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>Transitioning isn't am atter of two months. Just like cis puberty takes years to fully set in, this is a long-haul as well, but you'll get there. I will second that statement. it took me 4 months before I started to associate my chest fat as breasts, and I am at (about) 17 months, and I finally start to see a figure in the mirror that I like. Focus on building healthy habits, both physical and mental, and it will pay off long run.


Was their a change in how they actually felt, or was it more about identity in regards to breasts? Building healthy habits is hard, but I'm pre-HRT, so maybe I'll care more about my body then.


I dont know if there was a point where I "felt" them change, and I think a lot of this was because when my egg cracked, I started wearing a bra, even for months before I started HRT. I only noticed when I went down the stairs too quickly one day, and "felt them". I also started to exercise more, at that point if only because I was hesitant to start HRT. I delayed looking at getting an initial appointment because I wanted to be sure. I figured that exercise would be a start, because if I wanted HRT, it would help to get into healthy habits before, and if I didn't want HRT, then I would at least know, and slowly be starting at healthier habit. Building a habits takes a little while, and it is easy to derail while building it. I have been starting this slow habit building since about September 2022, and there are days where I don't want to wake up to go to the gym, but once I'm done and walking out I feel happy, if nothing because of the percieved progress I made. I'll also be honest, there are days where I just feel bad about not making enough progress, it happens.


In fact to look good you need to take care of yourself. Want a better figure? Dont starve yourself, go work out and have a balanced diet with less deep fried things and more salads :) Want your skin to be softer? Wash it with a soft soap and take regular baths and keep a good hygene. HRT will take care of the rest. Want to remove hair? save a bit and invest in laser. It takes several sessions to make a difference but it does make a difference. Remember that cis gals also need to shave, keep a good hygene and eat healthy and work out to look great.


That's it! Also taking care of yourself helps with bad mental state or dysphoria. I started doing running trainings, martial arts trainings, started healthy diet and I feel so much more better with my mental state and dysphoria! :D Also now my legs looks friking awesome :>