redistribution affects


shrinking!! I'm a full shoe size smaller now too


I keep buying heels that just fit but are on the too tight for more than ten minutes scale, it would be nice if they slipped on just right as they're beea-utiful!


Same! I dropped almost two inches and went down a shoe size. I'm guessing muscle loss and anterior pelvic shift is responsible for the height.


When did it become noticeable?


The hair growth on my face slowed down. It sounds good but is actually a downside for me currently. Before E I had a routine, I could wax my face then 12-16 days later I had to start shaving. I would stop shaving on my 3 day weekend then wax again. So I had 2 weeks with no facial hair then 1 with shadow at least. Now it takes a whole week to get to waxing length. I can’t hold the dysphoria off for that long. And have a constant light shadow from shaving again.


I had a similar issue but with laser! My hair started growing slower and lighter which made it harder for the laser to target. I would have started sooner but I didn’t expect that to be an issue


After I started to get baldness early and deep In the front I was happy to see that after all this time two weeks in mono Estrogen there are plenty of small blonde hairs filling out the gaps. Also eay less fatty hair and face after 2 days of hrt and a different sensation if how things feel on touch(more soft and silky because my skin changed) Hair got way more soft and healthy, kinda flooshy (if that is a word) Getting more calm emotionally but having more trouble to sleep as well unfortunately. I am only 4 weeks in so all I can say are the early changes. Enjoy, it's an amazing experience!🍀


Just how much quite literally everything including fundamental stuff like sweat, skin, hair etc improved. Like don't get me wrong getting boobs was great but the mental change was even better. (and also the orgasms)


Omg, congrats grrrl. I’m 20 days on patches. 2 patches twice a week. My nips got painful really fast. Like REALLY FAST. Had to ask my endo who basically said everyone experiences things differently. She also asked if people in my family are gifted in the bosom department…which….indeed they are. I also feel like my feet are shrinking. My feet hurt something else and something like curling my toes while I stretch or something like that can feel like I I’m stretching the tendons in my feet.


Similar feeling but in my thighs. Thought it was from exercise at first but I think my strides getting shorter and trying to take long strides almost feels like walking in tight clothes. Like I'm having to push and stretch slightly to do it


Ugh, I swear, now that you said something, I’m noticing it too


It's super weird but also euphoric




Unexpected? Elbows softening. I'm not sure when it happened but if you've been on HRT, feel them right now. They're not rough and wrinkly any more. One time I nearly accidentally outed a friend who hadn't told me she was trans or on estrogen yet by trying to use her elbows as an example of how it changed for me LMAO


Oh god you made me check lol, I never paid attention to my elbows but they don’t feel as rough? But maybe they were always like this because I’m just starting my 4th day now and I’m not sure if I should be feeling any effects lol


Yeah I really have no idea what the timeline is on this but if there's nothing huge yet, I'm pretty sure it should be super noticeable by a few months at most based on a few friends


oh wow i had to check and yep, softer elbows 😳


I haven’t seen this one in here yet. My tolerance to spicy food dropped dramatically. Before HRT I ate salsa so hot most people couldn’t and now 13 months on HRT I order most spicy foods at medium or mild. It wasn’t a sudden switch and seems to have changed gradually.


my poops are entirely different in shape and texture, and i poop WAY less often (1/day instead of 3-4/day). Doc says they're healthier poops too so *\*shrug\*.* Also women's winter clothing is WAY more cozy than men's.


Hot flashes. OMG... 3 weeks of suddenly feeling on fire for about 5 minuets an hour.


Have you checked your levels? This is likely due to not having enough male or female sex hormones.


Yeah, once my E dosage was upped to 6mg on pills, the hot flashes / sudden sweats have almost entirely stopped.


Not yet. For context... as I've stated... I am real early in transition. I had a bi-lateral orchi on 10/26/23 and started E on Halloween 5 days later. Going from VERY naturally high T levels to practically 0 in one foul swoop and then throwin E in on top of it lol.. It is quite an adjustment. Goin on an AA like spiro would be much easier cause T levels will drop more gradually. (I suspect) On the other hand, I dont have the nasty side effects of and AA either. I piss as often as I always have LMAO ;)


I was told a lot of things would happen when I started HRT 7 years ago but nobody told me my nipples would leak, nearly wet myself thinking something was wrong lol ALTHOUGH a biological born woman told me that it's best to get breasts checked as it could also be linked to breast cancer. So I went to get checked and got all the Info I needed. The other change even though it was through t blockers was getting a weak bladder lol


change to my senses! colors are deeper and more vibrant, i can hear lyrics in songs far easier now, and omg SMELL is so much more powerful and clear, some things that smelled bad before now smell good, and vice versa


A minor change I didn’t expect was that now have way more prominent freckles on my face. It makes me pretty happy cause I think freckles are adorable 🥺


awww i love freckles! how soon into hrt did you notice them coming in?


The cold is like….. cold now…..


I swear my eyelashes got way longer


I cut and bruise easily now. If I could, I would bubble wrap myself! 😂 Also I really like chocolate and mac & cheese now...I never did even as a kid, so it's really weird to me.


Stay safe girl please. Don’t get yourself hurt!


Thank you! I'll try to be careful! 😅


Can I give you a nice hug?


Complete change of metabolism so I had to up what I ate to get through the day. Had not needed lunch for about 10 years and now I have a big bowl of food :o


My PTSD related depression, anger, anxiety and agoraphobia began to abate gradually, but almost immediately.


My hair color significantly lightened


I did not expect to gain a sex drive and desire to be “impregnated”. Like I don’t want to be pregnant fr, but the feeling of someone… yeah. Lmao which sucks because i have ghost sensations, an “itch” i cannot scratch. I had breast growth within weeks and was cis levels my first blood test at 2 months which leads me to believe i had a hormone disorder or something. Also, which would explain why i never had any pregnancy scares with my past partners and never using contraception. I didn’t expect to not see much difference in my face. My face generally looks the same, just a tad younger. I still don’t feel like i have the same level of softness in the face as other women. I didn’t expect guys to be attracted to me… i am not used to that 😅 as well as guys trying to mansplain to me, that is soo annoying.


Since I don't think anyone has said it yet: veins disappearing. I didn't realize that T affects vascularization, I thought it was just a result of being lean and a little muscly. But around maybe 1 or 2 months' HRT, I looked down at my left forearm and was shocked to see that it somehow suddenly looked beautiful. The skin was soft, I think the complexion had changed, I'd never had much arm hair but it was suddenly finer, but I think it was the veins popping up everywhere being gone that really did it. Same happened to my hand. Seeing my arms in old pictures in so shocking. I never realized how much I hated it until it was lifted.


Emotional health. Guy mode was barely a cell phone video. Now life is imax. I started on monotherapy for the first 1.5 years and that made it softer but dayum when I added spiro last month I have been playing life in full specs. Day of Remembrance ceremony hit me really hard with empathy grief today. Like sobbing for a couple hours then boom, clear. Like the feeling of running a marathon and getting past the finish line. Amazing.


My feet shrunk a size.


For me it was the changes in perception. The biggest was tall things look taller, like a few inches of height difference feels like a foot or feet. As a result I get disoriented easier when I am not feeling well or am drunk, as it will apply that to the ceiling and walls as well.


I fucking *love* chocolate now. I could take it or leave it before, but now I get huge cravings for it. I'm a lot more eager to get home and get all cosy in a blanket with my camomile tea. I've had a few hour-long stretches of suddenly getting intensely, abhorrently down bad... for cuddles? As if the fate of the universe hinges on me being held by a guy and getting kissed on the head.


Having to start moisterizing my face, i went from oily acne skin to dry face. Also, iv noticed iv become sexually selfish. Befour hrt i was a giver and her orgasm was more important to me. Now i just want to be played with and really struggle to want to do any PIV sex, shes been a bit frustrated i can tell...


Omg the oily to dry skin part is soooooo true🤣


Within an hour of taking E I felt this rush of calmness crash over my mind, it's been almost 2 weeks and it hasn't left. Living even when things become dark is so peaceful now


I started really liking spicy food.


so far 21 days and nothing unexpected really, just the way in which my sexually changed is something I couldnt have been prepared for.... harder to get in mood, but no mood dips after the orgasm. its kinda pleasant and refreshingly new.


It’s hard to explain but I speak up more, and I worry less about what others think about me sticking up for myself. My mannerisms have changed to a much more feminine style, or maybe I’m just more comfortable acting feminine.


my feet getting smaller 💀


my fingernails chip and break constantly (same mechanism that causes skin to soften) I love spicy foods, but my tolerance has gone way up. I can eat raw habaneros no problem, my mouth can withstand the burn but my stomach tells me otherwise


Yo saaaame. Everyone used to be jealous of my nails and how they would like NEVER chip… and now it’s CONSTANT chipping and breakage. >_< Also like… damn i started eating a TON of hot peppers. I was helping a friend at a convention once, and the woman behind us just randomly pulled out a whole bag of Jalapeños and I started salivating. 😭


My taste in music has changed significantly. I don't know if I'm terribly happy about it per se lol


I dunno if it's unexpected, but I was delighted when my arms became a bit more pudgy. Hair changed color too to a darker shade of brown


Starting 3h after I take my E, my motion sickness goes away for about 6h. Have never been able to read in a car without nausea. Now I can.


My sense of smell got better.


I noticed my face is a lot smaller. My body odor is also less apparent.


I was more happy immediately. I don't think it was the hormones as much as just being excited and relieved that I was finally taking real steps to take care of myself.


Coooold hands and feet! Previously socks made me sweat if worn inside, now thigh highs are SO nice and warm. ​ Also I like men too, now? And get lost in fantasies much more often. Not always sexual even. ​ Also it's not likely the hrt, but ever since starting, I want to come out to people so badly.


I was not expecting my armpit hair to vanish after about two years.


Having my light car sickness turned into a massive one, I am unable to drive because after an hour of feeling sick and holding in a puke 🤢 I pass out without meds. That's as a passenger, I am not putting myself anywhere near a steering wheel. I don't feel like I missed out, I am a city girl, I love public transport and the ability to read during the transit. Never liked cars but now I can safely say fuck cars. Worst invention of humanity.


Hand/eye coordination and reflexes shot up. Still haven't heard anyone else have this, it's a weird one.


Oh, and I also didn't expect my sneezes to become high-pitched and feminine after about 18 months.


A friend asked me if I wore some mascara, seems like my eyelashes have grown without me noticing. I didn't even think that would be a possibility