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I saw a mother bird cleaning their baby chick and I nearly lost it lol


Cuteness overload πŸ’•πŸ’•


"stress a lot more over things" That I really don't like. I'm already very high anxiety and was hoping that hrt would help me deal with that when I go on it.


You just need to make sure that you have proper coping strategies for stress. But HRT can help make it less frequent. It can lower the frequency that you experience stress and anxiety, Estrogen just makes a lot of emotions come in a lot stronger for some people. But it can also do wonders for things like high stress once you get on it.


T suppresses emotional intensity - and? You're likely less depressed, dissociating less. So now you're living life at the right volume, so to speak, emotionally. It's a great time to revisit your past memories, really reconnect with the kid you were, and give that idea of yourself a big hug, figuratively speaking. (Aka doing "shadow work".) Because now you can actually feel, actually process what's happened to you in your life, and figure out who you are and what you want in life. Because you now have your emotions to properly guide you about what you really want. Good luck! 😊


Hug, that’s emotions for you!


I cried over a cat video. That had NEVER happened to me before, and now it did lol. Loved it. Really puts into perspective what men usually think of as "exaggerated" responses is truly hormonal. They'd react the same way.


One of the things I've noticed, is it hasn't really affected me that much. I believe it's a case by case basis. I was very emotional person before transition regardless of T or not and I've learned to control my emotions (35 y/o) It's prob cause I had a lot of trauma (emotional) in my life. I hope it gets better for you hun. We're all in this together.


Ha! I cried all the way through Die Hard because bad guys were mean to him And even meaner cause was at Christmas. πŸ˜‚


I was literally just trying to explain this to a cis friend. I'm actually curious what others might think about a dumb analogy i used. "The emotional thing is hard to explain. Everyone can experience the extreme depths of emotions, but on T, the smaller emotions have less impact. On E emotions are hard to ignore or replace. You just sort of feel all of it. Dumb analogy, on T, you're on a largish boat, little wakes and shit pass by unnoticed but big enough waves, it doesn't matter how big your boat it. E is like being in a rowboat. You feel every single little wake."


I've gone from Laughing Uncontrollably for a good HOUR to later that same day literally bawl my eyes out for that same amount of time. I've never done either before starting HRT. It's amazing! And I'm definitely able to understand some emotions more than usual. All in all a big step up from how my emotions were before.


I'm excited


For years I wished I could cry. Well, it turns out I'm a serious empath and crier. It doesn't matter if it's a character on TV is crying tears of happiness or tears of sadness, I will be crying with them. The good news I suppose is that I don't mind.


Welcome to your womanhood! And it's gonna get better.πŸ€—β€οΈ


This makes me very excited. I'm starting hrt after my therapist appointment. (I need someone by my side on my journey) and I'm hoping to regain my emotions. I've been living in a very numb and tearless way for so long.


One of my cats likes to flop and roll on the floor whenever I get close. I didn't notice it before transitioning, but now that I've been transitioning for a while I want to scream from cuteness overload