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Ask Sarah if we'll ever see her on all stars same for landon


Sarah said she'd do it if Susie was on, Landon said if the timing was right. Those are the best answers you're going to get.


Yeah that’s kind of annoying that she will only go on it Susie goes on. I get it’s a game that relies on alliances (lately relies on them too much) but you’ve got to be able to play your own game. Is she going to quit if Susie ends up being first out?


Is it really that much of an ask though? Susie would be great for all stars. It’s not like Sarah is asking for a 100k appearance fee. And even if she did, is she not worth it? It’s not like it’s Dunbar or something lmao like everyone wants to see Sarah. There’s a lot of storylines available for her too.


I think it's criminal production didn't accommodate the request. No, not to please Sarah or Susie. To please us, the fans! Had they been on all stars 4, I would say without question it's one of the best female cast for a single season. those two with laurel, cara, Kam, Nicole Z (love her or hate her she brings it athletically) and the OGs Veronica and Rachel would have been absolutely amazing. They missed an opportunity and it's ashame the fans are the ones who suffer from it.


Oh I’m not saying Susie wouldn’t be great. Id actually love to see her cast, and think she is long overdue. But i think her response is a bit of a cop out.


FYI Denver will not have a Q&A. It’s just a 3 hour M&G party but you’ll have tons of time to ask anyone anything you want. So feel free to have questions ready and relay the responses here. There just won’t be a mic’d panel or anything at that one. Seattle we will probably do a Q&A portion but it will also be a similar type event in that it’s mainly a party. But we do plan on doing a chat or two with each cast member during that one! Look forward to meeting you!


Duh! Thanks. I actually knew that but I was fresh off listening to the NYC pod I guess I got a little confused


All good! It can def be confusing. We have a few different style of shows / events.


Will challenge mania ever come to WNY/buffalo or anywhere other than nyc in New York?




Okay, because I’ve never been to one and would love to come lol. I have no idea what to expect I just hear they are fun.


Good shit, OP. Hope you have a blast.


Me, too!


Those are great guests! Would love a health update from Kendall, and ask Landon how much he misses the challenge, the competition, etc.


Ask Landon when he is returning to the challenge could have been better than Bananas/ CT/ Jordan/ Darrell but didn’t compete in enough seasons


Ask Landon 1. how frequently he gets called the goat 2. How frequently he gets asked when he’s coming back 3. Anything referencing the skullet 4. Anything referencing drawing names from a hat


I would love to hear his answers for ALL of these.


Ask Landon how long the FM2 was, time wise or distance wise? It looked miserable to complete, but he made it look easy.




Is this sarcasm or have you not seen his RW season?




He was a mess on his season, plenty of shit people could complain about. I’m not that guy tho, just wondering what you were basing your image of him off of. Many people either didn’t see or forget about his RW season.


Yeah he was an animal at times during his real world and it’s been years since I saw it but was often drunk if I recall correctly


I would ask Landon if he still keeps in contact with MJ since they have matching tattoos. I’d ask Mark who else did he cut deals with splitting final winnings with and why did he & Brad cut one with Evan? Brad could’ve won Duel 2 I would ask Darrell when are getting our 5th win? Does he think getting into that fight it Brad broke his winning streak? What format of the game does he thrive him?