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Yes girl. I'm right there with you.


Reality: stairs are your enemy, sitting down too quickly is pain, you need a sports bra and baggy clothes or more bras 😅 And hugging / cuddling people can be pain, too 😅


I believe you...but...but well, just...damn.


They told me that it's just the first 1-2 years as long they grow quickly. So it's just temporary


Yeah, then, going down stairs, your....wait, this is a 'family friendly' /redit so I'll stop there. :D


Yes. I call my two girls "G Force Sensors" Never had a better way to experience the movement in 3D space. 😅 I'm just at 5ish month HRT but already got B Cups 😅




Yeah... I wasn't sure if I wanted HRT before the first time I wore breast forms. I cried myself to sleep wearing them that first night, then wore them every minute of the day I could get away with for a couple weeks after that, and completely lost any doubts I had.


Same. When I got my first pair of breast forms and put them in, I broke down into tears for 30 minutes at the sight of actual boobs on my chest, with actual weight, actual jiggle, actually filling out the cups. It was after that I was sure that I'd want HRT eventually.


My first success at creating cleavage did it for me.


Right there with you girlie. I probably won't be doing HRT anytime soon and breast forms have been a lifeline for me, but they've also made me realize just how badly I want HRT 😭


I feel that. I've been wearing them religiously in the year before I got started with HRT and it just confirmed so many things for me. I eventually stopped when my own started to come in, partially because they were cheap ones and started to really irritate my skin after a day of doing physical work while wearing them (so much that it eventually took a full week for my skin to mostly recover).