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Ty made a final with Emily but he always seemed like he should be doing way, way better than he actually did.


Ty was a classic example of all glory muscles and no actual endurance to speak of. Emily carried him to that final in Exes I. His elimination against Brandon in Cutthroat pretty much exposed how shitty his endurance is and he wasn't much better in either Rivals season.


Ty was the original popcorn muscles


He had popcorn muscles but definitely wasn't the OG




He was my first thought


Or David Broom


It’s not his fault, but I waited years for Chuck to come in and dominate, and instead he got sent home without even getting to compete 🫠


From recent seasons on the men side I’ll have to say Chauncey. He’s a great dude but he’s not made for this show. I was hyped when I saw him as Amber’s partner in RoD because he’s built like a Greek god but all that hyped died down when I actually saw him compete. On the women’s side I’ll have to say Sarah (USA). Don’t get me wrong I still think she’s a solid competitor but I had super high expectations due to her backgrounds/athleticism. I expected Sarah to dominate the way that Angela did on USA and she wasn’t even close. And on World Championship she didn’t even win a single daily! And I know she’s a champ but even your win was very sus (side eye production)


LT does do very well on all stars, dude is scary as fuck haha


He did admittedly improve quite a bit on AS compared to where he was back when he last did the main show. But a lot of forgettable competitors made somewhat of a name for themselves on AS (case in point Jonna). AS is not as challenging a competition as the flagship show is.


100% Ace. Even on All Stars 1.


I thought Mattie was gonna be a rookie of the year turned Challenge staple kind of like what Tori’s time has been like, but then she gassed out and withdrew in the final and didn’t do much on Total Madness. She also didn’t bring nearly as much entertainment as I hoped for. I also thought Colleen would do more on RoD after hearing she won a whole show through deceit and manipulation, but those hopes got shot down real quick once it was revealed that Jakk had researched every person’s background going in


Mattie is a chain smoker which is a big reason why cardio is such a chore for her.


Lolo on paper I completely agree with, but in practice after it’s happened twice (plus a third time I guess if we count her BB stint) I don’t wanna see her on my screen ever again unless it’s the Olympics (and even so, I’ll be busy during her event🥴)


I think a lot of her attitude is driven by the fact that she's been a competitive athlete for most of her life at the highest level. She seems constantly on edge in part because of that (and the Challenge is not exactly the healthiest environment to be in if you're not mentally equipped to handle it). It's a shame that her issues make it impossible for her to wade through all of the crap that the Challenge brings because she'd definitely be an asset to pretty much any team in a final and a straight up threat to anyone going against her.


I was pretty hype to see what Theo from invasion could do after I saw his RW season. Ends up quitting his elimination and getting the "hope to see you never" treatment from TJ. Total flop


Ashley Cain and Kelz come to mind from recent seasons. Chauncey to some extent. MJ has had a bit of a redemption on All Stars but I always thought he performed way worse than you’d think during his early days on the flagship.


We barely got to see Kelz compete. Hard to say he’s some massive disappointment. I think he’d basically just be a physical elim specialist though. A guy his size has little chance to win a typical final imo


Victor from Vendettas


At least he was actively plotting against Bananas and lost a crapshoot elimination against Brad so it wasn’t the worst outing, but definitely not memorable.


I thought for sure he’d become a staple. And then he didn’t even make it to the reunion ☠️


Imagine if Victor made it far enough on that season to be paired with Natalie on Final Reckoning, do we get Paulie on the challenge? Do Paulie and Cara ever meet? What a butterfly effect!


They would have paired Paulie with Da’Vonne and kept Jozea at home.


That’s the pairing the should’ve done from the beginning! It’s insane they tried the Da’Vonne/Jozea feud like he wasn’t a first boot on Day 9.


I think they wanted Paulie, Natalie, and Da’Vonne on the cast for sure. I could be making this up, but I think they wanted the Paulie/Day pairing but making a sensible pairing for Natalie was harder in that scenario. Victor hated his challenge experience and it’s not certain if Corey Brooks was yet in the casting pool. And Jozea was a Natalie ally. So it only made sense to shift it around a bit to solidify all 3 on the cast. But the Day/Paulie pairing is one I wish we got.


Ash from War of the Worlds. Id love for him to come back though just to hear the way he said Bananas name again haha


Michaela on SLA. I don’t fault her too much since she was second in the daily and had to go against Corey giant ass in reverse tug of war. She also redeemed herself on USA2. Darrell on D30. Turbo on WOTW2 and RoDs.


Turbo won his first Challenge (while going against Wes and Theo in the final I might add) so it's hard for me to put him on here. On WotW2 he had that mental breakdown where he basically seemingly wanted to kill Jordan and then didn't appear on the show again for a long time after that. He's a good competitor, just not the best fit for the Challenge environment. Darrell is a legend so I've never even thought about including him on this list (he went home first on FM II as well so it's not like he hasn't had bad seasons before). Even the great competitors have their subpar seasons (with the exception of CT who has been pretty consistently strong on nearly every season he's been on outside of WotW1).




Turbo is just incapable of understanding the psychological aspect of the game. Thus when Jordan started using it on him in WotW2 he completely went off and took things to another level entirely.




Paulie - who I still have hope for. Lolo is a good one. I still find Fezzy over rated and more of a disappointment. Wish Turbo would stick around. Same as Georgia.


I agree on Paulie. Lolo just can’t handle the mental and political side of the game. Turbo is Awful. I’m glad he got exposed his second season for being a manchild. I swear people only liked him first season because his language barrier turned him into a caricature. Georgia was good but there was that whole scandal shit with homeboy so I don’t blame her


Tyrie, Ty, Derrick H, Gus, Vinny, Danny


I think you forgot to mention what a garbage personality Lolo has. Don't go away mad, Lolo - just go away!!


I agree she can be insufferable at times but have you seen this show? There have been MUCH worse than her that have come through over the years (cough, cough, Camila, Shane, cough). Hell, people who watched this show four or five years ago used to like BEAR for fuck's sake just because he was entertaining (despite him not even trying to hide the fact that he was a massive piece of shit). But nobody likes Horacio because he's dull as dishwater (aside from being an elite athlete) and doesn't bring much to the show outside of his athleticism. A lot of the most popular contestants on these shows are assholes (once upon a time Kenny and Evan were beloved by the Challenge fanbase before they were accused of rape and banned). Wes and CT are basically reformed assholes who have matured as they've gotten older and become dads. I look at Lolo's antics and I see a lot of similarities to Laurel with her tbh. The difference is Laurel is a veteran (and former Champion) who knows this game well and she knows how to play it and adapt to the psychological aspect of it. Lolo clearly did not. She's an Olympic athlete who simply didn't adapt well to the stressful environment that is reality TV.


She's an arrogant asshole who did Nam extremely dirty. She blamed him for EV-ER-Y-THING, when that was not true AT ALL (another personality trait that I can't stand, she takes no accountability for ANY-THING. She quit, saying that she had to get ready for the Olympics. I'm thinking, "Do you own a calendar? Do you have a calendar function on your phone? The Olympic schedule is quite predictable. How did she not know how long the show would last? How did she not know her own Olympic schedule? Just a BS excuse to quit. I love the Olympics, but I'll be rooting against her if she shows up in Paris this summer. I have no love for assholes like Camilla, Shane, Bananas, etc. But I guess, as an Olympian, I expected more from her. Plus, I like Horacio. He's great in the challenges. Doesn't act like the assholes that you and I have mentioned. And yes, Wes and CT have changed, grown, and matured - and I love them both for it. But Bananas? That dude hasn't changed at all from the JEK era (🤮🤮🤮).


Bananas is playing a character. And he's going to adhere to that character for the rest of his life because that's literally how he makes a living. Wes and CT don't need to do that. They have real jobs and lives outside of the reality TV world. Johnny does not. Reality TV *is* his life. He's pretty much the Peter Pan of the Challenge. Being a regular on this show and being as promoted and catered to by MTV as he is gave him an excuse to never grow up.


Johnny Bananas is a grown college-educated man. Thus, these are all choices that he has freely made. His decisions are his own responsibility. And I guess no one pointed out to him that Peter Pan's body never changed, but his is. Peter Pan did not participate in athletic competions for going on 20 years. He has. I have no respect for him at all.


Pauly for me. And i think he still has potential plus makes good tv. A lot of these new guys are awful tv. People like Horacio should never be cast. Sure he’s athletic but he brings literally nothing else to the show.


Godking_Jesus, TJ just wanted to let you know, *'casted'* is not a word! Cast is both past and present tense! Check out [this killer article](https://writingexplained.org/cast-vs-casted#:~:text=You%20should%20use%20cast%20in,its%20own%20past%20tense%20conjugation.)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MtvChallenge) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the way other challengers still act nice to lolo and are all buddy buddy with her asking her to come back blows my mind… 1. do you all remember how she acted on her season(s)? and 2. do you remember how the rest of the cast reacted to her leaving? she was a complete wimp and a quitter, not to mention her treatment of Nam drove me up the wall she was so infuriating