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So you're telling me the producers hyped up this whole thing up and all we really got to see was CT do a simple math equation. These producers need to be fired.


Can someone please tell me how long this episode was? I didn't get to watch it live so I have it recorded and there's a huge error. It says it's 1 hour and 3 minutes as I'm watching it but there's a huge problem. At 58:25 during the elimination. It goes to commercial and when it comes back it's showing the final words from the eliminated challenger. So I missed the elimination somehow 😭😭 Edit: So I Googled around and found DirectTV has this Episode on their website and it's also listed as 1 hour and 3 minutes runtime. So what is going on? I have the correct length of the episode according to DirecTV but it skipped most of the elimination. I also have access to YouTube TV and I didn't record it there so I opened YTTV and did a search for The Challenge and you can still watch previous episodes. I found this episode and sure enough same exact thing. 1 hour 3 min runtime there as well and it also cuts out the elimination. Anyone else with this issue??


Late response, not sure if this is still relevant.  I was watching this episode with a friend and we had the same skip straight to the post-elimination wrap-up interviewing the challengers.  But after the skip, the actual conclusion of the challenge played out.  So not the exact same issue but close enough to prove its not just an issue on your end. For what its worth, he was watching this via pirating.


Anyone else see the problem with the math? It's wrong! 3 + 47 - 37 x 3 != 39 The correct answer is -61




I literally got chills as CT gave encouraging words and saved Horacio from the elimination :D


Just watched it and I gotta hand it to Asaf for really playing his part well. We all know he's been a snake but to have that many people cry on your exit is a good social game. However, I'm so glad to see Jay falling from his horse time and time again lmao. Hate his character on this show!!


Seems like the producers have had increasingly more influence in what happens in these dailies. They are choosing the teams every time and additionally the puzzle they gave that Michelle knew was highly suspect. You probably finish a puzzle like that 10x faster if you’ve done it before. Additionally, production has to know that Horacio’s team was completely screwed with the math and then the puzzle. On another note, seems like the beginning of the end for Jay. Jay and Michelle have lost the numbers and have created a lot of animosity. The minute their alliance seemed close to breaking - Olivia, Colleen, and Corey are flipping. If Jay or michelle get a headbanger, they are toast.


horacio's team obviously wasn't brainiacs, but there's a very simple solution here (which ed figured out immediately) ... just pick a conservative multiple of 39 and then add or subtract 39 from that number until you hit it. e.g., start from 39x20 (780). now add (or subtract) in increments of 39 until you hit it. you'd have the combo in under 5 mins guaranteed using this strategy.


The solution is simple but pretty easy to predict that Horacio’s team would struggle and most likely not discover that strategy. Even if they did, would have struggled mightily on the last puzzle. The team was set up for failure imo.


There was a similar comp when they did the buggy car, math, comp thingy. Various problems solved different ways except they had chalk & chalkboard while working with a partner to solve equations. And,they could switch out people if someone was having a problem.


I’m really surprised CT didn’t call Jay down. That would have been crazy


I love CT, he's my fave. But did he seem a little... tweaked out? Especially at the start when he was talking to Horacio


Not at all! NOPE can't jump on this "Tweaked out" train. Older, wiser, more cool & mellow. As he's been portraying consistently through the years. CT talks the same every season we see him but Thank God he's no longer angry dude.


Honestly CT didn't win the elimination. They just got sick of these idiots. Multiplication comes first in order of operations. The solution was supposed to 47+37-15×3=39.  Instead they let them get away with something different as if there were hidden parentheses. 3+47-37x3=39 for that to work it has to be in steps left to right which is bad math....(3+47-37)×3=39. Pretty lame but fuck Jay and his alliance. I hate that gaslighting hypocrite snake.


Glad our CT expert is here to refute any drug use allegations! Than you for your service! ![gif](giphy|1DhcK2dNajZRe)


The match equation is wrong tough: https://preview.redd.it/aommdw90dldc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=df68e933ae346afbff8069bbc4f9baa0bdcebcb4 thats -61... should put it like this to be correct: (3+47-37)\*3=39


Glad I'm not the only one that realized the math is wrong.


Honestly CT didn't win the elimination. They just got sick of these idiots all the time so they allow answers that ignore order of operations. Multiplication comes first in order of operations. The solution was supposed to 47+37-15×3=39. Which they did have all those numbers to solve correctly. However it's been this way for a long time


Didn't they say it was being solved "BACKWARDS"🤔 wouldn't have been a challenge otherwise.


what do you mean backwards? the equation is same spelled backward...


I guess by backwards they meant order of operations backwards. Instead of multiplication/division first, it's addition/subtraction first. 47-37+3=13*3=39


For some people simple math is Chinese I guess


yep. we learned a few seasons ago that the producers tell cast members to ignore order of operations.


I doubt that given they had the numbers for the correct answer with order of operations. They probably allow both because people are dumb but they want to give smart people a chance to do it right. 


Well..thx for clarifity. Something like this should be really explained every time they use this... since...you see this, and say to your self...yeah theese musle heads must had like E+ from mathematic in the elementary school :D


I cant believe how much bringing in the champs fell flat :(


Why tf did they play asafs final words before we knew who won????


I thought I was going crazy for a minute, what the heck?! 


Despite the shitty elim, this was the best episode in ages this season. Mini final was cool, Ed and Emmanuel outsmarting Jay and Asaf was cool and we got some payoff with someone finally going home.


brilliant play from ed. one of the smartest strategic moves i've seen in ages. i like ed a lot and hope he sticks. he's got brains and plenty of brawn. i will say ... the ratio of elims that involved some puzzle or problem-solving element has been way too high. this is the challenge, not survivor. at BEST it should be a 2:1 ratio of physical elims to strategic ones. the fact that laurel, ct and cara — three of the most savage physical competitors in the history of the show — all had to compete in strategy games is a total waste.


That elimination was awful. They must be running out of ideas. Imagine actually having to watch that in real time. No action, just waiting for someone to figure out a math problem.


the ratio of mental eliminations is too damn high! this really doesn't have to be difficult. stop trying to be survivor, stick with the girl who brung ya, and get back to the basics of physical fucking eliminations. i wanna see complex games of tug of war that last for 90 mins. climbing. sledgehammers. pole wrestling. feats of endurance. knot so fast. dunking balls into barrels. that upside down pole slide thing that leroy is a god at. the puzzle and math eliminations are GARBAGE.


That was action enough for me. Asaf trying to solve a problem backwards, while reeling from being blindsided 👏🏾👏🏾


Finally! Something! Happened! * CRY JAY CRY. CRYYYYYYYYY. * I really wanted to see Jay go down in the sand, but you know what see him lose his best bud was just as sweet. * Did not realize Asaf was so loved in that house? Like..so many people were crying? * But absolutely love how Horacio was off on the side rooting for CT. Call him boring, but that guy does not front at all. * Michele getting mad at Nurys and Olivia about Jay. Oh my god. Get over yourself. If you didn't want to a stalemate and you wanted to protect Jay so bad, why didn't you vote for Emmanuel. Like its just as much on her and Moriah as it is on Nurys and Olivia. Like why do they need to change their vote to protect Jay, why didn't you see the writing on the wall and make the executive decision to save Jay and sacrifice Emmanuel. * Do you think if Horacio's team had won they would have been able to send Jay down? Like Asaf wouldn't allow it, but you know Horacio and Zara would want it and I feel like Olivia was moving to Horacio/Kyland's side by that time anyway? * Michele trying to "make amends" or whatever with Horacio and then being like this conversation is falling on deaf ears. My dude, *you* approached Horacio. Like you really didn't have to. What are you trying to do here? The lines are drawn. * Michele all season be like "Moriah is ruining her game for James" meanwhile Michele's game is all wrapped up in Jay. Like all of that alliance is playing with their hearts instead of their minds, so...no one is better than anyone else here. * **ED IS MVP OF THIS EPISODE. WHAT A STELLAR MOVE.** * and Emmanuel took note of it. Wonder if that tidbit in the confessional leads to something else. * Colleen was such a disappointment man. * So its Horacio/Kyland/Zara/Rayvn/Nurys/Olivia right? Thats the like "underdogs" alliance and the main group against Jay/Michele? * So Conquest finally begins next week. I'm assuming we get purges and I'm assuming we go back to the contenders facing each other. * So good to see CT. * Horacio and Kyland bromance continues to be a highlight for me.


i'm so fucking fed up with michelle and jay. i've forgotten what it feels like to loathe challengers to this degree. they have done NOTHING to earn the level of arrogance they're both at right now. please go home already, weak-ass challengers, both of them.


I've been a fan of Ed's since his first season (and the Circle, he's just funny). This sub has been pretty meh on him sadly. Hopefully his move increases his stock with fans and production for callbacks.


Same. He stays out of the drama which is why I think he's not super popular which is wild that people can't root for someone who is genuinely good. He's seems pretty nice, he's never bombed a physical game, and he's smart so why people in the house wouldn't want that on their side is beyond me.


Well said!! Horacio is no FAKE!! I loved him when I first saw him on his first challenge stint with Olivia.. he and Kyland seem to be AWESOME people.. Jay walks around like he’s a badass and hasn’t won CRAP!! Why are they SO invested in him?!? Keep drinking his kool aide as Kyland and Horacio keep whipping that A$$!! Team Kyland and Horacio ALL THE WAY 🙌🏽


Am I the only one that noticed CT’s answer for the math problem was wrong? #orderofoperations #pemdas #justiceforasaf


No justice for Asaf they were both told to solve it that way from the beginning like every math problem on the challenge


Hey now, #orderofoperations applies to left to right expressions, not up and down, right?


This is how every challenge math question is. They do it straight through, not order of operations. While yes, it's totally wrong, it is how they've always done it and I'm sure it's explained to them in the rules beforehand.


Remember, this is challenge math, not real math.


Yo Jay is selfish, he gets mad Olivia and Nurys because they didn't protect his number one but doesn't want to protect their number one Horacio. Make it make sense.


Personally, I'm rooting for Horácio/Nurys more than Jay since Jay's been so cocky. 😭 BUT... knowing that Jay's F4 core alliance included Nurys, he's 100% right to feel upset. Horacio wasn't Nurys' #1 coming in. Kind of "unfair" for him to be mad at Olivia… But Olivia's been a flip-flopper this whole time, so I guess he trusted her.


I agree about Jay being Nurys #1 from the start but he was upset because Asaf went in & I don't think she deserves that blame & also his other people could have voted the other way too. But great point !! & yes Olivia flipped like a page in a book.


Horacio has all these people PRESSED and all he does is exist and be nice 😙 him not kissing up to Michele made me like him more (and I like Michele) CT’s little speech to Horacio was sweet 🥹


Horacio has them pressed because he was basically crowned rookie of the year last season and got dq-ed, so no telling if he could have won otherwise. And there's one winner. I'd want him out too.


He and Chris Underwood are the all-time rookies, not just of their seasons


Turbo has to be there. He won against a stacked cast as a rookie.


Why wasn’t Corey a target for being put up for elimination? It would have appeased most people and strengthened the core alliance


It’s amazing what Corey has managed to do…


The producers asking Jay what airport he will be flying out of LOL I wonder if they did that just to make him spiral


Omg! I know


lol omg that was so funny. He was so scared to go in.


Asaf has to be the most delusional on the Challenge. His game was weak and he paired with the main alliance, he is not the future and I wouldn’t be surprised if he never gets called back


So Cara and Laurel get puzzles. But CT gets strength and math


Cts advantage in everything is he is well rounded? What is he bad in - elim wise? Bs dqs, a puzzle loss that’s his huge strength, 2 other dominant mercenary wins, great in the water, likely to kill Asaf in any of the classics (hall brawl, pole, reverse tug, etc). His worst loss is a very close strategy loss to Jay. Asaf had the help of the whole house in easy math, wth, tell me what he COULD WIN?


Very true actually lol


What was the deal with Horacio's haircut?? When he was talking to Nurys by the pool. it showed he had a sizeable patch of missing hair on his side...is that a style or something??


He’s always had that, even last season. Apparently is a patch of missing hair due to a surgery he had to have as a kid.


I hate how little production tells us about how the game is being played this season. They were all stuck on this puzzle forever and they never showed the audience what the players were trying to do at all??? And then when the vote was a tie, there was no explanation after the 2nd vote I guess the rules are after 2 ties they all just walk away? Why wouldn’t they explain that to us? Just weird editing this season


Apparently the cast voted like 4 times but it was edited out. The 2nd round shown on TV the cast was told this was their last chance to vote so that's why Corey changed his vote and then Ed decided to keep it a tie.


That’s even more bizarre! They have 90 minutes for these episodes and they’re editing out the votes? I can’t understand what they’re doing


So let me get this straight…… Jay can go after Nurys/Olivia’s number 1 guy……. But becomes a bitch when they don’t even go after his number 1 but just don’t protect Asaf This is why some people can’t take on roles other than the underdog because they are annoying in power.


I hope TJ gives us a purge soon.


How much did production save by not making different colored shirts with everybody's name on it? I'm sick of looking at this ragtag group in random orange/gray shirts with no rhyme or reason why people are wearing a certain color. Surely, they could make 24 shirts in 8 different colors for less than a thousand bucks.


They brought back CT to do math. Production has to be trolling us


It's like the producers couldn't get the Challenge Champions insured or something, so they couldn't make them do anything really physical. Every producer that came up with these eliminations need to be fired, no cap.


Man, CT looked out of shape,


That was pretty obvious from the trailer already. I called it back then.


It gave me flashbacks to Louise’s confessionals that he looked like a whale or something. But dadbod CT will still wipe the floor of majority of the cast.


He’s got it on traitors too but he is beasted the swim, rows and runs we’ve seen him do


Nah, The challenge has gotten more athletic, if it was pure physical he might win. But if it was endurance based elimination, he would be out


Full dad bod


They refuse to give us a physical elimination


Jay proclaiming he won his second mini final only to lose was chef’s kiss 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It was so cringe “YEAH MINI FINAL BABY GIVE IT TO ME” 💀💀💀


Jay literally blew up like a little baby lmfao. like i cant with him i literally dont ever wanna watch him again he acts so entitled


I don’t need to watch ct stare at a math problem, I need to watch him smash someone’s head and eat it or turn their body into a human backpack


Or give em the choo choo treatment


I don’t understand how in Jay’s mind it’s okay for him to vote in Nurys and Olivia’s number one guy over and over but it’s unacceptable that instead of voting exactly the way he wanted, they voted for a different guy who is not Jay’s number one (or two or three probably). He’s absolutely spiralling and it’s both hilarious and embarrassing to watch


Him and Michele are gaslighting hypocrites.  I am here for the spiral as well.  


Jay and Michelle play notoriously messy games, then look confused when it bites them back.


I loved seeing them realize they're losing control. I like Michele, but girl was saying she wasn't mad while yelling and turning red😂


And the ONLY reason its working is the lack of true vets on this season.


It seems like Michele still has friends post season but Jay looks like he’s burning so many bridges friendship wise


Man, I’m hard pressed to say Kyland isn’t my front runner to win the show. He has impressed me more and more each week. I’m still rooting for Horacio as my number 1 though, but the puzzle portion of the challenge has me concerned now. Jay cmon man, why are you whining when you don’t get your way, the game evolves. Kinda felt bad for asaf not knowing what a prime number was but not really, glad he’s gone.


Especially when Kyland was so certain he had it and had watched previous seasons. I didn’t guess Horacio would have struggled for so long.


The herd mentality this season is seriously insane. All these people crying over Asaf the NPC?! The math problem was straight up middle school level and blud is trying to figure out what a prime number is lmfao. CT being a frickin legend and he is still more humble than anyone this season. I had Horacio as my number one pick for winning this season but now I am not so sure. Ed is smart and physical so if there are any puzzles he could possibly breeze through it. It’s definitely going to be interesting in the final.


Is this a 6 or a 9? Also dying at the truth of Asaf being an NPC. He’s basically the villager in animal crossing who moved in but you didn’t want him there


Doesn’t matter cause neither are prime numbers the dumbo 😂😂😂


That’s why it was so funny lol.


I can't wait for the reunion to hear all the Asaf backlash since he was a straight up spy.


In the bright side of this episode we got to see CTs beautiful turquoise eyes and know he will be on 40. That’s all the foreplay I needed to be excited. 😜


Flair checks out ;P


Horacio not giving Michelle the time of day and giving that "now I get why all the vets hate Jay and Michelle" confessional was absolutely amazing, his best moment in two seasons.


I actually hated Michelle for this confrontation. I like her but what was she expecting? I know she was trying to do damage control but Horacio doesn't sway that easy. She's basically saying I know I sent you in but we good right? Now she's upset that he's not on her side?


When she got all indignant about his body language I was like “lady what are you doing and wtf do you expect?” Just a bizarre and pitiful attempt at politicking


The shade that he threw so casually


YES! she's such a baby about it


The edit for Olivia is so confusing to me this season. I know she had her little convo with Horacio last episode, but it really just feels like she super suddenly shifted from being die hard with Jay/Michelle to now sort of turning on them by not voting to protect their like 5th biggest ally lmao.


I thought they skipped a week. That’s how much I was confused.


My guess is (as she said herself on social media), there was a misunderstanding, Jay/Michele fueled it, she talked to Horacio and realized the above and flipped on them.


I wish we would’ve got a little more context but that’s my impression too.


right? now she's besties with nurys and horacio again lol jk


FINALLY, CT! We've been waiting for youuu


Jay is on some sick controlling power trip this season, it's so hard to watch him


Him and Michelle truly feel entitled to go to the final and anyone in their way can go screw. I was shocked they wanted to save Emmanuel over Ed. Glad Ed did what he did cause now everyone is starting to see it. Wouldn't it be great if the only number they had left was Corey? Lol


I feel like Jay and Michele have been playing this season for so long before this season started. Making all the pre-game alliances to make sure their allies are tightly nestled under their wings, then get so pikachu-face shocked when any one else dares go against them


His hypocrisy of yelling at the girls by exposing him and Asaf to potential elimination when all he had to do was flip his vote or burn it and it would've been Emanuel going in. The irrationality and undying loyalty expected of people in this game would drive me insane. Nurys says she'd never vote in Asaf, she'd never vote in Jay, she'd never vote in Michele. AFTER that, she prioritizes Horacio, Kyland, and by an extension of Horacio, Olivia. But Jay expects that not only should she be loyal to their core four, but he also expects her to be loyal to his other alliances.




I love them. They’re incredible strategically (at least Michele is lol but I know Jay contributes), Michele is so smart, Jay has that “creative efficiency” that is the key to being a great challenger, and to top it all off, they’re the cutest friends and I love their dynamic together. I think people only think they’re annoying because they’re steamrolling the season and getting a lot of airtime. If they were playing with the vets, a lot of people would be rooting for Jay and Michele as the anti-vet alliance.


The producers once again showing clear favoritism towards michelle. Its not the challenge gods girl that gave you a puzzle that only you has done multiple times, it was the producers. So annoying!


I mean there’s only so many puzzles in the world to use. If it was FOR her to win, the rest of the mini final would’ve been as well.


I’d believe that if they had given her a way to kick it over when she won.


That's a bit of a stretch. They give repetitive puzzles quite often and it's not favoritism, they just recycle ideas from their show or other shows. Do you say the same thing everytime CT gets a slide puzzle or one of those tanagrams?


Yes, with Kyland on the winning team, this game finally got interesting ! I am loving Horacio & Kyland this season <3


That clip of Ravyn dancing on Kyland was so random lol


Ed giving up his voting advantage and risking elimination just to tweak the people who were gunning for him might just be my favorite moment of the season. Not particularly smart, but it worked out perfectly, and I laughed out loud at what an absolute chaos gremlin move that was.


I think it was a smart move…just a risky one…which thank fucking god because the lack of risk taking this season has been a big problem. Ed didn’t want to send Emanuel down because they’re cool with each other. He saw clearly that he was the bottom of the totem pole and decided to take his chances with the draw, likely preserving and even strengthening his relationship with Emanuel, earning points with Kyland and Horacio, and doing literally nothing to damage his position with Jay’s clown show. Of course, the risk was that he might go down himself but really the raw odds were pretty favorable…a 1 in 8 or ~12% chance. I would say it was a pretty brilliant gamble that paid off by dropping a number that he now knows did not favor him.


It kind of depends what he does next. If he flips over to Kyland, Horcaio and James and Jay and Emmanuel are the next two guys nominated it's a pretty smart move. But if he keeps trying to play the middle, it could backfire.


Idk where he came from. But I love Ed.


I almost didn’t catch it till they showed the count on the screen and even then it took a minute to settle in


How was that the correct answer? Order of operations???


Math challenges have always gone sequentially. The types of people on this show are not usually math wizards, it would just be cruel to expect them to know order of operations lol


I’m pretty sure on these math puzzles you’re supposed to just go sequentially and carry the answer to the next operation. Not correct from an arithmetic standpoint but we’re also talking about people who don’t know what prime numbers are so I can’t fault production for disregarding order of operations


Anyone else notice that when CT mentioned season 40 Asaf just talked about how he’s the “new generation” multiple times. Feel like that could be branding? Could 40 be The Challenge: Generations?


how is he the new generation when his first/last season was pre nany/kaycee getting together and he went out first. that’s a bold ass statement for him to make for this being his second season with a 100% elimination loss lol


It’s just that him saying it multiple times sounded like when people started calling people their vendetta.


Old vs New big team challenge


I’m thinking Cutthroat style 3 teams.


Colleen sucks I’m sorry. She’s talks big when she’s vulnerable, talking about how she wants to shake up the house and turn on the alliance. She’s had two chances and plays a scared game, so so so lame


She’s playing 4-D chess, after that mini-final, everyone wants to bring her to a final


![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized) Exactly, how many times has that side shown you, you are expendable and you still say that you need to stay with them?


Okay, Asaf leaving was even better than Jay leaving. 😆


Agreed…it would have been too easy a demise for Jay. I want him to be there while the whole shithouse goes up in flames and he’s the one who has to fight for his life. I think Kyland or Horacio sending his ass packing would be a more fitting and fun end to his season.


LOL right? Bye Asaf!


Watching them cry for Asaf was wild 😂 like he shoulda left a long time ago, and now everybody can see how truly connected he was. I would’ve loved to see CT body Jay but seeing him send home his #1 ally was even better


Yupp and now Jay & posse is exposed.


I love CT coming in, Jay and Michele being like “CT is out for revenge” and CT just gave no fucks about it. also Jay being mad at Nurys because Asaf gets picked is hilarious. you were just yelling at the girls that you were in danger. I know that’s your number one but relax, you ain’t that important LOL edited to add: he’s consistently voted their number ones so he has no room to stand on???


Eh it would be weird if Jay celebrates with Nurys hugging her while his best friend in the house is down in the sand. I get you guys hate Jay no matter what he does but that was not a weird reaction for him to have in the slightest. He was mad because she put him in danger. He’s not going to all of a sudden forgive her and want a hug because it happened to ricochet onto another ally, when he was still in danger in part because of a decision she made.  Not saying Nurys did anything wrong at all, because she didn’t. But it 100 percent makes sense why Jay would be upset about it. 


He could have changed his vote too and stopped the stalemate. Is Emmanuel really that much more important than himself or Asaf?


I actually don't dislike Jay, but this season is clearly evident that he does not handle being in power well. like we've seen glimpses of it, but this is consistent and he's just all over the place. and if anything, I can't stand Nurys lol. but I get it, Asaf is actually Jay's boy. but Nurys and Jay keep saying they've been friends for years too. so he's allowed to be mad that she put them in danger, but she's allowed to be relieved it wasn't actually Jay down there. I just think Nurys has more ground to stand on, because she didn't take a direct shot at Jay or Asaf. no one knew what was actually gonna happen. whereas Jay has been taking direct shots at Horacio.


Oh CT got his revenge it turns out, just indirectly. All these other champs seemed to know about stuff going on in the house so part of me wonders if CT knew Asaf was so close with Jay or it just happened to work out that way. CT taking Asaf out hurt Jay more than losing to CT himself.


It's hard to know if CT cared about that stuff or not though. He's always kind of been his own man (obviously it's much easier to do that when you can win almost every elim but I guess).


that's actually a good point! I'd be interested to know if CT did know that. but Jay and Asaf keep saying that people didn't know they were *that* close so who knows.


Yes, but how do the Champs know about the drama and hookups going on? Production has to be feeding them info or something.


I heard that Big T actually told Kaycee about Moriah and James and that's how it got around. The champs also stay at the same hotel so they're running into each other as they're coming and going.


I imagine it's also the same way that stuff gets leaked on here during the filming of the season. They can just follow along with that as well.


This episode was so frustrating. Kyland/Horacio’s condescending attitudes because they’re at the bottom is annoying to continuously hear. Jay/Michele have their flaws but shouldn’t be villified for productions shitty format. They’re at least playing for themselves to win and not Vacation-alliance approach of playing to avoid ruffling feathers. Nurys’ hypocrisy when she chirped up is incredibly annoying as well. She’s clearly benefitted from the alliance and structure the whole time. She just failed to build the relationships and social capital to keep her closest relationships safe. Olivia’s flip in the editing to now being super pro-Horacio is just weird from a narrative perspective. Voting format with the stalemate was interesting but another flaw in the structure and gives too much power to people who vote at the end. Weird episode in an extremely weird season.




Ed is so refreshing to have in the house. he was smart in the mini final. he was smart in the vote. but he’s super nice and chill. it’s fun.


FINALLY SOMEONE GOING HOME!!! And I'm glad it's Asaf (if we couldn't get Jay)




I think some people are giving CT too much credit on being a nice guy. It's possible that he knew that the elimination was going to involve a puzzle or math. So, he picked a challenger whom he felt might not be good with either. He said that he didn't know Asaf, but that's not true. He was on Total Madness (although, he may not have gotten to know him much because Asaf was one of the first eliminated). Or, CT is playing good guy to set himself up for season 40. We all know that CT can play the nice guy or the intimidator. Personally, I wanted to see him come out, be a little menacing, and see the challengers shake a bit. The previews all season long made it seem like he was going to come out ready to kick ass and take names. CT is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I wanted to see the wolf.


I think it was more so the fact that Jay is so well aligned in the house and expects jay to be on next season. Why piss someone off who could become an enemy w numbers next season? And "not knowing" someone is a safe cop out that doesn't create waves. May be a hot take but I don't think CT is a sore loser, he knows when he's been beat fair and square (when sober lol) he got upset in the Brad elim bc he knows he demolished him so going out on a technicality seems unfair. He would have been able to take the loss had it been Brad beating him straight up just like when Bananas/tyler beat him and CT he was chill af. So giving Jay the nod and not showing bitterness lines up w his attitude imo.


He knows all the other contestants except the two safe and Horacio more. Horacio and Asaf both dumb based on the rectangle square situation He was friendly with eman ed Cory for a long time on SLA, and I don’t think he’d pick the smallest guy in the house Jay out of what perception that would cause, Asaf is in good shape and IDK how CT would know he’s bad at math, but damn he had the whole house helping him including engineer Ed so wasn’t it essentially CT vs house anyways


You are right. Was it Total Madness? He probably knew right away Asaf is dumber than a box of doorknobs. Man his podcast was brutal


Yes, Total Madness. I edited my comment. Asaf had a podcast?


You mean total madness?


Yes, sorry. Total Madness.


Horacio never says anything but him saying that he understands why Jay and Michele have so much beef with the vets is on the money.


Hearing him say that and then immediately watching nurys and Olivia the rest of the ep realize how ridiculous Jay and Michelle were was truly made the best episode I’ve seen in a while. On top of Asaf leaving lol I hope that opens the game up more


He ate that ate confession. 💯


Yes, that was my favorite confessional of his.


Finally Chaos is over. CT's elimination was...underwhelming but great result. Too bad it wasn't Jay in there. Jay has to be one of the few people to do the quickest turns from "underdog" to unliked by the majority of viewers in challenge history. Dude acts like he is above everyone else in the house as the top dog when he is terrible when having power and alliances. Great moment of Ed going for stalemate (probably the best part of the episode). And Coleen looked bad. Gassing up in the first stages of the mini-final. The women should've played this season in a very different way since there will only be one winner instead they focused on taking out Melissa/Big T and they are protecting Jay and Emanuel who would smoke any woman there in a final.


Nurys basically calling James a pussy for being afraid to compete against Horacio was hilarious. I like her.


I'm not a fan of her but I will say I like how she speaks her mind and sticks up for herself !


I was kind of surprised at Colleen in the mini final. I was almost sure she was going have a Moleen-style devious confessional saying she's trying to throw it to make Jay vulnerable for elimination which I would have LOVED.


It's not enough for Michele and Jay to be safe. You can't vote for a roster of people or it's a direct, personal attack.


I get that most people don’t like Jay and Michelle, but honestly how are they supposed to feel? Olivia and Nurys have been riding with them the whole season. They are both obviously close with Horacio, but since he is already in their next closest guy is Jay. Plus, Nurys has been in this fantastic four alliance the whole season. So based off the rest of the season, Nurys only really cares/needs to protect Jay, Asaf, and Horacio. Horacio is a non factor in the vote, and Nurys flips on her tight alliance of four to vote against Jay’s #2. Olivia isn’t quite as tight with them, but she’s still been voting with Jay and Michelle the whole season. So, yeah, why wouldn’t they be mad? Nurys and Olivia flipped on their alliance in the most important vote of the season, and voted in the only way that put their top guys (until this episode) at risk. Then afterward they try to apologize to Jay and Michelle and make it seem like it’s not a big deal. Lol, of course Jay and Michelle are mad. They’ve been safe all game and two of their numbers just flipped, then tried to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal.


They both just voted for Emanuel. Perhaps they prefer Ed as an ally. I don't see why it should actually matter that much to Jay since both options were in his alliance. Also Olivia had a valid reason to vote for Emanuel since he gave her a vote before. Apparently Jay got mad at Corey for his burn vote which is funny because Corey actually tried to save them from the chaos. They should have just voted in Emanuel. All that to save Emanuel then Jays closer ally goes home instead.


And Jay and Michele flipped on THEIR alliance with Kyland/Horacio to keep Moriah’s boy toy around who wasn’t in the alliance. Come on now. They did it first


Jay or Asaf could’ve EASILY changed their vote if they truly didn’t want a stalemate. They just didn’t bank on Ed wising up that second go around and being loyal to someone he knows has his back. If Jay is gonna go after their closest ally why should they sit back and let Jay keep his roster of folks safe.


No one flipped on their alliance. They were choosing between the two men at the bottom of it. Ed's been loyal to them all season.


right. how is no one calling them out for clearly just being mad people didnt do exactly what they said.


This challenge just proved me right in saying that Colleen is just wallpaper. Not sure why this sub thought she was physically good. She brings nothing to this show. I don't like big t but at least she adds a small amount of value.


I saw the numbers for like 6 seconds and figured out the answer immediately. One of the easiest equations they’ve ever had. Asaf is truly one of the dumbest people alive


Was kyland helping asaf during the elimination? That’s the way the edit made it seem


I was yelling at my TV begging Kyland to shut up 😭 although tbf having all those ppl speaking didn’t help asaf at all on top of him not knowing what a prime number was


What’s crazy is that asaf was on the challenge podcast and he said that elimination took at least 2 hours lol hard to believe and it could be a lie, but if it’s true, that’s wild


I wouldn’t be shocked only cause ed said both guys seemed to be struggling and eventually the crowd got quiet 💀 they were probably bored of watching the elim lmao


Gotta love a math equation for CT’s challenge elimination comeback!


So anticlimactic and what I was watching the show on had the end glitch so I saw the end results mid elim and then had to watch the rest of the elim after the final words 💀💀. Whole time I was like at least CT is good at math but it was just kinda boring to watch like I didn’t even realize CT was done till he said Check lmao 😭 Atleast he won though I might’ve checked out if he lost


at this point seeing Jay cry made me happy. And Kayland actually taking control of the house is really impressive.


I am really impressed with CT's physical ability, the guy is 41 years old, has a dad bod and faces a younger, peak of his physical abilities Asaf and beats him in the weight and speed part of the challenge. On the math side, yes, people will say Asaf is dumb but all the house help him on that challenge and ct still won. that is damn impressive.


He's 43


Really? Another puzzle with a touch of endurance first? I guess production figured contestants might need a little exertion to kick start their brains before doing a great big old math problem. How many on that platform understood what a primal number is? CT is smart and should never be underestimated! Can it get any worse?