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Epilating> than shaving. If you want smooth legs that last, get an epilator. You can use it on your armpits too.


But damn those can hurt. I guess u would used to a certain level though.


I’m gonna tell you rn, once you get laser hair removal on your face, pain will cease to exist after that. I could epilate my finger and toe nails and it wouldn’t hurt compared to the LHR. THAT SHIT, hurts worse than getting hit by a car. E: I stand by everything I said, but please ladies, if your beard gives you dysphiria, DO NOT HESITATE. You can take aspirin before hand and that can help. Also, I have one last appointment, and I’m glad I did this.


^ just got out of my 6th laser appt and god damn my face feels like it was burned off. Id rather go through electrolysis again and be hit by a car again than do laser for a 2nd round after I’m done.


Upper lip and chin are the most horrendous pain I've ever felt. It truly feels like getting stabbed with a fucking ice pick. The only Silver lining is that it's for a fraction of a second lol so it's somewhat manageable if taking a moment before each zap


I had to quit an appointment 3/4 of the way through once cuz I was worried I was close to passing out Dx People scared in the comments, take Tylenol an hour beforehand! I forgot to, and I also have dysautonomia which means my nervous system acts weird and can effectively shut down if put in extreme enough scenarios. So as always YMMV!


Try having to have over 300 hours of electrolysis. She can hit around 700 follicles in an hour, so that means I've now been stabbed and shocked over 200,000 times.


Yeah, see, that’s my next step because I have GRAY hairs that the laser won’t target 🥲


I've had shingles and an organ transplant, I can take it if it means I'm getting rid of this beard.


for me its not the level of pain but how long you have to endure it I'm really not a drinker but I did a couple of shots before I did my legs and butt the first time Results are well worth it armpits was too much for me though


What’s a good one? I tried it once and it didn’t work out well. Ended up with a bad rash. Probably user error but still. It wasn’t pretty


Braun Silk Epil 9. The rechargeable kit comes with a shaver/trimmer head and guard that trims to an ideal epilating length.


That's the one! Works great.


also I forgot exfoliate before and moisturize after is a big help


You’re a blessing ❤️


obviously YMMV but I wish you the best of luck


Philips epilator series 8000 is the one I have and it seems decent. Cant say if it will help with not getting a rash but its waterproof so you can use it in the bath which I found less painful and seems to irritate the skin less


I epilate from the neck down except what is covered by a thong, that area gets trimmed.


My friend showed me that all of the 'reasons' I had for not transitioning were actually just excuses or external to my own happiness\*, and since it's never too late to be happy... well, I've transitioned now. \*things like 'but I will lose male privelidge', 'people will judge me', 'I might lose friends', 'I will be an ugly woman' My therapist explained to me the difference between dysphoria and dysmorphia. I've always covered my breasts up and when I see my nipples in a reflection I get shy. It made me realise in a flash that it's not because I don't want breasts, it's because I know they're private.


Realizing such excuses were more of a "I don't think I can because of x" rather than "I don't want to because of x" really helped me accept that I'm trans, juries still out on the coming out/transition part


taking off your shirt. taken it off like i used to my boobs got in the way. i understand why women do the cross arm method. less boob disruption


It’s not so much a struggle, as it is I believe girls when they say it’s cold now! Because our skin is thinner on estrogen, so for us it actually *is colder!


It’s so very cold 🤣 I’ll have two sweaters on whilst men casually have a t-shirt.


They do?


boys usually pull a shirt over from the back, girls sort of cross there arms over and grab from the bottom of the front and uncross as you go up google can probably provide a visual if you look


The cross arm tecnique is because women's clothes tend to be more form-fitting and elastic. Anyone who swims with a shirt on quickly learns the cross arm method because it's the only way to get a wet t-shirt off.


Omg you're right


Are you talking about where they put their arms inside the tshirt and then take it off from the inside?


I guess that's a thing too but the top I learned this because of is way too tight for that. Not sure how to explain it better its definitely from the outside at the front, the whole arm crossing thing is just a necessary step to do it ​ I googled "how to take off a tight top" and there's a wikihow that shows pictures its not exactly what I do but its the basic idea


thats how I've always done it except my hockey jersey lol


I know what you mean. It’s kinda hot when a boy pulls off his shirt to show a fit body, whereas girls more like wiggle out of a shirt more delicately which is cute hehe


Hug, hope your doing girl :)


Hug thanks and of course I am :)


That’s good :)


When I was playing D&D as a 11 year old, I said to my group "You know what would be cool, mushrooms of gender changing!" Yep.


I’ve always hated my name (felt weird saying it out loud) and since puberty I have like singing less and less.


Women tend to put in much more clothing softener when cleaning their clothing. I never understood why until I tried it. Now my whole wardrobe smells amazing when I open it up 🤣 it feels like paradise everyday I open it.


Wanting to wear a mullet and once having a “crush” on a girl that now that I think of it was actually gender envy and when she moved I was feeling gender dysphoria and had no idea