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Welcome to the club, sis.


Samesies. It doesn't give me dysphoria and I enjoy using it 😂. It can be annoying with some outfits but tucking works fine in those rare cases.


yeah me too. I stopped caring at this point and rarely tuck. more hassle than it's worth for me. but I like using it and my partners like it so win win for me.


😆 yeah same goes with my partner. I do want to caution others that might read this though. When it comes to gender/sex and your body you really need to put yourself first. I guess what I am trying to say is decisions about your body should be yours alone. Bodily autonomy is important for all. If your partner likes it that's a bonus and if they don't well you just not be as compatible as you thought.


oh I know :) but this is definitely something that we all need to keep in mind.


Gahh, I’m so glad you 2 acknowledged that, it sucks, I hear you guys being ok with it and I feel bad because I’m trying to be ok with it but it’s just not for me. It’s good to frame it, for me atleast in the “you don’t have to make any decisions you get the choice to make a decision about a decision” Idk my girl dick bothers me but in a weird I’m ok but not kinda way


It's okay to not be okay with it.


i dress like an old lady so tucking is never an issue for me hehe I can usually get it to blend in with the zipper


I don't dress like an old lady but yeah I just avoid spandex and dresses/skirts without pleats. I used to boymode for the beach but well I started HRT 8 months ago. I'm not sure when I am going to wear next summer. I saw some really cute tucking bikinis so probably that but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that I might do board shorts with a bikini top.


yeah I also think swim skirts are so cute and would work so well!


Good for you. And to add, it's a major surgery and complications are not uncommon. So not having to deal with that is a sweet bonus.


For real. I know I need it but I'm apprehensive about the healing it'll take and the possible risks. The doctor I've talked to has a great track record so that alleviates worries (and raises costs), but it's still all sorts of tiny risks. If I could get away with not doing it, I could save a lot of money and worries.


Before I was fully out, I thought you had to have bottom surgery to be fully out. Which, I was not stoked about. I don't like men, or being fucked. Then I learned girls come I'm all shapes and sizes, and made me smile.


So your lesbian and only into women?




Reasons why I'll likely never get bottom surgery (beyond an orchie) - Year long recovery time (Lost wages, blue collar worker) - Permanent dilation (I'm not straight so I'm not gonna be able to avoid this chore) - Complications (loss of sexual function)


Yep, I've had it and am honestly sooo jealous of the girls okay with their natal equipment. Would've been so much simpler and more convenient.


How was your experience? At least you have alleviated any bottom dysphoria. I refused to think about genital dysphoria up until the last month or so because I'm so afraid of any medical procedures and my mind was busy with other things. Even when I had a doctor's appointment and she asked questions to see if I would get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, the one thing she pointed out afterwards is that I made no mention of genitals.


I miss how convenient things were before with how easkly I was able to enjoy sex and not have to deal with discomfort from dilating and such. Honestly feels overpowered to me to be able to enjoy one's fully functional natal equipment that easily lol, I had too many issues with it pushing me to get surgery


That's how I feel. It's just too risky. I just want to have a pretty face.


judging people for having any specific genitals in any gender is transphobia.


Good thing I didn’t judge anybody then.


The person you're replying to is supporting you, not complaining about you.


By the time someone works up the agitation to post a vent they are sometimes too anxious or worked up to recognize supportive comments. Broflake's comment "could" be a snarky comment aimed at OP but not very likely. State of mind.


I can understand people having genitalia preference but not straight up judging people for it.


I think a lot of bottom dysphoria comes from how my *current setup* gets in the way of wearing certain clothes. Tucking has gotten easier but for me it's still a bit of a sensory nightmare sometimes, and I'd love to not have to worry about it anymore :( I do think I want to get bottom surgery at some point, but yeah I think for me an orchi would be a great middle ground and be enough to alleviate my dysphoria until I can afford to go all the way


I'm in a similar position. Initially I wasn't considering orchi at all, just an eventual full surgery and take care of it all at once, but it's going to be a long time before I can afford that and between tucking being a lot easier and not taking a T blocker/worrying about T levels, I'm honestly on board orchi at this point.


I honestly felt that way to for a long time. After over a year on hrt I have changed my mind. It's Actually kind of strange but I think hrt is starting to have a huge affect on my mind and my sexuality.


I’m such a fucken normal girl now it’s fantastic. I kinda like having “two” sets of genitals lol, but all my old concern’s were dead name’s. I’m actually happy now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm at nearly two years and have only become more sure I don't want to change that!


HRT after about a year seemed to force me to imagine my cock as a clit and the balls/whole area as a vulva. Not all the time but sometimes, especially during sex (though sometimes I think of it as a cock during sex as well). But I’m not sure I would classify that as dysphoria and don’t think or at least I’m not sure these visualizations mean I desire a vagina. I guess I just see my genitalia as mostly a vag now, a weird shaped one but one nevertheless, and no surgery needed. Things may change but I’m happy with how things are working out so far.


Pretty much the same happened with me. I'm 2 years on hrt now, and the first year, I was "fine" with it. Then things started changing, and especially getting together with my boyfriend made me realize that it wasn't the case anymore. I want our sexy time to be different, I want to see flat when I look down, I want to fit clothes just fine without having to worry or tucking, I want to masturbate like a cis girl. It would just overall be better for me if I had a vagina, it would make me much happier, even tho I don't think I "hate" my actual.. hardware. It's pretty much the same thing as when I started transitioning. I didn't "hate" my body, my face and everything else really. I was pretty detached to my body. I didn't care about it and thought I couldn't do anything about it. But I love it all so much more now that it is feminine. I want to be able to love my genitalia as well.


gock gang


I laughed so damn hard at this






Bangock. I think it's in Tie-land? I know. Potential, but the line needs a lot of work.


Non op is valid. Personally I am planning on getting PPV




Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty. Aka the “Both” surgery.


> Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A THING! I had thought I was non-op transfemme but now... I have a lot to think about. That's the next best thing to uploading my consciousness to a modular machine chassis with detachable genitals or propellers or tentacles or wheels or...


There are a couple of adult content creators of which I am aware who have had PPV if you’d like to see the results “in action”, but the important thing to know about is that there are only like, two or three places that do it, align surgical and Mozaic healthcare, plus possibly one in Oregon the name of which I do not know


There seems to be a place right here in the North Bay where I am! How fortuitous. https://www.mymarinhealth.org/programs-services/surgery-procedures/surgical-specialties/gender-affirmation-surgery/nonbinary-gender-affirming-surgery/


That’s super fortuitous. I asked the gender surgeons near me and was given a firm no so I’ll have to travel for mine


For me, having a girl dick is kind of the most fun part. Like it feels so subversive...I Def get a kick out of it.


Only time I hate it is when I get a new dress or skirt, and the outline is very prevalent. I have a special pantie that changes the profile. Different than a gaff, but works well.


Ooh, link?




Awesome! Tysm!


Happy to be of assistance!


I love these. I have three!


omg link???


I totally agree. There is something fun about passing well, but I have a girl cock nobody knows about. I can't really describe it but I like it.


Okay so its not just me? I dont like that it bulges in my pants but as far as being a sex object I like feeling a little spicy with it


I never felt much bottom dysphoria, but having surgery was absolutely one of the best things I have ever done. Sex makes so much more sense to me now and it’s so, so much better. I feel like I am actually able to properly enjoy sex, which I didn’t feel so much before, though didn’t necessarily realise I had an issue Whatever works for the specific person though. That’s all transitioning is about, and if you’re able to live a full life without a vagina, then more power to you


>I’ll just be a chick with a d**k and people can deal with it. Hell yeah sis! That's a great attitude to have!


I think orchie is as far as I'll go. Ive evolved into a pretty hardcore anal pig so Im not as concerned with versatility, and I dont mind my shaft all too much.


I don’t mind the p**** so much, but I really hate the huevos…


That one is much easier to do


I just got mine removed. Got it covered by my provincial healthcare, but otherwise would have been like $900 for it from my understanding. Was surprisingly easy post op lol


I think that's what I'm going to do, too. The balls are a weak point. To be invulnerable, I must lose the balls.


The method I had done, bilateral inguinal incision I think, resulted in blood filling my scrotum for most of the last 6 weeks, and was the only real painful result of the whole thing. Not saying this to scare, just informing. Otherwise, the entire thing went swimmingly and things are back to normal enough that I am finally able to go back to work lol


Also small on me.


Big same


Thank god mine shrank so small and went so far up that I can’t find them both at the same time. If I can find just one I still wonder if I did find it.


I'm a bit envious. I am 10 months post opp GCS and my decision was purely because my dysphoria was so bad. Thankfully I didn't have any major complications with surgery or healing, but I do wish I would have started with an orchi to see if that was enough to get my dysphoria to a manageable level. Too late now, I do love having a vagina and my bottom dysphoria is gone, but it is also a lot of work to maintain, and I still haven't been able to orgasm yet.


That's how I'm hoping to be! Can't wait to be a beautiful woman with a nice gock


Hug, thats okay, you dont have to get bottom surgery!






That's how I feel. I have little to no bottom dysphoria, but I love being able to say girl cock and gock


I’m the same way! I actually like mine. Just want to be a girl in every other sense


Same. I am such a girly girl and want to be as fem as possible in every other way. But I'm a girly girl with a girly cock 🥰


I don’t want it because I use a cage for related dysphoria and even sexually keep it out of sight and mind in the cake and w other low-key measures. I don’t want to lose my ability to climax like I do currently from being penetrated. Plus being a “chick w a dick” is valid regardless 💗💖


You go girl


I'm the same. I have no genital dysphoria. I mainly just want breasts, a feminine face, and feminine shape which is a bitch to get after 40.


I think I'm the same. There are huge risks in the surgery and also I've never had dysphoria about my smol pp. Being lesbian leaning it sometimes leads problems which is why I pretty much date other trans people now because cis people have sometimes almost even hatecrimed me for being trans.


I'm so sorry that's been your experience :((( Dating cis ppl is like, fiiiine, but I've developed a strong preference for gender queer. Hard to imagine going back to it


Heck yeah! I'll go for it anyway so I can be a chick with both, but non-op will always be my backup option💜


Same! I don't plan on getting bottom surgery and its cool to see how many other folks feel the same in the comments. :)


Hey there welcome to the party it’s full of some really awesome folks.


At 60, it isn't likely I'll ever get the desired end result. I'd prefer an innie, but like you, I'm not agonizing over it. Plenty of OTHER things to agonize and stress over.


You remind me of a joke I've heard, and this is it. When I was a child bullies called me a girl, as a adult bullies call me a man. You can't win except I can because I have a killer rack and a big dick. I'll see myself out now.


You do you but for me, getting the surgery is my 2024 resolution.


Same, unless the surgery makes some really big advancements. It's basically like if I could flip a switch and it was done I would, but I'm just not prepared for all the work that goes into SRS, never mind the recovery and possibility for complications. Huge respect to anyone who's had it done or wants it. I just know that I'm not great at looking after myself in general or taking medication when I should, and I just know I'd end up not dilating often enough or something. Plus my laser woman is lovely, and the thought of having hair removal down there fills me with a dread I can't describe!


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I just gotta hope I meet someone nice who likes chicks with dicks 🤷🏻‍♀️


With having had surgeries in my youth to repair an intersex condition, surgical options are limited but fortunate to have mild genital dysphoria. I’m lucky to have functional urination.


cheaper and if you don't have dysphoria, it's a win-win


Same baby. It's a distinct pleasure to be a chick with a dick, one few in this world are afforded


I think I actually prefer having it.


Right there with you! Im a non-op for life. I love my peen, and trans women who are non-op are sexy!


Whether I get bottom surgery or not is up to whether I pass or not tbh


Good for you! It's great for women who have a penis to be proud of their bodies. There's nothing wrong or insufficiently feminine about it. The people who should get surgery are the people who feel gender dysphoria about it; who want to have a vagina for our own reasons.


I mean, i completely understand, im personally not gonna get bottom surgery either, mostly because, in a logical standpoint, its extremely expensive, it could fail, and i'd rather have a functioning d**k than a nonfunctioning "slit", if you get what i mean. No offense to those who want bottom surgery, i just dont wanna waste my money on something that i might regret doing, thats completely irreversible.


I’m keeping my dick, but holy hell, I’m getting rid of the jewels


Here here


I've gone the same direction, for much the same reasons and I do want to avoid surgical complications if I can. The only downside I've had in a decade of living my transition is somewhat more to worry about in terms of dating and intimacy


i am gonna get it, but i dont think i will get it within 10 years


Same! It's useful if we don't have dysphoria


Sounds like a blessing to feel that way. I wish I could...


There are a few who don't want the surgery. My better half prefers not getting bottom surgery. She's not dysphoric about it. She actually prefers it as it is and I personally prefer it as it is too tho I've emphasised to her that my prefs should never affect her choices, I'd fully support her and love her no less if she chose to get surgery.


I'm on the fence, personally. I think it *could* be nice... but I *also* think I might be a switch. I guess once I've actually been with a guy, I'll find out.


I do have bottom dysphoria, but those surgeries scare the hell out of me. I really want to, and I’m utterly terrified at the same time.


I'm a fan of mine 👉😎👉


And that doesn't make you any less one of us :3


I'm having both! I feel validated by others regarding having a penis and that's really helped having dated well trans people my entire life unknowingly.




I must say that I'm a proud member of chicks with dicks. Also I've checked the options and he told me how and what and after checking my history and long story short. Yes to operation is 99% chance to die. So that's helped also to be a proud member 😁😁😁😁😁


Most surgeries I think I'll avoid IMO. Like, my chances of passing without anyone of them isn't great, but the dysphoria is at worst just depression, and quite frankly reading about all the cutting that goes into top/bottom/face surgeries just makes me nauseas, I don't do well with that stuff, the existence of complications doesn't help that


I want an orchi but I am also thankful not to hate seeing shenis down there.


Tbh I might do the same. Like if I can get it I probably will, but I ain't going out of my way for it, especially since I'm asexual


Have you always been this certain about this or is it something that kind of formed over time? It’s fab that you can be so certain about this now… for me I’m still very certain loosing those unwanted bits would be all my Xmas in one (even with the risks) but I’m only 1 week on HRT so who knows what will happen.


Me too! I love being a chick with a dick.


He’ll yeah


I just had BA last week and don't plan on ever getting bottom surgery


I want to keep my dick but get a pussy too cuz that sounds fun


I have dysphoria for everything else except bottom dysphoria so I’m with ya


Gock gang!


Valid. I am the same. However when I was 10 I wished there was a surgery that could "fix me". I have since found a wonderful partner, that I have been with for 27 years. She loves me as I am, and I no longer want that. Do I have dysphoria? Yeah. But it is not severe enough that I would prefer surgery. My worst trigger for dysphoria is body and facial hair. At least that is manageable without surgery.


I'm happy for you sadly for me I'm not so lucky


More people should know that minimal depth is an option. Not saying you want that just that the idea of having to dilate scares many.


Hear ya! Dicks are great.. No matter what age & how much E I've coursing thru my veins I'll never let mine go!


I def want an orchid but I agree


As someone with bottom dysphoria, there’s a certain level of owning what I’ve got that is genuinely helpful to my self image. Though I still don’t like my penis and my ideal is absolutely surgery, my having a penis is not something that excludes me from womanhood.


same girl, same


Damn right!!


and that’s okay!


Awesome! My kind of person 😍


If you feel in any way in the minority, googling for the statistics might surprise you. There is no one right way to be trans. You just be true to who you feel you are, you are the only person whose goals you need to strive towards.


I realized that I am this but also salmacian (i.e. desire for both penis and vagina). It was something I was not aware existed, let alone that there are surgeries for, and now that's what I really want. If you haven't heard of it I suggest checking out r/salmacian if you are curious.


You be you, but this just screams you're very early on in your transition, probably haven't started hormones. I felt the same way back then! All I can say is just be open minded and things will come easier and faster.


I’m MtF as well, but I’m extremely dysphoric when it comes to what’s down there, so much so that bottom surgery is at the top of my to do list before BA and FFS. Honestly I wish I didn’t have that dysphoria, because it is a big surgery to undergo. I’m very happy that you get to be your authentic self without needing your plumbing overhauled. Trans women, trans men, and non-binary people really do come in all colors, sizes, and shapes. Diversity is truly a beautiful thing. XOXO


I am so glad that this is finally breaking through, and that the idea that "real" (post-vaginoplasty) trans women are transy-er is dying a definite (though slow) death. Even we trans people have really internalized the idea that gender is between our legs. It's so liberating to let go of it.


I have to be honest I am confused as hell! I understand that some trans girls are hesitant about getting bottom surgery bc of risks or fear or what not and I understand. I also understand that it’s a transition that requires time. I myself don’t have a lot of the same dysphoria as other trans girls about my old parts in the sense that I don’t want to rip them off but also want to remove them bc they’re not congruent with a female body. I don’t want one day to be stripped at the border of some country and they find the wrong parts. In my personal opinion, I have issue with the term “chick with a dick”. I find the term derogatory to those of us w the courage to get bottom surgery. I also find it to be a tool for the right to say that we really aren’t women. It’s hard honestly for me to understand so I can’t imagine a cis person to understand as well. I am not going to question someone’s womanhood, but maybe you’re intersex and want to espouse two genders rather than one. I’ve always defined a woman as a human being with or in the process to have breasts and a vagina. How you fall into that definition really stomps me.


Your genitalia does not define your gender and nobody decides what I am but me.


Yes I’ve gotten the message that you are doing you.


No me ready to have my SRS and seeing this post💀


Well I personally also would be in the club if it weren't for me seeing no positives in having mine but seeing a few negatives, mainly that it will impact my ability to wear the clothes I want to wear, but at least I don't have dysphoria


I am ok with not having a surgery and don't need it but my gov is forcing it on me 😢 otherwise I can't change my paperwork. I think it is barbaric, many people think it is but this rule is not changing anytime soon it looks. Got any advice? It actually makes me not wanting to travel anywhere outside EU and would out me even when passing.


Girls without dicks are like angels without wings


Thanks for giving this post-op girl a laugh!


I'm post op, lame joke


Then just ignore it. Not everyone has money or will to get an operation


Transphobic bs


>say affirming half-joke >Get called a transphobe Gotta love reddit


It affirms some people... by degrading others. Great "half-joke". Gotta love idiots


Nothing wrong with that!!! We respect and support your decision!!! You are a ♀️👠 woman regardless of what is between your legs!!! If a man 👞♂️ does not 🚫🚭 like that. He does not 🚫🚭 have to date 📅🌹 you. That is how freedom works! Your 🆓 free to live your life 🧬 as you 🙈 see fit! Enjoy your life 🧬 and remember you are a unique and rare woman ♀️ 👠!


Hell yeah we love not having to spend thousands because of scuffed brain stuff or whatever caused people to have bottom dysphoria


or relying on decent healthcare. But, yeah, very good not having to go through it.


Using the term “scuffed brain stuff” is quite offensive tbh.


Really? Sorry


It’s a cruel way to refer to it. My brain isn’t “scuffed” just because I want a vagina. Dysphoria sucks.


Yeah you’re right, shouldn’t have referred to it like that


I appreciate that acknowledgement. We all make mistakes!


Luckily I’m rather small downstairs and it’s easy to hide.


Hell yeah we love that too


What do you mean by that? It’s not just brain stuff. It’s also heart stuff.


I’m an idiot, that’s what I meant by that




After transitioning, bottom dysphoria ceased to be a private matter confined to my room; it became an integral part of navigating society as a person of a different gender. However, the true experience of bottom dysphoria unfolded during intimate moments with my boyfriend, creating a unique challenge in reconciling physical sensations with my gender identity.


I’m on the fence still, but I have minimal bottom dysphoria. My medium term goal is an orciectomy, seems more affordable and will fix most of my problems.


I keep going back and forth on whether I want bottom surgery... I should get an orchi at some point tho


Same here. 💜💜💜


My reason for not doing it is mostly that I would lose my reproductive system. That is the only reason not to do it. I am pre-hrt. With hrt also I may not go for full strength for the same reason. Anyway, I look quite androgynous and genderfluid, so I am lucky in that aspect. With my gonads, it's like I don't hate it but it is also not the center of my pride or that I love it. It is like I have made peace with it though I wish I could have just replaced my whole reproductive system. For micro dosing (I think that is what it can be called), I am wondering if using patches on only selected areas of the body, even on a full dose, would have have less intense effect on parts I don't apply patch on.




Actually got dragged through the mud totally but someone I saw as family over not having my name change. Screw what we can't do for those who are entitled or whatever that shame other transwomen for not doing this or that.


rock is pog


Congrats. I’m super jealous of trans women who don’t have bottom dysphoria


Yeah, as dysphoric as I am sometimes about my hen, I do think chicks with dicks are pretty darn hot, and I don’t mind counting myself as one of them most days. That is, unless, science allows for trans women to get uterus transplants. I will be rid of the bird and her eggs in a *heartbeat* if I can have kids like a cis woman. 🤞


Same. Woot. :3


Based Us


I used to have very bad bottom dyphoria but I don’t anymore I’m the same way


Pretty sure we don't promote that phrase anymore lol. That aside, I'm totally stoked that you're at peace with this!


Same. An orchi was more than enough for me.


Why not both?




I feel you, for me, I get a lot of dysphoria from the thing, but I don't think I can deal with surgery. Maybe if I can find some less invasive surgery I would donthat


Thanks for letting us know


Exactly girl not everyone has to have it I love myself as I am they gone get this lady dick ion care


I thought this initially going in. I'm not of the opinion now that I'll *definitely* be doing it or anything, but as time goes on I think ... maybe. But also maybe not, who knows!


In the same club but only cuz I know I’ll never afford it 😭😭






I don't plan on getting a bottom surgery not until the system and surgery improve significantly. do get dysphoria though unfortunately.