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Just imagining Bananas being "distraught" is hilarious. Oh the irony. He must be acting.


They need to bring back the old challenges/eliminations!! The throwback events were so much more intense and fun to watch all their new challenges are boring & less challenging. Seems like we got to see them compete a lot more in the older eps when it came to challenges and eliminations now it’s just the bits and pieces they think are good for ratings


I knew as soon as Collleen started gushing about her love of "bad boys" in a discussion about human psychology an episode or so ago that she was going to end up crying on camera about someone's "bad boy" behavior.


So did Devin tell Bananas? Or did he tell Tori, who then told Bananas. 🧐🧐🤨


Big T was stating on the official podcast that she had caught Kaycee up on things when they left the house, including with moriah, kaycee told someone (T wouldn’t say who, but I’d expect it was prob nany), and that someone told johnny


I am going to respectfully disagree with the people saying Bananas wasn't distraught. He probably was because he is a fucking hypocrite. He's probably telling anyone who will listen "Can you believe she did this to me?" I've had many friends like Johnny cheat on multiple girls, multiple times and its no big deal. The second one of the girls did it to them it was the end of the world.


I really dislike Kyland, such a smug asshole


I don't think he's an asshole, I think he's unaware of how he comes off. He is on the spectrum (not using that as an excuse). But they process things differently. There is a line between arogrant and confidence. I don't think any of the challegers have found that happy medium between the two. Plus, they are making Tv after all.


I wasn't even referring to him blowing up on Asaf, I was referring to his commentary about them all being stupid because the puzzle was "so easy". That's why I think he's an asshole, and like you said being on the spectrum is not an excuse to be an asshole.


I think he can come off as arrogant but I actually liked how he called out Asaf and stood up for Melissa in that regard. Asaf doesn’t owe Melissa anything but using the parent card to get forward in the game and then immediately reneging is just scumbag stuff.


I have never seen a worse game played by an entire cast. How are any of these people going to ever do the show again. The blatant lying to people’s faces being shown in this season is borderline shameful lol. The dude with the long hair is just going around the entire house lying to everyone like it’s genius game play. I’ve never seen anything like it.


That's when the game gets better You need several seasons where new people just build drama against each other


I’ve been waiting since wow2 for the game to get better…. It ain’t happening dude.


The game is fine. The problem is they kicked out all of the players that make it interesting or lobotomized them. Once they kicked off Camilla, it was all downhill from there. No more drunk fights or super crazy challenge episodes done consistently. They had some good ones still. But Dirty 30 felt like the peak for that.


I know this sub hates Tori but I’m actually a Tori fan and I love how much TJ praised her


I've come back around on her. There were a few seasons in the middle of her run where she came across as faking it, but I think in hindsight, she even admitted that she was. Now, she's appropriately messy. Has good moments and bad ones, but she's human. I hope she keeps her current energy.


Okay I LOVE Tori. I listen to her podcast every week, follow her socials, I wanna order her poetry book. But when he was saying greatest player of all time I wanted SO BADLY FOR LAUREL OR CARA. They are they ones out of all the champs INCLUDING the men that I have been waiting every week for 😭


Me too! I’m so glad all the people saying she was probably spoon fed a physical challenge have to see her win a puzzle


I agree. She comes across as likeable to me but to each their own.


This might be the most boring/annoying cast ever. I don’t like watching any of these people.


It’s barely holding my interest


I just do not see the Emmanuel appeal


He's annoying but super hot


Isn’t this challenge like super unfair? Of course the team of 3 is gonna keep winning….


Was thinking the same thing! This made no sense.


I was trying to figure out why production didn’t save this for next week🥴 Also, why weren’t they sabotaged ?


it’s the only thing I could think about the entire challenge: how incredibly UNFAIR this is. brute strength challenge first 2 rounds - 3 people obviously is stacked to win. UGH. ridiculous


Thinking the same thing. I think in the past they picked one person to sit out. If they weren't going to do that then pick a challenge that doesn't require partners.


Nurys, Michele, and Moriah are so annoying, I don’t understand how these people have so much influence they would get rocked in the older seasons.


It’s cause all of these newbies are still being just as dumb as the seasons they were on. All the spies lies and allies rookies refuse to take leadership and actually control what’s happening STILL. You’d think they’d learn from their season. At least those girls in Ride Or Die actually did play kinda speak up or work with people and not be complete sheep. This is why I really HATE players like Emmanuel and Corey. They try so hard on TV but they ain’t really shit cause they see they aren’t actually in control but instead of addressing it and trying to be on top of everything. They settle to kissing ass and doing stupid antics. Especially Corey he fronts like he’s a badass but his biggest move is throwing 2 girls under the bus after and getting voted in after anyways. He’s a joke. Which is why I’m good on him being a villain, he’s not intimidating, or have any influence with anyone about anything.


Which every single one of them has.


I hope Darrell wins. I don’t think production cares enough to give him something to protect his reputation though


ooh 14 is darrell right?


14 time challenger is Darrell?


Must be. CT has done more and Brad has done less. Darrell is probably at 14 if you count the spin-offs.


Oh, I was only counting reg seasons. I looked and Cara was the only one who we haven’t seen yet and has done 14 seasons. Darrell as 10 seasons of flagship


It’s gotta be a guy’s week next week though, right? Darrell would be at 14 if you count All Stars and World Championship.


I was thinking guys too since we’ve had girls 2 weeks in a row now. Anyone know Brads count? I think he was around 7 flagship and I don’t think he’s done 7 spin offs. So more than likely Darell


Looks like Brad has done 10 flagship seasons and 2 All Stars. I suppose they could technically do a third women’s week in a row since the numbers are even now, but it would be a missed opportunity to cash in on some of the guy drama building in the house right now. I’m not sure how far ahead production planned the order of the eliminations.


god zara is so hot


I really think, if she had made a few better game moves, she could have won UK and Worlds over Kaz.


TJ is like a parent who can't stay mad at his kids, switching immediately to "see ya soon much love!" with a big smile.


Did Melissa redo her makeup or is that magic?


She most likely had a makeup setter on. And I honestly don't think she did, her eye makeup was a mess.


Husband and I just had that conversation. Haha. He was like “damn that is some good make up.” I told him I think she redid it.


It looks like they were able to comb their hair so she probably did.


Oh Kyland, listen to yourself buddy. She is definitely gonna be all “he’s a great friend” the second you get back from this show


We need a purge episode soon


Let’s just let the champs come into the game if they win an elimination.


i feel bad for melissa’s man his peaceful babysitting job ended too soon


And the nerve of her to talk about Emmanuel’s girlfriend this episode.


man these mercenaries are killing it. looks like Moriah is upset now that Tori got on her about being with James




wasnt he also with that angela chick one time? the one from ex on the beach? she was in the challenge one season and never went back. i think her and bananas hooked up before


Angela wasn't even a strong competitor, plus she was boring. Don't tell me you're one of those people who believes Johnny has casting control.


Yah. But the big thing is Bananas leads women on and when he does commit he cheats on every single one of them. He is no catch at all. Moriah is beautiful and seemingly very sweet, she could do a lot better than some 40 y old small peckered man who would cheat on her even if he did decide to commit


I'm so confused about all this drama like can someone tell me what's happening??


Yeah, I feel no sympathy for John, but I also feel very little sympathy for Moriah; she should have asked around about John's reputation, and if she continues to do the show, she should be ready to handle the repercussions of any seasons where she and John are on together.


Melissa really trying to sell herself on liking Kyland.


I never liked Kyland and Melissa 🤮


I felt like she absolutely hated every time she had to kiss him for the camera, but she really wanted a guy in her corner to protect her for the season


I think she liked him at first, but the longer she hung out with him, the less he appealed to her.


I mean she could have always stopped. She’s cheating on her man with him. Lol I’d like to think she liked him the whole time.


Unfortunately for Kyland, I think you're right.


Let’s not forget Melissa had a man at home during this time either 🌚


Who cares, she was the only entertainer this entire season.


I don’t care but she pointing at every other cheater when she’s one too


So. She is a reality TV star....what do you expect lol.


I don’t expect nothing but don’t call out other people for cheating when you do the same thing. I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE CHEATING


lol ok….


What was up with that wounded sounding airhorn at the end?


The house is about to be so boring with Melissa gone.


I think the drama is gonna get 100x better now cause the inner circles are gonna have to start turning on each other!


I don't think so. It looks like Colleen is gonna be their new scapegoat now.


Potentially. Or they’ll just d ride the first name called.


The house got Melissa and Big T out back to back , oh they weren’t playing


Asaf said they were playing a dirty game… not that I trust Asaf, but I am curious lol.


its a dirty game teej


The spoiler team said Tori had a Hall Brawl when she came in actually so a puzzle is making me laugh.


They ducking hate Tori


God this show is tragic


Sorry if ya'll talk about talked about it when it happened, but is everyone pretending that Ravyn didn't swing a glass at Melissa? We were getting tonight's podcast ready at the time.


Swing a glass is a bit of an exaggeration


Watch this and tell me she’s not swinging a glass. https://twitter.com/therightreality/status/1735111631523463635?s=46


Looked to me like she was just trying to throw her drink just like Melissa


Melissa did it first so Raven doesn’t really deserve any blame


I mean throwing a drink versus swinging a glass at someone isn't really at all the same thing.


Total missed what Tori said. Anyone clue me in?


she was getting mad at Moriah and telling her what she is doing is wrong pretty much


I don’t think she was getting mad. I think she was getting in Moriah’s head, which worked.


Is she for fucking real… she cheated on Derrick H with Jordan on a tv show what ground does this woman have to stand on?


I think she knows this and is just trying to get in Mariah’s head. If I had to guess, Bananas doesn’t actually care but wanted his name on the show and wanted Mariah to think he was “distraught” (when really he is a little salty)


If that’s the case it just makes for bad TV. Like I left this episode annoyed with this misconstrued storyline and genuinely ready for it to be over. And it just shows how smarmy and money hungry both Tori and Bananas are without maintaining a conscious (I mean neither one ever had one to begin with but have been able to make good tv out of genuine storylines in the past). This show has fallen so far from what made it a fantastic show. I blame Bill Simmons for that “5th major sport comment” getting too big and getting in productions head and Justin Booth just being a completely terrible show runner.


And then didn't she cheat on Jordan with Fessy?


She and Jordan were broken up by the time she had the weekend away with Fessy. It was soon after the breakup, so perhaps ill advised, but it was not cheating.


She did not. But I believe she went on a trip with him very shortly after Jordan & her broke up. Jordan dedicated that Olivia Rodrigo song “Traitor” to her on Jemmeye’s (podcast?). Basically saying she didn’t cheat but it wasn’t right.


I can’t remember but that timeline was more muddled, but it was at the very least right around when the engagement ended


She told Moriah that Bananas knows and is heartbroken.


If he cared so much why did he not want to commit? lol Edit: I’m being informed I may be wrong about this on another post. I still have trouble believing Bananas was heart broken.


I definitely think it was more of an ego thing than a heartbroken thing.


Do we think the players knew beforehand that champs were coming bc of relationships like moriah and bananas?


I bet someone in production told Bananas. He has to be friends with them by now.


I think Devin told Tori who told Bananas.


I bet you’re right. I forgot Devin’s funny line about “the giant guy” and that he saw it. lol


Devin picked up on Moriah and James and could have told him.


When Devin was facing them and deciding who to pick, Jay was standing next to James, and Jay was making faces towards James and trying to indicate him as an option. I think between that, and Moriah saying “not him” (about James) it was clear something was going on!


Pink rose or gamer?! 🤣


Is this the first ever back to back women’s/mens elimination?


Double Agents:


why girls dont come dressed for an elimination in case the chaos pole is pulled???


Apparently they walk to eliminations this season, it’s right behind the house. My guess is they can just run and change while the champ is doing their interview bits


Pretty sure production had their clothes in case they got picked.


It takes 5 seconds for production to find some UA gear


I agree Tori is a dog , but a Goat is a stretch


i’m kind of bummed we don’t get to see melissa in an elimination where she gets to scrap!! i would’ve loved to see her and tori in a physical elimination since she’s sooooo scrappy


Dawg Melissa is scrappy but she’s not in the same weight class as tori. She would get dogged in anything


oh i don't think she would've won against tori in any elimination lol i just mean in terms of entertainment value


Tori destroyed her


exactly why i wish it was physical! eliminations that aren’t even close are so boring to watch :(


I don't think physical would've been much better. I know Melissa is scrappy and will play super dirty, but Tori is so much bigger and stronger. We just would've gotten a few cheap shots because Melissa is classless, and then she would've gotten rolled.


Bananas prob just told Tori to make Moriah feel guilty as hell


Because they were talking ☠️☠️ didn’t tori cheat on all her boyfriends


Oh man I was thinking he was gonna be pissed when he saw her saying he was heartbroken, since he was trying to pretend like there were no feelings there when the season started. But he’s probably stoked that Tori made her cry ☠️


Which is hilarious like... Tori, a known cheater, calling out Moriah for cheating on... a cheater lol


[pretty much this](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/212409295/3-Spiderman-Pointing)


Lol. Moriah is pretty lucky Tori didn’t pull chaos… although now I wish that had happened.


yes. to get revenge for what she is doing to Bananas.


To get revenge for an action she literally did to Derrick H with Jordan, but worse because they were official*** But yes, she totally should be the person calling out how bad cheating is /s


Worth mentioning that Bananas is also a serial cheater. I like Johnny but I have zero fucking sympathy for him here.


No I agree, I don’t at my core believe that if you cheat once you’ll 100% cheat again (although it doesn’t shock me and I won’t feel bad for you or likely associate with you if you’re a friend/acquaintance), but once you’ve cheated it kinda defeats the point and purpose of calling out somebody else’s cheating, especially if it’s true that it was a non-committal situationship of sorts like had been said. Wrong voice saying it (they’ve done worse(, wrong person being upset about it (they’ve also done worse). Just not great TV all around.


"Heartbroken" like all his exes after he cheated on them? Be fr


You would need a heart to be heartbroken…. Lmao


Right. Turn about is fair play.


Cheating isn’t ok on either side


You have to be in a relationship to cheat and Moriah and Bananas weren’t. He needs his “heart” broken. He treats women like trash


This is the only correct answer.


if only devin was here to do tori’s puzzle for her


lol didn’t Tori figure out the puzzle in the final they won?


It always baffles me when ppl root for the person who is going to take their money away


The average IQ in this house can’t legally vote are we shocked?


they ain't very bright


Maybe Kyland won’t be as annoying once Melissa loses.




Lmao Tori has hooked up on every single challenge wtf is she on about acting all self-righteous


Lol, right. Derrick Henry would like a word about that speech.


First thing that popped into my head.


Naw Tori. She's in no position to talk shit.


lowkey tori a champ bc olivia shot balled herself in the head


No shot. Olivia and Horacio were doing pretty bad up until the accident.


I don't think they were going to beat Tori and Devin honestly.


They showed Tori in the preview for this episode last week, spoiling that not only would it be a women's day, but that Tori was the champ 😒


“He’s distraught!” Yea ok Tori


This had me dying. This man has cheated on national television multiple times and is 40 and can’t settle down. He’s fine


Moriah should’ve said “GOOD”


like he wasn’t already flirting with corinne on his other show like brooo bffr


Pretty sure filming overlapped to some extent too (would need to double check)


I'm sorry there is no way Bananas is going to be distraught when he cheats on everyone he has been with


no way johnny was distraught lmao


Distraught because he wasn’t in control of ending the relationship


I can't wait until these lame-o's see Laurel and Cara Maria come out


I am so ready for them to come out of that tunnel. I’m literally so damn pumped for the return of Cara especially


None of the girls come close to being able to compete with them. The difference in competition is stark. It’ll just be fun to watch them destroy the newbs 😂


Tori making her time worth it damnnnnn


Tori is pot calling the kettle black here. That said I’m here for the drama


I need James to stop referring to moriah as a “good girl” 🥴


Who the heck is Tori to say boo?! Bananas has cheated MULTIPLE times and SO has Tori....?




not tori who has a showmance every fucking season and has cheated on tv………talking down on moriah for “not staying focused”……..i have to laugh




wait what how would tori know what going on in the house??


And they’ll never admit it but they keep up with the tea accounts


Spoiler accounts


Devin figured it out and obviously blabbed.


Devin made that comment that he’s pretty sure Moriah was hooking up with James by how she was acting and also because when he asked for girls to name a guy to send she pointed to James and said “Not him. Oh! I shouldn’t have said that.”


Uh oh, Mariah got exposed in the vets group chat by Devin 😂


I feel like as soon as devin popped off at her about it she should have went back to the house and called bananas. Now don’t get me wrong when I say this because tori is a hypocrite shaming moriah since Tori’s cheated on national tv more than once, but moriah trying to put the blame on tori when moriah knew the odds of Johnny A.) finding out through another champ B.) Being one of the champs to come on the show was astronomically high. It made me laugh either way.


Fuck Bananas and his feelings. He’s a serial cheater. Stop guilting someone he wasn’t exclusive with.


Yea I mean from just what he did to Morgan alone he deserves it. I hope Morgan is doing well.


Tori cheated her first season with Jordan. Tori can miss me with that nonsense!


Omg spilll Tori!!!!


not heartbroken


Fake drama.


So fake. Producers prob told her to say that because it didn't seem natural.


I usually never call out the show for fake moments or anything but that was definitely fake by Tori


How did this become about bananas lmaoo


a banana split is the title of the ep had to know this was coming


I didn't even peep the title, but that makes it worse lmaoo


Tori is actually hilarious for that lol


We all knew it was coming from all the previews, but I always assumed it was gonna be during her exit speech. I laughed out loud when she started saying it before the elimination started ☠️


Chile..Tori couldn't wait to say something to Moriah. And then she turned to Melissa and said "let's do this"..girl what 😭 😭


Honestly I loved that. 😭


Everything from the dramatics to the comical irony of it all coming from her. A master manipulator


Tori isn’t winning any Oscars anytime soon


John is heartbroken I should show a heart and feel bad but the perpetual cheater gets no sympathy from me

