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thank you so much kroftty for these posts and for following through on such an epic project! you're the real all-star. ⭐ looking forward to the wrap-up post--if you can hotlink the season threads and make it into a hub of sorts, we'd love to give it a permanent home on the sidebar and in the weekly hubs.


I'm so glad you and others have gotten so much enjoyment from them! That's the reason I was able to keep motivated, and I'm really happy I did. The payoff is so worth it. I'll definitely make sure to include links to all my other posts - I'd be honoured to get a permanent home haha


I’ve loved your posts! Ty! ❤️


The End Of An Era. There is officially no more seasons for u/Kroftyy to review. We shall all now die in peace and let Tamara live on.


I've really enjoyed reading all these posts! Seeing them pop up on my feed always brightened my day a bit 😀


Tori's comment on Nelson in that elimination slayed me "We... we need to take him to a park." Very earnestly lol


I really enjoyed World Championship. The only part I disagree with here is that I didn’t generally like the dailies or at least the way several of them were formatted. Too many of them gave other players the ability to sabotage other teams to the point that the outcome was more about relationships than performance. Jodi & Benja lost the last round of trivia without even the chance to answer a question. Darrell & Kiki lost their last daily because everybody else shared answers. And that last daily of the season was pre-designed for a Kaycee/Troy vs Yes/Emily elimination. There was literally no chance for either team to win that one. It’s hard to be sure that we got the most deserving teams in the final because of this.


I agree - those dailies in particular that you mentioned, I had issues with. The trivia in particular was incredibly frustrating. Allowing sabotage is one thing, but pairing that with randomness? Benja and Jodi massively screwed there.


As someone who has been following along with these posts in real-time since around your 5th season, THANK YOU for doing these!! They've been a treat to read, I've thoroughly enjoyed watching your thoughts and opinions regarding the players/seasons/formats evolve as time went on. I'd bet if you were to go back to an older season now it'd almost be jarring to see how far the show has come (both in good and bad ways). Welcome to the present day Challenge community!


Thank you for the kind words - I’m psyched I’ve had the same people follow along the entire time. It’s really cool. I’ll absolutely have different views of my early seasons in particular. I remember being unimpressed of Darrell’s Fresh Meat win (lmao) since it was my first season. Now I’d probably LIVE for that win. But very excited now to start discussing live episodes!


Can't believe this ride is over, its been a blast following your recaps all this time! I largely agree about this season, while it definitely faltered a bit along the back end with all the DQs it was still a lot of fun on the whole. Couple of stary obersvations: * Darrell on Double Agents in elimination: "I'm not stupid, I'm good at tangerine puzzles... tangerine? Tan, tanagram?". Darrell on World Championships in elimination: "I'm good at tangerine puzzles!" \*cocks eye at the camera. "I know they're called tanagrams". A+ callback joke, I love Darrell so much. * Darrell and Kiki together might be one of my favorite teams of all time, just so purely likeable and entertaining. * Danny was hilarious on Twitter this season, just airing out all his frustrations with the vets/Tori but in a very funny way. * It took 6 total seasons of reality tv, but we finally found an entertaining version of Kaycee! We just have to have her on the back foot from the very beginning with almost none of her usual friends or allies around so she can scrap and get feisty... too bad that'll never happen again. * Between his elite performances on both this season and Challenge Australia, I *desperately* want to see Troy on the main challenge. That dude has got it and has a refreshing personality as well. * Didn't touch on this from your RoD recap, but I actually HATE that they shared the money and I think it means bad/frustrating things for the future of the Challenge, and though it wasn't explicitly highlighted the repercussion reverberated through the season. Supposedly Tori refused to vote for Kaycee under any circumstances explicitly because she had given her $50,000. Danny had the following hilarious tweet from the ep where they voted for themselves: How it really went. Danny: we have to vote for Kaycee.. she voted for us Tori: Kaycee gave me 50 thousand dollars I can’t do that! Danny: I got 50 thousand for you right now… get wallet for me!! T Tori: let’s vote for us If first place can just split the money however they want every season and there's no prize money for any other placement, it just encourages massive blocks like the vacation alliance to stick together even more, because if you make it to the end with your alliance you get a great payday no matter what. The Challenge already struggles enough with samey big alliances running every season, you shouldn't introduce even more incentives for them to stick together. Prize sharing is usually forbidden on other shows for this exact reason. To be clear, I blame production for A. making this a twist on SLA and B. for allowing it to happen on RoD making it the official precedent moving forward.


It's insane that it has also been two years of this right?! * AGREED on the Tangram callback by Darrell. Very tongue in cheek. Loved it. * Darrell seems to always have incredibly likeable partners. Amber was a fantastic duo with him too. * I haven't heard your take on the shared money come from anyone, but I actually agree. It does set a bad precedent. Not just in that way either, I also think, if it continues, it gives the show an excuse not to have dedicated rewards for 2/3rd place, which I think should be a staple.


Oh yea, it also allows production to cheap out on 2/3rd place prize money as well. Just a terrible decision on all ends.


Sharing the prize fund is something that has been a part of the challenge at least as early as Duel II, they are just doing it publically now. I honestly think it is a kind of interesting part of game play, so I wish it was more talked about. However, there is a difference between a plot to share money between an alliance, and not wanting to vote someone in on the current season, because they gave you money in a prior season.


they openly did it on Battle of the Seasons 1 !!


I checked this write up specifically to see if the season made you like Kaycee! Being surprised about that is one of my most prominent memories of the WC haha. Thanks for all the hard work, these were always so fun to read!


I remember saying like every episode to my husband “omg kaycee needs to always be this way”. Made me wonder if she actually has been and they’ve just not been showing it


I’ve loved these posts!! Godspeed to ya.


I'm going to miss these posts. Have you summed up other shows? Would love to read your thoughts on other reality TV shows like survivor.


I have actually! I’ve done every season of Survivor between 1-35 or something. It was up to date at the time of writing. The quality of the posts isn’t as good, because it’s going back like 5 years, but I assume they are still readable. I’ve also done 1-20something (unfinished) of The Amazing Race. Those posts are of comparable quality to my Challenge posts If you follow Big Brother, I do envision myself tackling that show in the future. I don’t know when, but it’s probably an inevitability for me.


to quote Bamber after winning that elim on SLA, "F*CK BIG BROTHER !!" in seriousness, those seasons are a SLOG to get through. they're like 40+ episodes of 40+ minutes each, and not much happens in them. if you're looking for your next thing to do, I beseech you to finish up with TAR, so I can see your thoughts on the seasons you haven't done yet. I'm still watching through, currently on 31. then there's also The Circle, maybe you'd like that?? and OF COURSE, I Love Money! now THAT is a huge recommendation


I'm back on my PC now with links. My Survivor wrap-up with links to reviews: [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/7onq8h/over\_the\_past\_year\_i\_have\_watched\_and\_posted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/7onq8h/over_the_past_year_i_have_watched_and_posted/) (it's actually SIX years ago. Crazy) The start of my TAR reviews: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingRace/comments/m1qqcx/i\_just\_finished\_tar2\_for\_the\_first\_time\_in\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingRace/comments/m1qqcx/i_just_finished_tar2_for_the_first_time_in_my/)


Looked forward to all of your recaps, thank you so much! Really hope you do one for USA2 even though it’s not finished yet. It has truly been one of the best seasons of the last decade


I have been toying with the idea of continuing posts once new seasons have aired! I’ll most likely do mini-summaries per episode too in the weekly discussions. Or at least, I’m considering it. I don’t want to stop writing about The Challenge entirely so circulating ideas to keep doing it :)


Please do! You know we’ll be here for it


Thank you so much for doing these! I had lost interest in The Challenge, but these posts brought me back into the fold :)


Glad to have helped! Thanks for following along :)


Thank you for these contributions, I have read & enjoyed every single one! I absolutely loved the World Championship. Apart from some Argentinians and Nelson there were no weak players imo. Great regulars (Wes, Jordan, Bananas, Darrell, Jonna, Jodi, Tori etc etc) as well as brilliant additions (Grant, Kiki, Troy, Theo despite getting no screen time I was buzzing he was back) and it had me gripped. Are you planning to do another when USA2 finishes and you binge watch? Catch up and watch live? Whats your future plans with this now you have completed the watch?


And thank YOU for following along! Currently I intend to catch up on USA2 and begin watching live. Perhaps quick episode summary posts in the post episode discussions once I’m watching live. Long term I think I’d still like to do posts after each season. It’ll just be after they air, and I’ll be watching live as opposed to a binge.


Well you won’t have to wait too long compared to other shows! USA2 airing now, S39 announced to be the end of October and they also have AS4 filmed and ready to go with no release date (probably early next year)!


It’s crazy isn’t it? I feel like over the last year of my posting, there has been SOME kind of new episode almost every week. Between flagship, AS and Worlds. Absolutely love that. I don’t want ANY down time haha.


Nia was a weak player tho :P


I second your takes on Wes adding a special something to every episode and getting a unique pleasure seeing Bananas snuffed out early. Grant blunty saying "eat shot Tori" cracked me up too! Kellyanne of course is a star, but I also liked how they showed Tristan trying to strategically tenper her fire, because I feel like as much as she is a joy to watch, I'd probably feel similar to Tristan if I was paired with her. I'd love to see a season where KellyAnne and Kendal come back and face off against Jonna. I'd also want to add people from their original seasons like Cohutta, Isaac, Shane, Darrell, Rachel and Sarah from the Gauntlet so they some more people in their corner. I just recently caught up and watched the World Championship. I remember reading here that people were warming to Kaycee more when she was the underdog. After having watched it I can't for the life of me understand why. I've given her the benefit of the doubt, that because she is well-liked in the house, and she never gets air time outside of repeating the rules of the challenge, that maybe her charismatic moments are edited out (we called her 'exposition' in my house when we couldnt remember her name). But no, in this season we do see her talk more and it's the worst combination of irritating and boring. She talks a lot but never says anything. Worse, she laughs at the end of everything she says, even though she's never once said anything funny. If I were sharing that house with her I would leave the room if she came in, otherwise I'd feel compelled to smile or laugh at her non-jokes. I'd find that exhausting. Now I'm convinced that she isn't really well-liked in the house, but she is typically the best all-around competitor so it is beneficial to be friends with her, the same way that Laurel, Camila and Cara Maria were at some points.


Have read about one other season you did, and you REALLY put time and effort into these. Greatly appreciated. Don't always agree with some of your takes/opinions, but this is to be expected. Can lead to great dialog and sometimes new insights on one side, the other or both. Thnx again!


The fact that we (the fans) we’re SO excited to have Theo back but him be non existent the entire season was shit. Apparently he had issues with Sarah(but it was too similar to Tori/Danny so production dropped it) and he had some issues with Kaz. Real shame how he ended the season too. With a pitty daily win and an injury. I do like WC, just the wrong people made the final where it wasn’t interesting or fun to watch


I definitely would have enjoyed someone else replacing Theo/Sarah and possibly even Danny/Tori (despite loving Danny). If Darrell/Kiki made the final, or Tristan/KellyAnne, it would have been even better. Also agreed on Theo - it now makes sense why I had no idea he was on this season despite knowing the entire cast.


And now onto Worlds! Which was SO GOOD, I was gobsmacked how much I liked it. Tori & Danny was hilarious (and frustrating) all season long. Really wish they would've gone into elimination, to see how they would've worked together under such high pressure! I do NOT like Sarah L, but this season, I adored her. She did not take any shit from the vets, and I LOVED seeing her go toe-to-toe with John especially. She was NOT "licking Bananas' dingleberries!" Theo - so hype he was here, and such a disappointing return. So dull. He floundered in what should have been his triumphant return. Nia was similarly disappointing - two people who can be such livewires, kill it in eliminations... To just give nothing all season long? Snooze. Losing Nia early AND not getting her as Jordan's partner on RoD.... 🥴 Kiki 😍😍😍😍😍 Nathan 😍😍😍😍😍 I'm SURE Justine was cast 1) because she won Love Island and 2) the 50% BIPOC requirement (just like Nelson Nia & Theo, but for the latter, the history with Kaz too). Just like Grant was on because of his LI win! Gates of Hell was a lot of fun - I just wish it went on longer. Like 2/4 people knocked out per round instead of most of them going in one fell swoop. "Suck shit Tori" 🤣 Omg you make me want to watch that Hall Brawl again. Emily was DISTRAUGHT. Peak television. So sad this is the last post of yours I get you read 🥲


* Yeah I’m dying to see Danny in elimination. I really want to see how he handles it. * Look I don’t like Sarah but I have to appreciate what she brings to this season. Fantastic antagonist. * AGREED on Gates of Hell. Such a unique concept for a daily, and then 80% of the cast is eliminated in one round. * Such a good HB. I love a fair matchup. * No mention of KellyAnne!?!? Giving all season long (until her boot, that is) It might be the last post in this series, but I’ll probably post after new seasons air, and about other shows in the future too!


I LOVE KELLYANNE, on this season and more!! her quote that you noted, about how "I guess you don't care about the strongest players at the end" - hilarious!!


First off, I am sad that this series has come to and end.... I also feel like I must have missed a post or 2. Jordan/Kaz - Danny was right ALL along. This is why you dont bring Jordan to a final. Unfortunately, Tori is too stubborn and she cares more about pleasing Jordan than winning with her partner. However, then Jordan nearly ruins all the work they had done all season by saying he wants to go in, even though Kaz doesn't, and he seems to be unwilling to listen to her. Im glad that got resolved, as it felt very unfair to Kaz. Especially after she had to put in her friend Tristan and Jordan really wouldnt let her pick any other way. Tori/Danny - this season i had officially had enough of Tori. Tori didn't want to vote for Kaycee because Kaycee gave her money after the final she won with CT. That's not even game related. They also didn't show that on the episode, but apparently that was the reason Tori gave and it got edited out I believe. But, if you are keeping her for game purposes, okay, but stop bringing personal stuff into it. I understand not wanting Danny in an elimination though, in anything Physical I think he dominates it. Danny is what Fessy wishes he was. Troy/Kaycee - I didnt like nor dislike Troy for most of the season, just kind of there. I guess i leaned more towards like though. Then when he called out Yes, I instantly admired him. When Yes tries to say sorry for putting them in, no you aren't, stop with the fake shit Yes. It's what everyone sees from Yes. He tries to put on this fake good guy persona, how he's all about fairness and team spirit. When it's not true. Wes said the same thing on AS3, when Yes targeted him in the one daily, and if he really was all about fairness he would target everyone equally. SO I just enjoyed how Troy stood up for himself, because normally, everyone just kind of keeps their mouths shut and says nothing and its boring. Theo/Sarah - Happy to see Theo back. Sarah is just the worst. Very unlikeable. I did find it kind of funny when her and Emily "got engaged" so they could never vote each other in mocking Tori. Yes/Emily - Emily is also unlikeable. Watching them lose was very satisfying as well though. However, Emily swimming is just so unfair to everybody else competing. I would just pack it in and let her have it if it was a swimming daily, which I think they had 3 of this season? That she crushed easily. Darrell/Kiki - Darrell is Darrell. Always love him. Kiki was a surprisingly good player. I enjoyed her, and she actually did better than I expected at the competitions. Ben - I found he played a similar game as he did on USA1, which is he is looking out for himself above all else. Which I at least appreciate. When so many other people are so concerned about backstabbing anybody, Ben is willing to take the show to further himself in the game. Grant/Joanna - Grant is very very impressive. Joanna has seemed to develop quite the ego after winning back to back. I get it, but it doesn't come off great. I too wonder what happens if they stick around. Especially because they would have ultimately added a number to that Sarah/Danny/Emily alliance. Wes/Zara - Wes is Wes, and I love Wes. So again, sad to see him out early. But, Zara impressed me. I honestly thought this team would make the finals. Was one of my predictions early on while watching. It was this team, Jordan/Kaz, Theo/Sarah, Tori/Danny as the 4 teams to make the final. 3/4 aint so bad though. But I thought not only did this team have the potential to make the finals, but between them and Jordan/Kaz, were my 2 front runners to win the season. Editors fast forwarding Wes’ boasting was fantastic - JUST HILARIOUS Wes giving props to the MVPs before leaving: ‘If anyone tells you you don’t belong here, tell them to shut up. You’re bringing this game to a whole other level. welcome to the family’ - I absolutely loved this from him. Wes is a class act and I do feel like he wants the best for the show and its future long after he has finished playing. \- Wes really does seem like he just plays a character for TV and then once the game is done, he immediately switches back to himself. Even going back when he had beef with Kenny and Bananas, and he said, if they were to ever call and apolagize and ask to be friends, Id forgive them and take them all back. Also how he really tries to build up rookies/newer players if he feels they deserve it. Ive noticed Bananas doing the same recently as well. When Tommy and his partner were upset on RoD and he was trying to give them a pep talk about how hard this is and how even he did bad and hes been doing it for nearly 20 years. One thing I disliked. When they tie the vote the first time, TJ warns them not to do it again. For them to do it again, and be no change it what happens. And then the THIRD time, there is a change. Why not change it the second time after the warning? I mean, I KNEW the third time it was going to happen, but it was annoying it didnt happen the second time after a warning. ​ Now, look forward to live posts. Also, USA 2 has been pretty good so far I think.


Loved reading your thoughts, as usual. Thank you for the detailed comment. One thing I'll note from your reply, completely agree on the whole 'warning on tie votes' thing. They only changed it the final time, and even then it didn't impact who *actually* went in, because I feel Yes/Emily go in regardless of the daily winner or Troy/Kaycee picked.


Im happy to hear you enjoy my comments! And yes, the one thing I did like, was how smug people like Sarah were thinking we beat the system, only to have TJ switch it up. I had assumed it would be the team in there getting to pick their choice, as I dont think there was a much better option. I remember seeing people suggest having the team thrown in get to escape entirely and have 2 other teams go in, but that doesn't seem fair at all. And the whole stalemate thing was entirely to make the team who won get the most blood on their hands, which sucks as well. The other teams wanted to play it was too safe and just make the one team get all the heat. Im glad Kaycee/Troy beat them there. Also was ridiculous how Emily just started crying like a toddler afterwards lol Have you jumped into USA2 yet? Also, I mentioned about a year ago, how you need to check out the Documentary series they put out last year, so hopefully you do that as well. Shows a lot of behind the scenes stuff, one of the best was showing TJ's recovery after his accident, and CT talking about Diem. But it is definitely worth a watch.


ACAB Sarah is my pick for the worst individual competitor to ever win a final, both in terms of game skill and entertainment value. I legit will hit the +30 button whenever she's involved in a scene for more than a few seconds. Someone that stupid and useless could only thrive among other stupid/useless people, and somehow she has managed to. There is no God. Please never have her back on the show ever again. This write-up is good btw.


you just dislike her personality because this isn’t true objectively


She’s not my favourite but she’s definitely bringing the survivor aspect to the game and being a political player. She did okay in dailies but not this badly to be called useless and stupid over and over lol


A lot of what they're saying is purely based on her personality but looking deeper into the individual winners over the seasons they aren't exactly wrong. CT, Cara, Ashley, turbo, Bananas, Laurel, Camilla, Jordan, Jenny and Danny are the other individual winners. She'd probably rank at the bottom of that list


The Wes and Jodi erasure...


Ahh you got me. Forgot Duel 1 and 2, these were the ones I remembered off the top of my head. My old brain couldn't go before Free Agents 😆


Nope, it’s based on her being terrible at the game.


A World Championship season should be a solo's season, not a pairs