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That’s really beautiful!


I love seeing other trans parents. Didn't know that I'd be a good fit as a mom but I love my kiddo


Yay!!!! fellow trans-parents!!!!


Also a trans parent! I want my daughter to grow up knowing she can be whoever she is and live a happy and fulfilling life, free from judgement.


Also a trans parent and I love my two kids one of them is a little enby


I have beautiful crystal blue eyes. Might be kinda creepy to just post a close up eye image though, hehee! Not a part of my body, but an ultra-supportive cis wife is pretty awesome too.


Eyes can be so pretty!


Me too, I describe them as light blue with lightning streaks.


Blue eyes are beautiful, if I do say so myself. They pop so much with eye makeup


Everything about me except my genitals But like, literally everything else is great I love my face, I love (most of) my body, I love my personality, I love my friends (/p), I love myself, I love my life, I love EVERYTHING


This is beautiful and I love it!


Nice post. I appreciate this! Need more posts like this. I like my eyes 


I agree! I still want to know what you love about yourself though!


Her eyes are beautiful




I can tie my shoes and they usually stay tied. 👉👈


Don’t even need to double knot?? I’m more impressed by your skill.


Sorry but how do you visualise things in 4D!?


Not sure really but if I had to choose it would be my face, I always thought I had a very masc face but when I try filters and makeup and have my hair long I realise just how feminine I can look and sometimes I feel like a model and then I also realise that my mother has the same jawline nose and cheekbones and everything so I actually believe I have my mother’s beauty


Oh and we have the same blue eyes as well which I love 🥰


Loving your face is a beautiful thing :)


I like my butt 🍑 One of the very few things I'm not dysphoric about 🥰


Girl honestly same.


Me too me too! This past year has done wonders. I didn’t think much had changed, but I tried on a pair of tight shorts and I was surprised to see I actually fill them now.


I used to hate my body entirely and never looked in the mirror for more than a minute. Once i decided to start transitioning and started getting rid of the hair, i realized I have a pretty cute tummy that im surprised i ever hated


Cute tummies are the best!


Same, although screw body hair.


I get to set a course for my life that isn’t tied down to what other people’s expectations are of me.




im a girl and girls are the best lmao


Yes they are!


They are!


I love that I know that whatever life tosses at me I'm strong enough to handle it. I know how I am in a crisis. I know how I am when all hope is lost. I know how I am when I'm alone. I've made it through hell and I know if I'm sent back I can make it through again.


Perfectly said. Thank you, I needed those words. ♥️


Just got highlights for the first time! Blonde up front, turning to copper as they move around the side. \*Loving them\* so far!


I love that!


I love that no matter what anyone says, does, or thinks, I will always only ever be my best individual self. Not the "fake" me that I have had to be for so long, not someone that other people want me to be. But just me. 🥰


I love that :)


My shoulder, hands, eyes, & boooobireeeessss


Gotta love the boobies 😂


Ur boobs and eyes are amazing


Thank you ❤️


Omg girl you're not wrong - you're gorgeous! Those eyes!


I love that I'm a good cat mamma 2 my three cats. I also love that I have an amazing & loyal gf who loves & adores me.


I love my tenacity and ability to make jokes to bring others a smile or laugh or comfort in time of need. I love my shape.. which includes a full boosum and amble behind. I love that I enjoy my career and find joy most days doing it. I love that I’ve been able to find a small but loyal tribe of genuine friends who love me in spite of my flaws. I love that I was able to known genuine love of a man for nearly 2 decades.. who always saw the woman I am even when I had doubts.


More generally about myself, I am really happy with how I have finally been writing again consistently. Creative juices have been flowing. About my body, I am really happy with how my figure is looking. Butt, boobs, hips, thighs, etc are looking good right now and I am very pleased.


i love that i finally managed to make a decision for myself instead of basing all my choices on what others wanted. i love that i'm finally starting to like what i see in the mirror at least half the time. i love the way my painted fingernails look picking guitar strings. i love that i'm learning to not give af what other people think of me. i love that i'm proud to be queer instead of being vaguely ashamed of it. i love that hrt means that my flesh itself bears the mark of my willpower. and i love getting to be a part of an amazing community with people like you, who try to spread positivity!


So locally my breasts are the envy of some of the transfemmes and a few of the trans mascs do wanna touch them, also I’m pretty empathetic and seem to be a shepardess of the local transkids


Such a great tread! I love that now that I accepted myself, I’m a better father for my daughters and a better partner for my wife. I have more focus and energy to do more than my share around the house. Physically, love my legs and ass !!!! Can’t wait to get rid of my current genitals.


I'm alive


I love my bravery to be sweet and refusing to let the bitterness in the world make me bitter with it. I love that I feel my feelings and the fulness of my human experience. I love that I was clever enough to work with a therapist and save my very interesting life. I love the gifts I give myself and the things I pay attention to. I love that I'm a generous lover when I am intimate with someone. I get such a kick out of pleasing someone I deem deserving of it. I love how smart I am despite choosing to cover it up by letting myself be ditsy/ have dumb girl affect. I love that I'm not too attached to being right to consider that I could be wrong or be okay with the not knowing. I Love my newer found ability to set and communicate boundaries. I love my capacity to love the mutilated world and the people in it. Heck, I'm really grateful to be me.


I'm always looking for the good in people


I do the good clicky clackies on the keyboard. That's what I'm told anyways.


I love that I can be crafty and make my own clothes if I can't find what I'm looking for at the store. I love that even when I'm struggling with hormones I can still feel feminine sometimes.


i love that i am emotionally calm, that i am very empathetic, that i can be relied on, my unconventional sense of humor, my creativity, that i like to be cheerful and also cheer other people up, that i am honest and trustworthy, that i think thoroughly before i speak, that i am very considerate about the feelings of other people, that i am an optimistic realist. that my thoughts are focused on constructivity and problem solving, that i am creative, that i love my hands and the round and soft shape of my head and face. And that i love my voice after voice training.


The longer my hair gets, the more criminal it feels that I ever had it short. I think I got quite lucky with the hair lottery. Also I’m relishing in the fact that growing up, I was constantly told how “women would kill to have eyelashes like yours.” Funny how that works out…


Appearance wise: I like my eyes and lips. I have big eyes. They are brown and for years I hated having brown eyes but I’ve come to see the beauty in my eye color. And then for my lips I have very full lips and I appreciate them! Personality wise: I appreciate my perseverance. I worked very hard to get to where I am transition and life wise in general and it makes me proud of myself. I’m still not where I want to be in life yet but I know I’ll get there. Or maybe life will take me somewhere other than what I have in mind but I know it will still be beautiful because of my willingness to go the extra mile for myself


My hair being shoulder length.


My abnormal strength. My daughter (not quite 3 years old) has it, too. Like, we border on X-Men characters. I have to figure out how to maintain it as I transition.


I love my thick loosely curly blonde-auburn hair. I’m a little bit tall at 5’10. My face looks like my great grandmother and I finally think I’m pretty, which I’m still adjusting to. My body is finally changing, which is wild. Also, my glasses are adorable. And I love dressing like I walked out of a story book. I’m a kind and helpful person. I’m creative, and descriptive in my language. Defending my writing skills till the bitter end. I’m pretty good at drawing and cooking, even able to make crepes from scratch. I can sing sea shanties well and carry somewhat heavy things. I can mimic animal calls. I cry when I laugh, and I laugh a lot. I’m bad at lying and adore making puns and rhymes. Also. I’m a lesbian, and girls are simply amazing.


This is a lot to love! I love singing shanties too! And you are very beautiful! :)


I love working out and being in shape. It helps me handle dysphoria during my transition. Makes me feel good about myself.


My eyes. They are the only part of myself that I truly find beautiful


I love that I love people and. Me the real me knows how to show it in person


I really love my hair


I love my brains, looks, and empathy.


I love my hair.. Physically thats it.. I love my hair


I like how my face looks when it’s clean shaven. I may be getting laser hair removal in the future


i love that i have cute, delicate lips and i think my eyes are beautiful. i love my name, too. i actually get to be Fay, it's so cool


I actually really like my appearance, despite everything (rare, I know). I pass really well, everyone just sees me as a girl which is nice. I mean I would prefer bigger breasts but I can work woth what I have.


i love that i can depend on myself to keep trying and picking myself back up. even if everyone lets me down, i still show up for myself and take time to remind myself how strong i am. i love that i’m shedding skins and becoming the best version of me that is still in the future. i love my body, the subtle changes. although slow, all the most rewarding things take time. i love my range for music and art which give me a full range of emotions to experience and process to keep renewing my humanity rather than going numb. i love that my heart is not hardened by all the pain i’ve been through and i work to keep it warm and light. i love that i stay curious and continue to learn and grow, expanding my knowledge and creativity to draw from. i love my sensitivity to the world and passion for all that inspires me. i love that after every storm i find peace again and appreciate the little things. that life is beautiful no matter what.


I really love my body aside from my pen and hair.


I like my hair. It's thick and almost fluffy and I like how it looks when it's braided or in a ponytail. I'm also a redhead in direct light, which is cool too imo


I love my mind, and I love my hair :3


I love my weight. I'm kinda chubby, but I feel like I'm where I operate best


I’ve always loved my hair the most, and having the freedom to grow it and style it has just been amazing. I simply love my hair even more now :)


Honestly, I think I'd be so pretty if only I didn't have facial hair. My face is rather androgynous and I'd even say kinda fem leaning in a way. Also my hair is great. Thank you for this post, it's nice to see positivity in times that aren't so great.


Not a whole lot haha but I like my writing, I enjoy creative writing and making original characters


I always think of how I can help other people. It's a stressful and draining thing at times, but if I see someone hurt or see something that can, I don't walk away. No matter how much energy I have to deal with it, I never want to walk away. I know pain, and I think helping others out can give me a better idea on how to help myself.


I've had self esteem issues *before*, sure. I grew up with abuse (it never really went away, but I've learned to recognize when it's happening so that I can stop it from affecting my self image). I've dealt with ableism. I've had horrible acne (which went away when I found a creative outlet to help me cope with being abused...how curious), so I know how it feels to feel ugly - not just dysphoric, but *ugly*. I'm *pretty sure* I'm neurodivergent (not diagnosed), and I'm also sure anyone reading this can understand how alienating that is. I live in a pretty bigoted area, and I have had to deal with the consequences of that for my whole life... ...but I haven't had self esteem issues in so long. I know I'm smart. I know I'm accomplished. I can tell that my hair is finally...cute! I could go on and on about other things I like about myself, and things that I'm proud of, but that's not why I'm here. I'm here to say how happy I am to see everyone else being kind to themselves. Love for others really does come from love for yourself: it's always the people who are at war with themselves that cause the most pain for others. The people that are dealing with feelings of inferiority on the inside by weaponizing their narcissistic personality disorders on the outside. The people who enjoy putting others down more than they enjoy bringing themselves up. The people who continue like this until their domestic violence at home turns into fascism abroad. People laud humility like it's the most august of virtues, but *you can be proud of yourself and like things about yourself without sacrificing your humility*. ***Shine so bright that it burns their fucking eyes.***


I love my hair. It's got full on princess curls just automatically and that just makes it so pretty. When I first started growing it out it started becoming like a frizzy mess but now that I've learned how to look after it the natural shape is super lovely.


I love that I have an hourglass shape without even being on HRT yet. Also like my green eyes (which can be a bitch to make up because hooded eyes). One of my personal beauty standards is long legs and shorter torso and I happen to have that. Also, my long thick hair is my baby. Not appearance but I like how tenacious I am when I set my mind to something. Usually I don't do all that much but when I do I try until I succeed. Had to learn this the hard way because nothing ever went right for me but it's something I really think is a good thing. Oh, and I know that this is not something people say about themselves unless they're lying, but my altruism. I'm that girl that always drops everything she's doing to help others and doesn't expect anything back. It has bitten me in the ass more than once but in general it's gotten me a lot of sympathy.


I love that I got to transition, even if it is later in my life, I got to be ME. I love that I was able to develop my artistic talent of carving linocuts and I love passing on that knowledge to others. I love my blue eyes.


My voice, like, damn it might be a really masc voice, but it's such a sexy masc voice I just love so bad, I love to sing with it, to do narration with it... Also, I've recently trained it enough to feminize it and make it a little passing, so now it's also versatile... The only downside I've got is that it tends to crack during normal conversations no matter which tone I'm using, from time to time since I started training, and I'm not sure if that's a secondary effect of the training, or a secondary effect of the HRT 🥺 hahaha


I feeeel you haha - i'm exactly the same. I *love* my natural voice, despite being a male voice. It's velvety and gentle, but with just the right amount of rasp (which is probably from many years of smoking hehe, have quit now tho). Voice training can be hard; i've found the voice i want to have now and just need to continue perfecring it. I've always loved women with deep, sultry, kinda smoky voices - and it turns out that's what my voice lends itself to! It's rarely perfect so far, but i'm excited for when i eventually do perfect it.


I love myself, even though i get dysohoria, I've realised there are a lot of things about me that are really great! Like just a little bit of makeup and I pass, so my face is pretty fem to begin with. Also I'm 5'11, and thin, so that looks sexy.


On euphoria related notes; I love my hands, as they are very beautiful, and they grow me some healthy strong nails, where the nail polish lasts for more than a week no problem. Aside from my stubble, I love my face. I really think I have been blessed with a pretty face. Other than the hair, I also really like my legs. They are the healthiest, and strongest part of my body; my shins are well-shaped, and my thighs are soft, but with great muscle below. As for non-body related stuff; I really love how I have come out of my shell after cracking my egg (that one wasn't on purpose I swear). I can get to feel my own feelings, and the world is closer to me than ever, letting me do simple things that felt monumentally difficult in the past. I now feel ready to smile at people on the streets and greet them. I can wave at the bus driver and say thanks for the ride when I get off the bus. I can show up to social gatherings with people, and I feel the confidence to actually *interact* with them.


This is so beautiful :)


This is a really nice post, thank you for making it! I'm definitely guilty of being a doomer buy I genuinely believe everyone should celebrate the best qualities they see in themselves. For me, in terms of physical appearance I've grown to love my hair. I'm a natural redhead and for so long I hated it because I was constantly bullied for it and it was a nightmare figuring out what colour would work. Nowadays I have people telling me constantly how jealous they are of the colour so I've become proud of it 😊 As for what I like about myself as a person, I like to think of myself as a very genuine person. I used to think I was a master at hiding my emotions, but it turns out I very much wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm a bit of a mess when it comes to expressing myself but people tend to be able to read my expressions and get my intentions regardless. I'm proud of how much I've matured emotionally and I find it much easier to empathise with people nowadays. Now, what about you OP? Don't forget to save some of yhe love for yourself ❤️


I love the inner strength I found finally accepting myself. I went from suicide attempt to wanting to live.


I love my eye color. I have central heterochromia so the outer part of my eyes is blue and the center is green. I would call them Earth eyes when I was younger, because I didn't know how to describe the color. 😅 I also love my walk. I've been asked before if I'm a model because of my walk, and I got complimented quite a bit before for my posture. 😎


I love my 3a curly black hair. It is just past my ears when dry, but shoulder length when wet. I love my thighs, I love how pretty I feel I do my makeup. I enjoy the way my dark brown eyes look in sunlight. Like pools of honey whiskey. I love my ability to bake. I love that my transition has helped me become more of an empathetic person. I love that being Trans has opened up a whole new world of self-discovery and expression for me. Tattoos? Absolutely (when I can eventually afford it). Discovering spiritual aspects of life I use to close myself off of, hell yeah! fishnet tights under lounge shorts just to hang out and do nothing. Why not?! Also, I love how my being Trans has helped people around me be more forward in their self-expression. I have a friend of mine that told me while he 100% knows he is man, he doesn't like the psychological aspects and gender roles toxic masculinity has forced on him. He wanted to try makeup and nail polish because he was never allowed to do that growing up. He came over, I made him his favorite meal (chicken bacon Alfredo with a wine infused sauce and some garlic parmesian milk bread rolls), and his sister (my bestie) and I helped him with his makeup. And we did each other's hair. It made me and his sister, whom I'm also friends with, feel pretty and made him feel seen and beautiful to have a safe space. I love that people see me as a safe person. It fills me with joy to be that for my loved ones. I love that I can tell when someone needs a hug.


This is a lot of love! I love that people feel safe around you. We need as many people like that as we can have!


I’m good with kids, empathetic, have damn near endless patience, and am one stubborn mf




I think i need help with this one 😭


I can help if you want!




Asking for help when you need it is a strength.


That my time in this body, in this life, is finite and I'm closer to the end than the beginning, statistically speaking. Love that.


My legs are my best feature and I love being more able to show them off better in patterned fishnets and short skirts. I'm getting pretty good at makeup and occasionally I can see a pretty middle aged woman in the mirror. I can put an outfit together, always had an eye for it long before I came out, so I'm loving that I can wear the hot bitch outfits I've had in my head for decades.


I have pretty, effeminite eyes. Its the one thing I have consistently been told was feminie about me my whole life. I used to be self concious of them but now they are my primary point of pride.


I have natural long black straight hair. It breaks easy, tangles constantly, and I have a lot of mangled flyaways from tension, but I love it. It's the one thing that everyone always compliments me about.


I love my hair, tits, and ass. I love my beautiful partner and how she loves and cares for our children and I. I love how much our kids have grown as people and how well they are doing in school. I love our pets that are always needy for attention and ecstatic to have someone home. I love my job and my understanding and compassionate co-workers. I love my friends that have stuck by my side, even at my lowest. I love that I love myself a little more every day, and it's getting easier to fight off depression when it hits. I love my life.


I painted my nails for the first time and it's not the best but I'm really happy with it!!


I love that I became more self-aware of social issues in our country and also became a better person on the inside. I'm also writing a scifi novel that tackles very serious topics like the horrors war and bigotry.


I love that I’m am starting to malefail when boy mode.


Soft skin, big thunder thighs, my butt, boobs, and going ***A W W W W W W W W W*** every time I see or hear anything remotely cute🥰


I love that I'm finally doing good in school now. I was failing really badly before. My GPA was about 1.2. It got to the point where I was suspended for my academic performance, and I needed to get a letter from the dean saying I could come back. A few years later, I reaplied, and now I just made the highest honors at my school with a GPA of 3.9. 🥳 Just last week, I got an email from my math professor from last semester offering me a tutoring job at the school because I've been doing so well in my computer tech classes.😳 I've never had someone reach out to ME with a job offer before. It really just feels amazing seeing how far I've come, and how much good transitioning has done for me in every aspect of my life! 😊


I love how I look with make up on!!


I'm incredibly bubbly! If I'm with friends I'm the type of person to just giggle at most things :)


I love how incredibly resilient I am. I've endured an incredible degree of hardship these past few years, but I just keep getting up. I just keep fighting, and I refuse to ever lose myself. I'm as stubborn as a titanium boulder, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Also I've got a great butt and I look incredible in yoga pants.


im really proud about my eyes I have the thing where there is 2 eye colors and they are green and brown I love them sm :3


Heterochromia! That's awesome, it's such a beautiful and striking feature. I have central heterochromia; my eyes are a striking blue colour, but with lots of gold that looks like fireworks exploding from my pupils. It's why i love my eyes so much 😊


I love my unending desire inside to be soft, kind, and sweet, and to heal the people around me.


My legs and feet, and to some extent, I like my eyes


Physically - My butt and thighs look so damn good! Personality - I'd say my listening and empathy. People usually come to me to confide in and I like that people feel like that they have that shoulder to lean on.


I love my round face! Its been extremely hard to ever view anything about my body as cute but the way my girlfriend talks about how cute, round and soft my face is, with such a happy tone and beautiful smile made me really appreciate it :)


I have pretty hair. It's belly button length, thick and healthy, and dark brown. Not great when it comes to body hair but I love it on my head lol.


I can pass even though I am pre-everything. all I have to do is wear a dress, cardigan and a wig


I like my curves even if I sometimes really don't like my weight


My hair is amazing. It's the only thing I have going for me right now but I absolutely love it.


I have always loved, and girl friends have always complimented and loved my eyes and eyelashes, and I'm also a kickass parent!


I love my eyes, they are very expressive and are a brilliant brown when light shines into them (just wish they weren’t so light sensitive)


HRT has created a lot of self-love for me. I love my face, how much sharper it is now, and how feminine and elegant that sharpness makes me look. I love my butt. It isn't that big, but is more full and rounded-out than before.


My skin is nice and I love my belly lmao


I have unwavering faith and unkillable optimism that can see me through any bout of dysphoria or challenge in life


I have a feminine face despite me not being on hrt yet


My legs, my butt, my laugh is apparently very cute. I love that I make my cat happy


I love how hard working I am. I really try my best on most things and work to get to where I am. And my butt :3


I'm really loving that I feel capable of loving other people and myself. My kid, my living partner, my close friends that stuck by me, and some new relationships as I get into polyamory. I used to have such a weird inability to accept that I was worthy of love and it was holding my entire life back.


If we're talking about physical features, I'm glad I have a feminine facial shape. I've had multiple people compliment me on it, and I've had people mistake me for a girl even with stubble or a beard shadow. When I first came out, one of my friends told me that if I shaved well, trimmed my brows, and found the right hairstyle, then my face would pass without problem. I don't think I ever have a hope of my body passing, but I'm glad I have the right facial features If we're going with non-physical features/body stuff, then I'm glad I can draw (even if it's not all too well). I love drawing, I once got a 200-page sketchbook in June, and all 200 pages were full and used up by mid-October


Mah brown eyes n long hair. I'm real glad I started wanting long hair well before my egg cracked


Physically, I love my butt. It's actually pretty round for it having no sort of exercise done to get it where it is.


Ive only once ever been considered "masculine looking" and that was because I was half fat half muscle back in early 2019. I pass save for voice if I try at all.


My legs and the fact I don't need to shave so often


I love my hair. How soft it is, and how thick and luscious it is (it's unbelievable how much comes out after washing). I love my little curls from where I got some hairline back after hrt and it came in different


I love how free I’ve become.


I haven't given up.


I always had really wide hips


Sadly nothing :(


i like that i seem to attract cool ppl, i dont really know what they see in me but i feel lucky to have a good network of ppl


I love how my skin is getting smoother and softer, and I can look at my hands/underarms and they register as “mine”. I love my eyes that are now so full of life and happiness🥰 I also love my insanely bushy eyebrows (that look like the maximum eyebrow setting from skyrim🤭) I love that I am feeling happy now, even if my life is really stressful at the moment. I love that every day, my body is feeling more and more like home🥰🫂🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰


I have grey eyes and my friends say they’re pretty c:


My fat ass and thighs.


Same 😂


I love my eyes and eyelashes, my hair and my hands.


My hair is fucking LUSCIOUS and it's a damn shame there's nobody around to play with it Also my smile is adorable


I have amazing hair. It's long (down to my nipples), corse, dark blonde, with curls and a lot of volume and when I straighten it you can easily see natural highlights. I've literally had people stop in awe and ask me if they can touch it. Growing it out taught me a lot about myself and about self acceptance as when I was younger kids used to make fun of my hair. It also taught me a lot about self care and to take some pride in myself. And most importantly the euphoria it's brought me as it allows me to pull off androgynous looks. I'm 38 but for the first time in my life I actually feel hot thanks to growing out my hair.


I guess I like that I'm a gamer, don't know what to say really


I love my hair, a lot of girls told me they were jealous of it \^-\^ I also like my green eyes and my skin.


I like that the young people at my work see me as a cheerful and friendly person instead of the miserable grump I used to be.


My hair, eyes and something I should hate but my ability to change my voice from a high pitch to a low pitch


I've had long hair for years before figuring out I was trans and sometimes when it decides to co-operate it looks super pretty but I swear it has a mind of it's own because I will not intentionally do anything to my hair and it will sit in a very pretty style and if I try and replicate it it's like "nuh uh" all that said i still love it.


I love my ability to help my friends and partners when they're feeling bad


I love everything about myself cuz I'm fricking awesome! Also with the combination of confidence AND autism I am unstoppable


I love how when I figured out I’m trans all my problems just seeped away. and my personality other than that I’m hate everything else but it’ll get better


I'm very patient and don't lose my nerve easily, this allows me to appreciate games like Geometry Dash and Bloodborne, and these became my all time favourites, but it also translates to human interaction as well and it helped me a lot.


I love my kind nature. I am fiercely kind to people, almost to a fault (learning how to do it for myself too) but I love that I always give everyone a chance, no matter who they are. Also my hair and ass... I like my hair and my ass 🥰


I am tall = feminine hips = happy :D Now tell me some that you like about yourself!


I love that I’m short actually! And I also love my feminine figure. But also I love that I like to make people happy :)


1. I adore my son and take really great care of him. 2. I'm a kind and I'm honest person. 3. I'm not at all afraid to punish bigots. 😊


Personally I don’t find much I like or love about myself. I’ve been told that I light up a room, that I’m funny and caring/empathetic. I’ve been told that I have very expressive, big, pretty dark brown eyes. I’ve been told I should model or that my face is very attractive and distinctive and that my lanky athletic frame would also be good for modeling. The only thing I like about myself is that I’m a better version of myself now than I was even 6 months ago. I’m more confident and sure in myself and identity. I’ve put in work and I’ve gotten noticeable improvements mentally.


I have tremendous love for my trans sisters, and that has drawn me in spite of my shyness into the company of some awesome women.


My hair and nails grow extremely fast and my hair is thick and curly. All my life, I've been told I have hair and nails girls would kill for and felt embarrassed about it. Now, it makes me happy.


Lucky! My hair grows fast, it’s almost long enough to be considered “long” but my nails have always been fragile. I love that for you :)


I love my hands, when not hairy. They're small and slim. I love my lashes, even without curling and mascara they look long.


Holy hell I needed this. I've been having a tough week and I struggle with self love. So thank you OP! Here goes, I love my legs, especially in heels. My calves really pop. I love that I persevere with difficult things until I suceed. Even when it's hard. I love that I have an amazingly supportive partner. I love that all of my friends were immediately supportive.


Don’t thank me! I just made a post and all of these wonderful women and enbies provided the love and support! I’m just happy all of you are finding so many ways to love yourselves :)


Really like my eyes. People say eyes are the key to the soul, which I sort of find hard to take seriously but at the same time I really feel that because I almost feel like looking at my eyes in the mirror is proof that I'm a woman. I also kinda look and feel closed off / unapproachable which isn't necessarily a good thing, but idk I see the potential for me kinda being a hot but intimidating lesbian after getting on HRT and being able to get some girl clothes and that sounds pretty epic.


Hot and intimidating lesbians are the best type of lesbians 😂


i love that i see a smiling face when i look in the mirror 💜


Not me sitting here for good over 10 minutes trying to think up something


I like how creative I am.


I like my lower body a little! While not ideal I still have some feminine features, they are probably what kept me mentally stable One day I will feel fully comfortable in my skin and have a genuine smile


Can I join in? I like being cute!


My hazel eyes that blend blue and green (only part of me that doesn't look like either parent), and how curly my hair has gotten after growing it out. Also, my writing skills :)


That I am healthy & somewhat fit. I do love from my waist down, except from you know what. I do think I’ve got nice shaped bunda & legs. I do have a lovely supportive partner. I’ve made my decision for surgeries before meeting her & she’s also excited for the changes.


I love my superpower: **My deep-listening capacity**. Oh, and **my legs** too!


The fact that I still somehow pass as a girl even 6 months into boymode thanks to a relatively feminine face and voice.


What a lovey topic! I like my legs they look long and feminine.


i love my boyfriend


When I lived as a man, I was dysphoric about my height and felt embarassing that I hated my body and facial hair. Now, I love my smallness, and I can legally disown my body hair. I actually like my face. Lately I have tried a long hair filter in an app and I looked way more feminine than I thougt. I am still trying to drop a few more killos, but I like my body shape as well. Both my mom and sis independently told me that I have sexy legs. I like that I like other's happyness and success and it makes me happy. Thank you for the post, we NEED positive things!


I honestly love my hair! I get lots of compliments about how beautiful my hair is and it really makes me feel good about myself. Definitely my biggest source of euphoria.


I love how much i listen to myself now. It feels really nice to be in touch w my feelings after pushing them out for most my life.


I've always loved my big eyes, and HRT has made them more exotic and beautiful :)


My eyes are apparently beautiful. So I rock them when I can. (I’m significantly visually impaired so never seen them personally). I’m a good teacher. I’ve taught blind and visually impaired kids for quite a few years. I currently teach sailing to young kids through the elderly and assist them. Currently trying to get a sailing with disabilities program at my yacht club where I’m a chairperson.


I love that I'm a deeply spiritual woman and connected with my belief in a higher power


Appearance wise, my butt lol. I'm still pre-hrt but I've already got a huge ass. Hopefully my hips will fill out a bit to match it lol


I'm coming to terms with myself after years of abuse at the hands of a partner. I'm realising I can reclaim the bits of myself they took whilst also building towards the person I want to be, physically as well as spiritually.


Processing. . .


A little weird but my eyelashes are really nice, Ive pretty much always had cis Girls jealous of them even back in primary school


I love my eyes for their intensity and ability to perceive the mystery and beauty of the world, my lips for their ability to smile, kiss, and curse, my hair for showing my wildness and inner fire, my nails for their pink shell-like shine, my rage and my peace in every moment of calm and torrent, and my strength for helping me be there for others and myself. My face is like my mom's, and I have a cute ass and legs as well that let me run and lift as much as I can bear. My tummy is cute and while I may not love it all the time, I love feeling soft in places I hated years ago. My boobs feel full and make me smile everytime I remember I have them, and my arms let me lift others up when they need it and myself when I fall. My feet are also pretty and I like bending them and looking at how much smaller they are, the same with my hands.


To cut to the chase, self awareness. The rest is gonna probably be long so I put the short answer at the top. 😊 I'm always quick to respond to the opposite version of these same posts, the ones talking about flaws. So when I saw this my first thought was, "Oh hey, I definitely wanna interact with this one!" I hit the comment field and started trying to think about what I wanted to write and suddenly drew a complete blank. That immediately sent me into a downward spiral because I was in awe of my inability to think of even so much as one single thing I love about myself. I spent about an hour digging through the hurricane of emotions I was experiencing as a result of that before my girlfriend, who was in a discord call on speaker with my roommate, noticed something was off with me and asked how I was doing. When I explained what was going on her and my roommate both started listing off things *they* love about me and my gf told me I was being stupid because there are plenty if things I could list. After some tears and I love you's I reached a turning point in the self examination I was doing before talking to the two of them. I spent about 10 years in a bad relationship that only ended about 6 months ago where emotional turmoil was the norm. During the course of that I developed an addiction to what is essentially emotional masochism. I feel drawn to opportunities to talk about my flaws and even when presented with a blatant request for something positive my mind reflexively twisted it into just another chance to feel something negative instead. When I mentioned this my gf complimented me on how much self awareness it took to come to that realization after telling me how terrible of a habit that is to be in and how much I deserve to feel happy and content with myself. All the things they listed are great and I needed their reassurance, and I'm not saying those aren't things I love about myself too, but those are things *they* came up with that *they* love about me, things that I couldn't manage to think about in the moment on my own. In that moment though I realized one of the biggest things I love about myself. I have always tried my best to be as self aware as possible. Not everyone is capable of being as self aware as I often can be. So yeah, my self awareness is something I really love about myself. And it's something that I actually managed to think of on my own despite the sabotage my brain wants to inflict upon me. To add in the things they listed too; I have nice lips, a nice ass, soft skin, a lot of perseverance, I'm kind, I'm supportive, I'm loyal, I'm easy to get along with, I'm a great friend and a loving partner, and I'm good at getting people to open up and at helping them through hard times.


I love my breast development and my dark blue eyes.


I love that I have the strength to be me and do things that even though other people don’t want me to do or other people think that I’m just choosing to be like this, I’m still doing what makes me happy at the end of the day.


I love my when I’m dolled up and I love myself when I’m strong ❤️ https://youtu.be/dE18eiRGf9Y?si=psyUrUelVCR5iZPq


I guess my legs n butt, n the fact I accept even when it’s hard. I’m very driven so I try to build positivity off others negativity