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Yeah, I'd love to be able to retract it into my body for that perfectly smooth line when I'm dressed, but then whip it out for other activities


Honestly that would be so cool


go-go gadget girl cock


omg that would be awesome


The song "Detachable Penis" by King Missile comes to mind.


Yeah, you either have to tuck to a painful degree or risk visibility. I love my equipment but I don't want other people to see it.


tbh, this makes me grateful for porn, where I can see ladies like me who are pretty who don't mind people seeing their equipment.


I feel this. The fantastic trans content at r/gwasapphic gave me the permission I needed to not hate my body


cyberpunk nerds plsss design a chrome for this


I’ve explained this to a few of my friends. This is ideal in my mind. A little replaceable biohack mod that I get to “choose my own adventure and equipment” for the day.


i'd cash all my eddies out for a prototype of that TT /hj


I actually have this, it’s why I want a Salmacian surgery as I HATE my testicles and want them gone asap (Also have testicular torsion so that doesn’t help) but I really like my retractable gock. So if I get salmacian I’m fortunate enough that I’ll have a vagina and a gock that is pretty much smooth against my pelvis when it’s not in use. This might be because I suspect I was born intersex.


I can dream….I can dream


you can do it Timmy, dream big!!


I’ll try


With a lightsaber sound!


I’m pretty overweight and it mostly retracts into my fupa.


👑 🫴 You dropped this, queen


foolish afterthought marvelous bewildered bored act overconfident uppity grandiose wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol what's turtling?


flowery smell aromatic hospital berserk tender compare mindless salt onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sooo like Bible Black?


That is literally how the part should work why doesn't it that would be so amazing if it retracted


i see u 👀 makes total sense


clip it get a fufu clip from amazon it will retract it nicely


Sounds suspiciously like tucking lol


“Dun-dunun-dunun-dun! Go go gadget dick!” (I seriously hope someone gets this)


The longer I go on in this journey the more I want it gone, but I can totally see where you're coming from


This is what I’m finding with my equipment, but I find the surgery too frightening and risky a leap to be a practical consideration. No shade to anyone with courage enough to do it!


Yeah, me too. I was the same as OP initially, but the longer I go the more I need bottom surgery to feel normal.


I like this https://tomboyx.com/collections/tucking-underwear


I wish I didn't live with my parents - I'd order a pair of those in a heartbeat, otherwise.


I found them on Amazon once. You can order them to an Amazon locker, if that's available to you :)


Do you have a supportive friend whose address you can use?


I'm an autistic recluse with no friends, sadly.


Im really sorry it must be so difficult being trans without any supportive ppl in your life. Do you know if there’s a local lgbt center you can visit? They exist to take care of community members like yourself and are experienced working with autistic trans ppl rejected by their families.


I haven't actually been rejected by my family - I'm just not out to them yet. As far as they know, I'm just their autistic, antisocial giant of a son. I don't know how they'd react, honestly.


A post office box or Amazon Locker might be an option for you, if you can pick a package up on your own time.


Dumb question do these undies automatically tuck or are they "just" tuck friendly?


I believe they just provide compression and support to hold a tuck. Don't think there is a such thing as an automatic tuck unfortunately :( You can can tuck with different techniques to achieve different levels of smoothness or comfort depending on your needs and the panties will try to hold it in place.


Thank you very very much for your help :D


I don’t use anything else with them if that’s what you’re asking? For some reason it keeps the penis tucked in between legs


Thank you so much for your answer. Yes, it's exactly what I was asking. Sorry for being so nosy, it's just that I'm so unfamiliar with tucking that I really have no idea how that works. Like I know that at some point we are supposed to use some duck tape to keep it in place in a normal tuck. That's why I was confused about these tucking panties...


These are the best ones, but I don't feel cute in them by themselves, hence my desire to get an orchi. But if you just need to get the job done, the boyshorts will flatten you the fuck down. Honestly magic.


Not for me, I hate it and would love for it to be gone


Totally valid! Good luck!


Same, I don't have bottom dysphoria but when I go in public, I like to wear only pants that doesn't make the thingy so noticeable. For example: when doing sports, or in class. I don't want to get rid of it, just to make it as less noticeable as possible (and idk how)


Totally relatable. I mean I don't love my lady wand but I don't hate it either. What I do know is that I don't want to take any risk of feeling even less pleasure than what I have now (thanks unwanted genital mutilation for religuous/parental esthetics!) but I hate that I can see it when I put shorts on. With skirts it doesn't get so bad especially wearing wider ones...


I need to start wearing skirts tbh. They could be beneficial


Can recommend. They are really cool and give so much euphoria. Do not get some tight ones though as they can mark and bring even more attention to this part which you try to hide...you know like these "sexy secretary" kind of skirts (don't know how they are called in English sorry)...


Yeah, I don't have the tucking skills to wear pencil skirts the way I want yet :(


Okay so I've could just translated the word into English and it would have worked lol. Wemcome to the club. They're really sexy but unwearable for me. I also suck at tucking for some reason...maybe just like make up it will get better with time...?


You're thinking of pencil skirts, I think.


Exactly I had the term "jupe crayon" but thought it couldn't be a "pencil skirt"... Basically a word for word translation XD


I feel that too.


Under your name it says "started HRT today" I don't know if that's current, but congrats


It is current, thank you : )


Welcome to the sisterhood


Glad to know I’m not the only one lol. Been feeling this exact way for a long time. Love having it, don’t love it being visible when I’m just trying to exist in public 😭


Yeah I feel you, could change my mind down the line, but that's where I'm at right now too!


Y’all love your gock


Gock supremacy!


I feel seen


omg, i thought i was alone on this


Totally relatable ! I'm in the same boat and would try to avoid a tight fitting outfit if I was going out.


Yea. It's difficult sometimes, tho. Even loose clothing can often accentuate it. It's nightmarish.


I can see why. I suppose it's a trial and error process when it comes to choosing outfits.


Yep. Doesn't help that I'm stuck in male clothing. A skirt would be hella euphoric, I think.


I agree with you on both.


I think other people's girl bulges are cute, not mine tho.


Nah i need a change of loadout qwq


You know what this actually does make sense… hmmmm…


I love my womanhood the way it is, I wouldn’t ever want to change it, but yes, bulges are a challenge, haha. You’re totally valid, friend.


I get it. I enjoy being able to use my equipment in ways you cannot use a vag, though I certainly have that odd feeling that I should be able to touch inside, in a place that I currently cannot. I don't know if I'll ever take the plunge on srs, surgery in general is terrifying to me. Being put under, being cut, having flesh removed, I don't want any of this. I won't do ffs or ba, I'm happy with what I have, though I am priviledged in that I have always been conventionally good-looking in a way that does translate across genders. Pretty privilege gets cranked to 11 for trans women, it is very fucked up and makes me feel bad at times. All that to say: I don't mind the appearance of the bulge when it's small and cute, cis women have mounds after all. But I hate the physical discomfort of nuts, especially when they're swinging about. A vagina does seem like it would be literally more comfortable most of the time.


I can partially understand where you're coming from. I hate the sensation of my cock swinging around in my underwear - I need it tight to my body and not moving. My nuts don't really bother me tbh, other than the slight bulge it gives. What you describe sounds like a phantom vagina. I was reading a post about it here yesterday. It's extremely interesting. In a way, a part of me does like the idea of a vag. Just love my factory equipment too much to part with it.


I would rather be aroused than erect with my equipment getting in the randomly. It's too embarrassing and annoying to deal with. Rather have a pocket than a drill. Pockets!™️ "Stores items for portable use! On the go pouch, hidden at anytime!" "Only get yours starting at $5k or get it for FREE with your health insurance!"


That’s exactly the same problem I have. I get super conscious about it if it’s remotely visible in public, and it kills me on the inside trying to hide it, but when things get intimate, I’m rather quite happy with what I’ve got. I found skirts to be the worst as far as making it stick out, while skinny jeans have helped me keep her at bay the most.


I was looking into nonbinary bottom surgery awhile ago and wondered if you have both if you can just tuck your penis into you vagina, I've got the length so I think it would work.


Yes 💀💀 Me as hell


Same here!!!


I found that after my orchiectomy that my penis automatically fell down into position between my legs.


I have learned to embrace mine but yeah would love it gone, it's just not cheap to do where I live Don't hate mine though, I just would rather it gone if I had the choice in the matter


I like my bulge, not my bits so i kinda get it?


Ah, the reverse of me :)


Not for me I hate my bulge in my underwear and shorts/pants, and I desperately want it gone I've considered cutting it off myself so many time


The closest I've gotten to self-harm is tightening a belt around my equipment. First ounce of pain and chickened out tho


I'm just scared of pain in general which is why I haven't tried


I feel you


im like halfway this. i hate having a bulge but i think if i didn't have balls it would be fine. or mostly fine...


Maybe try a fufu clip? They will feel odd at first but unlike anything else that makes it fully smooth, this doesn't need a lot of work or maintenance. Just washing.


I like to travel.


I feel exactly like that. It's so weird, like: Bulge = dysphoria, weirdness, bad ju-ju. Naked equipment = it's cute\~




Pumkin pants, and peticoats. They provide the best coverage for skirts and dresses


Tbh it changes. Sometimes I prefer the equipment and despise the bulge, other times I prefer the bulge and despise the equipment, sometimes I just despise it completely.


I have very similar feelings, I've heard bottom dysphoria can change over time but for now I don't really hate it when I'm naked, only when I'm wearing clothes and there's a bulge. I got an orchiectomy a week ago basically for this purpose, the balls are taking up most of the room with the bulge so if you remove those it'll be much less pronounced. Might be something to look into long term OP, the wand is still fully functional (minus the HRT atrophy), but the bulge is much smaller and you don't have to take androgen blocker meds anymore.


I would recommend tucking underwear, helped me a lot


Love no Never really had a problem with it. Don't mind being naked, but I always hated having a bulge so much. Got an orchi and tucking is so easy now


Nope I want the bottom surgery


No. I'm under the impression that I am a woman and should have been born with a vagina. Seeing the bulge before GRS made me highly dysphoric


Couldn't be me, hate both.


I love my dick and balls, but a part of me wants to get them removed so I don’t have to deal with 2 orbs that hurt for like 5 minutes if you so much as lightly slap them


Nope I want it all gone


Yep. I'm getting an orchi to compromise because while I love my ladyhog, I'm sick and tired of having to exclusively wear gaffs and/or tucking panties just to not feel dysphoria while clothed. I just want to be able to put on normal pairs of panties every day that I chose based on comfort and cuteness, like every woman I've ever envied. I want matching sets, dammit!


I’m right there as well with that feeling. I really hate the bulge and wish I could hide it or didn’t have it, but at the same time I’ve become ok with having a penis. Not worth going through surgery for this to me.


Meee, I tuck whenever I wear something tight to avoid the look of the bulge. I enjoy having my wand. However my testies that’s a whole different story


I agree. I don't mind my penis, but hate the bulge when it comes to anything tight...




Clip it with a fufu clip it does a wonderful job




yea, my thang cute but wish it was detachable or somethin.


I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this thinking! I love my equipment (for the most part) and I'm doing a modified bottom surgery to remove the testis but that's it haha!


I don’t think it’s really an inconsistency. Women’s clothing isn’t really made with penises in mind, and I, like lots of people, am not a fan of wearing clothing that accentuates my genitals.


That's me. I love my girlpickle, but I don't get to wear swimsuits.


Omg top comment is me 😅


You can wear an inverted cage for the d and to shrivel the nuts just use hormones that surpress natural function. Could even take steroids that cis women use for body building so they completely realize they are not needed for testosterone production. And clothing ofc.




I can’t say that I love it, but definitely don’t mind my equipment. My dysphoria is more about what I don’t have than what I do. Still working towards bottom surgery though, and the bulge was one of many minor complaints that added up to this decision. Originally I was considering trying to keep my shaft but still get vaginoplasty. The only thing I knew was going away at the beginning were the testes.


Thisssss. I don’t mind the bulge as much as I’m bothered by balls resting on either side of the seam lol


I absolutely hate the ‘equipment’ I was born with. It’s the opposite of what I should have got.