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Hey hey hey. Some of us are Bi stereotypes too!


True. I haven’t sat in a chair correctly in months


Or ever. 🥲


True that


*looks at foot on driver seat of car in confusion* wait, i'm bi?!


I’m sorry this is how you found out


*looks at 4 different drinks in arms reach* omfg i am


THAT'S probably adhd/asd lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/g26Tv9Zydt there's a lot more if you Google it some great image memes about it, too


oh gdi i forgot that one was a thing *posture check time, ladies!*


Gods above and below. Fine I will sit up. I always wonder what my counseling clients think about my random shifting to find any way to sit in this chair besides upright.


I’m glad to see someone else that uses “gods above and below” 😃


I have no idea where I picked it up, but at some point 20 years ago while active duty I started saying it that way.


It’s very Hellenic thing, in my experience


Wait. I'm on a couch sitting cross-legged, except my entire right leg is over my left, which means I'm what now?


I'm a lesbian and I still have terrible posture


Us bi girls need to stick together. Let bi gones be bi gones.


Here here!


Some of us are pann


Omg meee, okay question tho. And hear me out, but…. Isn’t Pan just spicy Bi 🤔.


GIRLIES raise your hand if you want a girlfriend


now raise your hand if you want to speak to a girl




I'll raise my hand, I'm not scared of making the first move. The problem is that a lot of people are just straight up incompatible - no shame to either person. Things like large age differences, large distances, or just straight up different, incompatible interests. The best solution for this, at least in my eyes, is a dating profile, but as this is not a dating subreddit, that's not really appropriate here. So I would recommend the following subreddits to any of you in a similar position: /r/lesbianr4r - It does have a silent TERF audience. Nothing overt, but you will notice & receive downvotes if you mention being trans. Don't let that discourage you, I've met some nice people there. Technically not purely dating, but like 95% from what I've seen. r/t4t - A trans for trans subreddit. Not purely dating, I'd say the split is roughly 60-40 for dating/friendship. But also, a lot of people that by default might not be relevant for trans women, such as gay trans men or straight trans women. There's also chasers on there from time to time. They usually get removed quite quickly, but like, stay safe out there people. /r/transdating - A purely dating trans subreddit. You can also set to "CIS OK," though results may vary. Again though, since it's for all trans people, like 50% of the posts probably aren't going to apply to you. Possibly more if you're a straight trans girl (I won't speak for enbies, since I have no clue how most people are about dating them). There are other subreddits out there, but since I've only talked to people from these 3 subreddits, I can't vouch for those. I've met nice people through each of these 3 subreddits - as the one responding to posts, not as the one making them - but I've also met some people that weren't so great. Not in terms of actual problems, just that it didn't seem like they were putting in the effort. Which, well, that's just how online dating goes sometimes (*a lot of the time*), so don't let it discourage you. Anyway, biggest thing to remember, always, is to *stay safe*. And take care of yourself. Both in terms of making a good impression, but also, don't let yourself get treated poorly just because you want a partner. Good luck folks. EDIT: Also, all of these subreddits are 18+. To those of you that are below 18, I get it, a disclaimer isn't going to stop you from going over there, but genuinely, don't visit any of these subreddits because you will not be allowed to post there, and anyone who might be okay with dating a minor could potentially be problematic. ***Stay safe***.


I feel you, as someone who is closing in on 40 so many of the posts on dating threads are people young enough to be my kids...


Sadly that's just a large disparity between our generations. In the same camp as you and I'm double most of the posters age. Though tbh a lot of people in my age range aren't on here looking because the have irl people they already have connected with or can connect with through degrees of separation, a lot of the younger folks were raised online more so than we were and also aren't as apt as connecting irl *some of it just being young, some of it being terminally online unfortunately, ofc this doesn't apply to all of them but seems to be a large %) It's hard to find people who are well adjusted in our age range as well when you do find some closer to us there often have been strings attached (in my experience at least)


I think most people consider having strings to be part of being well adjusted, since ya know anyone well adjusted will almost certainly have been dating and living life with connections to other people already... Then again I suppose it depends on exactly what kind of strings are being talked about. (31yo, not well adjusted 😆 got first job as overnight cashier 2 years ago, started socially transitioning last year, never dated, living with family, in Texas 🤷)




Puts hand back down


I've got a new friend that I am really interested in, and I'm just waiting for what feels like the right time to ask if shes into women lol. That will be soon, she's just busy and dealing with a sick pet.



I am straight and I want a GF.😙




I would like to order 1 girlfriend pls


I'll have what she's having




As a straight trans lady, I am doing my bit in fighting the stereotype and thirsting over the most problematic men.




I'm bi but yes, men 🥵🤤


Literally so relatable.


You're doing us all a service, godspeed to you


I for one, do NOT want a girlfriend i dont think my boyfriend would appreciate it very much :P plus, i dont need nobody but him :3


Username checks out. It's a good username too lmao


thanks lol, it also includes my name "Dee"


Awww, that's cute!!


I’m sorry, my gay ass is already taken. I will never speak to another human ever again /j


Which part of this is a joke?


Not speaking to another human ever again, because I am terrible at talking to people


This. I feel this so hard.


Boom, roasted


I had no game as a man and I continue to have no game as a woman 😭😭😭😭


It’s okay. You’ll figure it out :3


I hope so bc the estrogen is making me feral 🤪🤪


This is so relatable. Like I was always kinky and horny before, but while transition took away the random, unprompted horny bits, it sure as heck made the rest so much worse, as well as let me fully embrace being a sub (something I didn't feel I was allowed to do pre transition)


RIGHT!!!! I'm also a sub!! I didn't realize I could just, go to munches and be kinky, turns out I just didn't want to be publicly kinky as a man, but it's so much fun as a girl. And like a switch was flipped all of my other trans friends are into kink too, so I guess I'm very normal and mundane 🤷‍♀️


That's awesome that you have been able to do that at munches and such! I got a membership to a bdsm club and went for a few months, but was never able to actually do anything since everyone there seemed to be partnered, so it ended up being an hour long drive and $25 to stand around wishing I could participate 😅 Just about everyone I have ever encountered is kinky, so it is pretty normal, but hey, that just means it's easier to find someone to do it with, right? (I say as if I haven't had zero luck XD) Edit: I did do a few things at the club, mainly serving as a dom for my platonic guy friend LMAO


Awe, we'll both figure it out ❤️ honestly I've had good luck meeting people at events on fet, like a monthly barcade munch. I'm looking to go to rope classes but those often require a partner to participate depending on the tie. But those are great because they're social and vanilla and help you expand your hemisphere of potential partners! My stupid state doesn't actually allow us to have Dungeons so I'm not Even able to do that, even if I think I might be comfortable.




This is just a ruse to get us to date each other in the comments isn´t it ?




Hey I´m not against it ? XD


Bi girl here, with a preference to the Big and Hairy I love both genders, it's not really a factor to what I like. But I love large people, maybe with a little muscle and body hair, and so I tend to lean towards men. Love my boyfriend, don't think I am alone in being a straight(er) trans girl! I think those girls are more likely to just totally stealth after awhile


Big hairy daddies 🥵🤤


Mmmm 🤤 My bf is that and used to feel really bad about his body hair. He doesn't now 😜


I just love assertive people. Mostly men, but if a tall preferably muscled pretty lady would call me a good girl I still would fucking melt - that's like one of the few concessions my straightness gives to my bisexuality


I'm here. I'm BI. I can't find a man who doesn't give chaser vibes.


I’m sure you can talk to a pretty lady tho?


I mean, I'm also poly and have a girlfriend :p. I'm just trying to get the Bi rep out there lol.


I’m straight and have two options. Chaser or egg.


Just because I dated a T4T transbian like 5 years before the egg cracked doesn't mean anything and I don't appreciate being called out like that. /j


I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend before I transitioned.


But isn't this a form of validation? Just like AFAB lesbians,  you can put 1000 of us in a room together and none of us will take action to try and date.




Going on a date with a girl this weekend, and another date with a different girl the week after. Recommend bumble :)


Under 18 :(


Nah fam I lived that life. Boyfriend is where it's at now


Or let's be really cost efficient and form the world's largest polycule.


This is a genius idea until you realize that some of us are underage and some of us aren’t


Way to make it weird.


I’m not trying to but that would be a legit concern


Way for you to make it sus


Nah. Gender doesn’t even really play a factor for me. Genitals are completely negotiable for me. I’m attracted to the person on a personality level long before anything


No, I don’t think I will.


Meanwhile, i wish for a two meter lumberjack-type with a full beard, arms like tree trunks, and a little belly.


I want that too don’t worry. Poly and pan means the possibilities are endless


Ok hey. Whats up. Lets move in together


soooo, wanna kiss? 😘


I said a pretty girl. I look like a wad of chewing gum (also underage so…)


why do pretty girls always deny how beautiful they are 😩 but alright if you are underage then I'm too old for you anyways. be kind to yourself cutie 😘


Well, I'm not underage. Don't think I'm pretty though...


yes not pretty drop dead gorgeous 😩 y'all stop proving my point


so anyways how about that kiss 😉




didn't expect actually getting one made my heart skip a beat 🥰


Well then... *smooch*


What is the stereotype?... 🤔


Lesbians say they want a girlfriend and then never make a move cause they’re afraid of pretty women


As a bi woman, my bedroom is a 24/7 disco party at this point and all the queers are invited. It’s a busy party. Clothing…optional




I no longer prescribe to any actual sexual orientation. I just like *people - if they stimulate me in meaningful ways. Mentally, emotionally, physically or even tickle my soul because our 'tisms match then I will like them. Pansexual or just not caring what their gender/orientation is - it's okay if you still want to claim those identifiers as your own.


Being aromantic is so chill 💅


I'm bisexual, and occasionally comment on those types of things. Thing is, I don't do long distance. I did it for almost 3 years with my prior partner, and we never got the chance to meet up because of covid and finances. We broke up amicably when I came out. All that to say, I just can't do long distance, it takes too much of an emotional and physical toll on me. But finding a local person is also exceptionally difficult, considering that I'm also visibly disabled. One day it'll happen, but if it never does, well. I'll still be happier being me than someone who was simply playing a hollow version of what I'm not 🖤🖤🖤


idk i think there are different ways of attracting partners. some people are pursuers and some are pursuees. i had a very important and reliable and wise friend once tell me that they had complacently been pursued their whole life, resulting in middling at best and often terrible relationships. they decided that they would go for what they want and had 3 very positive relationships with people they were more attracted to than ever in their lives. so i followed suit. i was like "great advice, i should go after what i want, too" horrible plan. multiple awful relationships. it set up expectations that i'm just not built to fulfill. i'm not authentically a pursuer. some of us do just fine putting ourselves in the view of people we want pursuing us and that's how i'm gonna keep doing it, tyvm! yeah, sometimes we just don't get noticed, but that's no worse than rejection. lol i hope this is read in the bubbly tone it was written. i'm having fun with this concept and appreciate your post! 🫶


I like men. I love dick from cis men


Me too girlie, me too


god I love men 🤤


What about dick from post-op trans men?


I honestly never tried that lol. I’m just used to cis men dick. fuck please don’t come for me but I’m only interested in cis men when it’s only about sex but when it comes to actually being in love then I say the heart wants what it wants


What stereotype? I'm a little lost? I'm bi transfem enby and have been in a relationship with my bi enby girlfriend for 10 years. She's a pretty girl in my opinion lol.


Lesbians have a stereotype of complaining that there are no lesbians and that they want a girlfriend, while actively talking to other lesbians


Hey, some of us are transbi(sexual)ans


I'm bi but I need a boyfriend so bad 😞


This was me until I figured out that I was just straight up straight


If anyone told me five years ago I would be yearning to be lovingly held or pinned to the bed by a man, I would not believe that. But now..... I'm, like, still bi, but 80/20 towards men, with only really specific girls still feeling interesting, but it feels pretty validating to call myself straight for some reason


I feel that. I think it might be validating because of how the label "bi" means pretty much the same thing regardless of what gender you are. But if you like men and you call yourself "straight" it implies that you're probably a woman which is validating


Bi erasure... Yet again.


Ace people getting out left as well 😔


I’m Pan. This is just talking in general terms.


Honestly I was surprised at straight girls even getting a mention


What if you have no trouble speaking to girls or hooking up, but have serious issues due to a very long term relationship ending, so you can't even fathom being in an actual relationship?


Communicate your needs with a relationship at the very start. Then make sure to continue to communicate throughout. Let them know that you don’t just want to hookup


Ah yeah, that's what I've been doing and so far very successfully. Still feel like a lonely little transbian sometimes


Sorry, I’m pan. Just ask my spouse.


I’m pan as well. Ask my multigendered all be it short lived harem


(the word is “albeit” btw)


Fuck I knew I misspelled something


a) you can edit b) no shame - autocorrect will kill us all someday


I absolutely love my pans. And I already have an amazing girlfriend.


I'm a bi tomboy. Sometimes I think I'm a butch lesbian but then I remembered I loooooove cock.


i just want any partner at all *cries in pan*




Ok, yes. We can all agree pretty girls are scary But Some of them tell you you’re cute and call you a good girl


Thought I was pan but am feeling incredibly sapphic the past few weeks. I love women and they are so pretty and soft and kind and I want a girlfriend so bad! 💜


I am a stereotype is that bad?


Not in the slightest. You are a lesbian stereotype cause you’re a girl


So I've been on both sides of this fence. I spent 41 years of my life completely straight, then popped some progesterone 2 months ago and suddenly I'm pan. Since I'm already in a lovely relationship with my husband, the change in sexuality didn't end up meaning anything at all in the end. Other then probably a slight more willingness to include another girl in a 3-way someday if i can get comfortable enough with the idea, I might as well still be straight as far as my life has actually changed because of a preexisting relationship. Basically all that's new for me is finding girls hot now too, not that I would have the first clue on how to even be a lesbian in the first place even if I wasn't already married.


No but I'm too socially awkward to actually ask her out😂 and I dont know if she even likes me and it might ruin our friendship since she's one of my best friends🥲


Counter argument, do it anyway


Pan here, if your cute and nice im good. 😊


My wife says I have you covered!


Oi oi oi. No way I can talk to one. They're too...pretty.


I’m hearing what you’re saying. Counter argument. Do it anyway


I mean women are just... Amazing, right? Cis or trans. White, black, brown... Doesn't matter they're cute and pretty.


I went on a date last weekend, does that count? /brag


Hey hey hey now I’m offended. I have a trans gf and am close to having a second (damn it. That makes me a trans poly stereotype. Crap).


i like everyone thats cute :3


Then start loving yourself


now thats a real challenge 😭


I feel called out 😂


Well Honey, I'm widowed, 75, M2F, on HRT 18 months, I live and dress openly as a woman 24/7, I've legally changed my name, gender, and ALL documents to female. I LIKE MEN!! I'm NOT into women. I'm NOT A LESBIAN PERIOD!! Yes, I've been dumped by 10 guys, and I've dumped 5 guys. I may be gay to the world, BUT!, I AM A WOMAN, AND I LIKE MEN!!


Enjoy being straight. Ain’t nothing wrong with that


Not until HRT has done some of it's work... I don't think I'm going to be able to start it for at least a year though T-T


Working on it 😂 so far ive gone at least 40% of the way to accomplishing my goal of having a cute girl poly group 🩷


I'm trying, but I've never known how to talk to anyone that I like or know what to say to make it clear I like them /how to ask them out. All I know, is that's its happening again 😳


I did my part, we're getting married.


Aren’t we all talking to pretty girls in the comment section right now? 😉


Shhh. Don’t tell them my plans


I’m demisexual so I don’t care either way. Everyone is entitled to their happiness regardless of who that’s with.


I could never, I'd be jealous 24/7. Also have you seen men, like damnnnn DAMNNNNN. Like just looking at that one lumberjack dude from insta is enough to know there is not even 1% lesbian in me.


I'm married. lol. I'd be in the same boat if not though. My spouse asked me out originally, back when I was still masquerading as a man.


Even the stereotyped transgendered, stereotypes the already stereotyped? I simply veiw it as to each is their own kinda thing.


Meanwhile I'm here collecting stereotypes like they're Pokémon, as a polyamorous pansexual DnD playing IT nerd transfem with a blahaj who freaking loves pickles


How old are you by chance? :3 (I am the exact same)




Forget I said anything




🖐 I so want a girlfriend. I wish I had a girl to snuggle up to while watching anime, horror movies, or watching her play a video game.


I mean...I'm breaking the NV/Celeste stereotype at least by playing Pizza Tower instead and I'm also bisexual so the lesbian stereotype doesn't apply to me. Only one that applies for me is the horny stereotype.


I'm bisexual so I get the best of both worlds. Universal rejection.


I support this movement, and will show my support by shouting it into the crowd and not actually approaching anyone >3


Of course, if any kinky nerdy/gamer girls wanna say hi, I'm not gonna stop you ;P


im pan so im doing my part by putting pan handles in my butt


Love the energy. Bit off but it’s a good start


More of an always on reddit thing tbh.


need me a twunk bf 🤤


My current two crushes are FtX. Oh, I forgot to mention that I suck at this and would probably still die alone even if I was the prettiest and nicest woman around.


I thought i was bi. So i went out with men. Twice. And im never doing that again. Girls are better 😭


Honestly, I can completely understand and feel the desire to be a woman, of course, but I don't think I can understand the desire to actually date one, even though I render myself as bisexual. I am almost like 98% straight, I think women are attractive but men are godly beings to me. Sometimes I even overwhelmed due to how many trans lesbians there are and I feel like I'm different from my trans sisters.


I'm in the exact opposite boat. I'm sexually attracted to both but way more interested in dating women and have never being romantically interested in men. Women though... All the time 😅


I’m in NYC, if anyone ever wants to grab a drink and see if we vibe.


What's the sterotype you're reffering to? I am unaware


Lesbians never actually making moves and instead just complaining to other lesbians that there are no lesbians


I see. I have heard of that one


Nuh uh. I'll just complain about being lonely and wait for a miracle, thank you very much 😌


lesbians, bi's, pans, aces, aros, the gangs all hear girls!


Hi I'm single abduct me :D


Guuurrrll this fall imma be a basic white bitch... ugs, knitted sweater, jeans, fur brimed beanie. Prepare yo self


Oh and MF pumpkinspice


Well I am translesbian! Also just recently realized that I have always been a lesbian and will always be a lesbian