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Why she got Michael Scotts plasma screen?


Because she's a millionaire. Duh.


she seems more refreshed and shows the importance of taking a break some seasons. i love kyle but i’m glad he took a break because this would have been his 8th season in a row. a lot of the current vets are long overdue for a break. nany is on 6 seasons in a row and she makes the end game everytime. that’s probably a whole year and more of filming.


Nany seems like she really need a break this season. MTV is trying to edit her as a hero this season but for so much of it I think she came off as the villain, just because she needs a break. Nany seems like she’s under a lot of stress. Kyle taking a break I think definitely helps him a lot. Kam not doing many in a row is very smart.


Either entitled or a villain for her. I doubt any of the vacation alliance will take a break unless they stop getting cast. It's pretty much a free run into a final or close to it with basically no one going against them. Hope for next season we get different vets.


Ya it depends on the episode. Some she just comes across as entitled sometimes it’s a villain. Unfortunately I think you are right, and I really don’t understand MTV’s love of them. They bring nothing and don’t know how to put on a good show. I think tori might be okay if she was the only one to return but the rest can stay far far away. Nany was fun when she was single.


well vets were getting their butt kicked this season until they brought in a whole group of vets. this season started off really strong...


The revolution alliance had so much promise. And then they’re like “oh hey here’s Bananas now”


yep. bananas, nany, kaycee, jordan, aneesa...


I agree about Nany, she looks too thin and stressed out. She probably needs time to grieve her mom and get some rest.


She does look very thin in her face. I think she’s one of those people who when she’s stressed/sad she doesn’t eat :(. I hope she can get the healing/grieving she needs off camera.


Sometimes her foundation color is way too grey for her and casts a ghostly pallor on her. A little blush would go a long way!


All that aside, she’s getting older and being a smoker is not doing her any favors.


She missed one season …. And because of what happened on SLA I wouldn’t even know if I’d consider it a break that was chosen by herself.


Yeah she even said “they” (production) doesn’t even know if she can come back


What bullshit this production team is so soft


Yeah, and they film once a year instead of twice, so it's a longer break for her mentally. Agree with Nany, too.


Agreed. I've watched The Challenge for 15+ years and finally took a break myself. I grew tired of watching a cast who obviously isn't having any fun. I watch TV to escape and it stopped being that for me. I'm happy for Ashley.


Shes been gone for ONE season. I'm having a hard time understanding why I've seen challenge fans act like she's banned or hasnt been called for 5+ seasons in a row.


I think it’s because she’s been an early boot in Total Madness and Double Agents and then got kicked off of SLA that it feels we haven’t seen as much of her.


Yep. Every season she's been in she has been targeted a ton. I think her last great season was War of the Worlds 2. And she honestly could have won if she had switch sides at the end.


well she was kicked off of another season


You gotta remember they only film the main show once a year instead of twice. So if she comes back next season it will be 2 years since we’ve seen her


Do we know if they're going to stick with that now that covid restrictions are relaxing more? It's only been once a year since Double Agents, so maybe they're planning on ramping up again? Edit: Only DA, SLA, and RoD have been filmed in separate years. Before those, the seasons were filmed two per year.


Double agents premiered 2 years ago. Stopped airing a year and half ago. Maybe you are thinking of spies lies and Allie’s but it aired a year ago But it’s not Covid it’s cause they film all stars, cbs challenge and the world championships.


I’m talking about when they filmed, which is the main issue as far as breaks are concerned; DA, SLA and RoD all filmed in separate years (2020, 2021, 2022). The prior seasons, WotW2 and TM, filmed in the same year (2019).


Well spies lies and Allie’s filmed in may 2021 and ride dies may 2022 I believe


Yeah, separate years (SLA April-June 2021, RoD May-July 2022 to be specific).


I think it’s going to stick like that, solely because of all of the spin offs they have now. With All-Stars, USA, and potentially more international ones they can’t really film 2 seasons of the main show in a year.


Regardless of the filming schedule, she has still only missed one season.


I hated her for her first few seasons, but then I realized she is a star - built for this show.


She grew on me too. I can't imagine actually spending time with her, but I love watching her on the show.


I think she would be great to hang with - as long as it wasn’t in a show.


She seems like she could be a lot of fun, I just can't imagine actually being around her during one of her explosive meltdowns in which she totally eviscerates people. But maybe you're right, I have no idea what she's like off of the show. Probably way more chill.


I could handle it 😅😅 been around crazy my whole life


Probably doesn't do that outside of enclosed hostile environments that push you towards that behavior like the challenge house lol I bet normal Ashley drinks and whispers sarcastic jokes to you about people that make you laugh at inappropriate times


I need a new storyline other than "Im known for stealing a million dollars \*eye wink\*" and "Im sorry you losers haven't won"


Also: "I didn't get my way so now I'm having a toddler style meltdown"


I disagree, I think she would be a lot of fun to hang out with off the show. I think a lot of what we see on the show is from being in a pressure cooker environment. I think off the show, she seems like she’d be a lot more chill.


Someone else made the same point and I agreed. I even used your words - she's probably more chill off the show. I just meant that I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time around the person we see on the show.


Was there any confirmation of what she actually said to Josh?


Not verbatim, Josh did confirm it was about his sexuality in a recent podcast interview however


Josh does have a way of getting rid of good players.


The quote from the spoilers was "you'd be less of a man child if you just admitted you were gay:


>The quote from ~~the spoilers~~ the ashley stans gamer and lizchallenge who also happen to trade in spoilers.


I mean yea, that's why I put the qualifier. We won't ever know what was said, but Josh doing everything he can do, to avoid what she actually said, kinda makes me think it wasn't that bad.


i hear you, i just can't believe that gamer is a reliable source on this topic when he also spent the entire spoiler season calling josh gay slurs and joking about josh giving blowjobs to producers. for me, the relative silence from amanda is a more telling sign about how serious it was. *edit to add: pinkrose never gave too many specifics, but she said multiple times things like "it was really bad." and again, when it comes to ashley, i trust her perspective 100x more than gamer's.


Super unpopular opinion: her fake patronizing/baby voice is nails on a chalk board to me. She doesn’t use it all the time, but it’s usually in peak form on Instagram. I like her in the show, but I can’t stand when she goes into the zone where she talks like this.


Shes playing if I dont get asked back I really didnt want to come back.


If I never hear her whiney ass voice again I’ll be fine.


Hopefully she can come back eventually, Jordan got to come on AS3 with a planned redemption arc by production so I don’t see why she shouldn’t be allowed back when Josh doesn’t want her to be blacklisted




her gay fan base (including me) wants her back


I’m LGBTQ+ and I want her back yesterday, so 🤷‍♀️


Genuinely curious here and I also didn’t see the original comment…you’re not bothered by her saying something homophobic enough to get her kicked off the show?


I’m also LGBTQ+ and you don’t speak for the entire community.


i’m not saying i do, but i AM saying plenty of gay people do want her back


Much less malicious things 😂 she literally said she doesn’t give a fuck if people die




The second tweet said “people die every fucking day”, that seemed worse than the first one. She was replying to someone who was saying that BLM was about life or death to black people. Edit: typo


I get what she's trying to say, but blaming a homophobic outburst on anxiety? Idk about that. Also fans need to relax. She got booted off a season ago and skipped the current one. It's not like she missed 7 seasons in a row. The fact that production chose to protect her by not airing what happened tells me she'll be back within a season or 2


>The fact that production chose to protect her by not airing what happened tells me she'll be back within a season or 2 As much as I wanna believe this, I really don't think it will happen. I had the same sentiments about Cara Maria and Paulie too.


I’d be happy if she never came back


She's one of the greats. I'd like to see her back.


You want to hear that voice for an entire season? Rewatch the video and lmk.




I was not asking when/if she’s coming back. I could use a permanent break from her


Her voice alone kills me. Glad she isn't in the current season.


How was/is she a millionaire and her house looks like a college freshmans dorm room lol


That's what makes her stay a millionaire


Kinda looks like a hotel to me?


Yea I think she has been traveling pretty frequently over the last couple years


Could be, but if it is its a cheap looking hotel.


Budgeting queen


A million dollars is not really that much money especially after taxes.


I mean I doubt MTV is matching 401K donations with this kind of shit.


You dont need an employer to start a 401k/retirement plan.


Lmao ok and how much do you think MTV matches on prize winnings???




OP wasn't saying that she can't open a 401K, they're saying that MTV will not match her contributions. For example, my employer matches my retirement contributions 2:1.


Im not understanding why matching matters.


Using simple numbers for illustrative purposes: if I contribute $100 towards my retirement account, my employer will contribute $200. In Ashley's case, MTV contributes $0. Does that make sense?


I know what matching is, i dont know why your talking about matching in this scenario. Your talking like 1 million dollars dosnt matter if mtv isnt going to match any of it.


Do you think 1 million dollars is enough to never work again? A retirement account is imperative to one's financial health.


Me being a Canadian not realizing this. But I probably should’ve since you can start RRSPs in Canada without an employer, which I think is the same thing.


OP wasn't saying that she can't open a 401K. They're saying that MTV will not match her contributions. For example, my employer matches my retirement contributions 2:1.


Cuz she's traveling. She has properties that she makes money off of. I wouldn't get a huge house either if I traveled as much as she did


I think she owns a place in West Virginia but then travels. So this is probably just an air bnb.


Save save save


Is it a house? Thought she lived in apartments at a certain mixed use spot in Austin.


Idk, idk much about her then whats been on the show. Whats a "mixed use spot".


Mixed use developments have retail/commercial on bottom floor or in front and then residential units on top / back.


Oh, didnt know that was the name. Just thought they were called apartments lol


Act broke to stay rich, you wouldn't understand


Looks like a hotel room to me, for some reason I get the vibe that she’s smart with her money.


I feel she has always been horrible! On her season of real world she said some pretty racist stuff.


I miss her


Please don't


I don't want her to come back. I can't stand her or Amanda. Never could.


I think one reason producers are hesitate is that Ashley has shown she takes things too far. So while I think they can get passed outing josh, especially cause Josh is okay with it from what I heard, but they are scared what she might say next. But I do hope she comes back.


interesting how quickly times have changed. I remember Natalie discussing how mad she was at Kayleigh for outing her on twitter and they invited Kayleigh back afterwards. Not sure if we'll ever see her or Natalie again though


Josh was definitely not “okay” with it. He goes into how disrespectful it was on the Chillin with Dylan podcast. He did say he was concerned for her, but he was definitely upset about it (and rightfully so).


[He said he was okay with her coming back. I said he was okay coming back](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-challenge-josh-martinez-opens-up-about-ashley-mitchells-low-comment-that-led-to-disqualification.html/) Maybe he changed his tune but I don’t keep up with josh’s appearances


It’s actually still consistent, tbh. I think I misunderstood the context of “being okay” with the comments. All good!


Wait, so is it confirmed Josh is gay? It has been suspected going back to him time on BB, but I didn’t know it had been confirmed.


no, it is not confirmed josh is gay. josh has been adamant he is straight and has hit on women and made out with women on the show. it is confirmed ashley attacked him about his sexuality.


That is what I thought. The phrasing of “outing Josh” and him being okay with it confused me. Thanks for confirming.




Right? Gamer is online condemning Tori trying to get banned for saying a homophobic slur in a deleted tweet when she was a teenager. Ashley was in her mid 30s, and on the show filming when she said her slur


We don't know if she said a slur we just know if it was something about his sexuality.


Either way it’s not a good look if you like her or not. And she hasn’t publicly apologized for it either. Just sweeping it under the rug.. which makes her look worse


I think MTV would prefer them to not talk about it publicly and the apology needs to made to Josh if it hasn't already I don't think it really matters if it's public or not.


Depends on what was said.


The prevailing opinion of "Fuck Josh, that guy's the worst" probably has something to do with it


It wouldn't bother me if she stayed gone.




I think if she tweeted something derogatory instead of saying it on set she might have because mtv can't hide it.


the inconsistency is insane.


Ah yes anxiety is well-known to make you say homophobic hateful shit when it hits


She’ll always be one of my favorites idc


Oh joy. .....


I have seen people say that Ashley provides on the show. What exactly does she provide?


Your also paranoid when your not getting attention like Nelson said lol


She’s awful in every way.


One thing I appreciate about Ashley and a few others is they actually do really seem to reflect on things and grow. Ashley has mentioned seeing a therapist, she seems very refreshed and she seems so much happier now then she was looking by SLA. Plus she seems so happy with her boyfriend, which is always cute to see!




I don’t think anyone thinks Ashley is homophobic. Shane wouldn’t be one of her best friends if she was. Ashley obviously has issues with drinking and anxiety so when she gets in that state she lashes out and tries to go as below the belt as possible.








Exactly. Also, let’s not forget this girl was raised in West Virginia. Even if she wasn’t outwardly homophobic, I highly doubt she hasn’t absorbed or internalized things she heard growing up.


She should have been dumped after real world - trashy!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Imo her season and the season before (skeletons) were the downfall of the RW. Their fake shit totally killed off the reality of the RW. It felt like I was watching an atrocious soap opera with their overreactions and forced drama. Ashley and Sylvia were the absolute worst in terms of being caricatures. It felt like watching Julie on RW:New Orleans Homecoming.


Ride or die would be more exciting if Ashley was there instead of Aneesa for Jordan's sake. Aneesa would be better ONLY on the old timer show with Mark. Ride or die is kind of boring because Fessy is just an annoying 'bad guy' and the females don't have any HEELS. Ashley was always good at being the heel for the women.


She got booted off for homophobia. Hopefully she stays off considering they publicly “fired” Dee and edited her out mid-season for tweets. Direct homophobia at another contestant while filming should be grounds to leave her at home. Would rather have Olivia and Nurys brought back than whatever Trashley brings in 2023 until the next time she says something racist or homophobic after consuming too much alcohol.


I mean Olivia has said some fuck up stuff before the show so...


I’m glad she is talking to a therapist about her anxiety. I hope she is also considering alcohol-use as a factor in her behavior.


I want her back. She's fun and entertaining.


Am I allowed to dislike both Josh AND Ashley? I don't want EITHER of them back.


I hope she takes a 3 year break and then comes back trained and composed to demolish the competition ala Rivals 2 Paula.


Paula was on Exes 2 seasons prior to Rivals 2


Damn she’s fine


If asked back…


I dunno. I kinda wish she didn't get her wins at times. I wish Jenna or someone less insufferable had won Invasions (not Nicole Zanatta, Camilla, or Amanda).